Showing posts with label EU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EU. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

EU Considers Closer Ties to Gulf as Trump Ramps Up Tariffs

THE TELEGRAPH: The EU is considering seeking closer ties to Gulf countries as it responds to Donald Trump’s new global tariff war, according to the bloc’s trade chief.

Maroš Šefčovič told the European Parliament that it was unfortunate that the US administration had decided to impose 25pc tariffs on all steel and aluminium imports.

He called the tariffs a “lose-lose scenario” but said the EU was prepared to face up to any challenges in this “new era” of global trade.

This included the possibility of closer trade ties with Gulf countries, Reuters reported.

The Persian Gulf countries include Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. » | Chris Price | Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Saturday, January 25, 2025

NZZ erklärt: EU-Verträge: Ist der Schweizer Sonderweg am Ende?

Jan 25, 2025 | Die Schweiz ist umgeben von EU-Mitgliedsländern, doch ein eigener Beitritt ist in absehbarer Zeit kein Thema. Seit über 25 Jahren geht die Schweiz ihren eigenen Weg, den bilateralen Sonderweg. Nun steht das Land vor einem Wendepunkt in ihren Beziehungen zur EU: Scheitert das neue Vertragspaket, ist der bilaterale Sonderweg gefährdet. Wir erklären im Video, was das neue Vertragspaket beinhaltet – und welche Punkte besonders umstritten sind.

Friday, January 24, 2025

EU ‘Ripping Off America’? Trump’s WEF Meltdown

Jan 24, 2025 | At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Donald Trump launched into a bizarre rant about the European Union, mixing personal anecdotes with fiery accusations. After being asked about future U.S.-EU relations, Trump bizarrely claimed he once “got approval in Ireland in a week” for a project — only to abandon it because the EU demanded “years" of paperwork. He then doubled down, accusing the EU of screwing America and claiming U.S. companies are being “taxed" to death compared to European rivals.

Max Robespierre can be supported on Patreon here.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

EU Trade Chief Says It ‘Could Consider’ UK Joining Pan-Europe Customs Deal

THE GUARDIAN: Maroš Šefčovič says ‘the ball is in the UK’s court’ as British ministers reportedly consult businesses

The EU’s new trade chief has said the bloc could consider including the UK in a pan-European trade agreement, but emphasised that “the ball is in the UK’s court”.

While the UK’s Labour government has ruled out returning to the single market and customs union after Brexit, the possibility of joining a continent-wide deal could open the door to closer cooperation with the EU and bolster much-needed economic growth.

Maroš Šefčovič, who led post-Brexit negotiations for the EU, told the BBC that allowing the UK to join the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention (PEM) was “something we could consider”.

The PEM is an agreement was originally agreed in 2012 and allows goods to flow tariff-free across borders. Members include the EU, as well as some north African countries, Switzerland, Norway, Georgia and Ukraine. » | Kalyeena Makortoff and Eleni Courea | Thursday, January 23, 2025

Friday, January 17, 2025

New EU Customs Deal Would 'Strengthen Our Hand' with Trump Say Sir Ed Davey

Jan 17, 2025 | Leader of the Liberal Democrats Sir Ed Davey says responding to a Trump presidency and growing the economy are the "two big problems facing the UK", and negotiating a new customs union with the EU "answers both of those questions".

He also accuses the Conservatives and Reform of being "weak and desperate" in their approach to Donald Trump, but says the Liberal Democrats will "stand up for Britain".

Monday, December 30, 2024

Lord Darroch Favours Joining EU Single Market to USA Deal

Dec 29, 2024 | Lord Darroch, former British ambassador to the US said he is frustrated that the U.K. chose to leave the world’s biggest free trading bloc on our doorstep.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

RAUCHVERBOT IN DER EU: Neue Regeln für öffentliche Plätze – Vorstoß sorgt für heftige Diskussionen!

Nov 27, 2024 | Die EU plant strengere Rauchverbote an öffentlichen Plätzen wie Bahnhöfen und Freibädern. Ziel ist der Schutz vor Passivrauchen und die Senkung der Krebstodesfälle. Auch E-Zigaretten und Tabakerhitzer sind betroffen. Doch Michael Jäger, Generalsekretär des europäischen Steuerzahlerbundes, kritisiert den Entwurf als unpraktisch und überregulierend. Wer soll die Regeln durchsetzen, und wie sollen die Einnahmen der Tabaksteuer sinnvoll genutzt werden? In Deutschland steht das geplante Verbot zudem im Widerspruch zur aktuellen Liberalisierung des Cannabis-Konsums. Erfahren Sie in diesem Interview, warum das Vorhaben umstritten ist und welche Konsequenzen es für Raucher und die EU-Gesetzgebung haben könnte.

Um Gottes Willen, haben die europäische Politiker nichts Besseres zu tun als sich in die Angelegenheiten und Lebensweisen der Menschen einzumischen? In einer Zeit, in der das Rauchen von Cannabis in vielen Ländern legalisiert ist, macht es überhaupt keinen Sinn die Freiheit der Raucher einzuschränken.

Ja, ja, ja, wir alle wissen, daß Rauchen nicht gesund ist. Aber heutzutage tun die Menschen viel schlimmere Dinge als Zigaretten zu rauchen.

Übrigens, schreibe ich als ex-Raucher. Ich habe seit April 2022 nicht mehr geraucht. Trotzdem setze ich mich dafür ein, die Freiheit der Raucher zu gewährleisten. Dieser Krieg gegen Raucher muß aufhören! Ein bisschen Freude im Leben zu haben ist auch wichtig.

Meine Zuneigung und Liebe für Europa wird nicht lange anhalten, wenn Politiker Freude töten und das Rauchen verbieten. – © Mark Alexander

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Michael Lambert: Gothenburg, Sweden Shows How Far the UK Has Fallen behind since Brexit

Oct 19, 2024 | This week, I have visited Gothenburg in Sweden to make another video showing how the quality of life in cities within the EU compares with that of cities in the UK following Brexit. Gothenburg (Göteborg) is the second city of Sweden with a population of around 600,000. It is a clean, well-run city with nice streets and plenty of parks. I saw no empty shops, charity shops, pound shops, betting shops, graffiti or litter. The city was busy, with of plenty of people out shopping.

The food in the supermarket, especially fresh fruit, was outstanding. Prices in restaurants were reasonably and the food was amazing.

Sweden is a progressive country where university education is free, healthcare is inexpensive or free and where parents of new babies can share up to 18 months maternity/paternity leave on 90% of normal pay.

Recently Sweden has become known for violent crime, but this is almost exclusively within immigrant communities and relates to drug gangs who now operate in Sweden.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Zelenskyy Meets with EU and NATO Leaders for Backing of His 'Victory Plan' | DW News

Oct 17, 2024 | Volodymyr Zelenskyy has announced his long-awaited victory plan to end his country's war with Russia. His plan includes Ukrainian NATO membership and permission for strikes inside Russia. Today Zelenskyy is to present his plan to EU lawmakers in Brussels. The Ukrainian President has another high level engagement in Brussels later today: a meeting of NATO defense ministers. NATO officials gathered this morning for the first such event chaired by the alliance's new chief Mark Rutte.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

FPÖ: Wahnsinn: EU will Rauchen im Freien verbieten

Oct 8, 2024 | Die EU setzt ihre Regulierungswahnsinn weiter fort. Nachdem man die Gastro ohnehin schon mit Rauchverbot und Corona-Lockdowns drangsaliert und schikaniert hat, plant die EU jetzt ein Rauchverbot in Schanigärten. Man dreht offenbar nun völlig durch!

Jetzt ist die EU also genauso verrückt wie die britische Regierung! Wenn dieses Verbot wirklich Gesetz wird, dann ist es mir egal, ob Großbritannien wieder in der EU ist oder nicht! Bisher habe ich geglaubt, daß die EU sich der Freiheit der Menschen verschrieben wäre. Aber diese Nachricht, wenn sie stimmt, zeigt ein ganz anderes Gesicht! Wenn es so weitergeht, wird meine Begeisterung für dieses EU-Projekt ruiniert. Es geht nicht nur ums Rauchen (ich bin kein Raucher mehr), es geht um die Freiheit der Menschen. Rauchen im Freien schadet kaum der Gesundheit anderer Menschen. Eine so dumme Regelung wäre also nichts Anderes als Bevormundung. Diese Nachricht ist wirklich total enttäuschend.

Es sollte niemanden überraschen, daß der Rechtsextremismus in Europa stärker wird! Wenn die EU will, daß er noch stärker wird, dann sollte sie einfach in dieser dummen, bevormundenden Richtung weitermachen! Die EU wird von ihrem rasanten Wachstum sicherlich nicht enttäuscht sein! — © Mark Alexander

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Jon Danzig: True Tories Were Remainers

October 2, 2024 | Conservative leader wannabes: have you forgotten what your party in power used to stand for regarding Europe? For most of the past seven decades, Tory governments did more than any other to bring our country closer to our continent.

Current Tory leader hopefuls are tw*ts! (Supply the vowel of your choice!) Britain’s place is in the EU. Churchill would be absolutely appalled by these current Tory wannabees! What a pathetic bunch! We are Europeans. Suck it up! – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Can Brexit Be Reset? Keir Starmer and the EU

Sep 27, 2024 | Federal Trust Chair John Stevens argues that Sir Keir Starmer will find it difficult to secure any meaningful "reset" in relations between the EU and UK. Starmer is, according to John Stevens, excessively concerned with appeasing the anti-European element of traditional Labour voters. He should confront rather than try to appease such sentiments.


Brendan Donnelly is the Director of the Federal Trust and a former Conservative MEP.
John Stevens is the Chair of the Federal Trust and an analyst and commentator on economic affairs.


The Federal Trust is a research institute studying regional, national, European and global levels of government. It has always had a particular interest in the European Union and Britain’s place in it. The Federal Trust has no allegiance to any political party. It is registered as a charity for the purposes of education and research.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

Rob Groves – Truth To Power: Are Labour Really Plotting to Undo Brexit?

Aug 3, 2024 | Removing the two-child cap on Universal Credit and social security in the UK would cost the government 2.5 billion pounds this year according to the Resolution Foundation. And would alleviate deep poverty for over a million children. But we’re told that we can’t afford 2.5 billion pounds. Apparently, however, we CAN afford Brexit, which costs the UK 32 billion pounds a year, according to the Office of Budget Responsibility!

It’s so obvious that the Labour government needs to ditch Brexit, which is proving to be a drag anchor on the British economy. But is it likely to happen, and what would the process look like?

Friday, August 02, 2024

Isabel Oakeshott & Richard Tice Get an Earful from Lord Heseltine

Jul 31, 2024

It’s a pity that greenhorns like Isabel Oakshott and Richard Tice don’t listen to Lord Heseltine’s words of wisdom. Lord Heseltine was one of the very best Tories ever! And he’s a Welshman. We wouldn’t be in the mess we are in today if people had listened to the likes of Lord Heseltine instead of listening to the cowboys and cowgirls in politics and journalism! – © Mark Alexander

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán Warns EU on Path to ‘Self-destruction’

THE GUARDIAN: Far-right leader talks of new Asia-oriented world order and throws support behind Donald Trump

Hungary’s nationalist prime minister, Viktor Orbán, said on Saturday that the EU was sliding toward oblivion, in a rambling anti-west speech in which he warned of a new, Asia-oriented “world order” while throwing his support behind Donald Trump’s US presidential bid.

“Europe has given up defending its own interests,” Orbán said in Băile Tuşnad, a majority ethnic Hungarian town in central Romania. “All Europe is doing today is following the US’s pro-Democrat foreign policy unconditionally … even at the cost of self-destruction.

“A change is coming that has not been seen for 500 years. What we are facing is in fact a world order change,” he added, naming China, India, Pakistan and Indonesia as becoming the “dominant centre” of the world. » | Associated Press | Saturday, July 27, 2024

Friday, July 19, 2024

No More ‘Basket-case Britain’: Europe Welcomes Starmer Reset in UK-EU Ties

THE GUARDIAN: PM’s promise to draw line under years of factious relations greeted with plaudits and relief by European media

Keir Starmer’s promised “reset” of the UK’s ties with the rest of Europe has drawn a positive response in European media, with one longtime journalist rejoicing that she will never again have to cover “Britain as a basket case”.

The prime minister told leaders at a meeting of the European Political Community at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire on Thursday that he wanted to draw a line under years of fractious relations with the rest of Europe. The relaunch was greeted with a sense of relief that after years of chaotic leadership in London a new age of cooperation was beginning.

Annette Dittert, the longtime London correspondent for the German public broadcaster ARD, was effusive about the vibe shift.

“Starmer managed to restore Britain’s reputation in Europe within a day. Astonishing achievement in such (a) short time,” Dittert tweeted. “‘[W]ithin a day’ is maybe a bit over the top, but still: what a complete change of tone and such a relief not having to report on Britain as a basket case any more.”

Der Spiegel noted that “after the long ice age between Berlin and London”, the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, and Starmer got along well. It said the new prime minister’s performance in Blenheim could mark the beginning of a new “tandem” for Europe. » | Lisa O'Carroll, Deborah Cole and Sam Jones | Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday, July 12, 2024

Poland Urges EU to Spend on Eastern Border Defense

Jul 12, 2024 | Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski joins Balance of Power with Joe Mathieu and Kailey Leinz to discuss the just-concluded NATO summit in Washington and the state of the alliance.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Britain Will Not Rejoin EU in My Lifetime, Says Starmer

THE GUARDIAN: Labour leader also says he cannot foresee circumstances where UK would re-enter single market or customs union

Screenshot taken from the Huardian website. Keir Starmer at a campaign event in Scotland. Photograph: Murdo MacLeod/The Guardian

Keir Starmer has insisted the UK will not rejoin either the EU, the single market or the customs union within his lifetime, in his firmest pledge yet that Labour will not seek much closer relations with Europe for as long as he is prime minister.

The Labour leader told reporters on Wednesday he did not think Britain would go back into any of the three blocs while he was alive, all but ruling out rejoining even if he wins a second term in office.

In recent days, the Labour leader has begun talking more freely about what his party would do in power, as polls continue to suggest it is heading for a landslide victory. He also said on Wednesday, for example, that he would seek to extend the parliamentary timetable immediately after the election to allow more time to legislate before the summer. » | Kiran Stacey Political correspondent | Wednesday, July 3, 2024

This is precisely why I could never vote for this clown! And you shouldn’t either! Obviously, the man has no understanding of even basic economics.

This man will put your taxes up, and he will certainly not be able to deliver economic growth. When it comes to economics, the man has no understanding. Keep him out of office! – © Mark Alexander