Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 20, 2023

Chicken Tagine Mchermel | طاجين الدجاج مشرمل | Cooking with Alia

Dec 13, 2015 | This chicken tagine with olives and preserved lemons is a staple recipe in every Moroccan home.

Click here to get the recipe and then click on ‘show more’.

Mchermel, m’chermel, mcharmel or mshermel are all transliterations of the Arabic word مشَرْمل, which means “marinated.” In Moroccan cooking, there are two usages of this word.

In a general sense, mchermel can simply refer to a step when something is marinated. In a more specific sense, mchermel is a style of Moroccan cooking in which a dish calls for the use of a marinade before and during cooking.” Source: A Taste of Morocco.

Prince Andrew Facing Eviction

Click here to find out more.

”Please Do Not Get Your Morals from the Bible” – Richard Dawkins |#shorts

Richard Dawkins on getting our morals from the Bible: Click here.

'Partygate': Boris Johnson Misled Parliament, Report Finds | DW News

Jun 19, 2023 | Lawmakers in Britain have approved an official report that found former prime minister Boris Johnson deliberately misled parliament about parties held during the COVID-19 lockdown. Johnson gave up his seat when the findings were announced.

Britische Abgeordnete stimmen für Parlamentsverbot für Ex-Premier Johnson: Am Montag billigten die Mitglieder des britischen Unterhauses den Ausschuss-Bericht zum «Partygate»-Skandal des Ex-Premiers. »

Andrew Tate Charged with Rape and Human Trafficking

Controversial influencer Andrew Tate has been charged in Romania with rape, human trafficking and forming an organised crime group to sexually exploit women.

Read the BBC article here.

Andrew Tate, influenceur masculiniste, mis en examen pour trafic d’êtres humains et viols : Arrêté à la fin de décembre en Roumanie, où il est assigné à résidence avec son frère, Andrew Tate est aussi accusé de violences sexuelles au Royaume-Uni. »

Tories Round on Boris Johnson as MPs Vote to Approve Partygate Report

THE GUARDIAN: MPs endorse privileges committee report censuring former PM by 354 votes to seven

Conservative infighting over Boris Johnson misleading the House of Commons about Partygate reached bitter new heights on Monday night, with his supporters being told to hang their heads in shame.

Johnson faces being blocked from obtaining special access to parliament after being rounded on by furious Tory MPs in an attempt to “restore faith” in democracy.

An overwhelming majority backed the privileges committee’s conclusion that Johnson committed five contempts of parliament, including misleading the Commons and the cross-party group investigating him. Only seven MPs voted against the report, dwarfed by the 354 who voted for it.

Rishi Sunak was absent for the debate along with other senior Cabinet ministers, and was accused by Labour MPs of having “run away”. Downing Street said he was busy meeting the Swedish prime minister before being due to attend a dinner in the evening. » | Aubrey Allegretti, Senior political correspondent | Monday, June 19, 2023

Shaun Bailey under pressure to decline peerage after Partygate video: Video appears to show Tory workers dancing at mid-lockdown ‘jingle and mingle’ event during Bailey’s London mayoral bid »

Abgeordnete schließen Boris Johnson aus Parlament aus: Die britischen Abgeordneten haben über den früheren Premierminister geurteilt – und ihn aus ihrer Mitte verbannt. Nur sieben Tories hielten ihm noch die Treue. »

« Partygate » : les députés valident largement l’accablant rapport contre Boris Johnson : L’ancien premier ministre, forcé de quitter Downing Street à l’été 2022 à la suite d’une série de scandales, se retrouve privé de son badge d’accès aux locaux du Parlement. Avec 354 voix pour, et seulement 7 contre, le rapport a été largement approuvé par la Chambre des communes, qui compte au total 650 élus. »

Political Momentum Builds for Less Work & 'More Life' with 4-day Week: Melber 'Open Mind'

Jun 19, 2023 | Do Americans work to live or live to work? Data shows that Americans work more hours and get less vacation time than many other developed nations. Economist Juliet Schor joins Ari Melber for the latest “Open Mind,” exploring why our labor system is set up the way it is, and discuss if there may be a better way to rethink it.

Monday, June 19, 2023

It’s Okay to Eat Red Meat | #shorts

Dr. Philip Ovadia tells us that it is okay to eat red meat.

Julio Iglesias : When I Need You | Reupload

Jan 11, 2014 | The best song performed by Julio Iglesias at Jakarta, December 1994

Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 18 - I. Moderato

Jul 30, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Groupfont color=#6D7B8D>

Jacob Rees-Mogg Blindly Defends Boris Johnson in Astonishing Speech

Jun 19, 2023

A fop speaks! – © Mark Alexander

Gay Miami - The Best of South Beach

Feb 19, 2023 | Welcome to Gay Miami, one of the most exciting gay travel destinations in the world! In this video, we're exploring glam South Beach and the best gay beaches, gay bars and restaurants, and gay hotels in Miami. As we love to support gay businesses, we are staying at the hetero-friendly AxelBeach Miami on this trip. The location is absolutely perfect just steps from the 12th Street Gay Beach and Twist, the biggest and best gay club in Miami! If you are planning a trip to Gay Miami, you'll regret missing this gay travel vlog!

Just a little something to excite Ron DeSantis! I am sure he'll be excited to learn that Miami is a gay destination. – © Mark Alexander

Happy Gay Pride Month! Andrés & Hugo | Cuatro Lunas | I Feel It Coming

Jan 18, 2022

Ein schöner Kuss an einem schönen Tag auf einem schönen Strand

A beautiful kiss on a beautiful day on a beautiful beach / Un beau baiser par une belle journée sur une belle plage

Für dieses schöne Bild bedanke ich mich recht herzlich bei Pinterest.

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean | Official Video

Oct 3, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 1,385,413,721

The Most Surprising Statue | #shorts

Check out this statue for a surprise.

NZZ: Die Spermaqualität wird immer schlechter | #shorts

Man kann hier klicken, um sich darüber zu informieren.

Greek Orange Pie : Portokalopita | Akis Petretzikis

Nov 8, 2018

Get the recipe here.

India Heatwave: 96 People Dead Reportedly from Heat-aggravated Conditions

THE GUARDIAN: Questions raised about death toll after more than half of the fatalities reported in a single district in Uttar Pradesh

At least 96 people are reported to have died from heat-aggravated conditions during a blistering heatwave across two of India’s most populous states over the past several days, although questions have been raised after more than half of the deaths were reported in a single district.

The deaths happened in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in the east, where 45C (113F) temperatures were recorded over the past few days, coupled with humidity. » | Amrit Dhillon in Delhi, and agencies | Monday, June 19, 2023

The Lincoln Project: Rent Free | #shorts

Click here to hear Donald Trump’s “ass” being kicked.

Caligula and Corruption in Imperial Rome | Caligula with Mary Beard | Odyssey

Feb 16, 2023 | Professor Mary Beard explores the life of Caligula. Many extraordinary stories surround the Roman emperor, but are they true? Was he really as evil and despotic as they say? Mary attempts to peel away some of the myths.

Vision of a Classless Britain | John Major | Leading

Jun 18, 2023 | Former Prime Minister John Major opens up about his lifelong dream of creating a classless society in Britain. In this segment, Major reflects on the pervasive influence of social class and how it has shaped the country's political landscape over the years. Discover the evolving dynamics of voting intentions across different classes during Major's lifetime and the complex relationship between class and politics.

Spotify Executive Calls Harry and Meghan ‘Grifters’ after Podcast Deal Ends

THE GUARDIAN: Bill Simmons, head of podcast innovation and monetisation at Spotify, spoke out after the couple’s $20m deal with the company ended prematurely

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, attend the annual One Young World Summit in Manchester in September 2022. A spotify executive has labeled the pair ‘fucking grifters’ Photograph: Oli Scarff/AFP/Getty Images

Spotify’s head of podcast innovation and monetisation has labelled Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex “grifters” after their $20m, multi-year deal to make podcasts with the streaming platform came to an end after they made just 12 episodes.

Ringer podcast network founder Bill Simmons – who sold his company to Spotify for $196m in 2020 and gained a leadership role at the company in the deal – criticised Harry and Meghan on his own podcast, following the announcement that the Sussexes’ audio production company, Archewell, had severed ties with Spotify. The couple signed a $20m deal with Spotify in 2020.

The Archetypes podcast, which was hosted by Meghan, featured conversations with friends and celebrities including Serena Williams, Mariah Carey and Trevor Noah. It topped the podcast charts for Spotify in a number of markets, but only 12 episodes were made. » | Sian Cain | Monday, June 19, 2023

What does end of Spotify deal mean for Harry and Meghan?: Streamer and couple said it was a mutual decision but a PR expert says it looks bad for their brand »

Why the US Can’t End Poverty

Mar 7, 2023 | 37.9 million Americans are currently living in poverty, accounting for 11.6% of the total population. That’s despite the fact that America ranks first as the richest nation in the world in terms of GDP. Poverty in the U.S. is not only a humanitarian crisis but an economic one as well. About 11% of the federal budget, or $665 billion goes to economic security programs every year. Child poverty alone is estimated to cost the U.S. over $1 trillion based on the latest research. So how did poverty become such a big issue in the U.S. and why is it so difficult to end it?

It’s Time to End Putin’s Dictatorship | Liberty of Russia Legion

Listen to this Russian criticize the Kremlin’s dictatorship.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Why I Will Never Come Back to the United States

Aug 26, 2021

Deutschland: Doppelt so viele Jugendliche rauchen: Was ist da los? | Aktuelle Stunde

Dec 29, 2023 | Doppelt so viele rauchende Jugendliche: Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr ist die Zahl der 14-17 Jährigen, die Tabak rauchen, deutlich gestiegen. Das ergibt eine Studie der Deutschen Befragung zum Rauchverhalten (DEBRA-Studie), über die zuerst der SPIEGEL berichtet hat. Woran der krasse Anstieg der Zahlen liegt, ist aber nicht klar.

In Zahlen bedeutet das: 15,9 Prozent der 14-17-Jährigen rauchen. Damit sind sie aber nicht allein: Auch unter den 18- bis 24-Jährigen rauchen mehr Menschen als im Vorjahr – hier ist der Anteil von etwa 36 auf 41 Prozent gestiegen.

Die DEBRA-Studie wird seit 2016 durchgeführt und befragt alle zwei Monate rund 2.000 Teilnehmende. Damit ist sie laut SPIEGEL die umfangreichste Untersuchung zu dem Thema. Den Begriff „Rauchen“ definiert sie als den „täglichen oder nicht täglichen Konsum von Zigaretten oder Tabak in anderer Form“.

The Most Harmful Oils People Keep Ingesting! | Dr. Philip Ovadia

Jun 18, 2023

DeSantis Is Pathetic!

Nicole Wallace shows how pathetic and stupid DeSantis is. Check it out here.

Greek Milk Pie - Galatopita | Akis Petretzikis

Nov 4, 2023 | One of the most traditional sweet recipes in Greece, our very own milk pie or "galatopita". It's a crustless pie with a sugar coating that is baked until perfectly golden.

Get the recipe here.

Mary Trump: It Is ‘Beyond’ Donald to Imagine Going to Prison

Jun 13, 2023 | Mary Trump joins MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss her reaction to her uncle’s indictment and how she thinks he is feeling as he faces arraignment given that he cannot comprehend the reality of facing real accountability: “Donald lives his life in fear; he just does everything is his power to cover the fear over with anger.”

Italy's Right-wing Government Targets Another Enemy | Focus on Europe

Jun 18, 2023 | Italy is arguing over what constitutes a family. Its right-wing government is putting pressure on gay couples with children.

It doesn’t seem to me that Giorgia Meloni is in any position to tell others what a family is or is not. Please read this Wikipedia entry on her. Is this woman really a paragon of virtue herself? Is this fascist really in a position to be able to deny gays the right to their own happiness? These hypocritical politicians really are something else! – © Mark Alexander

I’m an ultra-Orthodox Rabbi and I Speak Up for LGBTQ Jews

HAARETZ: No one should ever have to choose between a queer identity and a religious one. Rabbinic voices can even be used to incite evil, or it can inspire love, acceptance, and celebration. That is why I spoke at the Jerusalem Pride March earlier this month

I’m an ultra-orthodox rabbi and I recently traveled from New York to Israel to speak at the Jerusalem Pride March earlier this month. I think it’s safe to say I was likely the only ultra-Orthodox rabbi in the crowd of some 30,000 people, many of them waving rainbow flags emblazoned with the Star of David.

I traveled to Jerusalem as part of a delegation from Congregation Beit Simchat Torah in New York City, the world's largest LGBTQ+ synagogue. We came to show our support for our LGBTQ+ friends and family, especially in the wake of the many threats of violence directed at the marchers in a city not known for its tolerance of the community.

We also came, during these turbulent times politically in Israel, in solidarity and love for all those fighting for democracy and justice.

Everyone suffers from incompleteness whenever anyone is missing. This June, Pride month, is the ideal time for all of us, religious, secular, strait, and LGBTQ+ to start talking about how to make that inclusion a reality. » | Rabbi Mark Moskowitz | Sunday, June 18, 2023

Rabbi Mike Moskowitz is the Scholar-in-Residence for Trans and Queer Jewish Studies at Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, the world’s largest LGBT synagogue.

Les Suisses votent largement en faveur de la neutralité carbone en 2050

LE MONDE : Le projet de loi climat prévoit de réduire progressivement la consommation de pétrole et de gaz naturel sans toutefois l’interdire. En parallèle, la Suisse devra produire davantage d’énergies renouvelables.

La campagne anxiogène de la droite radicale, jouant sur la peur d’un pays sans électricité grelottant de froid, n’a finalement pas réussi à convaincre la population de voter contre. Dans un pays alpin où la mort annoncée des glaciers incarne les ravages du changement climatique, les Suisses se sont prononcés à une large majorité, dimanche 18 juin, en faveur de la neutralité carbone en 2050. » | Le Monde avec AFP | dimanche 18 juin 2023

Islamisten sollen Anschlag auf Regenbogenparade geplant haben


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Am Samstag marschierten in Wien 300.000 Personen bei der Regenbogenparade mit. Jetzt wird bekannt: Zuvor wurden drei mutmaßliche Islamisten festgenommen. Der Jüngste ist 14 Jahre alt.

In Wien haben die Sicherheitsbehörden nach eigenen Angaben einen drohenden islamistischen Anschlag auf die Regenbogenparade am Samstag vereitelt. In einer am Sonntag kurzfristig anberaumten Pressekonferenz des Staatsschutzes wurde mitgeteilt, dass drei teils noch jugendliche Verdächtige vor Beginn der Veranstaltung in der Wiener Innenstadt, an der bis zu 300.000 Personen teilgenommen haben, festgenommen worden seien. Die Gruppe sei zuvor schon beobachtet und „engmaschig überwacht“ worden, so dass für die Veranstaltung „zu keiner Zeit eine Gefahr“ bestanden habe. Teilnehmern war allerdings die besonders hohe Zahl an Polizeikräften aufgefallen. » | Von Stephan Löwenstein, Wien || Sonntag, 18. Juni 2023

Russian Troops Castrating Ukrainian Fighters to ‘Stop Ukrainian Kids Being Born’ | Christina Lamb

Jun 18, 2023 | “It’s part of a form of genocide.” Christina Lamb, The Sunday Times’ Chief Foreign Correspondent, reveals her findings about the sexual violence being committed against male Ukrainian soldiers.

Owners of the Most Polluting Cars to Pay Double for Parking across England

THE OBSERVER: Lambeth council in London is latest to introduce emissions-based fees, with similar charges expected to be widely introduced

Owners of the most polluting cars may soon have to pay more to park as councils across England are expected to roll out new charges based on a vehicle’s CO2 emissions.

Lambeth is the latest council in London to introduce emissions-based parking fees, with similar charges now expected elsewhere in England. Owners of the most polluting cars can expect to pay more than twice as much as cleaner cars. There are now 26 different charges to park for an hour in Lambeth, depending on a car’s tax band and whether there is a diesel surcharge. The cost of a parking bay near Waterloo station in south London now ranges between £6.30 and £13.23 an hour, with payment made by an app. » | Jon Ungoed-Thomas | Sunday, Jun 18, 2023

China’s Illegal Police Stations in 53 Countries around the World | 60 Minutes Australia

Jun 18, 2023 | It’s well known that China won’t stand for any criticism. There, opponents of the communist regime are simply not tolerated. But it seems Beijing now thinks it also has the right to ignore international borders and silence dissent anywhere it sees fit. Around the world it’s setting up illegal outposts called “Chinese Overseas Police Service Stations”, and as the name implies, the objective of these offices is clear. Our law enforcement agencies deny there are any of these stations in Australia, even though Chinese authorities openly publicise their existence.

But as Tara Brown reports in a special 60 MINUTES investigation, that’s not the end of the intimidation. China is also using disgraceful new tactics to target Australians who dare to speak out.

Poland Was Headed to the Far Right. Then Russia Invaded Ukraine

Jun 13, 2023 | For several years, Poland’s government was veering further to the right with its anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrant and anti-European policies. Then Russia invaded Ukraine and it became home to refugees and a route for Western weapons, which CBC’s Terence McKenna found out put the country at a political crossroads. NOTE: At 9:28 in this video Adam Reichardt's name is misspelled.

Mary Trump Calls Donald Trump a Loser

Listen to Mary Trump excoriate Donnie here.

Großbritannien in der Krise: Wie ein Land gegen die Armut kämpft | DER SPIEGEL

Jun 11, 2023 | Viele Briten können sich die steigenden Lebenshaltungskosten nicht mehr leisten. Tafeln und Lebensmittelretter versorgen effizient und routiniert Millionen Menschen. Wie konnte es so weit kommen?

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Jesse Lawrence feat. Joe Leone - Out of Thin Air

Jul 27, 2019

How I View the US after 12 Years Living Abroad

Oct 9, 2022 | I have been living abroad for 12 years and a lot has changed in the US during that time. In this video, I will talk about some of the biggest changes I have noticed and how my views have changed on these issues. Have you noticed these changes? What other things do have you noticed changing in the US? Leave a comment and let me know.

This man speaks the truth. The USA can teach us virtually NOTHING! Who the hell wants to live like an American? Work till you drop, shop till you drop, live till you can no longer afford to do so.

It is so maddening to think that this country has left the European Union only to follow this benighted country. That decision was totally stupid. The USA can teach us very little, perhaps nothing. – © Mark Alexander

Trump's Moves Are Right Out of the Authoritarian Playbook

Jun 17, 2023 | Ruth Ben-Ghiat joins Jonathan Capehart to discuss Donald Trump's use of authoritarian rhetoric as he faces down a federal indictment.

Heaven forfend that Trump should ever be re-elected into the White House. It is totally incomprehensible to me that any Americans could follow this dangerous, authoritarian cult figure. There was an attempted coup d’état in the States as a result of this man; yet now there is talk of his re-election as POTUS. As the Americans might say: ‘Go figure!’– © Mark Alexander

Russia Wants to Ban All Trans Healthcare and Gender Recognition

Russia set to ban all gender-affirming healthcare. (Getty Images)

PINK NEWS: Russia has given initial approval to a bill that would outlaw gender-affirming healthcare for trans people of all ages.

The proposed bill reportedly bans any “medical interventions aimed at changing the sex of a person”, as well as changing gender markers on official documents like passports.

Senior politician Pyotr Tolstoy, who sponsored the bill, claimed on Wednesday (14 June) it would “protect Russia with its cultural and family values and traditions and stop the infiltration of the Western anti-family ideology,” the Associated Press reported.

Lawmakers also reportedly claimed the proposed law would prevent anybody registered as male from changing their gender in official documents to avoid the military draft.

It will now go to Russia’s lower house of parliament, the State Duma, where it must receive three readings to be signed into law. The bill was approved unanimously in its first reading, The Times reported.

The Russian bill follows similar efforts elsewhere in the world, including in the US, where several states are attempting to ban or limit gender-affirming care for young people. » | Emily Chudy | Friday, June 16, 2023

Giant Rockslide Stops Shy of Burying Entire Swiss Village | DW News

Jun 17, 2023 | In Switzerland, caution and fate have averted a disaster. One month ago, the residents of the tiny Alpine village of Brienz were evacuated because of the risk of a devastating rockslide. The rocks have tumbled down the mountain as predicted, but have miraculously missed the community by a few meters.

Why the Danes Are So Obsessed with Smørrebrød

For other nations, it might just be an open-faced sandwich. But for the Danes, Smørrebrød is the culinary heart of the country. At its core: rye bread topped with a variety of ingredients. We traveled to Copenhagen, Denmark, to discover why people here can't get enough of their Smørrebrød, how it's prepared, and how to enjoy it the right way. Velbekomme!

Brexit to Blame for Rising Inflation, Says Former Bank of England Governor

THE GUARDIAN: Mark Carney says Bank’s negative predictions about consequences of leaving EU ‘proven to be the case’

Mark Carney said he had no pleasure in being proved right after the Bank’s warnings issued in 2016. Photograph: Reuters

Brexit is to blame for the soaring inflation driving the cost of living crisis in the UK, a former governor of the Bank of England has said.

Mark Carney, who pro-Brexit figures said should have been fired for warning about the economic dangers of leaving the EU prior to the vote, said he took no pleasure in being proven right because the resultant hardship had been placed on the backs of millions of ordinary people.

“We laid out in advance of Brexit that this will be a negative supply shock for a period of time and the consequence of that will be a weaker pound, higher inflation and weaker growth,” Carney said.

“And the central bank will need to lean against that. Now that’s exactly what’s happened. It’s happened in coincidence with other factors, but it is a unique aspect of the economic adjustment that’s going on here,” he told the Daily Telegraph. » | Kevin Rawlinson | Saturday, June 17, 2023

Brutal Torture of Gay Men under Nazi Regime - Nazi Germany

Oct 4, 2022 | The brutal torture of gay men under Nazi régime in Nazi Germany. Despite the fact that homosexuality was illegal, in the mid- to late-nineteenth century, there were indications of nascent and growing gay communities in Germany…

Ouganda : au moins trente-sept personnes ont été tuées dans une attaque djihadiste visant une école

LE MONDE : Des combattants islamistes des Forces démocratiques alliées (ADF) ont attaqué une école à la frontière avec la République démocratique du Congo, selon la police ougandaise. D’autres élèves sont toujours portés disparus.

Le bilan de l’attaque djihadiste nocturne contre un lycée dans l’ouest de l’Ouganda est passé à trente-sept morts, majoritairement des étudiants, a annoncé, samedi 17 juin, le porte-parole des Forces de défense du peuple ougandais (UPDF), Felix Kulayigye. Un précédent bilan faisait état de vingt-cinq morts, tous « des étudiants de l’école », âgés de 16 ans et plus, et de huit personnes blessées se trouvant dans un état critique. Tous les corps découverts ont été « transportés à la morgue de l’hôpital de Bwera », a précisé M. Kulayigye. » | Le Monde avec AFP | samedi 17 juin 2023

42 Schüler bei Angriff auf Schule in Uganda getötet: Für den Angriff in der Nacht zu Samstag soll eine islamistische Miliz verantwortlich sein, heißt es aus der regionalen Regierung. 15 Kinder soll sie entführt haben. »

„Selenskyj ist kein Jude, er ist eine Schande des jüdischen Volkes“


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der russische Präsident behauptet, Ukrainer seien im Zweiten Weltkrieg die Haupttäter bei der Ermordung von Juden in der Ukraine gewesen. Dem ukrainischen Präsidenten wirft er vor, diese Taten zu decken.

Wladimir Putin war vorbereitet: „Ich wusste, dass diese Frage kommen wird“, sagte er, als er auf dem Internationalen Wirtschaftsforum in Sankt Petersburg gebeten wurde zu erklären, warum Russland die Führung der Ukraine als „Nazis“ bezeichne, obwohl der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj doch jüdischer Herkunft ist. Er habe seit seiner Kindheit viele „jüdische Freunde“, antwortete Putin, die sagten: „Selenskyj ist kein Jude, er ist eine Schande des jüdischen Volkes.“ » | Von Reinhard Veser | Freitag, 16. Juni 2023

Out of the Closet, into the Mayor’s Office. Todd Gloria’s Coming Out Journey Gives Hope to Others

Jun 14, 2023 | Like many gay children, Todd Gloria tried to be “the best little boy in the world” to avoid any unwanted attention. Despite his good manners and excellent grades, he was bullied in high school for being gay and was even threatened with violence. Once he found stability as a young adult, he mustered up the courage to come out to his parents, who eventually became his strongest allies. Todd’s courage and devotion to public service eventually led him to become the first openly gay mayor of San Diego, acting as both a leader in the community and a beacon of hope for LGBTQIA+ youth everywhere.

Pride Cymru 2023: Live Updates as Crowds Gather to Celebrate in Colourful Parade before Heading to Cardiff Castle

WALES ONLINE: It's set to be a joyful day in Cardiff city centre full of music and performance

Pride Cymru 2022 was a visual feast to behold (Image: Mark Lewis)

It's that time of year again. Cardiff city centre is set to be filled with colour, joy and celebration for the LGBT+ community throughout the weekend as Pride Cymru 2023 brings people from all walks of life together. The event has been moved forward from its usual August date to June with the main events taking place at Cardiff Castle this year instead of outside the Civic Centre.

This year the parade will start at 11am outside the castle on Saturday and travel down St Mary Street back up the Hayes, along Queen Street, around Park Place and back towards the castle along Greyfriars Road. The feast of colour and music is expected to last up to two hours, with the festival then to follow from 12pm at Cardiff Castle, with last entry at 9.30pm. The festival continues at the same times on Sunday. » | Laura Clements, Senior Reporter & Branwen Jones, Reporter | Saturday, June 17, 2023

Easy to Make Zaatar Bruschetta | Cooking with Zahra

Jun 17, 2023 | Introducing zaatar bruschetta - a mouthwatering twist on a classic favorite! This zataar bruschetta recipe combines the bold flavors of a zaatar spice blend with crispy toasted bread, fresh tomatoes, and fragrant herbs. This Middle-East-inspired appetizer is perfect for any occasion, whether it's a casual gathering or a formal event. Join us in this culinary adventure and discover the irresistible blend of flavors that will leave you craving more. Try our zaatar bruschetta today and elevate your taste buds to new heights!

Cooking with Zahra »

Turkey at a Crossroads: Will It Turn to the East or West?

Jun 6, 2023 | Turkey celebrates its centennial in 2023. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire 100 years ago, the republic was established with a secular outlook. Turkey joined NATO in 1952, formally cementing its place in the free world and within the Western fold. Today, it possesses the second-largest army in the transatlantic alliance. …

Newsnight Presenter, Victoria Derbyshire, Slams Boris Johnson Defender

Jun 16, 2023 | He tried to defend Boris Johnson. It didn't go well.

The Russian Partygate

Jun 17, 2023 | This is MUCH more serious than the Downing Street parties.

Everyone is talking about Partygate now that the former Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has been found to have misled Parliament over Covid lockdown parties. But much more serious is The Russian Partygate – the allegations that Boris Johnson put the country’s security into serious peril with his connections to Russia and the former KGB spy and billionaire Russian oligarch, Alexander Lebedev.

There are questions about this that Mr Johnson and the government still stubbornly refuse to answer. Why, for example, did Mr Johnson, when he was Foreign Secretary in 2018, leave a top-level NATO meeting to immediately fly, alone and without his officials, to join a party with Mr Lebedev, and his Russian-born son Evgeny, at his luxurious villa in Italy?

The next day Mr Johnson was seen at San Francesco d’Assisi airport “looking like he had slept in his clothes” and reportedly barely able to walk. In 2020, despite objections by the UK security services and the House of Lords Appointments Commission, Mr Johnson as Prime Minister appointed Evgeny Lebedev – owner of The Independent and the Evening Standard – to the House of Lords.

The government has resisted calls from Labour to publish the full documents related to the peerage. The government’s decision not to order an investigation into Russia’s alleged interference in the Scottish independence referendum, the EU referendum, and the 2019 general election, has been taken to the European Court of Human Rights for a ruling. The international court has ordered the government to respond to the legal claim brought by three MPs – Ben Bradshaw (Labour), Caroline Lucas (Green), and Alyn Smith (SNP).

Earlier this year, The European Court sent the government a list of questions going to the heart of the allegations. The government was required to respond by 26 April. We still don’t know if they did. The Court press office advised me [Mr Danzig] that a judgement on the case is “currently still pending” and in the meantime, “The parties’ pleadings are not published.” Commented Ben Bradshaw, “We argue that the government’s failure [to investigate Russian interference] was a breach of its duty to ensure free and fair elections in the United Kingdom, and as such constitutes a very serious breach of its obligations to the British people.”

* 𝗝𝗼𝗻 𝗗𝗮𝗻𝘇𝗶𝗴 is an independent campaigning journalist and film-maker who specialises in writing about health, human rights, and Europe. He is also founder of the information campaign, Reasons2Rejoin

Jon Danzig.

Jon Danzig on Facebook.

Bremain in Spain.

Why Spotify's Big Bet on Meghan Fell Flat


BBC: When Spotify signed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex with an exclusive deal reportedly worth about $20m (£15.6m) in 2020, the royal couple were taking their first steps into the commercial world and podcasts were positively booming.

How times have changed.

These days, Prince Harry and Meghan's brand has waned in the eyes of some and Spotify is reducing its reliance on the big celebrity signings and expensive original content that have weighed on its bottom line.

Meghan’s podcast became one of the most high-profile casualties this week when Spotify and the duke and duchess's Archewell Audio announced they would be parting ways in a mutual decision.

It came after Spotify's deal with Barack and Michelle Obama's production company ended last year. Spotify has let go hundreds of staff since that time, hitting the expansive podcasting division, a hotchpotch of podcasting companies it spent more than $400m acquiring just a few years ago. » | Natalie Sherman, Business reporter, New York | Saturday, June 17, 2023

What does end of Spotify deal mean for Harry and Meghan?: Streamer and couple said it was a mutual decision but a PR expert says it looks bad for their brand »

Prince Harry and Meghan to Part Ways With Spotify: The couple’s production company and the streaming service announced an end to their relationship, less than a year after Meghan’s podcast debuted on the platform. »

Boris Johnson - Good Riddance!

Jun 17, 2023 | Boris Johnson was always a bad choice for prime minister. He is incompetent, self-obsessed, dishonest and lazy. He has been found guilty by the Parliamentary Standards Committee of misleading the House of Commons on several occasions. His response was to cry foul and to accuse the Committee of holding a witch-hunt and of being a 'kangaroo court'.

Johnson's time as prime minister is long gone and he will not return. He presided over chaos, lack of discipline and incompetence whilst standards in No 10 collapsed. He used Brexit in order to get elected and banned any Conservatives not in favour from standing in the general electi on 2019. His frontline political career is now over.

In the meantime, a French company has been contracted to control imports from the EU in Kent, an Australian company has been contracted to provide more prison ships for asylum seekers and water companies, many of which are foreign-owned, are faced with empty reservoirs after a few days of sunshine.

Rob Groves: Brexit Foundations Were Built on Johnson's Lies and Deceit

Jun 17, 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023

Poverty, Climate, Regional Stability on Agenda as Saudi Crown Prince Visits France

Jun 16, 2023 | Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met Friday with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris as part of an official visit, during which he will also participate in a global financing summit aimed at fighting poverty and climate change.

Carol Vorderman Eviscerates "Patently Corrupt" Tory Government

Jun 7, 2023 | Speaking to JOE at Best for Britain, who unveiled new MRP polling that says Labour could secure a 140-seat historic landslide.

Drinking Alcohol Is Bad for You – End of. Ignore the Headlines That Claim Otherwise

THE GUARDIAN: Another week, another article suggesting that alcohol may have health benefits. It’s amazing how desperate drinkers are to fool themselves

It’s amazing how easy it is to persuade us that what we want to be true is true. Consider a typical headline to a story covered with great enthusiasm by many major news organisations this week: “Moderate alcohol consumption may lower stress, reduce heart disease risk, study finds.” Enthusiastic drinkers, drowning in a dark sea of health warnings, will cling on to such words as stricken sailors might hold on to the hull of their capsized boat.

They will turn a blind eye to the facts of the story, although even the headline itself, with its “may” and its “study finds”, suggests this scientific revelation isn’t quite the slam dunk we might be hoping for. Once the study’s methodology and conclusions are outlined, it’s clear that the whole thing falls into the category of quite interesting, rather than this changes everything. But who needs that level of detail? If I’m so minded, there’s as much information in the headline as I’m ever going to want or need to support my long-cherished pet theory about drinking. “I knew it! I told you so! Drinking helps me deal with stress, ergo it eases the strain on my poor ticker, therefore I’ll live longer and more happily.” I’ll file this fact away along with that one about red wine being good for you, as good as a health drink. » | Adrian Chiles | Wednesday, June 14, 2023

TV presenter Adrian Chiles opens up about his difficult relationship with alcohol ahead of appearance in Ilkley: Adrian Chiles was drinking 100 units a week when a doctor told him he had potential liver damage. Chiles, who has presented The One Show, Daybreak, ITV sport and hosted radio shows, turned the spotlight on to himself, with his BBC documentary Drinkers Like Me. »

The Puritans are back! First, there was a war on smoking (which is still raging); now, the war on drinking alcohol has started! After tobacco and alcohol, what will come next? Soon there will be no pleasures left for us! What a boring world this is becoming! People are becoming boring too! Policing the behaviour of others has become a pastime for many.

Have people forgotten the maxims that served us so well and for so long? ‘Moderation in all things’ and, ‘A little bit of what you fancy does you good’?

The problem today is that so many are incapable of moderation or self-discipline. The result? We all have to pay the price of the immoderate drinker and inconsiderate smoker.

The way things are going it will soon be de rigueur for us all to convert to Islam! Soon the Puritans will be mandating prayer times. If you think that is far-fetched, just wait a while longer! – © Mark Alexander

Illinois Is the First US State to Outlaw Book Bans

Jun 16, 2023 | Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker on Monday signed into law a bill that he says will make Illinois the first state in the nation to outlaw book bans. Illinois public libraries that restrict or ban materials because of “partisan or doctrinal” disapproval will be ineligible for state funding as of Jan. 1, 2024, when the new law goes into effect.

Boris Johnson Breaks Ministerial Code with New Daily Mail Job


BBC: Boris Johnson has committed a "clear breach" of the ministerial code by not clearing a new role writing a column for the Daily Mail with the parliamentary authorities.

The committee that vets ex-ministers' appointments says he informed them only half an hour before the news emerged.

The first weekly column by the former prime minister appeared online late on Friday afternoon.

The paper was one of Mr Johnson's staunchest supporters when he was PM.

Mr Johnson resigned as an MP on Monday, but is still required to seek advice from the Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (Acoba) on new jobs for two years after leaving ministerial office.

He stepped down as prime minister last September. » | Brian Wheeler & Chas Geiger, BBC News | Friday, June 16, 2023

The True Face of the Taliban | ARTE.tv Documentary

Jun 16, 2023 | The Taliban conquered Afghanistan eighteen months ago and established an uncompromising Emirate based on their particular interpretation of Sharia law. An alarming economic and social crisis is exacerbated by the ban on education and employment for women. The Tablian enforce their policies through coercion, intimidation, and the establishment of a parallel governance structure.

The True Face of the Taliban | ARTE.tv Documentary
Available until the 13/02/2026

Somewhere in Poland | Smooth Dance

Click here to watch this great, cool smooth dance routine somewhere in Poland.

Piers Morgan Slams Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Click here to listen to Piers Morgan SLAM Harry and Meghan.

’A Ridiculous Overestimate of Our Own Importance and Wealth’ | Peter Hitchens #politics #uk #debts

Click here to listen to Peter Hitchens' assessment.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 16, 2023

Ina Garten's Chicken with Wild Mushrooms | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Oct 14, 2022 | Ina combines wild mushrooms, wine and garlic for a savory roasted chicken!

Click here and then click on ‘show more’ for a full list of the ingredients and the method of preparation.

Rishi Sunak Can’t Halve Inflation – GREED Is Driving UK Economy Crisis | Economics | New Statesman

Jun 2, 2023 | Rishi Sunak is failing to control rising inflation. Who is to blame?

Neues Gesetz soll „Verständnis“ für sexuelle Minderheiten stärken


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Als letzte große Industrienation verabschiedet Japan ein Gesetz, dass die Rechte sexueller Minderheiten stärken soll. Ein Satz darin sorgt jedoch für Kritik.

In der Innenstadt von Tokio ist das nichts Besonderes: Der Barista im Hipster-Café trägt Pferdeschwanz und diverse Ohrringe. Vor dem Café laufen zwei Männer Hand in Hand, offensichtlich Touristen, was hier, in der Nähe des Tokyo Towers, niemanden weiter interessiert.

In weiten Teilen der japanischen Gesellschaft sieht das aber noch anders aus – was sich an den jahrelangen Diskussionen um ein Gesetz für mehr Toleranz gegenüber sexuellen Minderheiten (LGBTQ) zeigt. Am Freitag hat es Ministerpräsident Fumio Kishida mit seiner Regierungskoalition nun verabschiedet. » | Von Tim Kanning, Tokio | Freitag, 16. Juni 2023

Italia Squisita: Spicy Chicken by Chef Lorenzo Cogo | Pollo alla diavola

Jun 16, 2023 | Lorenzo Cogo opens the doors of his Social Club in Schio (Vicenza) to illustrate a dish from the Italian 70s, Pollo alla (devilled chicken). A refined recipe, which is piquant and aromatic thanks to the use of spices and marinades of oriental origin.

Partygate Report: Boris Johnson Will Take Rishi Sunak Down with Him | UK Politics | New Statesman

Jun 15, 2023 | The Privileges Committee has proven that Boris Johnson misled parliament through a campaign of “abuse” and “intimidation”.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Chris Brown : Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Oct 25, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 322,425,438

I find this such a beautiful, youthful and exciting sound. It always makes me feel like boogieing. – Mark Alexander

Hungry Man Kitchen: Musakka: Eggplant Moussaka the Turkish Way

Apr 29, 2022 | Musakka is an eggplant-based (sometimes potato-based) dish, often containing ground lamb or beef and is common in the Middle East, Balkans and, of course, Turkey, with many local and regional variations.

While many versions, especially the Greek one, Moussaka, has a top layer made of béchamel sauce, Turkish musakka consists of sliced and fried eggplant served in a tomato-based meat sauce, warm or at room temperature. This dish is a classic in traditional Turkish cuisine and pair with it rice and yogurt (or better cacık). That's an addictive combination.

For a full list of the ingredients, click here and then click on ‘show more’.

Flight Attendant Turned Two-time Bestselling Author | One-on-One with Stephanie Ruhle

Jun 15, 2023 | T.J. Newman began to write her debut novel on a cocktail napkin mid-flight while working as a flight attendant. After two books and two film deals, she joins Stephanie Ruhle in the red chairs to discuss how she made it all happen.

Glenda Jackson: Late Ex-MP Delivers Immense Anti-Thatcher Speech Days after Thatcher's Death

Jun 15, 2023 | Glenda Jackson on the 10 April 2013, two days after the death of Margaret Thatcher, delivers an explosive speech on how Thatcherism has destroyed Britain.

Related articles in English, French and German.

Related video and article.

Glenda Jackson obituary: Actor who was a fearless, ferocious presence in theatre, cinema and television, then turned to politics as a Labour MP »

Glenda Jackson: a life in pictures »

North Koreans Tell BBC They Are Stuck and Waiting to Die - BBC News

Jun 15, 2023 | Three North Koreans want to tell the world about the situation in the country. They expose, for the first time, the disaster unfolding there since the government sealed the borders more than three years ago starvation, brutal crackdowns and no chance to escape. Under the tyrannical rule of Kim Jong Un, North Koreans are forbidden from making contact with the outside world. A spokesperson for the North Korean government has disputed the claims, which they said were “not entirely factual”.

Related video.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 15, 2023

Fluppe, Filter und f6* - Die Zigarettenstory von Dresden | Reupload

Mar 11, 2017 | "In den Schützengräben rauchen nicht nur die Gewehre, sondern auch die Soldaten: Von Türken und Russen schauen sich in den Kriegen des 19. Jahrhunderts Westeuropas Männer das Zigarette-Paffen ab. Und weil Dresden über die Elbe mit dem Meer und durch die Schiene via Balkan mit dem Orient vernetzt ist, wird die barocke Residenz ab 1862 zur unumstritten führenden Tabakstadt im Deutschen Reich: Rund 1500 Fluppen dreht eine Facharbeiterin seinerzeit von Hand an einem Tag!

Dann kommen die Zigaretten-Maschinen. Bis zu 70 Dresdner Firmen produzieren in der Hohezeit vor dem ersten Weltkrieg Millionen Glimmstengel: Zwei Drittel aller in Deutschland gerauchten Fluppen stammen von hier, ebenso die Erfindung der modernen Filterzigarette. Ein Viertel aller Dresdner lebt von der Zigarette. Die Branche gönnt sich repräsentative Industriebauten wie den Stadtspeicher (heute ein Fünf-Sternehotel) oder die sogenannte Tabakmoschee ""Yenidze"" - beide in der damals ultramodernen Stahlbeton-Skelettbauweise ausgeführt.

Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg werden die Reste der Dresdner Zigaretten-Industrie in Volkseigentum überführt. Ein Hintergrund, den die DEFA im verwegenen Lustspiel ""Karbid und Sauerampfer"" mit Erwin Geschonneck zum Kinohit münzt. Ebenso abenteuerlich gerät die Beschaffung des Rohtabaks zwischen Brasilien und Brandenburg. F6, Karo, Cabinet oder JUWEL 72 heißen bekannte Marken, die teils noch heute - nunmehr innerhalb des Philip Morris Weltkonzerns - an der Elbe produziert werden.

""Der Osten - Entdecke wo du lebst"": ""Fluppe, Filter und f6"" erzählt die Zigarettenstory von Dresden mit faszinierendem Archivmaterial, in Begegnungen mit ehemaligen Tabakwerkern, Tabakeinkäufern, Sammlern und Historikern, begibt sich auf Spurensuche: Was ist vom blauen Dunst in Dresden noch zu ""schnuppern""?"

* f6 - Eine Zigarrettenmarke. Sie können hier darüber lesen.

James O'Brien's Evisceration of Boris Johnson | LBC

Jun 15, 2023 | After the release of the Partygate report which found the ex-PM had misled Parliament, James O'Brien showed no mercy in this obliterative monologue directed and him and his defenders.

"Sicherheit ist mehr als Militär und Diplomatie": So will die Ampel die Sicherheit erhöhen

Jun 15, 2023 | Nach langen internen Diskussionen hat die Bundesregierung erstmals eine Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie für Deutschland beschlossen. Es gehe nicht nur um Verteidigungspolitik, sondern "um die ganze Palette unserer Sicherheit", so Bundeskanzler Scholz. Die Strategie setzt auch auf eine Stärkung der Bundeswehr durch dauerhaft höhere Verteidigungsausgaben: Bereits im kommenden Jahr will Deutschland das Zwei-Prozent-Ziel der Nato erfüllen.

Bundesaußenministerin Annalena Baerbock (Grüne) erklärt im ZDF-Interview, "die größte Gefahr für unseren Frieden und unsere Freiheit in Europa" sei seit dem 24. Februar im vergangenen Jahr das russische Regime. Daher habe man auch im Rahmen der nationalen Sicherheitsstrategie Dinge anders formuliert. Mit Blick auf Rüstungsprojekten und Militärausgaben sagte Baerbock: "Wir müssen jetzt dringend neue Anschaffungen machen." Bei der Bundeswehr könne man bei diesem Haushalt nicht kürzen. Gleichzeitig macht die Bundesaußenministerin klar, dass Sicherheit mehr sei als "Militär und Diplomatie". Es geht bei der nationalen Sicherheitsstrategie um einen "integrierten ganzheitlichen Ansatz", das impliziere auch Cybersicherheit, Gesundheitssicherheit, Lebensmittelsicherheit.

Glenda Jackson, Fearless Actor and Politician, Dies Aged 87

THE GUARDIAN: Her singular passion lit up performances from Women in Love to King Lear and drove her 23-year middle career as an MP

Glenda Jackson, who has died at the age of 87. Photograph: Sarah Lee/The Guardian

Glenda Jackson has died at the age of 87 after “a brief illness” at her home in London.

In a statement, her agent, Lionel Larner, said: “Glenda Jackson, two-time Academy Award-winning actress and politician, died peacefully at her home in Blackheath, London, this morning after a brief illness with her family at her side.”

Jackson bestrode the narrow worlds of stage and screen like a colossus over six decades. Though such a Shakespearean tribute would undoubtedly have had the famously curmudgeonly actor reaching for her familiar catchphrase: “Oh, come on. Good God, no,” nothing less will do for a star who emerged from a 23-year career break to play King Lear at the age of 82. » | Claire Armitstead | Thursday, June 15, 2023

Glenda Jackson, actrice britannique doublement oscarisée, est morte : Glenda Jackson était l’une des plus grandes stars britanniques des années 1960 et 1970, et a remporté deux Oscars, pour « Women in Love » et « A Touch of Class ». »

Die zwei Leben der Glenda Jackson: Sie erhielt zwei Oscars als beste Schauspielerin und wechselte dann in die Politik. Nun ist die Britin Glenda Jackson im Alter von 87 Jahren gestorben. »

Partygate: Boris Johnson Is 'a Serial Liar'

Jun 15, 2023 | Former Conservative MP and Former Attorney General Dominic Grieve has said "the issue was never did he have parties, that's one thing. The issue is did he mislead the House of Commons?" and that "it is absolutely and abundantly clear" that Mr Johnson did so. Mr Grieve also called the former Prime Minister a "serial liar" and that it is not a surprise that "he lied through his back teeth".

Lawrence: Fmr. Trump Chief of Staff Says He's 'Scared Sh-tless'

Jun 15, 2023 | MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell analyzes the transcript from Donald Trump’s arraignment in a federal courthouse in Miami yesterday over his possession of government documents and explains why he thinks his co-defendant Walt Nauta is unlikely to turn on him.

’Boris Johnson Told a Pack of Lies’: Lord Heseltine Launches Scathing Attack on Former PM #shorts

Watch Lord Heseltine attack Boris Johnson here.


Brexit was Johnson and Johnson was Brexit. Now that he has gone, Britain must think again: The disgraced former PM and our disastrous exit from the EU were umbilically linked. His fall presents a precious opportunity »

The Radical Strategy Behind Trump’s Promise to ‘Go After’ Biden

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Conservatives with close ties to Donald J. Trump are laying out a “paradigm-shifting” legal rationale to erase the Justice Department’s independence from the president.

When Donald J. Trump responded to his latest indictment by promising to appoint a special prosecutor if he’s re-elected to “go after” President Biden and his family, he signaled that a second Trump term would fully jettison the post-Watergate norm of Justice Department independence.

“I will appoint a real special prosecutor to go after the most corrupt president in the history of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the entire Biden crime family,” Mr. Trump said at his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., on Tuesday night after his arraignment earlier that day in Miami. “I will totally obliterate the Deep State.” » | Jonathan Swan, Charlie Savage and Maggie Haberman | Thursday, June 15, 2023

Irlands geraubte Kinder | ARTE Re:

Jun 15, 2023 | Unverheiratet schwanger zu sein, das galt im erzkatholischen Irland lange als Schande. Bis 1998 wurden mehr als 50.000 irischen Frauen in sogenannten Mutter-und-Baby-Heimen ihre Kinder weggenommen und zur Adoption freigegeben. Nach Jahren des Schweigens versuchen die Adoptivkinder von damals ihre Mütter wiederzufinden. Sie kämpfen dafür, dass ihr Schicksal endlich anerkannt wird.

In Irland waren Verhütung und Abtreibung lange verboten, Sex vor der Ehe nicht erlaubt und Aufklärung praktisch nicht existent. Bei ungeplanten Schwangerschaften galt die Frau meist als die „Schuldige“, selbst wenn die Schwangerschaft Folge einer Vergewaltigung war. Wer die Schwangerschaft nicht illegal im Ausland beenden wollte oder konnte, hatte im von Kirche und Tradition bestimmten Irland keine Wahl: Der Priester wurde informiert. Und er entschied, ob die Frau verstoßen oder in eines der 18 katholischen Mutter-und-Baby-Heime geschickt wurde. Paul Redmond wurde in einem solchen Heim geboren. Er bezeichnet sich und andere Betroffene als „Überlebende“ eines Skandals, der Irland bis heute erschüttert. Der 59-Jährige sucht immer wieder das heute leerstehende Gebäude auf, in dem er zur Welt gekommen ist. Er erinnert daran, wie es den Babys dort erging: „Viele wurden vernachlässigt, im Bettchen liegen gelassen und selten gewickelt. Vor allem die Kinder, die eine Behinderung hatten oder eine andere Hautfarbe.” Die Folgen waren schrecklich. Im kleinen Ort Tuam im Westen Irlands fand die Lokalhistorikerin Catherine Corless heraus, dass im dortigen Heim die Leichen von fast 800 Babies und Kindern in einem geheimen Massengrab versteckt wurden. Sie hat damit die nationale Aufbereitung des Skandals erst ins Rollen gebracht. Heute setzt sich die 68-Jährige für die Exhumierung der menschlichen Überreste ein. Dafür kämpft auch Anna Corrigan. Sie fand heraus, dass sie zwei Brüder hat, die in dem Heim in Tuam geboren wurden. Für ihren Bruder John gibt es eine Sterbeurkunde, doch was mit William passierte, ist unklar. Eine Exhumierung und DNA-Tests könnten Klarheit schaffen. Anna ist noch immer auf Spurensuche. Sie hat die Hoffnung nicht aufgegeben, dass ihr Bruder William vielleicht noch am Leben ist.

Reportage (D 2023, 32 Min)
Verfügbar bis zum 14/06/2024

Blinken's Visit to Saudi Arabia Isn't about Oil, Says Former US Ambassador

Jun 6, 2023 | Joseph Westphal, former US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, discusses US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to the Kingdom.

Former UK PM Boris Johnson Deliberately Misled Parliament over Lockdown Parties, Report – BBC News

Jun 15, 2023 | Boris Johnson, the former UK prime minister, deliberately misled Parliament committing a serious contempt, the Privileges Committee has concluded. The report from MPs has been investigating whether Johnson deliberately misled MPs in statements to the Commons about so-called Partygate. Last week, Johnson stepped down as a Conservative MP after being given advance sight of the Privileges Committee's report.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Silvio Berlusconi : des milliers de personnes ont rendu hommage au « Cavaliere » à Milan

LE MONDE : A Milan comme partout en Italie, les drapeaux étaient en berne sur les édifices publics. Le président de la République, Sergio Mattarella, la cheffe du gouvernement, Giorgia Meloni étaient notamment présents.

Les milliers de personnes ont rendu un ultime hommage mercredi 14 juin à Milan Silvio Berlusconi, mort lundi à 86 ans d’une leucémie, lors de funérailles d’Etat organisées en présence de nombreux responsables politiques du pays. Selon les médias italiens, l’homme politique avait choisi la crémation, demandant l’inhumation de ses cendres dans sa luxueuse demeure à Arcore, près de Milan.

Couvert de fleurs blanches, rouges et vertes, aux couleurs du drapeau italien, le cercueil est arrivé à 15 heures devant la majestueuse cathédrale de la ville, en présence de milliers de personnes et sous les chants des supporters de l’AC Milan, club dirigé pendant trente et un ans par l’ancien chef du gouvernement. Il a ensuite fait son entrée dans l’église, sous les applaudissements de l’assemblée, en présence de la première ministre, Giorgia Meloni, ainsi que de très nombreux dignitaires politiques. (+ vidéo) » | Le Monde avec AFP | mercredi 14 juin 2023

North Koreans Tell BBC of Neighbours Starving to Death - BBC News

Jun 14, 2023 | People in North Korea have told the BBC food is so scarce their neighbours have starved to death. The government sealed the country's border in 2020 in response to the pandemic, cutting off vital supplies. Exclusive interviews gathered inside the world’s most isolated state suggest the situation is the worst it has been since the 1990s, experts say. It has also tightened its control over people's lives, our interviewees say, making it even harder to survive.

Johnson, Sunak and Brexit: A Trio from Hell

Jun 14, 2023 | In this new Federal Trust video, John Stevens and Brendan Donnelly discuss the disruptive and divisive consequences of Brexit for the Conservative Party. This division is now crystallised in the personal and political conflict between Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson. At present Johnson seems largely motivated by personal resentments. It may be however that in the coming months Johnson will ally himself with political forces hostile to Sunak such as Farage, Fox and Tice. This could lead to a disastrous outcome for the Conservative Party in the next General Election.

Brendan Donnelly is the Director of the Federal Trust and a former Conservative MEP. John Stevens is the Chairman of the Federal Trust and a former Conservative MEP.

The Federal Trust is a research institute studying regional, national, European and global levels of government. It has always had a particular interest in the European Union and Britain’s place in it. The Federal Trust has no allegiance to any political party. It is registered as a charity for the purposes of education and research.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — June 14, 2023

Die dunkle Vergangenheit der Sklaverei überschattet das britische Königshaus | auslandsjournal

Jun 14, 2023 | King Charles III. sitzt noch kein Jahr auf dem Thron und doch bröckelt der Mythos der Monarchie – zumindest bei den Erben des Empire. Kann der neue König Reich und Commonwealth zusammenhalten?

Nach Barbados will auch Jamaika den britischen Monarchen als Staatsoberhaupt absetzen. In Australien wird heftig über die Zukunft unter der Krone debattiert, und eine junge Generation fordert Entschädigung für das Erbe des Kolonialismus.

In Afrika wächst dagegen die Zustimmung zur Monarchie. Ruanda ist das jüngste Mitglied im Kreise des Commonwealth und Großbritannien eng verbunden. Die Pläne, Migrantinnen und Migranten aus Afrika nach Ruanda abzuschieben, haben in Europa für einen Aufschrei gesorgt. Eine Kooperation, von der Großbritannien deutlich profitieren kann.

Im Vereinigten Königreich sinkt die Zustimmung zur Monarchie, vor allem in Schottland, Wales und Nordirland. Der Kitt, den Queen Elizabeth II. ihrem Reich über Jahrzehnte verliehen hatte, verschwindet. Wachsende nationalistische Strömungen überlagern die Monarchie-Debatte seit dem Brexit zusätzlich.

Noch ist der britische Monarch Staatsoberhaupt von 15 Ländern, aber mit dem Tod der Queen scheint auch das stärkste Band geschwächt, das die Einheit von Königreich und Commonwealth sicherte. Charles III. muss das Vertrauen in seine Person und die Institution erst gewinnen. Wo steht das Vereinigte Königreich zu Beginn der Herrschaft des neuen Königs?

In ihrer Dokumentation "auslandsjournal – die doku: König ohne Reich? – Charles III. und das Erbe des Empire" zeigt London-Korrespondentin Hilke Petersen die unterschiedlichen Perspektiven in einer aufgeheizten Debatte.

Hungry Man Kitchen: Turkish Stuffed Eggplants - How to Make Karniyarik

Feb 7, 2021 | Today's dish is Karniyarik which means "split belly" in Turkish and as you may guess, these fried eggplants are cut and stuffed with a ragout like, rich ground beef mixture with spicy, aromatic onions, chilies and tomatoes. Finished in the oven with a tomato chili sauce, this dish is one of the favorites of many Turkish people and is usually served with (pilav) Turkish rice and cacik (yogurt with garlic, herbs and cucumber).

Click a href=https://youtu.be/jAuHHy3mZ6o target=_blank>here for a full list of the ingredients and then click on ‘show more’.

Donald Trump Gives New Jersey Speech after Miami Court Appearance – BBC News

Jun 14, 2023 | Donald Trump has pleaded not guilty to historic charges of mishandling sensitive files at a federal court in Miami, Florida. Mr Trump is the first US president - current or former - to be hit with a federal criminal indictment. Trump later travelled to his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he addressed supporters. The former president struck a defiant tone and told the assembled crowd he had "every right" to hold the classified documents, but "hadn't had a chance to go through all the boxes".