This country is being run into the ground! Since that ludicrous Brexit referendum, which was both undemocratic and corruptly conducted, the country has been so badly run. Our government is extreme, to say the least. Most of its members are economic illiterates, who are devoid of management skills and who are corrupt in the extreme!
Wouldn’t it be true to say that a madame would manage her brothel more efficiently that the short-**** who runs this country, and in whom the running of this country has been entrusted? And wouldn’t she be fairer to both her staff and clientele? But to be balanced and fair to this ‘leader’, he is but the last in a string of incompetent clowns entrusted to lead the nation since Brexit.
What is it going to take to get this country back on its feet? I know what I think it needs, but I shall let you, the reader, decide for yourself. – © Mark Alexander