Jan 2, 2025 | Prasar Bharati Archives presents a series 'In Conversation with Rajiv Mehrotra'. The guest of honor is British stateswoman and Conservative politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She was the longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century and the first woman to hold the position.
May 23, 2023 | Interview excerpts from 1993 featuring former United Kingdom Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who talks about her book, "The Downing Street Years." The book centers on her time as prime minister and the various people she met with during her tenure.
Feb 10, 2024 | Margaret Thatcher: The Iron Lady - From her humble beginnings as a grocer's daughter, Margaret Thatcher fought her way through the sexist prejudices of the 1970s to become the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1979.
Margaret Thatcher: The Iron Lady (2012)
Director: Alan Byron
Stars: Tony Benn, Gyles Brandreth, Michael Brunson
Genre: Documentary, Biography, History
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2012 (United States)
Jun 24, 2021 | Martin Durkin's explosive film about Margaret Thatcher argues that she did more to liberate and enrich the working class than any socialist ever has or will. And that is why the Left (and the intelligentsia and the Tory old guard) hate her so much.
This star-studded feature-length film includes interviews with the Prime Minister, Norman Tebbit, Nigel Lawson, Cecil Parkinson, Neil Kinnock, Kenneth Baker, Norman Lamont, Geoffrey Howe, John Redwood, David Davis, Bernard Ingham, Charles Powell, Janet Daley, Polly Toynbee, Kelvin MacKenzie, and others close to Mrs Thatcher.
Martin Durkin's previous films include The Great Global Warming Swindle, Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story and the series Against Nature.
Mar 12, 2017 | Margaret Thatcher war von 1979 bis 1990 die erste weibliche Premierministerin des Vereinigten Königreichs von Großbritannien und Nordirland. Sie gewann den Falkland-Krieg mit einer Entschlossenheit, die ihr den Beinamen "eiserne Lady" einbrachte, kürzte die Sozialausgaben, privatisierte die britischen Staatsbetriebe und zwang die in den Arbeitskampf getretenen Bergarbeiter und Docker in die Knie. Ihre altmodisch-konservative Aufmachung und ihre Vorliebe für die puritanische Sittenordnung ändern nichts an der Tatsache, dass "Maggie" eine Revolutionärin war. Die Passionaria im Gouvernantenkostüm brachte der Welt den "Thatcherismus".
Apr 17, 2013 | In 1991, KERA's Lee Cullum talked with Margaret Thatcher as part of the station's "Conversations" series. At the time of the interview, Thatcher had recently resigned as the 49th prime minister of Great Britain. The former leader recounts her years at the pinnacle of her career and reveals unexpected facets of her personality, her love of poetry and her devotion to her father.
Oct 17, 2024 | George Negus’ iconic interview with then-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is still one of the most talked-about political interviews of all time.
Oct 14, 2024 | In this new episode in the 'In Conversation' series, Charles Moore, Baron Moore of Etchingham and Member of the House of Lords, sits down with Tom Clougherty, Executive Director of the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA), to discuss the current state of British politics and the legacy of Margaret Thatcher. Moore, the acclaimed biographer of Thatcher and former editor of The Spectator and The Telegraph, offers unique insights into the challenges facing modern conservatism and draws intriguing parallels between today's political landscape and the era of Thatcher's rise to power.
Throughout the discussion, Moore delves into a range of pressing issues, including the impact of globalisation, the changing nature of political institutions, and the cultural shifts affecting contemporary society. He reflects on the lessons that can be learned from Thatcher's leadership style and governance approach, while also addressing the new challenges that have emerged in the decades since her tenure. Moore's nuanced perspective on topics such as immigration, the role of international institutions, and the evolving dynamics within the Conservative Party provides a thought-provoking analysis of the current political climate.
This conversation offers viewers a rare opportunity to hear from one of Britain's most respected political commentators as he shares his insights on the past, present, and future of conservative thought. Whether you're a student of politics, a history enthusiast, or simply curious about the forces shaping modern Britain, this discussion between Charles Moore and Tom Clougherty promises to be both enlightening and timely.
Jul 22, 2024 | In this clip Peter Hitchens' proposes that the principal achievement of Margaret Thatcher was the industrialisation of the country, which led to the closure of numerous factories and a shift away from the UK being a major manufacturing nation. Hitchens continues to argue that Margaret Thatcher is overrated by conservatives and was not truly a conservative herself, but rather an economic liberal.
Jan 29, 2024 | The economic impact of Margaret Thatcher's economic policies was immense. This is a look at the impact on inflation, unemployment, growth, inequality and the long-term structure of the economy.
Jan 29, 2024 | The economic impact of Margaret Thatcher's economic policies was immense. This is a look at the impact on inflation, unemployment, growth, inequality and the long-term structure of the economy.
Jul 10, 2023 | Few politicians have been as polarising as UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who led her country during a tumultuous time in history, between 1979 and 1990.
She was the first female leader of a major political party in British History; and its longest continually serving prime minister of the 20th century. She led her country to victory in the Falklands conflict; presided over the decolonisation of a number of former dominions, successfully pressuring warring factions in Rhodesia and the Apartheid regime of South Africa to come to a peaceful transition of power.
She was a major player in the struggle against communism and the eventual breakup of the Soviet Union. But she also instigated a complete overhaul of the British economic system in a process that would eventually be named after her (Thatcherism); in which a massive privatisation and deregulation push of entire industries such as energy, communications, welfare, healthcare and transport into the private sector would cause substantial upheaval to many dependant communities.
Nevertheless, these policies drove a surge in investment, GDP and capital that transformed Britain into a modern, efficient and productive nation that successive governments both left and right would continue to endorse.
She was a conservative who nevertheless drove a number of progressive environmental policies. She was a traditionalist, yet supported free speech and personal liberty. She was a woman who believed herself to be the equal of any man in the arena, yet she was no feminist. In so many ways Margaret Thatcher was full of contradictions, yet most historians agree that in a world of wishy-washy populism, she was perhaps the only truly conviction politician who refused to back down from making the tough decisions that she believed would give individuals the greatest opportunities to thrive and make her nation great once more.