Thursday, September 30, 2021

Will There Ever Be a Post-Brexit US-UK Trade Deal? - BBC Newsnight

Sep 22, 2021 • Boris Johnson and Joe Biden hold face-to-face talks in the White House. Is there any progress of a free trade deal with the US?

Those post-Brexit sunny uplands are looking far, far away now, aren’t they? Things were good for us in the European Union. But BoJo and his clique thought they knew better, and out we came for a wonderful trade deal with the US.

From where I’m sitting, no deal the US can give us will compare with the deals we had as full members of the EU. A Single Market of 500m+ consumers.

BoJo, Hannan, Rees-Mogg et al are clearly living in cloud cuckoo land!

Would that we had some decent leaders! Margaret Thatcher, with all her antipathy towards the notion of a federal Europe, was all for the Single Market—indeed she was one of its principal architects—and I’m absolutely sure that she would never have sanctioned that stupid Brexit referendum. She was a shrewd politician. She knew which side Britain’s bread was buttered. These hacks, by contrast, haven’t got a clue.

I could say 'I told you so.' But I shall refrain from doing so, since it would be in rather bad taste. – © Mark