Sunday, September 29, 2024

Can Brexit Be Reset? Keir Starmer and the EU

Sep 27, 2024 | Federal Trust Chair John Stevens argues that Sir Keir Starmer will find it difficult to secure any meaningful "reset" in relations between the EU and UK. Starmer is, according to John Stevens, excessively concerned with appeasing the anti-European element of traditional Labour voters. He should confront rather than try to appease such sentiments.


Brendan Donnelly is the Director of the Federal Trust and a former Conservative MEP.
John Stevens is the Chair of the Federal Trust and an analyst and commentator on economic affairs.


The Federal Trust is a research institute studying regional, national, European and global levels of government. It has always had a particular interest in the European Union and Britain’s place in it. The Federal Trust has no allegiance to any political party. It is registered as a charity for the purposes of education and research.