Showing posts with label John Major. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Major. Show all posts

Sunday, February 16, 2025

John Major: Trump’s US Isolationism Threatens Global Democracy

THE GUARDIAN: Former UK prime minister says US may regret ceding world stage to China and condemns ‘hypocritical’ JD Vance speech

Democracy around the globe is under threat from the retreat of Donald Trump’s US into isolationism and its likely replacement by China on the world stage, John Major has said.

The former UK prime minister, who rarely offers direct opinion on contemporary politics, used an interview with BBC Radio 4 to say Trump’s administration was unlike anything he had seen before – and to warn that Washington may live to regret ceding global leadership to a more autocratic power.

Major, who was in office from 1990 to 1997, also condemned JD Vance, the US vice-president, as hypocritical and “not statesmanlike” for lecturing Europe on free speech while “cuddling” Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

“There’s no doubt in my mind that democracy is threatened. It’s been in modest decline for the last 18 years. There’s an ugly nationalism growing mostly from the intolerant right,” Major said. » | Peter Walker, Senior political correspondent | Sunday, February 16, 2025

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sunday, September 22, 2024

John Major on Brexit

Sep 20, 2024 | Amol Rajan Interviews - John Major. The topic of Brexit arose.

John Major is absolutely correct on this. John Major is one of the few good Conservatives left. When the Conservative Party comprised people like Sir John Major, the Party was a great party. But look at the sorry state it is in today!

The Brexit Referendum was not democratic at all. There were forces behind the scenes — Vladimir Putin and Russia? — pulling the strings of their marionettes in politics, manipulating the Brexiteers in the country. Russia wanted the European Union weakened. And the British electorate fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

There are no benefits to Brexit: there are downsides but no upsides. The country is noticeably poorer already; and poorer it will become.

As Sir John Major said, maybe we have regained a modicum of sovereignty only to be poorer. What a sad situation this is!

Nigel Farage says the country is divided. Yes, he’s damn right! It is not only divided, it is broken into many small pieces, just like Humpty-Dumpty after his fall! But who caused all these fractures? Nigel Farage, of course — the loudmouthed troublemaker and arch-Brexiteer.

The best thing he could now do is ask his chum, Donald Trump, for sanctuary in Mar-a-Lago so that the rest of us can try — try — and put all the pieces back together again. – © Mark Alexander

Friday, September 20, 2024

“Brexit Made Us POORER which Is Emphatically NOT in Interests of Our Country”

Sep 20, 2024 | John Major tells the world the truth about Brexit Britain.

We can all thank that tw*t (supply your oen vowel) Nigel Farage for Brexit. He made a mint out of the European Union, then he f****d it all up for the rest of us. What a disgusting, idiotic man he is! He is running to the bank laughing, whilst everyone else is licking his/her wounds! And those who have drunk the Kool Aid are still singing his praises and applauding him! Go figure! Brexit was a ridiculous, stupid move. Nobody who understands even the basics of economics whould ever have voted in favour of Brexit. Brexit was for the birds and for the economically illiterate! – © Mark Alexander

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

John Major’s Brexit Warning

Jun 5, 2024 | Exactly 8 years ago, on 5 June 2016 - just three weeks before the EU referendum - former Prime Minister, Sir John Major warned that the Leave campaign was “fundamentally dishonest” and “verging on the squalid.”

On the BBC Andrew Marr Show, Sir John accused Brexit campaigners of feeding to the British people “a whole galaxy of inaccurate and frankly untrue information.” ...

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

John Major: Brexit Is a Colossal Mistake

Feb 7, 2024 | This 4-minute video has already been viewed over a million times

John Major is one of the last of the great, sensible Tories. I would still be voting Tory if the Party was still made up of respectable and decent men like John Major. – © Mark Alexander

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Was John Major Right in 2016 about Brexit

Dec 5, 2023 | New report from Resolution Foundation sheds new light on Brexit impact on Britain together with new data on immigration. We were led to believe people wanted Brexit to reduce immigration, but in truth it has now quadrupled since Brexit and the economic impact is realising the predictions made by the Remain politicians. We need to ditch Brexit and get prosperity and food security back!

As a one-time, dyed-in-the-wool Conservative voter, it hurts me to say this, but it has to be said: The Tories of today are a bunch of tossers. They have got this country into the biggest mess I have ever known it to be in in my not-so-short lifetime. This country needs radical reform now if we are to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps. Labour does not have the answer. Its leader wants more of Thatcherism. That shows me clearly that the man doesn’t understand economics. The party that could offer a solution – the LibDems – is afraid of its own shadow! That party should be offering a speedy return to the EU.

These ne’er-do-wells — losers all when it comes to understanding economics — talk frequently about how this country needs economic growth; but they are totally clueless as to how to go about achieving it.

There are many ways to achieve economic growth. But the very first thing we need is a market for our goods. In voting for Brexit, we have walked away from the BIGGEST single market in the world – a market of 450 MILLION CONSUMERS. To talk of wanting economic growth at the same time as walking away from such a ready-made, tariff-free market is total bunkum and nonsense. One is speaking with forked tongue when doing so.

The second obvious thing that you need to achieve economic growth is for people to have money in their pockets to spend! Shops need customers with SPENDING POWER! It is the ordinary consumers that need the spending power, not the über-rich élite, whose needs, apart from the odd superyacht or private jet, are already met. It’s Joe Bloggs in the street that need a new fridge or a new freezer or a new car or some work done on his house, not the chap living in the mansion in the best part of town!

How do the Tories expect to achieve economic growth when tens of thousands of people can’t afford to put food on the table for their children and have to go to foodbanks for assistance? How do the Tories expect to achieve economic growth when poverty in the nation is at alarming levels? You can’t expect a poor man to go to the shops to have a spending spree on consumer goods. As for white goods, he will surely need them, but will surely have no money to pay for them. So no consumption there!

To achieve economic growth at home, people need money in their pockets. They need to be able to spend! Under the Tories, people have been strapped for cash for years. Living standards have been in steep decline for ages. How do do these plonkers expect to be able to achieve economic growth?

Then there is the Tories' reluctance to spend and invest in infrastructure, so sorely needed in this country. Look at the state of our schools, hospitals, roads and bridges! The state of many, many schools and hospitals is disgraceful. Not at all worthy of a first world nation.

The more one thinks about this Tory government, the more one realizes how totally USELESS the people in government are. Bumbling fools all!

This country needs radical change at the top. Anything less just will not cut the mustard. – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Fall of Margaret Thatcher | John Major | Leading

Jun 27, 2023 | A clip of former Prime Minister John Major outlining what he believes to be the reason for Margaret Thatcher's downfall.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Vision of a Classless Britain | John Major | Leading

Jun 18, 2023 | Former Prime Minister John Major opens up about his lifelong dream of creating a classless society in Britain. In this segment, Major reflects on the pervasive influence of social class and how it has shaped the country's political landscape over the years. Discover the evolving dynamics of voting intentions across different classes during Major's lifetime and the complex relationship between class and politics.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Gordon Brown and John Major Back Nuremberg-style Tribunal for Putin

THE GUARDIAN: Former PMs join campaign calling for trial of Russian president and those around him over invasion of Ukraine

The campaign backed by Brown and Major seeks the creation of a special tribunal modelled on the Nuremberg trials of 1945-46. Photograph: PA

The former UK prime ministers Gordon Brown and Sir John Major are among those calling for the creation of a new international tribunal to investigate Vladimir Putin and those who helped plan his invasion of Ukraine.

They have joined a campaign – along with leading names from the worlds of law, academia and politics – aiming to put the Russian president and others on trial.

Launched with a website and a target of 2 million petition signatures, the campaign – which has already been backed by 740,000 people around the world – seeks to gain public support for a special tribunal modelled on the Nuremberg trials.

It was vital to ensure, eight decades on from the trials of Nazi war criminals, that there was “a day of reckoning for Putin”, said Brown. » | Agencies | Saturday, March 19, 2022

Sign this petition to put Putin and his cronies on trial here.

Saturday, November 06, 2021

‘Shameful’: John Major Hits Out at Handling of Owen Paterson Scandal

THE GUARDIAN: Former PM said trying to shield MP from punishment suggested Johnson’s government was ‘politically corrupt’

John Major said the government’s actions had ‘the effect of trashing the reputation of parliament’. Photograph: Jeff Overs/BBC/PA

Sir John Major has launched a searing attack on the government over its handling of the Owen Paterson lobbying scandal, condemning its actions as “shameful and wrong”.

The former prime minister said it suggested Boris Johnson’s administration was “politically corrupt”, and that Major would be posed with a dilemma if he had to consider voting for Johnson to remain PM at the next election.

The comments came after the government briefly tried to shield Paterson from punishment for what the standards committee called an “egregious case” of breaching lobbying rules.

Major told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “I think the way the government handled that was shameful, wrong and unworthy of this or indeed any government. It also had the effect of trashing the reputation of parliament.” » | Nicola Slawson | Saturday, November 6, 2021

Once upon a time, this country used to have decent and honourable Conservative governments and decent prime ministers like Sir John Major. Now, however, we are stuck with BoJo and his administration made up of people of questionable integrity. Sleaze and corruption abound, to say nothing of the questionable way BoJo entered Number 10 by duping the public. – © Mark

Boris Johnson sleaze crisis deepens amid pressure on Covid deals: Sir John Major attacks PM’s actions as ‘shameful’ while poll shows slump in Tory support »

Saturday, September 25, 2021

John Major on Afghanistan, 'Global Britain', and the Tory Party | FT

Sep 6, 2021 • The former prime minister tells the FT Weekend Festival it was 'wrong to leave Afghanistan', discusses Britain's place in the world, and says nationalism in Boris Johnson's Conservative party needs 'rooting out'. John Major attacks ‘strategically stupid’ decision to leave Afghanistan

Monday, November 09, 2020

John Major: Brexit Set to Be 'More Brutal Than Anyone Expected'

BBC: Brexit may be "even more brutal than expected" due to the UK's negotiating "failures", Sir John Major has said.

In a speech in London, the ex-prime minister said the UK's "inflexibility" and "threats" towards the EU would make future trade "less profitable".

And he warned of the "corrosive" impact to the UK's reputation of a proposed law giving ministers the power to over-ride aspects of the Brexit Agreement.

Peers will vote shortly on whether to amend the Internal Market Bill.

They are expected to remove a series of clauses which would give the UK the right to disregard obligations in the Withdrawal Agreement with the EU in relation to Northern Ireland, a move that Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis has conceded would break international law. » | Monday, October 9, 2020

Friday, September 27, 2019

MPs of All Parties Must Unite to Rein In This Reckless, Divisive Government

THE GUARDIAN: I fear Boris Johnson will use political chicanery to bypass the anti-no-deal Brexit law. Time for parliament to show its strength

At the moment, our country is more unsettled, more divided, than I can ever recall. Ministers assure us they are moving towards a deal. The European Union tells us they are not – because no new or viable proposals have been put forward by the British government. The prime minister tells us he wishes to have a deal with Europe. But we don’t see him sitting down in Brussels, hammering out an agreement.

Lip service is paid to the unanimous judgment of the supreme court – that it was unlawful to prorogue parliament for five weeks – while the prime minister tells us the court was wrong and he was right. That is the cry of those found guilty of misdemeanours throughout the ages.

Meanwhile, ministers continue to offer fantasy outcomes of what a post-Brexit future holds for people in every corner of our United Kingdom. As day succeeds day, it seems more likely that we will end up leaving the European Union without any deal at all. On Wednesday night, the prime minister wilfully destroyed any hope of cross-party agreement.

The price of such a negotiating failure will be widespread and will affect rich and poor alike – with one difference: the poor will be far less able to protect themselves. » | John Major | Friday, September 27, 2019

Friday, August 30, 2019

John Major to Join Legal Fight to Stop Johnson Suspending Parliament

THE GUARDIAN: Labour’s Shami Chakrabarti already granted permission to join Gina Miller case on behalf of opposition

John Major has said he will seek the high court’s permission to join a legal fight to prevent the government from suspending parliament before the Brexit deadline, in an unprecedented legal battle that could pit a former prime minister against the incumbent.

And, hours after the news emerged, the shadow attorney general, Shami Chakrabarti, was granted permission to join the case on behalf of the official opposition.

In addition, Labour’s deputy leader, Tom Watson, has said he will seek to intervene in his role as an MP, while the Liberal Democrat leader, Jo Swinson, said she too was seeking to join the case brought by the anti-Brexit campaigner Gina Miller aimed at preventing Boris Johnson from proroguing parliament from next week until mid-October. » | Jessica Elgot, Chief political correspondent | Friday, August 30, 2019

Thursday, August 16, 2018

John Major at Chatham House on the Realities of Brexit for Britain and Europe

In his first public speech since the EU referendum, Sir John Major outlined the realities that he believes both Britain and Europe face in the future at Chatham House.

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Eurozone Crisis Can Be Used to Take Back Powers from EU, Says Former Prime Minister John Major

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Britain should take advantage of the eurozone crisis to grab back powers and re-negotiate its relationship with the EU, John Major has said.

Any new treaty drawn up in its wake would allow Britain to renegotiate its relationship with Brussels, particularly on employment issues, the former prime minister suggested.
Sir John claimed it was likely that Europe was heading towards a ''federal state within the eurozone'' as leaders try to find a resolution for the current crisis.

He told the BBC's Andrew Marr show: ''There won't necessarily have to be a treaty in this country for fiscal union.

''It is conceivable there would be a treaty just among members of the eurozone.''
He added: ''But at some stage there will be another treaty because if there is fiscal union in Europe it changes our relationship to Europe. » | Sunday, October 09, 2011