Saturday, October 19, 2024

Michael Lambert: Gothenburg, Sweden Shows How Far the UK Has Fallen behind since Brexit

Oct 19, 2024 | This week, I have visited Gothenburg in Sweden to make another video showing how the quality of life in cities within the EU compares with that of cities in the UK following Brexit. Gothenburg (Göteborg) is the second city of Sweden with a population of around 600,000. It is a clean, well-run city with nice streets and plenty of parks. I saw no empty shops, charity shops, pound shops, betting shops, graffiti or litter. The city was busy, with of plenty of people out shopping.

The food in the supermarket, especially fresh fruit, was outstanding. Prices in restaurants were reasonably and the food was amazing.

Sweden is a progressive country where university education is free, healthcare is inexpensive or free and where parents of new babies can share up to 18 months maternity/paternity leave on 90% of normal pay.

Recently Sweden has become known for violent crime, but this is almost exclusively within immigrant communities and relates to drug gangs who now operate in Sweden.