Showing posts with label Jack Dorsey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jack Dorsey. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

What Better Owner for Twitter Than Elon Musk, Master of the Ill-advised Tweet?

THE GUARDIAN: The ultimate shitposter has bought up Twitter, and its denizens are angry – how entirely appropriate

Speaking a few hours ago about Twitter purchaser Elon Musk, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey declared: “I trust his mission to extend the light of consciousness.” Bless. This feels like the first flashback scene we see in a dystopian drama after the words “SIX MONTHS EARLIER …” Quite where we’ll be in six months’ time as far as Twitter is concerned remains tantalisingly unclear, but it seems difficult to imagine it will be either a more or less pleasant space. It’s a social media platform. I’m not sure what further evidence humanity needs before we cotton on to the idea that such a thing might be an intrinsically toxic concept. Of course, there will always be some people who think it just hasn’t been done right yet. Like communism, or a British version of the Daily Show. » | Marina Hyde | Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Twitter takeover: Jack Dorsey says Elon Musk is ‘solution I trust’: Platform’s co-founder backs controversial takeover by world’s richest man »

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Monday, November 29, 2021

Jack Dorsey Steps Down as Twitter Chief Executive

THE GUARDIAN: Dorsey co-founded site in 2006 and posted world’s first tweet / Parag Agrawal, chief technology officer, to replace Dorsey

Jack Dorsey in 2015. Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey has stepped down from his executive role at the social media company.

Dorsey will be replaced by chief technology officer (CTO) Parag Agrawal, the company announced on Monday.

The surprise move ends Dorsey’s much criticized tenure as chief executive officer of both Twitter and Square, his digital payments company, which led to Twitter stakeholders Elliott Management and billionaire investor Paul Singer calling on him to step down from one of those roles.

Twitter’s shares rose 11% after the news broke on CNBC before being briefly suspended.

The company said Dorsey would step down immediately but that Dorsey would remain on the board until Twitter’s stockholder meeting in 2022.

“I’ve decided to leave Twitter because I believe the company is ready to move on from its founders. My trust in Parag as Twitter’s CEO is deep. His work over the past 10 years has been transformational. I’m deeply grateful for his skill, heart and soul. It’s his time to lead,” said Dorsey. » | Dominic Rushe in New York | Monday, November 29, 2021

Jack Dorsey, cofondateur de Twitter, démissionne de son poste de directeur général : Il va être remplacé par le directeur technique du groupe, Parag Agrawal. »

Jack Dorsey resigniert bei Twitter: Das Unternehmen ist bekannt und beliebt, hat aber seine ambitionierten unternehmerischen Ziele meist verfehlt. Nun zieht sich der stark kritisierte Gründer Jack Dorsey resigniert aus der Chefetage zurück und konzentriert sich auf sein «anderes Baby»: Square. »

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Twitter CEO: 'We Are Not' Discriminating against Any Political Viewpoint

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey knows the tech world has a problem. He's asking big questions like "How do we earn peoples' trust?" "We realize that more and more people have fear of companies like ours," Dorsey said in an in-depth interview with CNN.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Nach Löschung von Accounts: Islamischer Staat bedroht Twitter-Gründer

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Die Terrorgruppe Islamischer Staat bedroht Twitter-Gründer Jack Dorsey. Der Kurznachrichtendienst will den Fall nun selbst untersuchen.

Der Onlinedienst Twitter hat nach eigenen Angaben Drohungen erhalten, weil er Nutzerkonten mit Verbindungen zur Dschihadistenmiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) blockiert hat. "Unser Sicherheitsteam untersucht gemeinsam mit den Strafverfolgungsbehörden den Wahrheitsgehalt dieser Drohungen", teilte ein Sprecher des Unternehmens mit, ohne weitere Einzelheiten zu nennen. Im Internet war zuvor ein Bild aufgetaucht, das Twitter-Gründer Jack Dorsey im Visier eines Fadenkreuzes zeigt. In einer Botschaft auf Arabisch wird Dorsey mit Rache für die Sperrung von Nutzerkonten gedroht. » | kbl/AFP | Montag, 02. März 2015