Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Was John Major Right in 2016 about Brexit

Dec 5, 2023 | New report from Resolution Foundation sheds new light on Brexit impact on Britain together with new data on immigration. We were led to believe people wanted Brexit to reduce immigration, but in truth it has now quadrupled since Brexit and the economic impact is realising the predictions made by the Remain politicians. We need to ditch Brexit and get prosperity and food security back!

As a one-time, dyed-in-the-wool Conservative voter, it hurts me to say this, but it has to be said: The Tories of today are a bunch of tossers. They have got this country into the biggest mess I have ever known it to be in in my not-so-short lifetime. This country needs radical reform now if we are to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps. Labour does not have the answer. Its leader wants more of Thatcherism. That shows me clearly that the man doesn’t understand economics. The party that could offer a solution – the LibDems – is afraid of its own shadow! That party should be offering a speedy return to the EU.

These ne’er-do-wells — losers all when it comes to understanding economics — talk frequently about how this country needs economic growth; but they are totally clueless as to how to go about achieving it.

There are many ways to achieve economic growth. But the very first thing we need is a market for our goods. In voting for Brexit, we have walked away from the BIGGEST single market in the world – a market of 450 MILLION CONSUMERS. To talk of wanting economic growth at the same time as walking away from such a ready-made, tariff-free market is total bunkum and nonsense. One is speaking with forked tongue when doing so.

The second obvious thing that you need to achieve economic growth is for people to have money in their pockets to spend! Shops need customers with SPENDING POWER! It is the ordinary consumers that need the spending power, not the über-rich élite, whose needs, apart from the odd superyacht or private jet, are already met. It’s Joe Bloggs in the street that need a new fridge or a new freezer or a new car or some work done on his house, not the chap living in the mansion in the best part of town!

How do the Tories expect to achieve economic growth when tens of thousands of people can’t afford to put food on the table for their children and have to go to foodbanks for assistance? How do the Tories expect to achieve economic growth when poverty in the nation is at alarming levels? You can’t expect a poor man to go to the shops to have a spending spree on consumer goods. As for white goods, he will surely need them, but will surely have no money to pay for them. So no consumption there!

To achieve economic growth at home, people need money in their pockets. They need to be able to spend! Under the Tories, people have been strapped for cash for years. Living standards have been in steep decline for ages. How do do these plonkers expect to be able to achieve economic growth?

Then there is the Tories' reluctance to spend and invest in infrastructure, so sorely needed in this country. Look at the state of our schools, hospitals, roads and bridges! The state of many, many schools and hospitals is disgraceful. Not at all worthy of a first world nation.

The more one thinks about this Tory government, the more one realizes how totally USELESS the people in government are. Bumbling fools all!

This country needs radical change at the top. Anything less just will not cut the mustard. – © Mark Alexander