Showing posts with label castration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label castration. Show all posts

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Russian Troops Castrating Ukrainian Fighters to ‘Stop Ukrainian Kids Being Born’ | Christina Lamb

Jun 18, 2023 | “It’s part of a form of genocide.” Christina Lamb, The Sunday Times’ Chief Foreign Correspondent, reveals her findings about the sexual violence being committed against male Ukrainian soldiers.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Dutch Roman Catholic Church 'Castrated At Least 10 Boys'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: At least 10 teenage boys or young men under the age of 21 were surgically castrated "to get rid of homosexuality" while in the care of the Dutch Roman Catholic Church in the 1950s.

Evidence of the castrations has emerged amid controversy that it was not included in the findings of an official investigation into sexual abuse within the church last year.

The NRC Handelsblad newspaper identified Henk Heithuis who was castrated in 1956, while a minor, after reporting priests to the police for abusing him in a Catholic boarding home.

Joep Dohmen, the investigative journalist who uncovered the Heithuis case, also found evidence of at least nine other castrations. "These cases are anonymous and can no longer be traced," he said. "There will be many more. But the question is whether those boys, now old men, will want to tell their story."

Mr Heithuis died in a car crash in 1958, two years after being castrated at the age of 20, while under the age of majority, which was then 21.

In 1956 he had accused Catholic clergy of sexually abusing him in his Church run care home. » | Bruno Waterfield | Monday, March 19, 2012

Thursday, December 16, 2010

German Man Castrates Teenage Daughter's 57-year-old Boyfriend

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: An enraged father who disapproved of his daughter's older boyfriend went to his home and castrated him with a bread knife.

Helmut Seifert, 47, an ethnic German originally from Russia, was enraged when he heard his 17-year-old daughter was having a relationship with Phillip Genscher, 57.

He went to police in the town of Bielefeld where he lives but officers said they were powerless to intervene.

"The man then recruited two work colleagues at his factory and then went to the house of the victim," said police. >>> Allan Hall, Berlin | Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

France: 'Autistic Tories Have Castrated UK in Europe'

It is indeed “very sad” to observe the Conservatives “castrate” the British in Europe. M. Lellouche has got that right! We need a good Conservative Party to turn to after the dreadful years of NuLabour. But what do we get? A weak and pathetic party singing the same old, old songs about how terrible Europeans are for taking away our sovereignty and the terrible people who drain the country by claiming welfare benefits.

First on the latter point… Yes, the welfare bill needs to be cut drastically. The Labour Party has made so, so many people dependent on welfare payments in order to get more votes at the polls. But when Cameron talks about having a crackdown on people on sickness benefit, for example, he is replaying the Thatcher tune, a tune which was right for its time, but which sounds rather hackneyed and old for today. Why? Because the fact is that bankers have been crippling government finances to a far greater extent in receiving taxpayers’ handouts as bailouts for ailing banks and then proceeding to pay wild, excessive bonuses to themselves with this taxpayers' money. Any money that someone on sickness benefit recieves looks incredibly small and paltry by comparison. It’s pin money!

With regard to Europe… Again, the Conservative Party is playing the same old, same old tune. Poor old Britain and its loss of sovereignty! Fact is, British politicians should have thought about that before taking us into the European Union in the first place, if indeed loss of sovereignty was such an issue for them. Now, we’re in Europe; and we are never going to get the best out of it by standing idly by, on the sidelines, complaining about each and every law Europe passes which guarantees further loss of sovereignty.

In many ways, the Conservative Party is rueing Britain’s loss of Empire and loss of world power and status. I’ve got news for them: those days are never coming back. This is an altogether different world. Europe is our future. We need to dive in, and with two feet. Not dangle one foot in and keep one foot out. We’ll get nowhere that way.

Moreover, what we need now is to accept the euro with open arms. The euro is the currency of the future. It’s a strong currency. It’s a good currency. The Bank of England and successive British governments have shown beyond a shadow of doubt that they have been unable to maintain a strong pound sterling. The value of the pound has declined and declined with each and every decade in the twentieth century. Its decline contunues apace. We therefore need to enter the eurozone. That way the people of Britain can be assured of continuing prosperity – prosperity they deserve.

For God’s sake lets stop contemplating our navels. Get with the story! We are in Europe. Get over it! Get on with it!
– © Mark

THE GUARDIAN: French Europe minister says David Cameron's pledge to reclaim EU powers is 'pathetic' and will leave Britain isolated

Pierre Lellouche: 'It's very sad to see Britain just cutting itself out from the rest. It is the result of a long period in opposition.' Photo: The Guardian

The Conservatives are accused by the French government of "castrating" Britain's position within the EU by adopting an "autistic" approach that will take Britain off the radar.

Speaking to the Guardian, the French Europe minister, Pierre Lellouche, describes as "pathetic" the Tories' EU plans announced today, warning that they will not succeed "for a minute".

Giving vent to frustration across the EU, which has so far only been expressed in private, Lellouche – who says he is reflecting Nicolas Sarkozy's "sadness and regret" – accuses the shadow foreign secretary, William Hague, of a "bizarre autism" in their discussions. He says: "They have one line and they just repeat one line. It is a very bizarre sense of autism."

Lellouche, one of the most Anglophile members of Nicolas Sarkozy's government, made his remarkable intervention after David Cameron outlined a new Tory approach to the EU in the wake of the full ratification of the Lisbon treaty. A future Conservative government would seek to strengthen British sovereignty and repatriate a series of powers over social and employment legislation, he said.

Cameron insisted that he was not seeking an immediate "bust-up" with the EU. But within hours of his speech, France's centre-right government condemned the Tory leader's plans, saying that they would marginalise Britain within the EU. >>> Nicholas Watt, Patrick Wintour and Allegra Stratton | Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Sorry, Ma’am! It’s Time for Us to Accept the Euro >>> Mark Alexander | Thursday, September 24, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Italienischer Minister will Sexualstraftäter kastrieren lassen

Roberto Calderoli, Mitglied der Regierung von Silvio Berlusconi, glaubt es sei keine andere Lösung übrig als Sexualstraftäter kastrieren zu lassen! Foto dank dem Tages Anzeiger

TAGES ANZEIGER: Ein Mitglied der Regierung von Italiens Ministerpräsident Silvio Berlusconi hat die Kastration von Sexualstraftätern gefordert.

In einigen Fällen gebe es keine andere Möglichkeit, sagte der Minister für Bürokratieabbau, Roberto Calderoli.

Da eine Unterdrückung des Sexualtriebs mit Medikamenten nicht immer funktioniere, bleibe nur ein chirurgischer Eingriff. «Die Gesellschaft muss sich verteidigen», sagte Calderoli, der der rechtgerichteten Lega Nord angehört, in einem Interview mit der Zeitung «La Stampa» vom Montag. >>> mbr/sda | Montag, 16. Februar 2009

TIMES ONLINE: Italian Minister Calls for Rapists to Be Castrated

An Italian Cabinet minister called today for rapists to be chemically castrated, amid a growing row over vigilante attacks on immigrants that have followed a series of rapes blamed on foreigners.

Roberto Maroni, the Interior Minister, urged Italians not to take the law into their own hands after masked youths armed with wooden clubs smashed up a kebab bar near the scene of a rape at Caffarella Park on the Appian Way in Rome at the weekend.

Five Romanians were beaten savagely in the raid, and two are in a serious condition.

The attack followed an incident on St Valentine's Day in which a 14-year-old girl was raped and her 16-year-old boyfriend beaten up in the park, which is used by courting couples.

Also at the weekend a 21-year-old Bolivian girl was raped in Milan by a man described as North African, while in Bologna a Tunisian who had just been released from prison after being held on drugs offences was re-arrested for allegedly raping a 15-year-old local girl.

Roberto Calderoli of the Northern League, who is Minister for Simplification of Laws in the centre-right government of Silvio Berlusconi, said that chemical castration was "the only answer" when teenage girls were being attacked. "Talk of rehabilitation is not enough," he told La Stampa. "Society must defend itself". >>> Richard Owen in Rome | Monday, February 16, 2009

TAGES ANZEIGER: Italien schnappt über: Zwangskastration und Bürgerwehren

Nach einer Reihe von Vergewaltigungen denkt Italiens Regierung über drakonische Massnahmen nach - bis hin zur Zwangskastration. Und das Volk greift zur Selbstjustiz.

Der Valentinstag endete für die junge Römerin mit einem Trauma. Während eines Spazierganges mit ihrem Freund wurde die kaum 15-Jährige von zwei Männern in einen Park verschleppt und dort brutal vergewaltigt. Die beiden Täter entkamen, nicht ohne die beiden jungen Leute auch noch ausgeraubt zu haben. Der Fall sorgt in Italien nicht nur deshalb für Schlagzeilen, weil sich in den vergangenen Wochen die Berichte über Vergewaltigungen im ganzen Land häufen. So wurden auch in Bologna und Mailand jüngst zwei Frauen Opfer von sexuellen Misshandlungen.

Zum Überkochen bringt die Debatte, dass es sich bei den Tätern meist um Ausländer oder gar «clandestini», also illegale Einwanderer, handelt. In Rom sucht die Polizei zwei junge Rumänen, nachdem das Opfer Hinweise gegeben hatte, dass die Angreifer vermutlich aus Osteuropa stammten. In Bologna wurde ein Tunesier verhaftet, in Mailand fahndet man ebenfalls nach einem Nordafrikaner. Wachsender Fremdenhass >>> bru/ta | Dienstag, 17. Februar 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch und Gebundene Ausgabe) – Versandkostenfrei innerhalb der Schweiz >>>

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sex Offenders in the Czech Republic Have to Guard Their Nether Regions!

BBC: A European anti-torture watchdog has expressed "serious reservations" about surgical castration being used to treat sex offenders in the Czech Republic.

The Committee for the Prevention of Torture also expressed concerns about the use of chemical castration, and called for greater safeguards.

The Council of Europe committee questioned the freedom of consent for those undergoing the procedure.

The Czech government says castrations happened in accordance with the law. Czech castration raises worries (more) By Alex Kroeger

Mark Alexander