Showing posts with label Truth To Power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Truth To Power. Show all posts

Saturday, February 03, 2024

Libertarian Culture Warrior Kemi Badenoch - Unfit for Office

Feb 3, 2024 | After Cameron’s victory in 2010, The Tory bathtub was brimming with confidence and authority. It was Brexit that pulled the plug, and ever since, the Nasty Party have been succumbing to the inevitable pull of the drain. The party, murky with the sediment of incompetence, corruption and sexual offences, swirls in a slow, relentless spiral towards collapse. But the bookies tell us that one person emerges. Kemi Badenoch is the embodiment of the systemic flaws of the Tory Hard Right, her words and actions magnifying Tory dysfunction as she and they circle closer to the plughole, she’s a stark reminder of just how badly the Tories have misjudged what THEY claim is the will of the people.

Kemi Badenoch as leader of the Conservative Party would make the Tories totally and utterly unelectable. This move could send the Tories the way of the Whigs before them – into oblivion, the way of the dodo. – © Mark Alexander

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Truth To Power: Why David Cameron Is Unfit to Be Foreign Secretary

Nov 18, 2023 | David Cameron is our new unelected Foreign Secretary, appointed by Rishi Sunak, who was not even elected by members of his own party. And they told us that Brexit would get rid of unelected bureaucrats. David Cameron’s astonishing return to government comes just two years after a parliamentary inquiry found he had shown a “significant lack of judgment” over a lobbying campaign for Greensill Capital, a financing company in which he stood to gain 60 million pounds for his so-called expertise - and given his complete lack of experience in financing, this would appear in reality to have been to buy his influence with ministerial ex-colleagues still in government as Greensill attempted to win a lucrative government contract. And this is just the tip of the iceberg in our new unelected Foreign Secretary’s chequered past.

This country is being run into the ground! Since that ludicrous Brexit referendum, which was both undemocratic and corruptly conducted, the country has been so badly run. Our government is extreme, to say the least. Most of its members are economic illiterates, who are devoid of management skills and who are corrupt in the extreme!

Wouldn’t it be true to say that a madame would manage her brothel more efficiently that the short-**** who runs this country, and in whom the running of this country has been entrusted? And wouldn’t she be fairer to both her staff and clientele? But to be balanced and fair to this ‘leader’, he is but the last in a string of incompetent clowns entrusted to lead the nation since Brexit.

What is it going to take to get this country back on its feet? I know what I think it needs, but I shall let you, the reader, decide for yourself. – © Mark Alexander

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Voters Are SICK of Politicians LYING about BREXIT

Sep 23, 2023 | According to the polls, the vast majority of the British electorate have now seen through the Brexit delusion. They realise that far from taking back control, we’ve transformed from being a rule-MAKER WITHIN the EU, to being a rule-TAKER OUTSIDE the EU, having to comply with EU rules in order to trade with the massive economic bloc on our geographical doorstep - but no longer having any say in those rules. The public have realised this, so why are the government and the official opposition still LYING about the true consequences of BREXIT?

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Truth To Power: Brexit Based on LIES Makes "Rejoining" Impossible

Aug 12, 2023 | Anuerin Bevan, the Labour Health Minister instrumental in setting up both the National Health Service and the modern welfare state, said this in 1944. Nye Bevan’s words nearly 80 years later even now seem fresh, pertinent and contemporary, and equally so when applied to Brexit.

The great man’s quote, adapted, here:
“Honest politics and Brexit politics are contradictions in terms. Lying is a necessary part of a Brexitist’s political equipment, for it is essential for him to conceal his political intentions from the people. This is partly the reason for his success in getting and keeping Brexit.”
The political intentions of your Nigel Farrages and Jacob Rees-Moggs, your Boris Johnsons and Rishi Sunaks have nothing to do with the well-being of the country or the well-being of deluded voters who backed their Russia-funded, dishonest and law-breaking Leave campaign, and everything to do with burnishing their own wealth and/or political prospects.

“Together, let's bring this extreme right-wing government to an end.” – Rob Groves

Saturday, July 15, 2023

The Massive Tide of British Nationals Leaving Brexit Island

Jul 15, 2023 | As the UK suffers the economic and cultural consequences of the failed Brexit project, we heard this week that the rich and powerful are spending a proportion of their wealth to effectively buy EU citizenship by investing millions of euros in certain EU member countries.

As always in Tory Britain, it’s one rule for us and another rule for them. Thanks to Brexit, most of us without the necessary ancestry have had our rights to live, work and retire in 27 other countries taken away from us. But if you’re rich and powerful, it’s not a problem, just invest some of your spare change within the EU, and you’ve bought yourself back all those freedom of movement rights that the Brexit referendum took away from most of us. But perhaps even more importantly, the post-Brexit brain drain is now next level..

The Tories, the bastards, have robbed us of our full rights as EU citizens and have made us subjects of the king instead. Wow! What a trade off already! It is to be hoped that Wales and Scotland will secede from this Union and join the European Union as independent countries asap. Westminster has little to offer either the Scots or the Welsh. – © Mark Alexander

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Truth To Power: The 7-Year Brexit Itch: A Radical Shift In Public Sentiment

Jun 24, 2023 | This week saw the 7th anniversary of that fateful advisory referendum asking a Yes/No question on an extremely complex issue that most of the electorate had very little understanding of. They didn’t realise they were voting to enforce a customs border down the Irish sea. They didn’t know they were voting to end their own right to work and live in 27 other countries. it didn’t occur to them that they were voting to erect barriers to trade between Britain and the rest of Europe - not to mention within the UK itself. But we’ve had enough of experts, they were told, and once that lie was firmly embedded in the brains of 52% of the population, they were easily convinced to vote against their own interests by a combination of jingoism, lies, and a law-breaking Leave campaign financed with Russian money. Where has that led us to on the 7th birthday of the fateful vote?

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Truth To Power —Londongrad: How Russian Oligarchs Shape British Politics

Apr 15, 2023 | Back in the last century, when the sun was finally setting on Britain's empire, some of the oligarchs of the day came up with a cunning plan. Using certain so-called British Overseas Territories, for example the Cayman Islands, as tax havens for their ill gotten gains. But it wasn’t just the oligarchs of empire, investing their riches made on the backs of indigenous populations all over the world, oh no! Even if you were a common or garden criminal, a corrupt business tycoon, a drug trafficker, or just a run-of-the-mill fraudster, then Britain was your friend. The City of London became the world’s global money laundromat, and Brexit has relaxed regulations even further. And who has the most money to hide over the past few decades. Which country has the highest number of gangsters and unscrupulous businessmen in need of the services of so-called "Londongrad"? The answer of course is Russia.

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Truth To Power: How Brexit Ensured Britain's Descent into Chaos

Nov 5, 2022 | In the summer of 2016, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and the former Labour MP Gisela Stuart contributed to an article in the Sun newspaper which claimed that Brexit would mean that The following year, Jacob Rees-Mogg added to that list, by claiming that leaving the EU would mean much cheaper food, and increase people’s disposable income. It’s quite clear now, in 2022, that those claims were all either downright lies or, alternatively, incredibly stupid and ignorant. In this video, I’ll be looking at the latest consequences of the failed Brexit experiment, including the rhetoric surrounding immigration, and how the broken promises and wild claims from Brexitist politicians have caused the general toxicity of this government.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Truth To Power: Sunak's Coronation Is Doomed to Failure

It has got to the point with me that I would trust Brussels to rule over me rather than Westminster. Now that is saying something! Why do I say that? Because Brussels has a good track record of looking after ordinary people. Westminster does not. – © Mark Alexander

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Truth To Power: Tory Brexit Britain Is a Global Laughing Stock

As Liz Truss becomes the fourth Prime Minister to be eaten by Brexit, the state of British politics is being mocked by other countries all over the world. The currency, bond and stock markets are also, in their own way, mocking the competence of our Tory government. After 12 years of planning, the oligarch-funded media, and Tufton Street think tanks, managed to get their hand-reared, indoctrinated puppets installed in numbers 10 and 11 Downing Street. But as soon as their ultra libertarian, economic dogma was tested in the real world, its failure was both immediate, and catastrophic, damaging the global reputation of an isolated, economically-underperforming post-Brexit-Britain for many years to come.

Brexit has been a total and utter disaster, and a total and utter disaster it will always be and a total and utterdisaster it was destined to be from the very start. Trying to "make Brexit work "is like trying to bring a dead parrot back to life! – © Mark Alexander

Saturday, October 08, 2022

Truth To Power: Truss and Kwarteng Are Merely Useful Idiots.

Now that the ringmaster, Boris Johnson, has gone - in the Tory circus, the lions are eating the clowns.

As the UK economy faces economic collapse, and the devaluation of the British pound exacerbates the cost-of-living crisis, Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng are being chewed up and will soon be spat out. They have no mandate from the parliamentary Conservative Party, let alone from the electorate at large. They are merely useful idiots, funded and instructed by libertarian organisations with opaque funding, generally headquartered in Tufton Street, conveniently situated near the Houses of parliament. These are the same dark money lobby groups that brought you Brexit, the ERG, Boris Johnson and now the Truss - Kwarteng tragi-comedy.

Saturday, October 01, 2022

Truth To Power: How Brexit Led to Trussonomics

Brexit needs to be reversed asap. We Brits are Europeans. We belong in Europe. We belong in the EU. Kick these Europhobic Tories out of office! They are stale ideologues bereft of any new or sensible ideas. – © Mark Alexander

Saturday, September 03, 2022

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Truth To Power: Zombie UK Government about to Lurch Further Right

Aug 13, 2022 Whether it’s Sunak or Truss that emerges victorious from the cess pit of the Tory leadership contest, the new leader will appoint ministers, and introduce policies, that will make the Johnson government look positively liberal. From their plans for lawless, unregulated charter cities, to the removal of our human rights of free assembly and protest, to a bonfire of environmental, consumer and employment regulations and standards, plus a doubling down on the performative cruelty of the Rwanda policy, The Conservative Party has morphed into a far right English National Party. Whichever leader they choose, and it’s probably going to be Lib Dem stroke Tory, Remainer stroke Brexiteer Liz Truss, they have no interest in the burgeoning cost of living crisis which will cause great pain to millions.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Month in Brexit: Evidence of Continued Failure

Jul 30, 2022 We are 6 years on from the advisory referendum that was called solely for the purpose of healing the rift in the Tory Party. Not only has the result ironically led to the political death of 3 Tory Prime Ministers and soon undoubtedly a 4th, but it has also polarised England, at the same time as advancing the cause of independence for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. A disunited Tory party and a disUnited Kingdom. And every month that goes by sees an increasing amount of damage to our country from Brexit. … Is there any hope for those of us wanting to build bridges back to Europe and regain Britain’s reputation as a law abiding, serious nation?

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Truth to Power: Boris Johnson: A Russian Asset

May 21, 2022 • While Brexit gets more and more disastrous every day, and while political commentators across the board say that the Met police appear to have completely bungled the Partygate investigation, there is another story that I believe is even more important this week, for 630,225 reasons. According to the New York Times, that’s the amount of money, in US dollars, from a Russian bank account that helped propel Boris Johnson to power in 2019. So, here’s the question. Is Boris Johnson a Russian asset?