Showing posts with label BBC Newsnight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BBC Newsnight. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2025

Former MI6 Boss on Trump, Putin and a 'New Era' for International Relations

Feb 21, 2025 | As Donald Trump calls Ukraine’s President Zelensky a “dictator” and the US enters peace negotiations with Putin’s Russia, former MI6 boss Sir Alex Younger and former Financial Times Moscow Correspondent Catherine Belton discuss how the White House is paving the way for a “new era” of international relations.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Prince Andrew & the Epstein Scandal: The Newsnight Interview - BBC News

Nov 17, 2019 | n a Newsnight special, Emily Maitlis interviews the Duke of York as he speaks for the first time about his relationship with convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and allegations which have been made against him over his own conduct.

The Duke of York speaks to Emily Maitlis about his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein and the allegations against him.

In a world exclusive interview, Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis speaks to Prince Andrew, the Duke of York at Buckingham Palace.
For the first time, the Duke addresses in his own words the details of his relationship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who took his own life while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges.

In 2015, Prince Andrew was named in court papers as part of a US civil case against Epstein.

The Prince, who is the Queen’s third child, also answers questions about the allegations made against him by one of Epstein’s victims, and discusses the impact of the scandal on the Royal family and his work.


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Monday, July 31, 2023

Tunisian Unrest Grows amid Inflation, Migration, and Repression - BBC Newsnight

Jul 31, 2023 | In Tunisia, galloping inflation, the pressures of trans-Saharan migration, and an increasingly repressive government, are straining social cohesion. There are similarities to the situation that led to the country's Jasmine Revolution in 2010, which in turn triggered the wider Arab Spring protests. It's all being watched nervously across the Mediterranean by European countries that rely on the government there to control migration. Mike Thompson reports from Tunis for Newsnight.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Thomas Piketty on Capitalism, Corbyn and Why Zuckerberg Is Getting It Wrong - BBC Newsnight | 2015

Renowned economist Thomas Piketty sits down for a tête a tête on the world economy with Evan Davis

Gay rights: Life under Section 28 - BBC Newsnight

30 years ago Section 28 was introduced. It was - the now repealed - clause of a local government act, to stop a council promoting the teaching of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship. That's a quote.

The prominent gay writer and journalist Matthew Todd - he was editor at Attitude magazine for many years - was in school in those days, and looks back now, at the effect it had.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Prince Andrew’s Newsnight Interview to Be the Subject of a New Film

THE GUARDIAN: Scoop to tell the behind-the-scenes story of the extraordinary BBC encounter which saw the Duke of York discuss his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein

Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, in 2021. Photograph: Neil Hall/PA

A new film will tell the story of how producers at Newsnight, the BBC’s flagship current affairs programme, secured and executed their interview with Prince Andrew.

According to Deadline, Scoop, which will begin shooting in November, is being written by Peter Moffat, whose previous credits include the Bryan Cranston series Your Honor and the 2004 film Hawking, which won acclaim for star Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Hawking.

It is adapted from Scoops: Behind the Scenes of the BBC’s Most Shocking Interviews, a nonfiction book which gives insider information on how some of the broadcaster’s keynote interviews came about. » | Catherine Shoard | Thursday, July 14, 2022

Monday, March 14, 2022

Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska & His Links to British Politicians - BBC Newsnight

Mar 19, 2018 • Has Britain been too willing to be a comfortable home to very wealthy Russians, often close to President Putin? John Sweeney examines the social connections of oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.


Thursday, December 30, 2021

Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein | Full Interview - BBC Newsnight

Nov 17, 2019 • The Duke of York speaks to Emily Maitlis about his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein and the allegations against him.

In a world exclusive interview, Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis speaks to Prince Andrew, the Duke of York at Buckingham Palace.

For the first time, the Duke addresses in his own words the details of his relationship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who took his own life while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges.

In 2015, Prince Andrew was named in court papers as part of a US civil case against Epstein.

The Prince, who is the Queen’s third child, also answers questions about the allegations made against him by one of Epstein’s victims, and discusses the impact of the scandal on the Royal family and his work.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Lebanon’s Economic Crisis: 'No Food, No Gas, No Hope' - BBC Newsnight

Oct 27, 2021 • As Lebanon’s crisis continues to intensify, how are people trying to cope in the midst of financial devastation?

Earlier this month violent clashes in Beirut touched off fears of renewed civil strife in Lebanon.

The country has been mired in crisis of late - political, economic, Covid, and on top of all that the devastating port blast in August 2020.

As if that's not bad enough a brain drain of the educated professionals has been gathering pace.

Leaving carries shame, so there are no reliable statistics about that flight.

Newsnight’s Mark Urban reports from Beirut.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Will There Ever Be a Post-Brexit US-UK Trade Deal? - BBC Newsnight

Sep 22, 2021 • Boris Johnson and Joe Biden hold face-to-face talks in the White House. Is there any progress of a free trade deal with the US?

Those post-Brexit sunny uplands are looking far, far away now, aren’t they? Things were good for us in the European Union. But BoJo and his clique thought they knew better, and out we came for a wonderful trade deal with the US.

From where I’m sitting, no deal the US can give us will compare with the deals we had as full members of the EU. A Single Market of 500m+ consumers.

BoJo, Hannan, Rees-Mogg et al are clearly living in cloud cuckoo land!

Would that we had some decent leaders! Margaret Thatcher, with all her antipathy towards the notion of a federal Europe, was all for the Single Market—indeed she was one of its principal architects—and I’m absolutely sure that she would never have sanctioned that stupid Brexit referendum. She was a shrewd politician. She knew which side Britain’s bread was buttered. These hacks, by contrast, haven’t got a clue.

I could say 'I told you so.' But I shall refrain from doing so, since it would be in rather bad taste. – © Mark

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Michel Barnier: Former EU Negotiator on Brexit, Immigration & the French Presidency - BBC Newsnight

Sep 28, 2021 • The EU’s former Brexit chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, joins Emily Maitlis in his first UK broadcast interview since the publication of his book 'My Secret Brexit Diary'.

The Brexit vote was five years ago and the Brexit deal was struck nearly two years ago.

And yet the tentacles of those decisions are being felt more vividly today than ever before. Whether its discussions over rising wages of lorry drivers, or the migrant worker shortages seen in so many of our sectors.

Newsnight talks to the man who negotiated that deal for the EU, Michel Barnier.

Emily Maitlis started by asking him if he felt the negotiations ended up where he expected.

Thursday, July 08, 2021

Hungary’s Anti-LGBT Law: How Should the EU Respond? - BBC Newsnight

Jul 7, 2021 • As new anti-LGBT legislation comes into force in Hungary, despite EU warnings, how can the block deal with Orbán’s increasingly oppressive nature?

Hungary has long sailed close to the wind with its interpretation of European values. But right now, it’s on territory the EU is finding hard to ignore.

The country has introduced new laws banning any material that they say could 'promote' homosexuality in schools. The European commission has called this disgraceful - and an excuse to severely discriminate against people.

But will they go further than words? Ursula von der Leyen warned Viktor Orbán's government to repeal the legislation - or face the full force of EU law. But if Orbán resists - then what? Is this fight - that goes to the heart of what the bloc believes it stands for - one it is willing to have?

Newsnight’s Emily Maitlis is joined by campaigner Tamás Dombos from the Háttér Society.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Prince Andrew to Be Quizzed on Epstein in Newsnight Special

THE GUARDIAN: BBC to broadcast ‘no holds barred’ interview with royal on Saturday night

Prince Andrew has agreed to speak publicly about his friendship with the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein for the first time, in a “no holds barred” interview with the BBC’s Newsnight programme to be broadcast on Saturday night.

The prince has been the subject of fierce speculation over his relationship with the financier, who was found dead in his New York jail cell three months ago.

Epstein’s accuser Virginia Giuffre claims Prince Andrew was “an abuser, a participant” in her exploitation as a teenager and says she was forced to have sex with him. » | Jim Waterson, Media editor | Friday, November 15, 2019

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Friday, July 26, 2019

Boris Johnson: 'The Boy Who Wanted to Be World King' – BBC Newsnight

Veteran political reporter Michael Cockerell profiles the man that will lead the UK through the next daunting steps ahead.