Saturday, April 15, 2023

Truth To Power —Londongrad: How Russian Oligarchs Shape British Politics

Apr 15, 2023 | Back in the last century, when the sun was finally setting on Britain's empire, some of the oligarchs of the day came up with a cunning plan. Using certain so-called British Overseas Territories, for example the Cayman Islands, as tax havens for their ill gotten gains. But it wasn’t just the oligarchs of empire, investing their riches made on the backs of indigenous populations all over the world, oh no! Even if you were a common or garden criminal, a corrupt business tycoon, a drug trafficker, or just a run-of-the-mill fraudster, then Britain was your friend. The City of London became the world’s global money laundromat, and Brexit has relaxed regulations even further. And who has the most money to hide over the past few decades. Which country has the highest number of gangsters and unscrupulous businessmen in need of the services of so-called "Londongrad"? The answer of course is Russia.