Friday, September 20, 2024

“Brexit Made Us POORER which Is Emphatically NOT in Interests of Our Country”

Sep 20, 2024 | John Major tells the world the truth about Brexit Britain.

We can all thank that tw*t (supply your oen vowel) Nigel Farage for Brexit. He made a mint out of the European Union, then he f****d it all up for the rest of us. What a disgusting, idiotic man he is! He is running to the bank laughing, whilst everyone else is licking his/her wounds! And those who have drunk the Kool Aid are still singing his praises and applauding him! Go figure! Brexit was a ridiculous, stupid move. Nobody who understands even the basics of economics whould ever have voted in favour of Brexit. Brexit was for the birds and for the economically illiterate! – © Mark Alexander