Thursday, April 28, 2022

Moldova Facing ‘Dangerous Moment’ amid Fears It Could Be Drawn into Ukraine War

THE GUARDIAN: Government warns unnamed forces are stoking tensions in Russian-speaking breakaway region of Transnistria

Moldova’s deputy prime minister and foreign minister, Nicu Popescu, said his government had seen ‘a dangerous deterioration of the situation’. Photograph: Dumitru Doru/EPA

Moldova is facing “a very dangerous new moment”, the country’s deputy prime minister has said, as he warned that unnamed forces were seeking to stoke tensions after a series of explosions in the breakaway region of Transnistria this week.

In a briefing with journalists, Nicu Popescu said his government had seen “a dangerous deterioration of the situation” in recent days, after grenade attacks on the “ministry of security” in the breakaway region of Transnistria on Monday. The attacks with rocket-propelled grenades represented “a very dangerous new moment in the history of our region,”, he said, adding that Moldova’s institutions had been put on high alert in response.

Fears are growing that Moldova and Transnistria could be drawn into the Ukraine conflict. The predominantly Russian-speaking region of Transnistria in eastern Moldova has been controlled by pro-Russia separatists since 1992 after a short war when Moscow intervened on the side of the rebels.

Last week a senior Russian commander said gaining control over southern Ukraine would help Russia link up with Transnistria, which shares a 453km border with Ukraine. Then on Monday came a series of mysterious explosions targeting Transnistria’s “state security ministry”, a radio tower and military unit. » | Jennifer Rankin in Brussels | Thursday, April 28, 2022

A Long Fight for Gay Rights in Romania

Nov 18, 2019 • This video is about the fight for gay rights in Romania, produced by Luis Jachmann

Being Gay in Romania | Bucharest

Mar 4, 2019 • In Romania, until 2001, you could be locked up in prison simply for being gay. And yet, Florin Buhuceanu kept fighting for equal rights no matter the danger he was putting himself in.

Ludmila Oulitskaïa, écrivaine russe : « Et, finalement, oui, Poutine peut annuler l’histoire et en fabriquer une autre »

LE MONDE : L’autrice vit désormais en exil : la guerre en Ukraine a rendu la Russie trop dangereuse pour elle. A Paris, elle évoque le passé, le présent et l’avenir, les siens comme ceux de son pays.

Ses mains s’abattent sur ses cuisses. « Un noir, un blanc ! » Deux pantalons. C’est tout ce que Ludmila Oulitskaïa a pris avec elle en quittant Moscou, quelques jours à peine après le déclenchement de la guerre en Ukraine, décidée par Vladimir Poutine, le 24 février. « Mon fils aîné est arrivé de Londres. Il a une vision large des choses, si large qu’il m’a dit : “Il faut partir tout de suite, c’est invivable ici.” » L’écrivaine et son mari, peintre et sculpteur, ont obtempéré. Ils ont fermé la porte de leur domicile et quitté la Russie, avec deux petites valises de moins de 7 kilos chacune, pour Berlin, puis Paris, où nous l’avons rencontrée. » | Par Isabelle Mandraud | mercredi 27 avril 2022

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La famille Pasternak dans l’éternelle tourmente russe : RÉCIT - À côté des Ukrainiens victimes du conflit, des Russes occidentalisés ou opposés à la guerre sont eux aussi, par milliers, poussés à l’exil. Assia Pasternak et son mari, descendants du grand écrivain russe, se confient. »

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – April 28, 2022

Bundestag: Therapien zur „Heilung“ von Homosexualität verboten

May 8, 2020 • Therapien zur „Heilung“ von Homosexualität verboten. Der Bundestag hat am Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2020, den Gesetzentwurf der Bundesregierung „zum Schutz vor Konversionsbehandlungen“ in der vom Gesundheitsausschuss geänderten Fassung angenommen. CDU/CSU, SPD und FDP stimmten für den Gesetzentwurf, die übrigen Fraktionen enthielten sich, es gab eine Gegenstimme aus der AfD-Fraktion.

"On m'a expliqué que les gays étaient des dégénérés" - Interview | Homothérapies | ARTE

Nov 18, 2019 • En 2019, on cherche toujours à guérir les personnes homosexuelles. En se penchant sur des réseaux venus des États-Unis et bien implantés en Europe, qui s'inspirent du christianisme comme de la psychanalyse pour justifier d'obscures « thérapies de conversion », Bernard Nicolas révèle des pratiques aux conséquences dévastatrices, qui échappent pour diverses raisons au radar des pouvoirs publics européens.

After Years of Progress on Gay Rights, How Did the US Become So Anti-LGBTQ+?

Florida’s ‘don’t say gay’ bill bans discussion of sexual orientation or gender identity in schools between kindergarten and third grade. Illustration: Esme Blegvad/The Guardian

THE GUARDIAN: A slew of bills are rolling back recently won freedoms. Is America ready to fight for LGBTQ+ rights all over again?

In 2019, the Atlantic ran an opinion piece titled “The struggle for gay rights is over”. Written by the rightwing academic James Kirchick, the piece was obviously meant as a provocation, but its argument that “for those born into a form of adversity, sometimes the hardest thing to do is admitting that they’ve won” was at least considered cogent enough at the time to publish.

It came towards the end of a slew of political victories for the LGBTQ+ cause. At that time, it seemed as though the US supreme court would hand down a landmark ruling immediately before Pride Weekend every couple of years. The demise of the homophobic Defense of Marriage Act in 2013 was followed by the end of the federal ban on marriage equality in 2015. Widespread acceptance of same-sex marriage rights, gay people serving in the military and the need for protections for LGBTQ+ people followed. As recently as 2020, the court, then with two Trump appointees, ruled that the 1964 Civil Rights Act protected gay, lesbian and transgender workers. For all the terrible crises of our century, LGBTQ+ people’s rights were solidly enshrined, and attitudes were shifting in line with legislation. In 1985, 89% of parents said they would be sad if they discovered their child was gay or a lesbian. By 2015, it was down to 39%. » | Peter-Astrid Kane | Thursday, April 28, 2022

Russia’s President Putin Warns against Foreign Intervention in Ukraine War – BBC News

Apr 28, 2022 • Any country trying to intervene in the Ukraine war will face a "lightning-fast" response, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned.

"We have all the tools no-one can boast of... we will use them if necessary," he said, in what is seen as a reference to ballistic missiles and nuclear arms.

Ukraine's allies have stepped up the supply of weapons, with the US vowing to make sure Ukraine defeats Russia.

Western officials say Russia is being hampered in its efforts in the east.

The True Effectiveness of Russian Sanctions | The Mehdi Hasan Show

Apr 28, 2022 • The war in Ukraine is not just being fought with guns and missiles, but also with economic sanctions on Russia. But how effective will these sanctions be against the billionaire Russian oligarchs? Author and Putin critic Bill Browder knows — and he shares his thoughts with Katie Phang.

Ukraine War: Putin Warns against Foreign Intervention

Vladimir Putin said Russia had "all the tools" to respond | GETTY IMAGES

BBC: Any country trying to intervene in the Ukraine war will face a "lightning-fast" response, Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned.

"We have all the tools no-one can boast of... we will use them if necessary", he said, in what is seen as a reference to ballistic missiles and nuclear arms.

Ukraine's allies have stepped up the supply of weapons, with the US vowing to make sure Ukraine defeats Russia.

Western officials say Russia is being hampered in its efforts in the east.

Last week, Russia launched a major offensive to seize the Donbas region after withdrawing from areas around the capital Kyiv.

But according to one official, Russian forces are "finding it difficult to overcome the staunch Ukrainian resistance and they are suffering losses".

In another development, the European Commission has accused Russia of blackmail after Moscow cut off gas exports to Poland and Bulgaria.

The Commission's President, Ursula von der Leyen said it showed Russia's "unreliability" as a supplier.

The Kremlin said Russia had been forced into the action by the "unfriendly steps" of Western nations. » | Yaroslav Lukov, BBC News | Thursday, April 28, 2022

Fears Are Mounting That Ukraine War Will Spill Across Borders

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — For nine weeks, President Biden and the Western allies have emphasized the need to keep the war for Ukraine inside Ukraine.

Now, the fear in Washington and European capitals is that the conflict may soon escalate into a wider war — spreading to neighboring states, to cyberspace and to NATO countries suddenly facing a Russian cutoff of gas. Over the long term, such an expansion could evolve into a more direct conflict between Washington and Moscow reminiscent of the Cold War, as each seeks to sap the other’s power.

In the past three days, the American secretary of defense has called for an effort to degrade the capability of the Russian military so that it could not invade another country for years to come. The Russians have cut off gas shipments to Poland and Bulgaria, which joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization after the collapse of the Soviet Union; Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, immediately denounced the move as an “instrument of blackmail.” Explosions have rocked a disputed area of Moldova, a natural next target for the Russians, and gas depots and even a missile factory in Russia have mysteriously caught fire or come under direct attack from Ukrainian forces. » | David E. Sanger and Steven Erlanger | Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Ukraine: Putin Warns of Fast Response to Intervention | DW News

Apr 27, 2022 • Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Wednesday that if any other country intervenes in Russia's military operation in Ukraine, Moscow will launch a quick-fire military response. Speaking to lawmakers, Putin said that "if anyone sets out to intervene in the current events from the outside and creates unacceptable threats for us that are strategic in nature, they should know that our response... will be lightning-fast".

Putin said that the military would not hesitate to use the most modern weaponry. "We have all the tools for this, that no one else can boast of having. We won't boast about it: we'll use them, if needed.

George Michael : Jesus to a Child

Provided to YouTube by Sony Music UK | Views on YouTube: 24,827,054

Toto : Africa | Official HD Video

Views on YouTube: 761,085,933

Auch schon in Bayern feiert man auf farbvolle Weise! Im Oktoberfest genießen zwei Männer ihre Liebe füreinander.

Même en Bavière, les gens célèbrent de manière colorée ! À l'Oktoberfest, deux hommes profitent de leur amour l'un pour l'autre. / Even in Bavaria people celebrate in a colorful way! At the Oktoberfest, two men enjoy their love for each other.

Für dieses schöne Bild bedanke ich mich bei auf Pinterest.

Barbra Streisand Turned 80 on Sunday, April 24, 2022

WIKIPEDIA: Barbra Streisand.

Macron Dodges Tomatoes in Post-election Walkabout

THE GUARDIAN: Triumphant French president promises to listen as he chooses working-class Cergy for first public appearance since vote

Emmanuel Macron narrowly missed being hit by a bag of tomatoes during a surprise visit to a working-class area north of Paris, as he promised a new style of “listening to people” after his re-election as president.

In his first public appearance since Sunday’s vote, Macron strolled around a food market in the town of Cergy, north-west of Paris, shaking hands and posing for selfies. Most people were friendly, some shouted congratulations and others asked for help in finding a job, dealing with health problems or making ends meet.

But at one point there were briefly boos, and a bag of tomatoes was thrown towards Macron’s back but missed. A bodyguard opened an umbrella to shield the president, who quickly sidestepped the projectile and continued to greet people and shake hands.

The Élysée Palace said the trip was Macron’s way of “listening to people’s concerns, expectations and needs”. He told local young people that he wanted to get out on the ground “from the start”. One young woman replied: “Don’t just come here for the photos.” Another onlooker said: “It’s good that he’s getting out of the Élysée.” » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – April 27, 2022

Eine neue Identität für ein ganzes Land

König und Kronprinz | Bild: AFP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der saudische Kronprinz Bin Salman verordnet seinem Land eine radikale Neuorientierung: Nicht mehr der Wahabismus, sondern die Wiege des Hauses Saud soll nun identitätsstiftend sein. Auch die Wirtschaft wird modernisiert.

Das Königreich Saudi-Arabien vollzieht eine Neugründung, noch bevor der 36 Jahre alte Kronprinz Muhammad Bin Salman seinem fünfzig Jahre älteren Vater Salman Bin Abd al-Aziz auf dem Thron folgt. Derzeit werden alle drei Säulen, auf denen das Königreich ruht, erneuert. Das Haus Saud, die erste Säule, verändert sich, weil mit dem Kronprinzen erstmals die Enkelgeneration des Staatsgründers Abd al-Aziz Bin Saud auf den Thron drängt. Bislang waren auf den 1953 verstorbenen Gründer sechs seiner Söhne gefolgt.

Auf ein neues Fundament sollen die beiden anderen Säulen gestellt werden: die Abhängigkeit vom Erdöl und die Legitimation durch die wahhabitischen Religionsgelehrten. So soll die „Vision 2030“ des Kronprinzen die Wirtschaft modernisieren, damit sie nicht mehr vom Erdöl abhängt, und in Diriyah, einem Vorort von Riad, wird sichtbar, dass sich die Herrschaft des Hauses Saud nicht länger durch den 1744 vollzogenen Pakt mit dem Religionsgelehrten Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab legitimiert. » | Von Rainer Hermann | Dienstag, 26. April 2022

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Twitter war Trumps mächtigstes Megafon – Musk könnte es ihm nun zurückgeben

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Elon Musk hat den Kauf von Twitter mit dem Kampf für Meinungsfreiheit begründet. Trumps Anhänger hoffen deshalb auf eine Rückkehr ihres Idols auf Twitter. Selbst führende Republikaner finden dies keine gute Idee. Musk selbst muss nun zeigen, wo er politisch steht.

Kehrt Donald Trump möglicherweise bald zurück auf Twitter? | David Maxwell / EPA

Die Übernahme des Kurznachrichtendiensts Twitter durch den reichsten Mann der Welt hat kontroverse Reaktionen ausgelöst. Die rechtskonservativen und rechtsextremen Kreise in den USA indes fieberten seit Wochen mit Elon Musk mit. Bereits vor einem Monat hatte der Tesla-Gründer auf Twitter eine suggestive Umfrage lanciert: «Die Meinungsfreiheit ist essenziell für eine funktionierende Demokratie. Glaubt ihr, dass Twitter sich rigoros an dieses Prinzip hält?» Die Konsequenzen dieser Erhebung seien wichtig, kommentierte Musk und bat seine 85 Millionen Follower, sorgfältig abzustimmen. Diese beantworteten seine Frage zu 70 Prozent mit «Nein». » | Christian Weisflog, Washington | Mittwoch, 27. April 2022

Pourquoi la Russie évoque-t-elle le spectre d'une Troisième Guerre mondiale ?

Vladimir Poutine inspecte les exercices militaires conjoints russes dans la région de Leningrad le 18 septembre 2017.Mikhail KLIMENTYEV / SPUTNIK / AFP

LE FIGARO : DÉCRYPTAGE - Lundi soir, Sergueï Lavrov, ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, a estimé qu'il ne fallait pas «sous-estimer» le risque de Troisième Guerre mondiale. Réelle menace ou simple posture ?

Dans une interview diffusée à la télévision d'État lundi 25 avril au soir, Sergueï Lavrov a affirmé que son pays s'efforçait de réduire le risque de guerre nucléaire, rappelant toutefois que le danger était «réel et sérieux». Au cours de son entretien télévisé, le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères a également mis en garde contre le danger d'une Troisième guerre mondiale : «Le danger est grave, il est réel, on ne peut pas le sous-estimer». En parallèle, des explosions se sont produites lundi 25 et mardi 26 en Transnistrie. L'Ukraine accuse Moscou de chercher à déstabiliser la région séparatiste moldave prorusse, et la présidente de la Moldavie a réuni mardi son conseil de sécurité national, craignant un débordement du conflit en Ukraine. » | Par Jeanne Sénéchal | mardi 26 avril 2022

Réservé aux abonnés

Russia-Ukraine: What Is Happening in Transnistria? I Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Apr 27, 2022 • Moldova is stepping up its security after a series of explosions in the breakaway region of Transnistria, which borders Ukraine and is run by Russian-backed separatists.

Moldavie : tirs près d'un dépôt de munitions russes en Transnistrie : La Transnistrie est une région séparatiste prorusse de Moldavie, voisine de l'Ukraine. Un village a été la cible de tirs après avoir été survolé par des drones. »

Where is Transnistria and why is it being drawn into Ukraine war?: Moscow-backed region in Moldova, which borders Ukraine, is in the news after a series of explosions »

Transnistrie : pourquoi la guerre en Ukraine suscite l’inquiétude pour ce territoire de Moldavie : Après une série d’explosions sur ce territoire séparatiste de l’est de la Moldavie, la crainte de voir le conflit en Ukraine s’étendre à cet ancien pays soviétique est ravivée. »

Video: Anschläge in separatistischer Region Transnistrien: Russland und die Ukraine beschuldigen einander, Sendemasten in dem Landstreifen Ostmoldaus zerstört zu haben. Er wird seit 1990 von prorussischen Kräften kontrolliert. »

Catholics Made Unwelcome in Orthodox Russia | 2002

Jan 30, 2019 • Russia's Holy War (2002) - The policy of religious discrimination pursued by Putin's government is more akin with the Tsarist regime of old than a new, modern Russian state.

In Pskov, on Russia’s far Western border, demonstrators protest outside the site of a new Catholic church. “Catholics get lost, Russia for Russians, Pskov for Pskovitans!” they chant. They are members of the Russian Orthodox Church, disgusted by the “intrusion” of the Catholic religion into their country.

Gazprom suspend ses livraisons de gaz à la Pologne et à la Bulgarie

LE MONDE : Le groupe russe sanctionne Varsovie et Sofia, qui ont refusé de s’acquitter de ses importations gazières en roubles, comme l’exige désormais le Kremlin.

Le premier ministre polonais, Mateusz Morawiecki, lors d’une viste en Ukraine, à Lviv, le 19 avril 2022. YURIY DYACHYSHYN / AFP

Varsovie s’y attendait. Dès mercredi 27 avril, 8 heures, Gazprom Export devait cesser ses livraisons en gaz à destination de la Pologne, acheminées grâce au gazoduc Yamal, reliant la Russie au reste de l’Europe occidentale. La Bulgarie, qui s’y attendait beaucoup moins en raison de son engagement plus limité derrière l’Ukraine, a elle aussi annoncé qu’elle allait subir la même sanction, via, cette fois, le gazoduc Turkish Stream, qui livre du gaz russe depuis la mer Noire.

« Le 26 avril 2022, Gazprom a informé [l’entreprise publique polonaise gazière]PGNiG de son intention de suspendre complètement les livraisons dans le cadre du contrat Yamal au début de la journée contractuelle du 27 avril », a confirmé, dans un communiqué, mardi 26 avril au soir, PGNiG. La Pologne, qui soutient ardemment la souveraineté ukrainienne et arme son voisin face à l’agresseur russe, avait déjà annoncé qu’elle ne renouvellerait pas son contrat avec Gazprom, en vigueur jusqu’à la fin 2022. » | Par Hélène Bienvenu (Varsovie (correspondance)) et Jean-Baptiste Chastand (Sofia, Envoyé spécial) | mercredi 27 avril 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Twitter Takeover: EU and UK Warn Elon Musk Must Comply or Face Sanctions

THE GUARDIAN: EU commissioner raises hate speech concerns as UK draws attention to penalties in online safety bill

The UK and EU have warned that Twitter must comply with new content rules or face sanctions that range from fines to a total ban, as concerns were raised that hate speech will increase on the platform under the ownership of Elon Musk.

The world’s richest man has agreed a $44bn (£34bn) deal to buy the social media network, which will hand control of a platform with 217 million users to a self-confessed “free speech absolutist”.

A UK government spokesperson said companies must adhere to the forthcoming online safety bill, which requires platforms to protect users from harmful content, or face the threat of large fines and, for repeat offenders, a total ban.

“Twitter and all social media platforms must protect their users from harm on their sites. We are introducing new online safety laws to safeguard children, prevent abusive behaviour and protect free speech. All tech firms with users in the UK will need to comply with the new laws or face hefty fines and having their sites blocked.”

Thierry Breton, the EU’s commissioner for the internal market, reminded the Tesla chief executive on Tuesday that he would have to comply with the newly agreed Digital Services Act, which requires online platforms to tackle illegal content such as hate speech. » | Dan Milmo and Mark Sweney | Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Concern over Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover Wipes $126bn Off Tesla Value

THE GUARDIAN: Fears that carmaker’s CEO may have to sell shares to fund $44bn acquisition of social network

Investors have wiped $126bn (£100bn) off Tesla’s value amid concern that Elon Musk may have to sell shares in the electric carmaker to fund his personal contribution to his $44bn acquisition of Twitter.

Tesla stock has been targeted despite the company not being involved in the bid but Musk, its chief executive and largest shareholder, is part-funding the Twitter deal with $21bn of his own equity and a further $12.5bn loan secured against his Tesla stake.

The 12.2% drop in Tesla’s shares on Tuesday equated to a $21bn drop in the value of his Tesla stake, equal to the cash stake he committed to the Twitter deal. » | Guardian staff and agency | Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The World's Worst Place To Be Gay | 2012

Top US General: What's At Stake Is Greater Than Ukraine

Apr 26, 2022 • General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, discusses the stakes of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the wider global implications with CNN's Jim Sciutto.

Wenn Krebs arm macht | ARTE Re:

Apr 26, 2022 • Viele junge Krebspatienten zwischen 15 und 39 Jahren verlieren ihre Arbeit, ihre Wohnung, ihr Erspartes, weil die sozialstaatlichen Absicherungsmechanismen bei ihnen noch nicht ausreichend greifen. Sie fallen durchs Raster, etwa weil sie noch keine Ansprüche erworben haben. Ärzte schlagen Alarm und fordern ein Überbrückungsgeld.

Katharina Meier aus Potsdam ist 26 Jahre alt und angehende Lehrerin im Referendariat, als sie die Schock-Diagnose bekommt: Brustkrebs. Beide Brüste müssen abgenommen werden. Nur wenige Tage dann die nächste Hiobsbotschaft: Da sie nicht mehr arbeiten kann, muss sie den Ausbildungs-Platz an ihrer Grundschule frei machen. Sie solle sich melden, wenn es ihr wieder gut gehe. Binnen weniger Tage verliert sie so nicht nur ihre Gesundheit, sondern wird auch zum Sozialfall, muss Hartz IV anmelden. Ein Alptraum zwischen Chemo-Sitzungen, Jobcenter und OPs beginnt.

Auch der 19-jährige Marvin Funke aus Oberhausen hat gerade seine Ausbildung zum Maschinenbau-Mechaniker begonnen, als die Krankheit zuschlägt: Ein Hodentumor, es folgen 17 OPs. Marvin bekommt zwar Krankengeld, das sind jedoch nur 70 Prozent seines Azubi-Gehalts – 600 €. Miete, Essen, aber auch hohe Kosten für Pflaster, Mullbinden und Narbensalben, die die Krankenkasse nicht übernimmt, übersteigen diese Einnahmen bei weitem. Während Marvin ums Überleben kämpft, häuft er 25.000 € Schulden an.

Ärzte schlagen Alarm und fordern ein Überbrückungsgeld, denn die Angst vor dem finanziellen Absturz wirkt sich verheerend auf die Genesung aus – ein Teufelskreis.

Reportage (D 2021, 33 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 21/01/2023

Russia’s Lavrov Warns of World War III Risk as US Hosts Talks on Arming Ukraine

Apr 26, 2022 • Russia has warned of the “real” threat of World War III breaking out, ahead of a Tuesday meeting between the United States and allies over sending further arms to war-torn Ukraine. Follow our liveblog for all the latest developments.

CALLEkocht : Frisches Sauerkraut selber machen. Ganz einfach mit Omas "DIY" Rezept

Mar 8, 2022 • CALLEkocht: Sauerkraut aus der Dose? Warum wurden wir gefragt? Also machen wir Sauerkraut ganz einfach selbst. Das ist günstig, einfach, hat viel Vitamin C und braucht nur wenige Zutaten. Und es macht Spaß. Versprochen.

Zutaten: Auf 1 kg Weißkohl braucht man 11 g Salz, 2 Nelken und 1 Lorbeerblatt.

Elon Musk Is a Problem Masquerading as a Solution

JIm Watson/AFP via Getty Images


THE NEW YORK TIMES: It is a perfect marriage for an age of plutocracy: Twitter with its serious problems and Elon Musk, the embodiment of those problems. What happens when the incarnation of a problem buys the right to decide what the problem is and how to fix it?

Twitter has a disinformation problem — fake news about Covid vaccines, climate and more running buck wild across the platform. Mr. Musk has shown himself to be a highly capable peddler of dubious claims, whether putting out misleading financial information or calling the British diver who helped rescue trapped schoolboys in Thailand a “pedo guy.”

Twitter has a racism problem. Time and again, it has failed to consequentially answer the pleas of users of color to address the bigotry and harassment that are endemic for them. Tesla, the carmaker that Mr. Musk runs, has its own racism problem, with many workers complaining to the press and California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing suing the company over an allegedly pervasive problem of racialized degradation. The agency recently described one of Tesla’s plants as “a racially segregated workplace” rife with slurs as well as discrimination “in job assignments, discipline, pay and promotion.” » | Anand Giridharadas * | Tuesday, April 26, 2022

* Anand Giridharadas is the author, most recently, of “Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World.”

Democracy Now! Elon Musk Has Been an "Abusive" Bully on Twitter for Years. Now He Owns It

Apr 26, 2022 • The world's richest man, Elon Musk, is set to become the new owner of Twitter after the company's board agreed to sell the influential social media platform for $44 billion on Monday. Musk, who describes himself as a "free speech absolutist," tweeted, "I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means." We speak with tech industry watchdog Jessica González and Evan "Rabble" Henshaw-Plath, who was part of the team that launched Twitter in 2006, about what the buyout means for the future of digital media and journalism. "Musk or no Musk, Twitter has work to do to ensure that it stops amplifying bigotry, calls to violence, hate speech and conspiracy theories," says González. Henshaw-Plath says he senses Musk has "no idea what he's getting into," and discusses the activist roots of Twitter.

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Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – April 26, 2022

Modération, services payants, correction des tweets... Ce qu'Elon Musk prévoit de changer chez Twitter

LE FIGARO : Le nouveau propriétaire du réseau social, dont il est un utilisateur très actif, a dessiné son plan d'action.

À quoi ressemblera Twitter une fois que le réseau social deviendra la propriété d'Elon Musk ? Le milliardaire, utilisateur très actif de la plateforme, n'a pas manqué de faire part de ses idées au cours des dernières semaines auprès de ses 83 millions d'abonnés, mais également en interview. Elles dessinent ses chantiers prioritaires pour «libérer le potentiel» de Twitter, qu'il est en passe d'acquérir pour 44 milliards de dollars. » | Par Chloé Woitier | mardi 26 avril 2022

«Elon Musk hat die Meinungsfreiheit im Internet falsch verstanden» : Musk sagt, er wolle mehr Redefreiheit auf Twitter. Doch Digitalexperten warnen davor, die Moderation der Inhalte einzuschränken. Verbale Entgleisungen online führen in der echten Welt zu mehr Hassverbrechen. Und Musk gilt als einer, der die Redefreiheit nur so lange schätzt, wie sie ihm nicht schadet. »

Related links.

What Better Owner for Twitter Than Elon Musk, Master of the Ill-advised Tweet?

THE GUARDIAN: The ultimate shitposter has bought up Twitter, and its denizens are angry – how entirely appropriate

Speaking a few hours ago about Twitter purchaser Elon Musk, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey declared: “I trust his mission to extend the light of consciousness.” Bless. This feels like the first flashback scene we see in a dystopian drama after the words “SIX MONTHS EARLIER …” Quite where we’ll be in six months’ time as far as Twitter is concerned remains tantalisingly unclear, but it seems difficult to imagine it will be either a more or less pleasant space. It’s a social media platform. I’m not sure what further evidence humanity needs before we cotton on to the idea that such a thing might be an intrinsically toxic concept. Of course, there will always be some people who think it just hasn’t been done right yet. Like communism, or a British version of the Daily Show. » | Marina Hyde | Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Twitter takeover: Jack Dorsey says Elon Musk is ‘solution I trust’: Platform’s co-founder backs controversial takeover by world’s richest man »

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Life in Scotland Is Getting Worse, Say Young LGBT+ People

THE GUARDIAN: Concerns about bullying, homophobia and hate crime revealed in latest five-yearly report

Life for LGBT+ young people in Scotland is “worse now than it has been for a long time”, according to a report which highlights growing concerns about homophobia in public spaces, bullying in schools and transphobic media coverage.

The five-yearly report from the campaigning and advocacy group LGBT Youth Scotland found a sharp decrease in respondents who believe that Scotland is a good place for LGBTI young people to live, falling from 81% in 2017 to 65% in 2022 and the first drop in the figure for 15 years.

There was also a significant increase in those who believe that homophobia and transphobia is a “big problem” in Scotland since the last survey was undertaken in 2017 – rising from 11% to 25% and 49% to 69% respectively. » | Libby Brooks, Scotland correspondent | Tuesday, April 26, 2022

De Budapest à Varsovie, le silence et l’embarras des gouvernements populistes d’Europe centrale

LE MONDE : Le Hongrois Viktor Orban espérait qu’une victoire de Marine Le Pen lui permettrait de refonder une droite européenne souverainiste.

La dirigeante du parti d’extrême droite français Rassemblement national (RN) Marine Le Pen (à droite), et le Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orban (à gauche) avant le « Sommet de Varsovie », une réunion des dirigeants des partis conservateurs et de droite européens, en Pologne, le 4 décembre 2021. WOJTEK RADWANSKI / AFP

En allant inaugurer le salon hongrois de la formation professionnelle de Budapest, lundi 25 avril, Viktor Orban n’a pas eu le temps de commenter les résultats des élections françaises, où son alliée, Marine Le Pen, a essuyé une défaite dans les urnes, la veille. « Les forces nationales ont remporté les élections législatives il y a trois semaines avec un soutien sans précédent », a seulement vanté le premier ministre nationaliste, mais c’était au sujet de sa propre réélection, écrasante, le 3 avril. La quasi-totalité des chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement européens, y compris ses alliés polonais, ont pourtant félicité M. Macron dès dimanche soir.

Ce silence n’est pas une surprise. M. Macron a utilisé le souverainiste hongrois comme épouvantail pendant toute la campagne et il n’a toujours pas, lui non plus, félicité M. Orban pour sa réélection. Mais, surtout, la défaite de Marine Le Pen contrarie tous les plans de refonte des droites et les espoirs de chamboulement de l’Union européenne que le chef de gouvernement hongrois partageait avec ses alliés ultraconservateurs au pouvoir à Varsovie. « Le camp souverainiste est devenu une force incontournable de la politique européenne et, nous aussi, nous voulons voir une Europe des Etats-nations », avait espéré M. Orban lors de la visite de Mme Le Pen à Budapest, en octobre. Une banque hongroise appartenant en partie à son ami d’enfance, la MKB, a par la suite financé la campagne de la candidate d’extrême droite. » | Par Jean-Baptiste Chastand (Vienne, correspondant régional) et Jakub Iwaniuk(Varsovie, correspondant) | lundi 25 avril 2022

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Russia Accuses Nato of ‘Proxy War’ in Ukraine as US Hosts Crucial Defence Summit

THE GUARDIAN: Ukraine dismisses Sergei Lavrov’s war comments as diplomats gather in Germany for US-hosted talks to navigate ‘critical’ phase

Russia’s foreign minister has accused Nato of fighting a proxy war by supplying military aid to Ukraine, as defence ministers gathered in Germany for US-hosted talks on supporting Ukraine through what one US general called a “very critical” few weeks.

Sergei Lavrov told Russian state media: “Nato, in essence, is engaged in a war with Russia through a proxy and is arming that proxy. War means war.”

He also warned that the risks of nuclear conflict were now “considerable” – a claim Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, said showed Moscow had lost its “last hope to scare the world off supporting Ukraine”.

When asked about the importance of avoiding a third world war, Lavrov said: “I would not want to elevate those risks artificially. Many would like that. The danger is serious, real. And we must not underestimate it.” » | Helen Livingstone and agencies | Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Putins Rache | SPIEGEL TV

Apr 26, 2022 • Der Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine ist nur der letzte Teil einer langen Blutspur des Kremlherrschers. Seit seiner Amtseinführung mussten bereits mehrere sogenannte »Staatsfeinde«, Oppositionelle oder ehemalige Geheimdienstler sterben. In vielen Fällen führt die Spur zum obersten Mann in Moskau.

Monday, April 25, 2022

heute journal vom 25.04.2022

Apr 25, 2022 • Durch den Krieg in der Ukraine droht im Libanon eine Hungersnot. Die Union fordert erneut, Kampfpanzer und schweres Gerät an die Ukraine zu liefern. Mehr dazu und weitere Nachrichten des Tages im heute journal.

Thom Hartmann : Florida Atheist Moves to Ban the Bible

Apr 25, 2022 • A Florida Atheist, Chaz Stevens has Petitioned to Ban the Bible in the Miami-Dade and Broward Schools. As of July of 2021, more than 200 books have been banned in school districts all over Florida. It's one of the states with a high number of school book banning incidents in America. Stevens cites age inappropriateness, social-emotional learning, mentions of bestiality and rape, and "wokeness" as reasons to ban the Bible. Each reason is accompanied by a corresponding Bible excerpt. Stevens warns. "If they ignore me, doesn't that tell you something? The government can't pick and choose religion, but can they choose which books they review for banning and which ones they don't?"

Michael Bolton : Drift Away

Provided to YouTube by Columbia | Views on YouTube: 3,189,046

Handsome, Young and in Love.

Beaux, jeunes et amoureux. / Schön, jung und verliebt.

Many thanks to Pinterest for this loving photo.

A Handsome Man Showing Style and Insouciance

With many thanks to on Pinterest for this superb photo.

Dimitra’s Dishes : Date & Walnut Filled Kourambiedes: Greek / Cypriot Phoinikota

Jan 16, 2020 • Phoinikota are Cypriot kourambiedes, shortbread cookies, (without nuts in the dough) that are stuffed with a sweet surprise in their center. The most common fillings are either a date paste or an aromatic nut mixture. My favorite has to be the walnut filling because the cookies end up tasting like baklava.

Get the recipe here.

ABBA : Dancing Queen | Official Music Video Remastered

Views on YouTube: 597,339,909

Royal Couple Told of Antigua and Barbuda's Wish to Be Republic

The royal couple are on the third leg of their Caribbean tour | PA MEDIA

BBC: Antigua and Barbuda should "one day become a republic", its prime minister has told the Earl and Countess of Wessex during their Caribbean tour.

Gaston Browne said during a meeting with the royal couple, who are touring the region to mark the Platinum Jubilee, it was the country's wish to remove the Queen as head of state.

However Mr Browne acknowledged such a move is "not on the cards" currently. He also called for "reparatory justice" to compensate for slavery.

The earl and countess met Mr Browne and his cabinet at a meeting on Monday during the third leg of their Caribbean tour.

Mr Browne told the couple: "We continue to have the Queen as our head of state, even though I should say we aspire at some point to become a republic.

"But that is not currently on the cards so she will remain as head of state for some time to follow.

"We're not trying to embarrass you, we're just trying to build awareness." » | Andre Rhoden-Paul, BBC News | Monday, April 25, 2022

Twitter Agrees Elon Musk Takeover Deal

THE GUARDIAN: Tesla chief executive, the world’s richest man, wins fight to take over influential social network for $44bn

Elon Musk has described himself as a ‘free speech absolutist’. Photograph: Hannibal Hanschke/AP

Twitter has agreed to sell itself to Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, in a $44bn (£35bn) deal.

The deal puts the Tesla chief executive in charge of a company with 217 million users and an influential role in shaping the political and media agenda on both sides of the Atlantic. Twitter’s initial reluctance to accept a transaction appeared to fade after Musk confirmed a funding package for the deal and shareholders warmed to it.

Musk has signalled that Twitter will be overhauled under his leadership, including changes in content moderation, having described himself as a “free speech absolutist”. » | Dan Milmo, Global technology editor | Monday, April 25, 2022

Elon Musk kauft Twitter für 44 Milliarden US-Dollar: Der Investor übernimmt den Kurznachrichtendienst: "Freie Meinungsäußerung ist der Grundstein einer funktionierenden Demokratie" »

Elon Musk rachète Twitter pour 44 milliards de dollars : Le conseil d'administration, sous pression, a négocié avec le milliardaire dimanche et accepté son offre lundi soir. »

Elon Musk kauft Twitter: Nach zwei Wochen Verhandlungen hat der Kurznachrichtendienst nun bestätigt: Elon Musk übernimmt Twitter für rund 44 Milliarden Dollar. »

4 ways Twitter could change under Elon Musk. »

Less moderation could conflict with new European regulations. »

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Les derniers secrets d’Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler. SWNS

LE FIGARO : D’innombrables publications se sont penchées sur le dictateur allemand. Deux ouvrages viennent compléter son portrait.

En 2017, une Autrichienne confiait à un professeur de l’université de Linz 31 lettres adressées à son arrière-grand-père par Alois Hitler, le père du Führer. Ces missives retrouvées permirent à l’historien, avec d’autres sources, d’écrire un livre (1). Cette biographie du père d’Adolf Hitler vise à éclairer l’enfance de ce dernier, en montrant en quoi le caractère du futur dictateur a été façonné par sa famille.

De fait, Alois Hitler était un père violent, autoritaire et inflexible, prédispositions qui ont pu influer sur son fils. Cependant, pour qu’un enfant insignifiant de la classe moyenne se mette à haïr la vieille Autriche des Habsbourg, épouse la cause du racialisme pangermaniste, prenne la tête d’un petit parti allemand, puis accède au pouvoir et mette le feu au monde, il faudra tout un processus sociohistorique. » | Par Jean Sévillia | vendredi 22 avril 2022

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British Antarctic Territory to Hold Its First Same-sex Wedding

THE GUARDIAN: Eric Bourne and Stephen Carpenter, who work on RRS Sir David Attenborough, hope to tie the knot on Monday

Eric Bourne (right) and Stephen Carpenter will be married at the British Antarctic Survey’s Rothera research station. Photograph: Rich Turner/British Antarctic Survey/PA

Two polar research ship crew members are to become the first same-sex couple to get married in the British Antarctic Territory.

Eric Bourne and Stephen Carpenter hope to tie the knot on Monday, although it may be pushed back because of the weather.

Bourne and Carpenter have been together for 20 years. They work on the Royal Research Ship Sir David Attenborough, one of the most advanced polar research ships in the world and one which that came perilously and unforgettably close to being called RSS Boaty McBoatface.

The wedding will be performed by the boat’s captain, Will Whatley, at the British Antarctic Survey’s main research station at Rothera on Adelaide Island, a place shared with numerous Adélie penguins and Weddell seals.

The pair are experienced seafarers and have travelled the world together on a variety of ships. » | Mark Brown | Sunday, April 24, 2022

Twitter Shares Rise as Reports Say Elon Musk Deal Close

BBC: Twitter's shares rose by about 4% in opening trade in New York on speculation the firm could agree a takeover deal with Elon Musk as early as Monday.

The board of the social media giant is reported to have met with Mr Musk over the weekend to discuss his $43bn offer.

Twitter had initially rebuffed the billionaire's approach.

But according to reports, Twitter is now in the final stages of negotiations with Mr Musk to buy the business.

Reuters, the news agency, reported that an announcement may come later on Monday after Twitter's board met and recommended a deal to its shareholders.

Shares rose almost 4% to $50.62 on the reports, but remained below Mr Musk's offer price of $54.20 a share. » | BBC | Monday, April 25, 2022

Twitter n’a pas besoin d’Elon Musk : En tentant de prendre le contrôle du réseau social, le patron de Tesla, libertarien assumé, veut en faire un espace de libre expression absolue, sans modération. Le risque est grand d’ouvrir ainsi la porte aux menaces, au harcèlement, aux propagandes en tout genre et au complotisme. »

Twitter Set to Accept Elon Musk Takeover Offer, According to Reuters »

L’Europe lance un plan d’interdiction massive de substances chimiques toxiques pour la santé et l’environnement

LE MONDE : La Commission européenne a publié lundi sa « feuille de route » pour éliminer des milliers de substances les plus dangereuses des produits de grande consommation d’ici à 2030.

Plastiques polluants collectés en Angleterre, en 2018. MONTY RAKUSEN/PHOTONONSTOP

La promesse d’une révolution. Après de multiples reports, dus notamment à la résistance acharnée de l’industrie, la Commission européenne publie, lundi 25 avril, sa « feuille de route » pour éliminer les substances chimiques les plus dangereuses pour la santé et l’environnement des produits de grande consommation. Pilier de la stratégie « zéro pollution » du Pacte vert européen, elle vise à « garantir un environnement sans substances toxiques » à l’horizon 2030.

Phtalates, bisphénols, PVC, parabens, éthers de glycol, retardateurs de flamme bromés, composés perfluorés (PFAS) … Ces polluants dits « du quotidien » sont partout : jouets, biberons, tétines, emballages alimentaires, vêtements, meubles, appareils électroniques, cosmétiques, peintures, produits d’entretien. Au total, plusieurs milliers de produits toxiques seront interdits dans les prochaines années.

« Ces restrictions visent à réduire l’exposition des personnes et de l’environnement à certains des produits chimiques les plus dangereux en visant un large éventail d’usages, industriels, professionnels et dans les produits de consommation », a commenté le commissaire européen à l’environnement, Virginijus Sinkevicius. Un engagement salué comme un tournant « historique » par les ONG et chercheurs qui alertent depuis plus d’une décennie sur les dangers de cette pollution protéiforme. Liste noire » | Par Stéphane Mandard | lundi 25 avril 2022

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Democracy Now! US News & World Headlines – April 25, 2022

The World's Biggest Meat Company Is Built on Corruption and It's Growing in Australia | Four Corners

Apr 25, 2022 • You may not have heard of them, but JBS is the biggest meat company in the world. It controls a lot of the food you buy in the supermarket including beef, pork, lamb and salmon.

You'll even find their meat between your burger buns at McDonald's.

But despite its size and reach, JBS is a company built on corruption and bribery; tainted by charges and accusations of malpractice and environmental crimes.

While some foreign governments are holding the company to account, Australian politicians have given JBS the green light to grow


Johnson Takes On the Archbishop of Canterbury - BBC Newsnight

On Easter Sunday, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, described the government's plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda as "opposite the nature of God".

But the Prime Minister hit back, claiming in a meeting with MPs that the Archbishop had criticised the Rwanda deal more than Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Labour leader Keir Starmer called on the Prime Minister to apologise for his comments, but Johnson refused.

TRACKS: Der Kampf gegen Putins Propaganda (IC3PEAK, Face, Meduza) | ARTE

Apr 1, 2022 • Seit Jahren wandern Russlands Kulturschaffende ab, es findet ein regelrechter "Kreativ-Exodus" statt. Russlands Krieg mit der Ukraine hat die Bewegung noch katapultiert. "Tracks" sucht und findet Stimmen und Aktionen des kulturellen Widerstands, bringt sie ans Licht und gibt ihnen eine Plattform. Eine russische Fassung der Sendung wird auch in der ARTE-Mediathek zu sehen sein.

Russische Rapstars wie Face und Oxxxymiron erheben ihre Stimme gegen den Krieg. Aber dafür mussten sie, wie zehntausende andere junge Oppositionelle, ihr Land verlassen. Die Artrocker IC3PEAK posten Protestvideos. Auch sie sind kurz vor Veröffentlichung des neuen Videos ausgereist. Wer sich gegen Putin stellt, ist dort nicht mehr sicher.

TikTok-Star Nikita Sass postet trotzdem mutig weiter seine Meinung und bleibt. Das trauen sich nur wenige. Es findet ein regelrechter „Kreativ-Exodus“ statt, denn seit dem Angriff auf die Ukraine haben sich auch im Land die Repressalien empfindlich verschärft.

Wo formiert sich kultureller Widerstand, und wie sieht er aus? Was machen die Geflüchteten im Exil? „Tracks“ sucht und findet Stimmen und Aktionen junger Kulturschaffender in Russland, der Ukraine, den USA und Deutschland. Ein dichtes Stimmungsbild der widerständigen Geister, die Putin ausspucken möchte „wie eine Mücke“. „Tracks“ verschafft ihnen Gehör, auch und vor allem in ihrer Heimat. Deswegen wird die Sendung auch in einer russischen Sprachfassung angeboten.

Musikmagazin (D 2022, 32 Min)
Video auf YouTube verfügbar bis 30/06/2022

Cool dank Kippe? Das Comeback der Zigarette | quer vom BR

Feb 28, 2022 • Lange war die Zahl der Raucherinnen und Raucher in Deutschland rückläufig: Doch mittlerweile qualmen hierzulande rund 31 Prozent der über 14-Jährigen. Die Zigarette – zu Recht als gesundheitsschädlich aus Restaurants, Bars und Werbung verbannt – scheint wieder gesellschaftsfähig zu sein. Film- und Serienstars greifen zur Kippe und auch in sozialen Medien wird munter geraucht. Manche Forschende meinen einen Grund für das Zigaretten-Revival gefunden zu haben: Corona. Viele Ex-Raucherinnen und -Raucher hätten im Stress der Pandemie wieder angefangen. Außerdem werde mehr draußen gefeiert, an Orten, an denen es kein Rauchverbot gibt. Ist die Raucherecke tatsächlich wieder der coolste Ort der Party?

Covid Outbreak in Beijing Prompts Panic Buying and Lockdown Fears

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Supermarkets stocked up as long lines formed. The Chinese authorities ordered mass testing to contain a rising number of cases in an affluent district of the capital.

Shelves at a supermarket began emptying out as shoppers rushed to stock up on Sunday following a coronavirus outbreak in the Chaoyang District of Beijing. | Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters

BEIJING — Families in Beijing rushed to stock up on food. Supermarkets stayed open late. Residents endured long lines for mandatory testing. China’s stock markets plunged.

A fresh coronavirus outbreak in China’s capital has raised concerns that Beijing could become, after Shanghai, the next Chinese megacity to put life on hold to contain the spread of the Omicron variant. The central government has leaned heavily on lockdowns despite their high social and economic costs, in pursuit of the Communist Party leader Xi Jinping’s “zero Covid” strategy of eliminating infections.

On Monday, the Beijing government said that 70 coronavirus cases had been found in Beijing since Friday. Nearly two-thirds have been in the district of Chaoyang, which ordered all 3.5 million residents to take three P.C.R. tests over the next five days. In other cities, mass testing in response to initial coronavirus cases has sometimes been a prelude to stringent lockdowns, like the four-week one in Shanghai that has kindled widespread complaints from residents there. » | Keith Bradsher and Chris Buckley | Sunday, April 24, 2022

Rachel Reeves Promises Labour Will Close ‘Non-dom’ Tax Loophole

THE GUARDIAN: Shadow chancellor says it ‘isn’t right that those at the top benefit from outdated tax perks’

The Labour party has vowed to abolish the “non-dom” tax loophole used by the chancellor Rishi Sunak’s wife to save paying up to £20m in UK tax.

Rachel Reeves, the shadow chancellor, said it “simply isn’t right that those at the top can benefit from outdated non-dom tax perks” while ordinary people struggle with tax rises and the cost of living crisis.

Reeves on Monday said Labour was sending “a clear message” to the global super-rich: “If you make your home in Britain you should pay tax here – on all of your income.”

Labour’s pledge follows the revelation that Sunak’s billionaire heiress wife, Akshata Murty, had been registered as a non-domiciled person for nine years and was paying an annual levy in order to shelter her foreign income from HMRC.

The status meant she could legally avoid UK tax on annual dividends worth millions, which she collected from her family’s IT business empire. » | Rupert Neate, Wealth correspondent | Monday, April 25, 2022

Senior Cabinet Office director Anand Aithal has non-dom status: Revelation is likely to lead to further questions about the criteria for holding the favourable tax status »

Victorious Macron Vows to Unite France after Fending Off Le Pen Threat

THE GUARDIAN: President acknowledges divisions after historic 13 million votes for Le Pen’s anti-immigration party

The pro-European centrist Emmanuel Macron has vowed to unite a divided France after winning a second term as French president in a decisive victory against the far-right’s Marine Le Pen, who nonetheless won more than 13 million votes in a historic high for her anti-immigration party.

Macron became the first French leader to win re-election for 20 years, scoring 58.54% to Le Pen’s 41.46%.

Addressing a victory rally at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, where his supporters waved French and European flags, Macron vowed to respond “efficiently” to the “anger and disagreement” of voters who chose the far right.

“I know that a number of French people have voted for me today, not to support my ideas but to stop the ideas of the far right,” he said and called on supporters to be “kind and respectful” to others, because the country was riven by “so much doubt, so much division”.

He added: “I’m not the candidate of one camp any more, but the president of all of us.” » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Monday, April 25, 2022

Les Européens soulagés après la réélection d'Emmanuel Macron : Cette réélection constitue «un signal fort en faveur de l'Europe» pour le chancelier allemand Olaf Scholz. Le premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson s'est dit «heureux de continuer à travailler» avec Emmanuel Macron. »

Sunday, April 24, 2022

heute journal vom 24.04.2022

Apr 24, 2022 • Erste Hochrechnungen französischer Fernsehsender zeigen, die Französinnen und Franzosen haben sich für ein "Weiter so" entschieden. Für Emmanuel Macron stimmten laut France 2 58,2 Prozent. Auf Marine Le Pen entfielen 41,8 Prozent der Stimmen. Macron ist damit der erste Präsident seit Jacques Chirac im Jahr 2002, der eine zweite Amtszeit antritt. Mehr dazu und weitere Nachrichten des Tages im heute journal.

Emmanuel Macron a été réélu président de la République avec 58,2 % des voix, selon les premières estimations

LE MONDE : La candidate d’extrême droite obtiendrait 41,8 % des voix, d’après les estimations d’Ipsos-Sopra Steria pour France Télévisions, Radio France, France24-RFI-MCD. Le taux d’abstention est estimé à 28,2 %

20 : 05 POUR APPROFONDIR : Emmanuel Macron remporte l’élection présientielle, selon les premières estimations, avec une abstention jamais vue depuis 1969

C’est la première fois qu’un président est réélu hors cohabitation. Les estimations ont été calculées par les instituts de sondage à partir de bureaux tests et seront affinées au cours de la soirée. » | LIVE EN COURS | dimanche 24 avril 2022

Emmanuel Macron wins French presidential election, projected results show: Incumbent predicted to get 58.2% of the vote against far-right candidate Marine Le Pen »

Macron wiedergewählt – Le Pen gescheitert: Emmanuel Macrons Vorsprung vor der Rechtsextremistin Marine Le Pen fällt kleiner aus als 2017. Doch zum ersten Mal in zwanzig Jahren haben die Franzosen einen Präsidenten im Amt bestätigt. »

Daniil Trifonov - Chopin: Concerto For Piano And Orchestra No. 2 In F Minor, Op.21 (Arr. by Pletnev)

Not Quite Your Thing, Mr. Johnson; and Certainly Not Your Colour!

Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited Gujarat Biotechnology University on Thursday | PA MEDIA

Some sartorial advice for you, Mr. Johnson: Pale, pasty skin cries out for some colour, especially in the turban, which is next to the skin! Never wear colourless garments, especially turbans, when one has pale, pasty, colourless facial skin tones!

Johnson vows to deepen trade ties with India after talks with PM Modi: Boris Johnson says India has agreed a "massive push" towards striking a post-Brexit trade deal with the UK. »

Endlich gibt es wieder Zinsen



FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Zwei oder drei Prozent für Anleihen – das ist jetzt wieder normal. Sparer müssen dafür noch nicht einmal große Risiken eingehen.

Die Anleihemärkte stehen gewöhnlich im Schatten der Aktien. Doch jetzt sind sie mit voller Wucht in den Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit ge¬rückt. Dort tut sich unglaubliches, längst vergessenes. Die Renditen lassen in einem irren Tempo die vielen Jahre mit negativen Zinsen hinter sich. 2014 waren sie erstmals unter null gerutscht. Noch bis Ende Januar und noch einmal Anfang März notierten sie unter dieser Schwelle. Und jetzt nur wenige Monate später bringen sie fast ein Prozent im Jahr.

Das ist noch nicht viel, aber derart schnell steigende Zinsen haben Anleihen seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr erlebt. Es ist wahrhaft eine heftige Trendwende, die sich da gerade ereignet. Denn die Sparer können sich erstmals wieder seit Langem mit Anleihen befassen. Es gibt wieder Zinsen aufs Geld – ein neuer Zustand, der eigentlich historisch der Normalfall ist. So haben wir es in der Schule gelernt. » | Von Dyrk Scherff, Redakteur im Ressort „Wert“ der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung | Sonntag, 24. April 2022

Ukrainians, Russians Mark Orthodox Easter in Time of War | DW News

Apr 24, 2022 • Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Kyiv's St. Sofia Cathedral to record an Easter message on the holiest day of the Orthodox Christian calendar. At makeshift prayer venues and churches around the country, Ukrainians prayed for those fighting on the front lines, and for those trapped in places like the besieged city of Mariupol. DW Correspondent Rebecca Ritters visited one village north east of Kyiv that was under Russian control until a few weeks ago. The community there came together to build a makeshift chapel after Russian soldiers destroyed their church.

Like Ukraine, Russia is also a predominantly Orthodox country. President Vladimir Putin attended an Easter mass early on Sunday in Moscow's Christ the Savior Cathedral.

The service was led by the head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriach Kirill, who said he hoped the conflict in Ukraine would end quickly. Kirill has strongly backed the Kremlin's war in Ukraine. His statements have splintered the worldwide Orthodox Church.

Desperate Boris Johnson Wastes Time Seeking a Trade Deal in India

Apr 24, 2022 • Whilst MP's debated whether Boris Johnson had deliberately misled the House, he flew to India in search of trade deals. With UK exports to India at £7.7 billion as against Belgium’s £18.8 billion, India is hardly a major market for the UK. Further, it appears that little progress was made in talks.

Any trade agreement eventually reached, the Indians have made clear, will require the UK issuing large numbers of visas for Indians wanting to come to the UK to work.

Since India has a large IT sector, it is likely that many of those wanting to visit the UK will be IT technicians who are likely to be prepared to work for much lower pay than current levels. In addition sourcing 'the brightest and the best' from countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria, immigration is almost certain to increase.

Wahlen in Frankreich: Was wäre, wenn sie es wird

DER STANDARD: Ein Wahlerfolg für die Rechtspopulistin Marine Le Pen wäre politisches Dynamit für ganz Europa. Ihre Vorschläge für Verfassungsänderungen würden weiter gehen als jene in Polen

In den letzten Umfragen konnte Emmanuel Macron seinen Vorsprung auf Marine Le Pen leicht vergrößern, dennoch wurden die besorgten Appelle an die Wählerschaft häufiger: Ja, es gebe am Amtsinhaber sicher viel auszusetzen – doch die Alternative wäre bedeutend schlimmer.

Grünen-Kandidat Yannik Jadot rief dazu auf, "ohne Zögern, ohne Ambivalenz, in aller Klarheit" für Macron zu stimmen. Der Chefredakteur der Zeitung La Croix, Jérôme Chapuit, wandte sich direkt an seine katholischen Leser, die laut der Analyse des ersten Wahlgangs fast ebenso häufig für die Populistin wie für den Präsidenten gestimmt hatten. Le Pen liege auf der gleichen Linie wie Donald Trump und Wladimir Putin, sagte Chapuit per Video; spätestens seit dem Ukraine-Krieg wüssten alle, dass Nationalismus nur zu Spaltung und Gewalt führe. "Eine Art Staatsstreich" » | Analyse / Stefan Brändle aus Paris | Sonntag, 24. April 2022

Nice : un prêtre et une religieuse agressés au couteau dans l'église Saint-Pierre-d'Arène

LE FIGARO : Sur Twitter, le ministre de l'Intérieur Gérald Darmanin s'est voulu rassurant, affirmant que le pronostic vital des deux victimes n'était pas engagé.

Un prêtre et une religieuse ont été blessés à l'arme blanche ce dimanche 24 avril dans la matinée à Nice, selon des informations de Nice Matin confirmées au Figaro par le parquet de Nice. Les faits se sont produits dans l'église Saint-Pierre-d'Arène, située rue de la Buffa, au sud de la ville.

Vers 10 heures, un individu a pénétré dans l'église et s'est immédiatement dirigé vers le prêtre, lui assenant plusieurs coups de couteau - une vingtaine selon un journaliste du Point. Après quoi il s'en est pris à la religieuse, qui a été légèrement blessée. » | Par Nicolas Daguin | dimanche 24 avril 2022