Showing posts with label World War III. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World War III. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Thom Hartmann: Are We On the Edge of WWIII?

Feb 18, 2025 | World War III could be closer than we ever thought. Do you agree with these two callers?

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

US Presidential Election: Is Global Democracy At Stake? | DW News

Jan 9, 2024 | In the US, Republicans and Democrats are about to decide who will be running for the White House next year. Three years after Trump loyalists stormed the US Capitol, the former president is gearing up for another campaign. Constitutional law professor Gloria E. Browne-Marshall explains why this would threaten not only the rights of minorities in the US but may also be dangerous for democracy worldwide.

Friday, December 02, 2022

Can America Really Envision World War III?


THE NEW YORK TIMES: In March, as President Biden was facing pressure to intensify U.S. involvement in Ukraine, he responded by invoking the specter of World War III four times in one day.

“Direct conflict between NATO and Russia is World War III,” he said, “something we must strive to prevent.” He underscored the point hours later: “The idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews — just understand, and don’t kid yourself, no matter what you all say, that’s called World War III, OK?”

More than any other presidential statement since Sept. 11, 2001, Mr. Biden’s warning signaled the start of a new era in American foreign policy. Throughout my adult life and that of most Americans today, the United States bestrode the world, essentially unchallenged and unchecked. A few years ago, it was still possible to expect a benign geopolitical future. Although “great power competition” became the watchword of Pentagonese, the phrase could as easily imply sporting rivalry as explosive conflict. Washington, Moscow and Beijing would stiffly compete but could surely coexist.

How quaint. The United States now faces the real and regular prospect of fighting adversaries strong enough to do Americans immense harm. The post-Sept. 11 forever wars have been costly, but a true great power war — the kind that used to afflict Europe — would be something else, pitting the United States against Russia or even China, whose economic strength rivals America’s and whose military could soon as well.

This grim reality has arrived with startling rapidity. Since February, the war in Ukraine has created an acute risk of U.S.-Russia conflict. It has also vaulted a Chinese invasion of Taiwan to the forefront of American fears and increased Washington’s willingness to respond with military force. “That’s called World War III,” indeed. » | Stephen Wertheim * | Friday, December 2, 2022

* Mr. Wertheim is a scholar and writer on U.S. foreign policy.

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Ukraine Invasion May Be Start of ‘Third World War’, Says George Soros

THE GUARDIAN: Veteran philanthropist tells World Economic Forum civilisation ‘may not survive’ what is coming

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens to be the “beginning of the third world war” that could spell the end of civilisation, the veteran philanthropist and former financier George Soros has warned.

In a ferocious attack on Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Soros warned that autocratic regimes were in the ascendant and the global economy was heading for a depression.

Soros, who has become a hate figure for the hard right in the US, also heavily criticised the former German chancellor Angela Merkel for cosying up to Moscow and Beijing.

With the mood in Davos already downbeat due to the war in Ukraine, Soros ramped up the gloomy rhetoric to new heights.

“The invasion may have been the beginning of the third world war and our civilisation may not survive it,” he said. » | Larry Elliott, Economics editor | Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Russia’s Lavrov Warns of World War III Risk as US Hosts Talks on Arming Ukraine

Apr 26, 2022 • Russia has warned of the “real” threat of World War III breaking out, ahead of a Tuesday meeting between the United States and allies over sending further arms to war-torn Ukraine. Follow our liveblog for all the latest developments.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Migrant Crisis Signals Next World War

While the Obama administration promises "Peace in the Middle East" with the Iran nuclear deal, they are also bolstering the region with weapons. The reality is, the migrant crisis is the canary in the coal mine and the globalists are preparing for war.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Migrant Crisis and Euro Tensions Threaten to Trigger Catastrophic Conflict Claim Experts

Experts and politicians fear the world is on the verge
of a catastrophic war
EXPRESS: RISING tensions between central and east European countries over the escalating migrant crisis could be the spark for a catastrophic WORLD WAR, experts warned today.

Both the Hungarian and Italian prime ministers have spoken of huge dangers of unchecked floods of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East which have set previously peacable EU nations against each other.

The scenario - especially the one currently being played out in Serbia and Hungary - is hauntingly similar to that which triggered the First World War.

The problem has manifesting itself in central Europe where Hungary is besieged by growing numbers of refugees passing through from Serbia and Croatia, forcing its government to build fences to stem the influx.

Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán warned European life and its established laws were under threat from huge numbers of people heading through the continent from war-torn states in the Middle East.

In a defence against criticism of the aggressive stance against refugees taken by the country, he said yesterday: "Our borders are in danger. Our way of life where we respect the law is in danger.

"The whole of Hungary and Europe is in danger.

"The migrants are blitzing us."

Hungary and Serbia have constantly been at each others' throats over the issue, with Budapest urging its non-EU neighbours to do more to help tackle the growing neighbours migrants.

It is now sending troops armed with rubber bullets and tear gas to the border with Serbia to protect the country's frontier.

Pinter Bence, a Hungarian political journalist for the website said the situation with growing tensions between nations was reminiscent of the international scenario from just over 100 years ago.

He said: "This is how the eve of the First World War could have looked like: complete hesitancy, the termination of the usual channels of diplomacy, the lack of solidarity, pressure to take a step and the countries issuing threats to each other are all reminding us of that. It definitely doesn't look like a cooperating Europe. » | Rob Virtue and Agnes Kegl, Exclusive | Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Death of Germany | European Migrant Crisis

Question: "I’m a German citizen. Is there a solution to the Immigrant crisis in Germany/Europe - or is history repeating itself and we are on the brink of a new European war?"

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Günter Grass: We Are 'Sleepwalking' into World War

Gu[e]nter Grass
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: In the final interview before his death, The Tin Drum author and German Gu[e]nter Grass warned of 'sleepwalking' into global conflict

Germany's Nobel-winning author Günter Grass said he feared humanity was "sleepwalking" into a world war in the last interview he gave before his death on April 13 2015.

"We have on the one side Ukraine, whose situation is not improving; in Israel and Palestine things are getting worse; the disaster the Americans left in Iraq, the atrocities of Islamic state and the problem of Syria," he told the Spanish newspaper El Pais [sic] in the interview published a day after his death.

"There is war everywhere; we run the risk of committing the same mistakes as before; so without realising it we can get into a world war as if we were sleepwalking," he added. » | Martin Chilton, Culture Editor online | Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Monday, February 02, 2015

Gorbachev Warns Ukraine Could Ignite World War III

GLOBAL RESEARCH: Mikhail Gorbachev, the last president of the Soviet Union, accused the United States Thursday of initiating a new Cold War with Russia and expressed fears that the conflict could escalate into a nuclear Third World War.

Gorbachev made his comments as fighting escalated in Ukraine between forces directed by the US- and European Union-backed government in Kiev and pro-Russian separatists in the eastern Donbass region.

“Plainly speaking, the US has already dragged us into a new Cold War, trying to openly implement its idea of triumphalism,” the former Soviet leader told Interfax. “What’s next? Unfortunately, I cannot be sure that the Cold War will not bring about a ‘hot’ one. I’m afraid [the United States] might take the risk.”

He criticized the US and the EU for continuing to press for more economic sanctions against Russia. “All we hear from the US and the EU now is sanctions against Russia,” he continued. “Are they completely out of their minds? The US has been totally ‘lost in the jungle’ and is dragging us there as well.” » | Niles Williamson | Saturday, January 31, 2015

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Muslim State in Egypt Now Inevitable?

Amb. Bolton, K.T. McFarland weigh in

Sunday, August 31, 2008

World War III Will Break Out in Case of Aggression on Iran

IRNA: World War III will break out in case of aggression on Iran, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces for Cultural Affairs, Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri said on Saturday.

The extremist and expansionist policies of Washington and Tel Aviv which have been manifested in Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan and recently in the Caucasus, have endangered the entire world.

He reiterated that the so-called leading countries are falling and the world will soon witness great developments.

He said that Islam and the Islamic Republic call for international peace and co-existence.

"Teachings of Islam and the aspirations of the Islamic Revolution uphold peace and tranquility throughout the globe and are totally against war and escalation of tension being stirred by the US and international Zionism, he said.

Jazayeri underlined the need for promotion of peace and stability in the world. [Source: IRNA] | August 30, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Schmalz to the Left of Me, Tough Talk to the Right; I’m Stuck in the Middle with You

…by the mid-summer of 1914 more than a decade of belligerent erraticism by German leaders, who lacked the diplomatic skill and self-restraint of Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, contributed to the feeling among Germany’s neighbours that there were bounds which she should not be permitted to cross. Hence, a regional Balkan conflict involving Germany’s ally Austria-Hungary and a Serbia supported by her Russian patron rapidly escalated first into a continental and then a general world war. - Michael Burleigh, The Third Reich: A New History

Does this sound familiar? Change some names of countries, and it should. The conflict between Georgia and Russia, now a regional conflict, could easily escalate into a European, and then a world conflict. We’ve been here before. At no other time since the end of World War II has the world been so close to another world war. We should not kid ourselves that we are not living through dangerous times. With the Russian invasion of Georgia, the world became a far more dangerous place. Alas, there is war in the air!

Dmitry Medvedev, the president of Russia, has already stated, loud and clear, that he is not frightened by the thought of another cold war. I think we can assume, also, that he would not be frightened by the thought of a little more than that: World conflict, perhaps? Make no mistake about it: Russia is very rich in natural resources, especially oil and gas; and it wants to re-establish its pre-eminent place in the world of geopolitics. The downfall of the Soviet Union was a humiliation for Russia. It weakened the country, the proud people of Russia beyond anything we could have inagined. There is no doubt about the fact that Russia has felt marginalized ever since; and Medvedev and Putin are out to correct that. Their intention is clear to see: They want to make Russia a force to be reckoned with – again.

It is therefore very important that Western politicians find the right and appropriate response to their actions. A reaction that is too weak, and we lose; a reaction that is too strong, and the world could yet again become a very ugly place.

It is hard for us all to imagine a world war. Things have been very comfortable for Westerners ever since the 50s. Most people living today are far too young to know anything of the privations of a world conflict. It is quite unimaginable to most people. But this does not mean to say that another world war will not happen.

We have all heard it said, ‘never again shall we be dragged into a world war’. ‘Not in our lifetime.’ But that phrase is only meaningful if each side feels the same about a world conflict. It is so obviously not the case. The Russians are clearly not as timid as Westerners when it comes to military action. Their position in the world seems to be far more important to them than the pursuit of world peace.

It seems that not enough has been done since the fall of communism to bring Russia on side. America and Russia should be partners in world politics, not adversaries. Were these two great countries to be partners, we would not be where we are now.

Alas, the conflict in Georgia has happened at a time when the West is very weak. The US, after many years of conflict in the Middle East, can hardly afford another war. It’s on its uppers as things stand. Imagine what another costly war would do for the economy. Especially a world war.

Moreover, it’s election year; and there is more than a chance that the Americans will elect a president to the White House who has little experience of foreign affairs. Obama therefore hardly inspires confidence at a time when Russia is sabre-rattling. Would Obama really be strong enough to cope with a major conflict with Russia?

From what I can see of the Democratic National Convention in Denver, it has been pure, unadulterated schmalz. Touchy-feely to the limit! Check out the schmalz here and here. What the Russian leaders must be thinking when they see such naïve displays of devotion to an untested politician, one can only imagine!

These are tough times; and tough times call for strong leadership, especially from the United States – the leader of the free world. How would Obama react if the world went to war? What experience could he bring to the table?

One has to ask oneself one simple question: Does the American electorate have any idea of the dangers that lie ahead of us? Are all these people ready to elect Obama because he has charisma, because they may perceive him to be good-looking? Don’t they want more from their leader than that? Doesn’t the free world need more than that?

The problems we face from Islam, too, are formidable. And they haven’t gone away. Indeed, the problems we now face with Russia have compounded the problems we face with Islam, since Russia has strong connexions with both Syria and Iran, and those connexions are getting stronger.

There has been much talk for a very long time of the possibility of bombing Iran if it doesn’t abandon its nuclear programme, which they say is peaceful, but which the West insists is not. Bombing Iran and destroying its nuclear installations just got a whole lot more difficult for the Americans to do. Indeed, it could be said that that ship has already left the harbour, for Russia is almost bound to come to the aid of Iran if it is attacked, if only covertly through Syria,

And if Israel were to attack Iran? What would be the outcome? Your guess is as good as mine, but such an action would almost certainly be a huge danger to world peace, stability and security.

We can see the fault lines being drawn with each passing day. We really cannot afford to sleepwalk into a world conflict. Only today, Miliband has urged tough action against Russia in response to its aggression against Georgia. But where is the capability going to come from? Europe is weak militarily. There has been gross undespending on the Europeans’ militaries for decades now. If Europe is to talk tough with the Russians, then it has to have the military might to back up its tough talk. It clearly doesn’t have strong militaries. The UK doesn’t either; the armed forces in the UK have been underfunded for years. Indeed, it is high time that European governments started spending far more of its money on its militaries. And while they are at it, it might not be a bad thing if they were to re-introduce national conscription. (I can’t believe I wrote that!) It would do a whole lot of good to the rudderless youth we see about the streets. It would also do a great deal to teach our young people some self-respect and discipline. It would also help give them a purpose in life.

With Russia on the move, and determined to reassert its authority, European governments might have little choice but to re-introduce conscription. The soft times, it seems, might well be over. Ahead of us, we have some tough choices to make. Let’s hope that the Americans make a good start in the upcoming election; and show the rest of the West the way forward by making some tough choices, too.

©Mark Alexander

All Rights reserved

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Rebirth of the Great Power Diplomacy of the 19th Century? The First Rumblings of World War III?

THE TELEGRAPH: Last month, Dmitry Rogozin, Russia's hawkish ambassador to Nato refused to reveal how the Kremlin would retaliate if Poland agreed to co-host an American missile defence shield.

But he did promise that the response would come as a "pleasant surprise" for the West.

Just as he intended, the Kremlin's reply was neither pleasant nor, entirely, a surprise.

Alongside the ambitions of Georgia and Ukraine to join Nato, missile defence has been the principal source of tension between Moscow and the West. Vladimir Putin, the prime minister, has threatened to retrain nuclear missiles on Europe for the first time since Soviet times and Russia has already walked away from an arms treaty that was pivotal in ending the Cold War.

But the Russians have gone even further in their threats. Poland faces not just the prospect of having Russian missiles pointing in its direction but also risks "100 percent" a military attack. And not just any attack, if Gen Anatoly Nogovitysn is to be believed, but a nuclear attack.

Under Russia's military doctrine, the country's deputy chief of staff explained, the Kremlin had every justification to launch a nuclear strike against Poland if the missile shield is built.

These are strong words and we have yet to see whether this is mere bluster. Dmitry Medvedev, the president, struck a slightly more moderate note but Mr Putin, the real power in Russia, has not yet given his reaction.

Poland, unlike Georgia, is already a member of Nato. A Russian military assault on the country would, if Warsaw were to invoke article five of the Nato treaty, oblige Britain and the other members of the alliance to come to Poland's rescue. In other words, it could be the beginning of World War III. Analysis: Russia Is a Foe to Be Reckoned With >>> By Adrian Blomfield in Tbilisi | August 15, 2008

Vlad the Assailer >>> By Bill O’Reilly | August 16, 2008

MAIL Online:
Superpower Rivalry Is Once Again a Fact of Life – and Death >>> By Max Hastings | August 16, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bush warnt vor einem “Dritten Weltkrieg” (Bush Warns of a “Third World War”)

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Foto von Bush dank der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: 17. Oktober 2007 Der amerikanische Präsident George W. Bush hat vor einer Zuspitzung des Atomstreits mit Iran bis hin zu einem „Dritten Weltkrieg“ gewarnt. Die politischen Führer der Welt müssten eine atomare Aufrüstung Irans verhindern, wenn sie „an der Vermeidung eines Dritten Weltkriegs interessiert“ sind, sagte Bush am Mittwoch bei einer Pressekonferenz im Weißen Haus.

Bush bezog sich dabei auf die von Irans Präsident Mahmud Ahmadinedschad ausgesprochene Drohung mit der Vernichtung Israels: „Wir haben im Iran einen Führer, der erklärtermaßen die Zerstörung Israels will.“ Zugleich bekräftigte Bush seine Hoffnung auf eine diplomatische Beilegung der Krise.

Appell an Russland

Bush warnte: „Wenn der Iran die Atombombe hätte, dann wäre dies eine gefährliche Bedrohung für den Weltfrieden.“ Den Begriff vom „Dritten Weltkrieg“ ließ Bush im Zusammenhang mit seinen Äußerungen zu den diplomatischen Beratungen mit den Partnerländern fallen: „Ich habe den Leuten gesagt, wenn Ihr an der Vermeidung eines Dritten Weltkriegs interessiert seid, dann solltet Ihr wohl daran interessiert sein, wie man sie (die Iraner) davon abhalten kann, die nötigen Kenntnisse zum Bau einer Nuklearwaffe zu haben.“

Bush erneuerte seinen Vorwurf, dass Iran unter dem Deckmantel seines Nuklearprogramms den Bau von Atomwaffen anstrebe. „Ich weiß, dass sie (die Iraner) die Fähigkeit und das Wissen anstreben, eine Atombombe zu bauen“, sagte Bush. „Und ich weiß, dass es im Interesse der Welt liegt, dies zu vermeiden.“ Bush bekräftigte seine Bereitschaft, mit Russland und anderen Staaten an einer diplomatischen Beilegung des Atomstreits mit Teheran zu arbeiten. Ziel sei es, Iran klarzumachen, dass ihm bei einer Fortsetzung seines Atomprogramms die internationale Isolierung drohe, sagte Bush. Bush warnt vor „Drittem Weltkrieg“ (mehr)

'Don't let Iran cause World War Three', warns George Bush

George Bush warns Putin over 'World War III' By Alex Spillius in Washington

Mark Alexander