Sunday, September 22, 2024

John Major on Brexit

Sep 20, 2024 | Amol Rajan Interviews - John Major. The topic of Brexit arose.

John Major is absolutely correct on this. John Major is one of the few good Conservatives left. When the Conservative Party comprised people like Sir John Major, the Party was a great party. But look at the sorry state it is in today!

The Brexit Referendum was not democratic at all. There were forces behind the scenes — Vladimir Putin and Russia? — pulling the strings of their marionettes in politics, manipulating the Brexiteers in the country. Russia wanted the European Union weakened. And the British electorate fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

There are no benefits to Brexit: there are downsides but no upsides. The country is noticeably poorer already; and poorer it will become.

As Sir John Major said, maybe we have regained a modicum of sovereignty only to be poorer. What a sad situation this is!

Nigel Farage says the country is divided. Yes, he’s damn right! It is not only divided, it is broken into many small pieces, just like Humpty-Dumpty after his fall! But who caused all these fractures? Nigel Farage, of course — the loudmouthed troublemaker and arch-Brexiteer.

The best thing he could now do is ask his chum, Donald Trump, for sanctuary in Mar-a-Lago so that the rest of us can try — try — and put all the pieces back together again. – © Mark Alexander