Saturday, November 04, 2023

Scores Killed by Powerful Earthquake in Nepal

GUARDIAN INTERNATIONAL: Shock in Jajarkot in Karnali province about 300 miles west of Kathmandu caused at least 128 deaths and destroyed houses

At least 128 people have been killed and dozens injured after a strong earthquake struck western Nepal on Friday. Witnesses said houses in the area had collapsed and buildings were shaking hundreds of miles away.

The 5.6-magnitude quake hit the far west of the Himalayan country late Friday and was measured by the US Geological Survey at just 18 kilometres (11 miles) deep.

In Jajarkot district which is near the epicentre, 92 people were confirmed dead and another 55 injured, Nepal police spokesperson Kuber Kadayat said.

The quake killed at least 36 people in neighboring Rukum district, where numerous houses collapsed. At least 85 injured people had been taken to the local hospital, he said.

Troops were also clearing roads and mountain trails that were blocked by landslides triggered by the earthquake. » | Guardian staff and agencies | Friday, November 3, 2023

Au Népal, un tremblement de terre fait 132 morts : Un séisme de magnitude 5,6 s’est produit dans l’ouest du pays, vendredi soir. Des secousses ont été ressenties jusqu’à New Delhi. »

Storm Domingos to Slam Western Europe on the Heels of Deadly Ciarán

THE WASHINGTON POST: The powerful storm is expected to hit western France and northern Spain hardest just days after Ciarán blasted the region

Storm Ciarán proved to be the worst since 1987 for parts of western Europe, with its 120 mph gusts, tennis ball-sized hail, towering waves and heavy rains. The storm killed at least 12 people, according to the Associated Press, and caused widespread damage, knocking out power to 1.2 million residents in France and disrupting hundreds of flights.

Now, a new storm — named Domingos by Spain’s meteorological agency — is on the way, and could exacerbate ongoing efforts to clean up from its predecessor.

The worst of Domingos is expected to hit northern Spain and western France along the Bay of Biscay, where gusts in excess of 60 mph are possible in addition to heavy rain.

To the north, yellow warnings for rain have been drawn across southern England by the U.K. Met Office. » | Matthew Capucci | Friday, November 3, 2023

Tempête Domingos : de « violentes rafales de vent » attendues sur la façade atlantique ; onze départements en vigilance orange samedi soir : Deux jours après le passage de la tempête Ciaran, la tempête Domingos menace plusieurs départements. Elle se trouvait samedi matin au large de l’Irlande. »


Tempête Ciaran : 260 000 foyers sont toujours privés d’électricité : La Bretagne (200 000 foyers) et la Normandie (51 000) sont particulièrement touchées. »

White House Condemns Fox News over ‘Sickening Attack’ on Arab Americans

GUARDIAN US: Network urged to apologize to ‘every single viewer’ after host Jesse Watters seemed to advocate violence against Arab Americans

Jesse Watters, the host of the popular show The Five. Photograph: Roy Rochlin/Getty Images

Fox News must apologize to its viewers, a White House spokesperson said, after the rightwing channel’s host Jesse Watters seemed to advocate violence against Arab Americans, amid heightened tensions over the Israel and Hamas war in Gaza.

On Wednesday evening, on the highly rated Fox show The Five, Watters said: “If you’re an Arab American in this country, and you rip down posters of Jewish hostages, American hostages, no. No, no, no. Someone is going to get punched in the face.”

In a statement sent to the Guardian, the White House deputy press secretary, Andrew Bates, called Watters’ remarks “unacceptable” and said: “Fox News owes an apology to every single viewer for this sickening attack on the rights and dignity of their fellow Americans.” » | Martin Pengelly in Washington | Thursday, November 2, 2023

White House denounces Fox News over host’s ‘foul’ remarks on CNN pair: Mark Levin called Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper ‘self-hating Jews’ on syndicated radio show, prompting furious response »

Friday, November 03, 2023

‘Enormous Mistake’: Douglas Murray’s Warning over Planned Pro-Palestine Protest in London

Nov 3, 2023 | Author Douglas Murray says a pro-Palestine march on Remembrance Day in the United Kingdom would be a “deliberate provocation” of the British people and should not be allowed to go ahead.

Thousands of demonstrators are planning to take to the streets of London on November 11 to call for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Mr Murray warned it would be a “great overreach” by Islamists and an “enormous mistake”. “Either doesn't go ahead or it goes ahead and it will have to be countered because I don't think the British public should have to put up with this,” he told Sky News host Rita Panahi. “We should not have to put up with our national monuments being defiled, we should not have to put up with the Cenotaph being defiled.”

Hear! Hear! For many, Islamophobia is a rational fear because it is only Muslims who behead others and put gays to death simply for loving another of the same gender. So, wouldn't you have a fear of people who practise a faith that encourages behaviour redolent of the Stone Age? – © Mark Alexander

Germany: Atmosphere of Fear and Division Prevails due to Israel-Hamas War | DW News

Nov 3, 2023 | According to the latest Infratest dimap poll, almost three quarters of Germans say they are concerned about the flare-up in hostilities since the terror attacks on October 7. Israel's war on Hamas is having repercussions outside the region, with both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian demonstrations being held in many countries. In Germany, public opinion is also shaped by the country's historic responsibility for the Holocaust.

Jewish Viewers Find a Refuge in Fox News

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The network’s unflinching support for Israel in its fight against Hamas has put the conservative network in the good graces of many Jews who see other coverage of Israel as biased.

“Fox and Friends” interviewed people at the Second Avenue Deli in Manhattan who were assembled early in the morning before the restaurant’s usual opening time to discuss the Israel-Hamas war. | Natalie Keyssar for The New York Times

Ross Abramson, a software engineer and recent New York University graduate, had a fairly conventional news diet until recently. He regularly checked his phone for The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. And as a Jew with an interest in Israel, he would browse a handful of outlets like The Times of Israel.

Then the brutal Hamas-led attack on Israel happened on Oct. 7, and Mr. Abramson found himself turning to an outlet he said he didn’t rely on much before: Fox News.

“Did I watch it religiously before? No,” he said, adding that he found Fox’s reporting and commentary on Israel’s military campaign in Gaza “less antagonistic for sure” than that of other news organizations. “You don’t feel as attacked,” Mr. Abramson said.

Fox News, long a preferred source of news for the right, has lately become an information refuge for American Jews who believe that the mainstream media has been too hostile to Israel.

It’s somewhat of an improbable alliance. Jews overwhelmingly identify as Democrats. And as the Republican Party came to embrace a more populist brand of politics that vilifies “globalist” corporate interests and wealthy liberal businessmen like George Soros — something many see as coded antisemitism — Fox News hosts and guests promoted those views.

But more than any of the other major cable news channels — and perhaps more than any other major American media outlet — Fox News has wrapped itself in the Israeli flag in the weeks since the Hamas attack. Its coverage tends to emphasize the radical and antisemitic elements of the pro-Palestinian opposition, particularly on college campuses, while playing down the civilian casualties from Israeli strikes. » | Jeremy W. Peters | Friday, November 3, 2023

In a Worldwide War of Words, Russia, China and Iran Back Hamas

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Officials and researchers say the deluge of online propaganda and disinformation is larger than anything seen before.

A recently erected billboard in Tehran depicts Muslims walking toward the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem while carrying their national flags. | Atta Kenare/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

The conflict between Israel and Hamas is fast becoming a world war online.

Iran, Russia and, to a lesser degree, China have used state media and the world’s major social networking platforms to support Hamas and undercut Israel, while denigrating Israel’s principal ally, the United States.

Iran’s proxies in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq have also joined the fight online, along with extremist groups, like Al Qaeda and the Islamic State, that were previously at odds with Hamas.

The deluge of online propaganda and disinformation is larger than anything seen before, according to government officials and independent researchers — a reflection of the world’s geopolitical division.

“It is being seen by millions, hundreds of millions of people around the world,” said Rafi Mendelsohn, vice president at Cyabra, a social media intelligence company in Tel Aviv, “and it’s impacting the war in a way that is probably just as effective as any other tactic on the ground.” Cyabra has documented at least 40,000 bots or inauthentic accounts online since Hamas attacked Israel from Gaza on Oct. 7.

The content — visceral, emotionally charged, politically slanted and often false — has stoked anger and even violence far beyond Gaza, raising fears that it could inflame a wider conflict. Iran, though it has denied any involvement in the attack by Hamas, has threatened as much, with its foreign minister, Hossein Amir Abdollahian, warning of retaliation on “multiple fronts” if Israeli forces persisted in Gaza. » | Steven Lee Myers and Sheera Frenkel | Friday, November 3, 2023

In China, If You Are a Woman, Single and Over 30, …

… you are called ??? The Chinese have a great sense of humour!

Missbrauchsskandal in Spaniens katholischer Kirche | ARTE Europa die Woche

Nov 3, 2023 | Nach Jahrzehnten des Wegschauens und der Vertuschung erlebt Spanien ein böses Erwachen: Erstmals hat eine unabhängige Untersuchung in großem Umfang Fälle von sexuellem Missbrauch in der spanischen katholischen Kirche zusammengetragen. Die Zahlen übertreffen bisherige Berichte der Kirche bei Weitem. Jetzt werden Forderungen nach Entschädigungszahlungen laut.

Es scheint mir, daß es überall, wo man heute hinschaut, ein Problem gibt, das durch die Religion verursacht wird, ganz gleich um welche Religion es sich handelt. Wir müssen uns daher eine einfache Frage stellen: Verbessert Religion unser Leben wirklich?

Il me semble que partout où l’on regarde aujourd’hui, il y a un problème causé par la religion, quelle que soit la religion. Nous devons donc nous poser une question simple : la religion améliore-t-elle réellement nos vies ?

It seems to me that everywhere you look today there is a problem caused by religion, whatever the religion. We must therefore ask ourselves a simple question: does religion really improve our lives? – © Mark Alexander

Le même rapport en français ici.

Ne-Yo : Link Up | Official Music Video

Sep 29, 2023

Ne-Yo : Sexy Love | Official Music Video | Reupload

Dec 14, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 139,576,748

Au Bangladesh, des ouvriers du textile érigent des barricades pour réclamer des salaires plus élevés

LE MONDE : Plusieurs milliers d’ouvriers, travaillant dans des usines sous-traitantes de grandes marques comme Gap, H&M ou Levi Strauss, manifestent depuis plusieurs jours, confrontés à une augmentation du coût de la vie sans que leur rémunération évolue.

« Nous voulons un salaire décent. » Après plusieurs jours de manifestations au Bangladesh et des heurts qui ont causé la mort d’au moins deux personnes, des milliers d’ouvriers ont érigé des barricades sur des avenues de la capitale, Dacca, mercredi 1er novembre. Ils réclament des hausses de rémunérations aux usines de textile qui fournissent de grandes marques occidentales.

Selon la police, au moins 5 000 ouvriers du textile ont dressé des barrages routiers dans le quartier de Mirpur dans la capitale. Mais selon un correspondant de l’Agence France-Presse (AFP) sur place, le nombre de manifestants pourrait être nettement plus élevé. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mercredi 1 novembre 2023

Margaret Thatcher Speaking in 1991… | #shorts

…on being compared with others and what her mission was.

Listen to the Emirates Foreign Minister Speaking Eminent Good Sense about Radical Islam, Terrorists and Political Correctness

Europe, listen very carfully to this !

"Who Are You Going to Fight for?"

George Galloway sounds off on short ar*** in government!

Helmut Schmidt über Nachteile bei allen Religionen | #shorts

Der verstorbene Helmut Schmidt spricht die Wahrheit über Religionen.

Former Crypto Billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried Found Guilty | #shorts

Bankman-Fried has just got fried.

Labour Accuses Rishi Sunak of Angling for Job after Elon Musk Interview

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Shadow minister says PM may have had one eye on his future career as he and tech billionaire talked AI on stage

Rishi Sunak and Elon Musk during their on-stage conversation in London on Thursday.Photograph: Kirsty Wigglesworth/PA

Labour has accused Rishi Sunak of using his interview with Elon Musk to position himself for a job after Downing Street, after criticism that the prime minister allowed the billionaire to overshadow his AI safety summit.

Sunak rushed from Bletchley Park to central London after the summit to interview Musk on stage in an event that critics said made the prime minister look weak in the face of corporate power.

During the event, Musk predicted that AI would eventually take everybody’s jobs, that people faced a threat from “humanoid robots” and that one of the biggest upsides from the technology would be that people would be able to make AI friends.

His comments have since dominated the news agenda, overtaking an agreement signed by the world’s biggest AI companies that could lead to a slowdown in the race to develop systems that can compete with humans.

Peter Kyle, the shadow technology secretary, said on Friday: “The AI summit was an opportunity for the UK to lead the global debate on how we regulate this powerful new technology for good. Instead, the prime minister has been left behind by the US and EU who are moving ahead with real safeguards on the technology.

“Unfortunately, Rishi Sunak again allowed himself to be distracted from the serious issues at hand, perhaps with one eye on his future career.” » | Kiran Stacey, Political correspondent | Friday, November 3, 2023

Elon must have felt very flattered to be brown-nosed by the prime minister of the United Kingdom! But people will do anything for a lucrative hobble in retirement. Rishi Sunak is clearly no exception. – © Mark Alexander

Al Jazeera English: Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah Gives Gaza Speech

Nov 3, 2023 | The Hezbollah chief says whoever wants to prevent a regional war, must quickly stop the war on the Gaza Strip. Nasrallah repeats that all options in the Lebanese front are open. He says that Hezbollah is ready for all possibilities.

Addressing the US deployment of warships in the region, Nasrallah says Hezbollah is not intimidated. As he continues to touch on familiar themes during his speech, the Hezbollah leader also says that further escalation on the Lebanese front is a real possibility.

He warns that such a development depends on Israeli actions in Gaza. Nasrallah continues, saying Hezbollah has been escalating its operations by the day and forcing Israel to keep its forces near the Lebanon border instead of Gaza or the occupied West Bank.

It appears that World War III has already begun! And it’s a holy war! Our politicians had better get with the story and repeal all those ridiculous laws passed in the name of political correctness, in the vain hope that Islam and the Christian, but increasingly secular, West can live in peace and harmony. In the long-run, these two diametrically-opposed world religions and ways of life cannot. Throughout history, Islam and Christianity have vied for pre-eminence and dominance. When two powerful forces collide, one is bound to win. We must ensure that we do. We in the West have some tough decisions ahead. The peaceful world we had come to know and love has been dealt a severe blow.

Some twenty plus years ago, I wrote a book referencing a "New Dark Age". It would appear that that new dark age has well and truly dawned. The forces of darkness have been trying hard to snuff out the light. We have reached a pivotal moment in the fight for supremacy. Benightedness is in battle with enlightened thought, and is trying very hard to triumph over it. Superstition is trying to triumph over and conquer science. Science must win! – © Mark Alexander

Rising Antisemitism and Anti-Israel Sentiment in Latin America | DW News

Nov 3, 2023 | Anger over the Israeli offensive in Gaza has led to a spike in antisemitic attacks around the world. In the wake of the Hamas terror attack, already traumatized Jewish communities have had to grapple with hate speech, and verbal and physical abuse. Jews in many countries say they feel unsafe and like they are being held responsible for decisions and actions of the Israeli government. That's the case too in Argentina, which has the largest Jewish community in South America.

What Is Artificial Intelligence? - BBC News

Sep 14, 2015 | The BBC's quick guide to artificial intelligence.

AI Summit: Tech and World Leaders Talk Artificial Intelligence Safety at Bletchley Park - BBC News

Nov 3, 2023 | British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said he believed the UK's first AI safety summit will "tip the balance in favour of humanity" with an agreement from some governments and tech firms to work together on AI safety. At the summit, hosted at Bletchley Park, several leading technology companies agreed to allow governments to safety-test their next generation of AI models before they are deployed. The voluntary document was signed by 10 countries and the EU, including the UK, US, Singapore and Canada. China was not a signatory.

How Radical Islam Threatens the West | Niall Ferguson

Oct 17, 2023 | In this clip Niall discusses the threat of radical islam to the West in the context of other threats, such as communist China.

Krieg in Nahost: Wie gefährlich ist der Iran? | Markus Lanz vom 2. November 2023

Nov 3, 2023 | Viele Menschen, egal ob Experten oder nicht, fürchten eine Ausweitung des Nahostkonflikts, einen Flächenbrand, der auch andere arabische Staaten mit in den Konflikt ziehen könnte. Eines der Länder, das besonders feindlich gegen Israel gestimmt ist, finanziert teilweise die Hamas, aber auch die Hisbollah aus dem Libanon. Die Rede ist vom Iran.

Die aus Teheran stammende Journalistin Mariam Lau blickt besorgt auf das in ihrem Heimatland regierende Mullah-Regime. Dieses Regime mache keinen Hehl daraus, dass es Israel als Land vernichtet sehen wolle. Israelfeindliche Parolen in den Schulen oder ein öffentlicher Timer, der die Tage Israels zähle. Deswegen sei es nicht ungewöhnlich, dass der Iran die palästinensische Terroristengruppe Hamas finanziell unterstütze.

Dass der Iran allerdings selber mit Militär in den Konflikt eingreife, bezweifelt Mariam Lau. Denn dies bedeute auch, sich mit den anderen Big-Playern auf dieser Welt anzulegen, wie zum Beispiel den USA, die schon zwei Flugzeugträger vor der Küste Israels stationiert haben.

Cooking with Zahra: Sumaghieh: A Culinary Tapestry of Gaza's History and Culture

Nov 3, 2023 | Sumaghieh is not just a dish, it's a tale woven with the threads of history, culture, and personal memories. Originating from the heart of Gaza, this dish is a culinary emblem of its people. Named after its primary ingredient, sumac, Sumaghieh encapsulates the essence of Gaza in every bite. A symphony of flavours, from sumac and Swiss chard to spicy chilli and fried garlic, this dish mirrors the spirit of Gazan’s - modest in appearance, yet robust and vibrant in essence.

Get the full recipe here.

Sam Bankman-Fried Is Found Guilty of 7 Counts of Fraud and Conspiracy

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The case against the founder of the failed FTX exchange had come to symbolize the excesses of the volatile cryptocurrency industry.

The FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, shown in February, was convicted on Thursday after a federal jury in Manhattan deliberated for more than four hours. | Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times

Sam Bankman-Fried, the tousle-haired mogul who founded the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, was convicted on Thursday of seven charges of fraud and conspiracy after a monthlong trial that laid bare the rampant hubris and risk-taking across the crypto industry.

Mr. Bankman-Fried became a symbol of crypto’s excesses last year when FTX collapsed and he was charged with stealing as much as $10 billion from customers to finance political contributions, venture capital investments and other extravagant spending. A jury of nine women and three men took just over four hours of deliberation on Thursday to reach a verdict, convicting Mr. Bankman-Fried of wire fraud, conspiracy and money laundering.

Together the counts carry a maximum sentence of 110 years. Mr. Bankman-Fried, 31, is expected to appeal. He’s scheduled to be sentenced on March 28.

Before the verdict was announced, Mr. Bankman-Fried, wearing a gray suit and purple tie, stood to face the jury, with his hands clasped in front of him. He showed little visible emotion as a juror repeated the word “guilty” seven times. He then took his seat, with his head angled down. » | David Yaffe-Bellany, Matthew Goldstein and J. Edward Moreno | Reporting from the Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Courthouse in Manhattan | Thursday, November 2, 2023


Kryptounternehmer Bankman-Fried in Betrugsprozess verurteilt: Sam Bankman-Fried wurde einst als Finanz-Genie gefeiert – und nun von New Yorker Geschworenen in einem Betrugsprozess schuldig gesprochen. Dem einstigen Star der Kryptowährungsbranche drohen Jahrzehnte im Gefängnis. »

Sam Bankman-Fried Trial: Fallen Crypto Mogul Convicted in Collapse That Cost Users Billions

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Sam Bankman-Fried, whose FTX cryptocurrency exchange collapsed last year, was accused of using the firm as his personal piggy bank. Prosecutors said he orchestrated a scheme to steal as much as $10 billion from his users.

Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto empire was valued at $32 billion before is suddenly collapsed last year. | Brittainy Newman for The New York Times

Sam Bankman-Fried, the tousle-haired mogul who founded the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, was convicted on Thursday of all seven charges of fraud and conspiracy after a monthlong trial that laid bare the hubris and risk-taking across the crypto industry. These charges carry a maximum sentence of 110 years.

Mr. Bankman-Fried became a symbol of crypto’s excesses last year, when FTX collapsed and he was charged with stealing as much as $10 billion from customers to finance political contributions, venture capital investments and other extravagant spending.

Mr. Bankman-Fried, 31, is expected to appeal. » | David Yaffe-Bellany, Matthew Goldstein and J. Edward Moreno | November 2, 2023

Sam Bankman-Fried found guilty of defrauding FTX customers: A jury in Manhattan federal court convicted him on all seven counts of fraud and conspiracy »

Thursday, November 02, 2023

Macron Plans to Make Freedom to Have an Abortion an 'Irreversible' Constitutional Right | DW News

Nov 2, 2023 | When the US Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion across the United States last year, the backlash around the world was fierce. But it's not just in the US that reproductive rights are under attack. In recent years, efforts to restrict access to legal and safe abortions have increased in Latin America as well as the EU. This trend has spurred authorities in France to move to enshrine the right to abortion in their constitution.

Over the weekend, President Emmanuel Macron tweeted "The draft constitutional law, which was based on the work of parliamentarians and associations, will be sent to the Council of State this week and presented to the Council of Ministers by the end of the year. In 2024, the freedom of women to have an abortion will be irreversible."

Emmanuel Macron is a real hero to enshrine this right into the French Constitution. Europe isn't the home of the Enlightenment for nothing. – © Mark Alexander

Risk of a Wider Middle East War Threatens a ‘Fragile’ World Economy

THE NEW YORK TIMES: After shocks from the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there’s little cushion if the fighting between Hamas and Israel becomes a regional conflict.

Palestinians displaced by the Israel-Hamas war shopping at a market in Khan Yunis in Gaza this week. | Yousef Masoud for The New York Times

Fears that Israel’s expanding military operations in Gaza could escalate into a regional conflict are clouding the global economy’s outlook, threatening to dampen growth and reignite a rise in energy and food prices.

Rich and poor nations were just beginning to catch their breath after a three-year string of economic shocks that included the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Stinging inflation has been dropping, oil prices have stabilized and predicted recessions have been avoided.

Now, some leading international financial institutions and private investors warn that the fragile recovery could turn bad.

“This is the first time that we’ve had two energy shocks at the same time,” said Indermit Gill, chief economist at the World Bank, referring to the impact of the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East on oil and gas prices.

Those price increases not only chip away at the buying power of families and companies but also push up the cost of food production, adding to high levels of food insecurity, particularly in developing countries like Egypt, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

As it is, nations are already struggling with unusually high levels of debt, limp private investment and the slowest recovery in trade in five decades, making it tougher for them to grow their way out of the crisis. Higher interest rates, the result of central bank efforts to tame inflation, have made it more difficult for governments and private companies to get access to credit and stave off default. » | Patricia Cohen | Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Robert Habeck zu Israel und Antisemitismus

Nov 2, 2023 | Der Terrorangriff der Hamas auf Israel ist jetzt bald vier Wochen her. Vieles ist seitdem passiert, die öffentliche Debatte aufgeheizt und verworren. Im Video deshalb einige Gedanken von Vizekanzler und Minister Robert Habeck zur Einordnung und Differenzierung.

Related video in English here.

Sam Bankman-Fried Built ‘Pyramid of Deceit’, Jurors Hear in Closing Arguments

GUARDIAN US: Founder of FTX platform, 31, painted by prosecution as scammer and liar who defrauded customers out of billions of dollars

Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto fraud trial neared its end with closing arguments on Wednesday in Manhattan federal court following weeks of testimony that lifted the veil of FTX’s stunning collapse – and a broader murkiness surrounding digital currency markets. The prosecution quickly painted Sam Bankman-Fried as an unabashed scammer rather than the image of the wayward math nerd proffered by the defense throughout the trial, saying he created a “pyramid of deceit” with his cryptocurrency exchange, FTX.

Assistant US attorney Nicholas Roos also used Bankman-Fried’s own testimony against him.

“FTX was bankrupt. Billions of dollars from thousands of people, gone,” Roos said. “He spent his customers’ money, and he lied about it.” » | Victoria Bekiempis in New York | Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Sam Bankman-Fried’s fraud trial testimony: six key takeaways: FTX founder, once the darling of Washington and Silicon Valley, blamed his ex-girlfriend and said ‘I do not recall’ a lot »

Sam Bankman-Fried denies messy hair part of ‘tech genius’ persona during trial: Disgraced former CEO of crypto exchange FTX admits to disparaging regulators on third day of testimony »

Sam Bankman-Fried’s Trial Nears Finish as Closing Arguments Are Made: Prosecutors said Mr. Bankman-Fried had built his FTX crypto exchange into a “pyramid of deceit” while the defense said he was simply a “math nerd” who had no intent to defraud. »

Steve Schmidt Explains the Mistake that Led to Donald Trump & How It Can Be Avoided | The Warning

Nov 2, 2023 | Steve Schmidt breaks down the troubling polling that shows Donald Trump ahead in a head to head showdown with Joe Biden. Steve explains that these warnings must be taken seriously, as they were not properly heeded when Trump faced off against Hillary Clinton.

De la Bretagne au nord de la France, les images de la tempête Ciaran

Nov 2, 2023 | La tempête Ciaran a touché cette nuit le quart nord-ouest de l’Hexagone et continue de souffler, en remontant vers les Hauts-de-France. Selon Météo-France, les rafales de vent ont été exceptionnelles sur la Bretagne, et de nombreux records sont battus : 193 km/h à Plougonvelin, 171 km/h à Lanvéoc, 163 km/h à Landivisiau, 156 km/h à Brest, 148 km/h à Lorient, 147 km/h à Quimper.

Liens connexes ici et ici.


Damage and disruption: Storm Ciarán has hit the UK, Channel Islands and parts of Europe, bringing strong winds, heavy rain and flooding. »

Holocaustleugnung: Welche Lügen kursieren und wie ihr sie erkennt

Nov 2, 2023 | Die Nationalsozialisten begehen unsagbare Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, unter anderem im Vernichtungslager Auschwitz-Birkenau. Die Grausamkeit des Holocaust, des Völkermords an den europäischen Juden, und das daraus resultierende Leid verpflichten nachfolgende Generationen, sich für eine aktive Erinnerungskultur einzusetzen.

Die Faktenlage zum Holocaust ist eindeutig. Ihn zu leugnen, ist in Deutschland strafbar. Dennoch verbreiten Holocaustleugner im Netz millionenfach Falschmeldungen über den Völkermord. Das Ziel: Den Holocaust und andere Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus wie den Völkermord an den Sinti und Roma zu verharmlosen und zu relativieren. Und nicht immer ist leicht zu erkennen, wann es sich um eine Lüge handelt.

In diesem Video zeigt euch Mirko, welche Verschwörungsmythen um den Holocaust kursieren und woran ihr Holocaustleugnung erkennt.

Would We Behave Better without Religion?

Richard Dawkins tells us what he thinks.

German Vice-Chancellor Underscores Country's Commitment to Israel | DW News

Nov 2, 2023 | German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck has spoken out emphatically against antisemitism in Germany and, in particular, the escalation in hate crimes since the Israel-Hamas war began.

In a video posted online, the Green Party politician defended Israel's security as an integral part of Germany's own existence as a nation, adding that Germany's responsibility for the Holocaust meant it was essential that Jews should be able to live "freely and safely in Germany, that they never have to be afraid again to show their religion, their culture; but this exact fear is now back..

Author Ayaan Hirsi Ali Sits Down with Andrew Bolt to Discuss the Israel-Hamas War

Oct 31, 2023 | Author and human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali sits down with Sky News host Andrew Bolt to discuss the Israel-Hamas war, the worldwide eruption of pro-Palestine rallies and the rise of anti-Semitism.

Ms Ali says she is shocked but “not surprised” about the eruption of pro-Palestine and anti-Israel rallies across the globe.

“I spent the last 20 years talking about this and warning about this,” Ms Ali told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “If we act on the belief system that Hamas subscribes to or that ISIS subscribes to or Al Qaeda … this is what you get. "These teachings … they don’t stay in the mosque, they come out into the streets.”

WIKIPEDIA: Ayaan Hirsi Ali »

Andrew Bolt »

As most of you will surely know, I have written about the dangers of Islam here in the West. In fact, I warned of the dangers of the growth of Islam here in the West long before I wrote my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, and long before the Sptember 11th catastrophe in 2001. Here in Wales, many, many years before I wrote my book, I warned anyone and everyone that would listen that the growth of Islam here in the West was incompatible with democracy and freedom, incompatible with Western values. Alas, until 9/11, my warnings often fell on deaf ears. Once 9/11 happened, however, all that changed: people started listening, people becamse far more receptive to my message.

Unfortunately, however, politicians on both the left and the right — though, perhaps, mostly on the left — started introducing laws to shut people up. Speech here in the UK is far from being free anymore. People like Tony Blair introduced dangerous legislation to curtail freedom of speech, especially in order to protect minorities. As a result, discussion on immigration was for a long time swept under the carpet. There is the government narrative and woe betide anyone who deviates from it! When criticizing Islam, in particular, one has to walk on eggshells, both because of government legislation and also because of the hypersensitivity of Muslims themselves.

As a result of all this immigration, this country needs a written constitution – badly – just as America has one. The old British way of having an unwritten constitution is passé and totally and utterly inadequate for the needs of the modern world. I have stated this before. In fact, I wrote a comment in The Telegraph only recently on it, back in July of this year in fact. This is the comment I wrote:
This country is in dire need of a written constitution. In that constitution, there needs to be an amendment guaranteeing freedom of speech. So many new laws protecting this group and that have been introduced in recent years that it is very difficult for anyone these days to know what can or cannot be said at all without falling foul of the law. This state of affairs is totally and utterly unfair on the people of this country; moreover, in the long-run, it is also untenable. [July 2023]
I have also written about Islam and the West being immiscible. This immiscibility does not mean that Islam is bad and the West is good. No! That is NOT what I am saying. What I am saying is that Islam and the West, based as it is oin Judæo-Christian values, cannot be brought into total harmony with each other. This is because the objectives of the two ways of life are very different.

In the West, individuality is revered. Very highly revered! For all people, self-fulfilment is the ideal and the goal. So the self is very, very important to us. In Islam, things are quite, quite different. In Islam, the self (nafs) is to be subsumed into Allah's will. What you want is not important; what is important is what Allah wants! Allah's will overrides all desires. That is what Islam means. It means submission. (It does not mean peace!) And a Muslim is one who has submitted to the will of Allah. Therefore, once one has submitted to the will of Allah, all one's actions and all one's deeds are done to please Him, the Almighty, and Him alone, even if those actions and deeds are not pleasing to you, yourself!

So, without going any further at this point, ask yourself one simple question: How can a person with such a way of thinking be successfully integrated into the Western way of life? Do I exaggerate when I say that these two ways of life are immiscible? I think not!

Now it must be said that millions of Muslims do integrate successfully into the West. But the ones that do are often not the devout in faith, and are often nominal Muslims rather than pious ones. I would go as far as to say that the more religious a Muslim becomes, the greater the difficulties he/she will have integrating into the West. – © Mark Alexander

Putin hebt Verbot von Atomwaffentests auf


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Russland müsse die gleichen Möglichkeiten haben wie Amerika, begründet der russische Präsident den Schritt. Testen wolle Moskau aber erst, wenn die Vereinigten Staaten das auch tun.

Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat per Gesetz die russische Ratifizierung für das Verbot von Atomwaffentests zurückgezogen. ... » | Quelle: dpa | Donnerstag, 2. November 2023

Blutspende: Neue Regeln für homosexuelle Männer in der Schweiz

Nov 2, 2023 | Seit Mittwoch dürfen homosexuelle Männer in der Schweiz ohne Beachtung der sexuellen Orientierung und unter den gleichen Bedingungen wie heterosexuelle Menschen Blut spenden. © REUTERS, DPA

Against All Odds – Phil Collins | Movieclips: Against All Odds (1984)

Oct 3, 2021 | Views on YouTube: 2,862,318

ZEIT ONLINE: Krieg in Israel: Was Yuval Noah Harari jetzt fürchtet | In English with German Subtitles

Oct 19, 2023 | Durch den Terrorangriff der Hamas auf Israel gebe es in absehbarer Zeit keine Chance auf Frieden im Nahen Osten, sagt der israelische Historiker Yuval Noah Harari im Videointerview. Die friedlichste Ära in der Geschichte der Menschheit sei vorbei.

Sowohl Palästinenser als auch Israelis seien gerade „versunken im Schmerz” – und dadurch nicht in der Lage, das Leid der Gegenseite anzuerkennen. Deshalb appelliert er an Deutschland: „Seid nicht denkfaul! Seht nicht nur einen Teil dieser schrecklichen Wirklichkeit.” Gerade hier müsse der Raum für gegenseitiges Verständnis offengehalten werden. Denn das habe die deutsche Geschichte gelehrt: „Deutsche und Juden – irgendwann nach dem Holocaust wurden sie Freunde.”

Yuval Noah Harari ist ein israelische Historiker, Geschichtsprofessor und Buchautor ("Sapiens", "Homo Deus").

Video: Sven Wolters

A Message from Stevie Wonder: The Universe Is Watching Us – Our Unimaginable Fate…

Nov 2, 2023

Tempête Ciaran, en direct : 1,2 million de foyers sont privés d’électricité, selon Enedis

LE MONDE : En Bretagne, 780 000 foyers étaient sans électricité jeudi matin à 7 heures, selon Enedis. Toutes les vigilances rouges ont été levées dans le nord-ouest de la France. Les Côtes-d’Armor et la Manche sont placées en vigilance orange, comme onze autres départements du quart nord-ouest. LIVE EN COURS » | jeudi 2 novembre 2023

Storm Ciarán: ‘danger to life’ warnings for England and rail disruption across Scottish border: Large waves and winds of up to 85mph forecast for England’s south coast with rain warnings in place and trains slowed or cancelled / Storm Ciarán is forecast to bring a fresh bout of strong winds and heavy rain to the UK – with “danger to life” amber weather warnings issued for Thursday. »

Iranian Mother Jailed for 13 Years after Denouncing Death of Son Shot at Protest

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Mahsa Yazdani convicted of blasphemy and ‘insulting supreme leader’ as Iran regime targets families of those killed in protests

Mohammad Javad Zahedi with his mother, Mahsa Yazdani. She was jailed after calling for justice for her 20-year-old son, who was killed after being shot in protests last year. Photograph: Twitter

A mother in Iran, whose son was reportedly killed after being shot repeatedly at close range by security forces, has been sentenced to 13 years in prison by an Iranian court after she demanded justice for her child on social media.

Mahsa Yazdani, whose 20-year-old son Mohammad Javad Zahedi was killed at an anti-regime protest in September 2022, was convicted on charges of blasphemy, incitement, insulting the supreme leader, and spreading anti-regime propaganda, according to human rights groups and family members. They say she will serve the first five years with no chance of parole.

Videos and photos of her son’s body riddled with shotgun pellets went viral on social media during the mass protests sparked by the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a young Kurdish woman who was arrested by Iran’s “morality police” for not wearing her hijab correctly. » | Deepa Parent | Thursday, November 2, 2023

China’s Male Leaders Signal to Women That Their Place Is in the Home

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Communist Party’s solution to the country’s demographic crisis and a slowing economy is to push women back into traditional roles.

At China’s top political gathering for women, it was mostly a man who was seen and heard.

Xi Jinping, the country’s leader, sat center stage at the opening of the National Women’s Congress. A close-up of him at the Congress was splashed on the front page of the Chinese Communist Party’s newspaper the next day. From the head of a large round table, Mr. Xi lectured female delegates at the closing meeting on Monday.

“We should actively foster a new type of marriage and childbearing culture,” he said in a speech, adding that it was the role of party officials to influence young people’s views on “love and marriage, fertility and family.”

The Women’s Congress, held every five years, has long been a forum for the ruling Communist Party to demonstrate its commitment to women. The gesture, while mostly symbolic, has taken on more significance than ever this year, the first time in two decades that there are no women in the party’s executive policymaking body.

What was notable was how officials downplayed gender equality. They focused instead on using the gathering to press Mr. Xi’s goal for Chinese women: get married and have babies. In the past, officials had touched on the role women play at home as well as in the work force. But in this year’s address, Mr. Xi made no mention of women at work. » | Alexandra Stevenson | Thursday, November 2, 2023

I should like to draw your attention to the fact that I have been saying this for a very long time. In fact, I recently stated something similar on this very blog. Allow me to restate it here:
“Western women need to start giving birth again. They need to start making babies instead of making careers. Feminism lies at the root of so many of our problems in Western societies. – © Mark Alexander” – Mark Alexander, October 28, 2023
Clearly, Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party have similar ideas and solutions for their own demographic problems. Fact is, far too few babies are being born in the West and in the East too. This was bound to manifest itself as a huge problem in time. Women cannot be both career girls and procreating, fertile mothers. It is either one or the other.

It is an economic fact of life that industry and commerce require sufficient labour. Regardless of technological advancement, this will always be so.

Politicians, especially on those on the right of the political spectrum, talk incessantly about the need for economic growth. This is quite understandable. However, what is not easy to understand is that they talk about economic growth as though it were simply a consequence of a reduction in taxation for the CEOs at the top. But it is not. What these politicians fail to understand is that without sufficient labour, CEOs, however clever and however entrepreneurial, cannot turn a profit at all!

Consider a colony of bees! There is the queen bee and then there are the worker bees. And so it is for humans, too. Where would companies be without the workers? And where do the workers come from when all women are out working?

To solve that, there is but ONE solution. We have to bring them in from abroad. And that is precisely what we have been doing for decades. But we should all know by now that bringing in foreigners by the drove can cause friction in societies, simply because immigration brings with it people entering the country with different religious backgrounds. When people have different religious backgrounds, they naturally have different values. Their aims, goals and ideas of how to live vary, often considerably, from those of the indigenous population's. Fact is, immigration should be allowed in proportion to the size of the country and the size of the indigenous population. If these principles are not adhered to, thre will be trouble ahead.

A German polician for whom I had the greatest respect and admiration was the late German Chancellor, Helmut Schmidt. He spoke clearly about the dangers of immigration. In fact, it was only yesterday that I placed a #short up of his words on this very blog. For those who speak German, please click here. One of the things I so admired about Helmut Schmidt was that he was unafraid to uttter uncomfortable truths.

So, in summary, Xi Jinping and his Communist Party are absolutely right about this: society should start re-thinking the role of women in society. It is more important that a woman be productive giving birth than it is for her to be productive in the workplace. Men can run offices and businesses; but men cannot give birth to babies. – © Mark Alexander

Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Combatting Sweden's Surging Gang Violence | DW News

Nov 1, 2023 | The Swedish government has announced new plans for tougher law enforcement to try to break the cycle of gang violence that's risen to levels never before imagined. The government will also set up youth councils around the country. Teri Schultz visited the southern city of Helsingborg where local activists already have the model but need more money.

This is an appalling state of affairs! Social workers will not be able to put a stop to this despicabale behaviour. Full national service is the answer. (I believe that Sweden has only partial conscription.) A stint in the military. These young people need to be taught discipline, self-respect and how to respect others. – © Mark Alexander

Piers Morgan vs Bassem Youssef Round 2 | Two-Hour Special Interview

Nov 1, 2023 | After last week's groundbreaking interview on the Israel-Hamas war, Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef returns to Piers Morgan Uncensored - this time face-to-face with Piers Morgan to further discuss the conflict happening in the Middle East.

In this intimate and frank interview Bassem opens up about finding fame overnight, getting arrested, receiving death threats and much, much more.

There Is a Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza. Congress Must Act.

Nov 1, 2023

Bernie Sanders always speaks sense. Always! – © Mark Alexander

Bolivia Cuts Diplomatic Ties with Israel Over Strikes in Gaza

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Chile and Colombia said they were recalling their ambassadors to Israel in light of the strikes.

Bolivia has severed relations with Israel over its strikes on Gaza, a diplomatic decision that Israel condemned as a “surrender to terrorism” even as its own ties with other countries in Latin America began to fray.

Bolivia announced the decision on Tuesday. Two other Latin American governments — in Chile and Colombia — said the same day that they were recalling their ambassadors to Israel in light of the strikes on Gaza, which have come in response to the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attack on Israel, which killed about 1,400 people and left more than 200 others as hostages.

In a statement, Chile accused Israel of refusing to respect international laws and said its airstrikes were a “collective punishment of the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza.”

On Wednesday, Israel responded, saying that Colombian and Chilean citizens were among the victims on Oct. 7. “Israel expects Colombia and Chile to support the right of a democratic country to protect its citizens,” Lior Haiat, a spokesman for Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Bolivia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement that it had cut diplomatic ties “in protest and condemnation of the aggressive and disproportionate Israeli military offensive taking place in the Gaza Strip, which threatens international peace and security.” » | Cassandra Vinograd and Emma Bubola | Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Elon Musk Says AI Is Existential Risk at UK Safety Summit - BBC News

Nov 1, 2023 | Elon Musk says artificial intelligence is "one of the existential risks we face as world leaders attend a AI safety summit in the UK. About 100 world leaders, tech bosses and academics are gathering there over the next two days to discuss how best to maximise the benefits of artificial intelligence - while minimising the risks. Others have warned against speculating about unlikely future threats and said the world should instead focus on the potential present-day risks AI poses, such as replacing some jobs and entrenching bias.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian on Iran’s involvement in the Israel-Palestine conflict | NPR

Oct 31, 2023 | Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian sat down with NPR’s Steve Inskeep to discuss how Israel’s intensifying military campaign in Gaza is raising the specter of a broader regional war involving Iran-allied groups.

"If this situation continues, and women and children and civilians are still killed in Gaza and the West Bank, anything will be possible," Abdollahian said.

The U.S. State Department says Iran has long provided weapons and support for Hamas. Ali Barakeh, a senior Hamas official based in Beirut has said that Iran provided "help and support" for its Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel where Israeli authorities say the group killed more than 1,400 people and took some 220 hostages.

Iran's warning comes as Israeli military operations have killed more than 7,000 Palestinians, according to health officials in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, and displaced more than a million others. Israel has acknowledged civilian casualties but contends its aim is to rid the territory of Hamas fighters.

Israel Rushes Missile Boats to Red Sea after Yemen’s Houthis Declare War

THE TELEGRAPH: Iran-backed movement says it has launched three attacks towards Israel since Oct 7 and vows more ‘to help Palestinians to victory’

Israel deployed warships to the Red Sea on Wednesday after Yemen’s Houthis declared war and launched a ballistic missile at an Israeli city.

Images released by the Israeli military showed Sa’ar-class corvettes patrolling near Eilat port in the Red Sea, which Israel sees as a new front as its war in Gaza draws retaliation from Iran-backed forces elsewhere in the region.

On Tuesday, the Houthis said they had launched three drone and missile attacks towards Israel since the start of the Hamas-Israel war on Oct 7. They vowed there would be more such attacks “to help the Palestinians to victory”.

The Israeli military used its Arrow missile defence system for the first time to intercept an “aerial threat” over the Red Sea, believed to have been a ballistic missile. » | Telegraph’s Foreign Staff | Wednesday, November 1, 2023

In the Mood for Love | Official Trailer | 20th Anniversary Restoration

Mar 19, 2021 | “In Love. The Cinema of Wong Kar Wai.” …


Margaret Thatcher Interview on Iain Macleod, Alec Douglas-Home, Enoch Powell & 1960's Conservatism

Oct 5, 2021 | The Prime Minister, Mrs. Margaret Thatcher, delivers her personal thoughts on the turbulent fortunes of the Conservative Party throughout the 1960's, primarily through intimate character analyses of three of the party's leading politicians who also happened to be her personal idols and friends, these being:

- The late Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Iain Macleod.
- The former Prime Minister, Sir Alec Douglas-Home, the Lord Hirsel.
- The former Health Secretary and Conservative exile, Mr. Enoch Powell.

Originally recorded by Rob Shephard in preparation for his authorised biography of Iain Macleod. | Date of recording: 14th April, 1989.

This is from a time when we were governed by sound politicians of stature, character and intellect. Very different from the chancers of today. – © Mark Alexander

Helmut Schmidt: „Zuwanderung aus fremden Zivilisationen... | #shorts

...schafft mehr Probleme als es uns auf dem Arbeitsmarkt an positiven Faktoren bringen kann.“ Aber... „Zuwanderung aus verwandten Zivilisationen...

Christopher Hitchens: “Religion Is Offensive” | #shorts

Hitch being Hitch.

Kids on Gay Marriage | #shorts

This is a hoot !

Brian Cox on the Existence of God and the Key to Science | #shorts

Is there any evidence for a Creator?

Enoch Powell on… | #shorts

…being a ”racialist” (racist).

Neil deGrasse Tyson Answers a Question on the Existence of God | #shorts

Our impotent God!

Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf: "How Many More Children Need to Die?" | #shorts

Humza Yousaf’s emotional appeal to Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer for a ceasefire.

Storm Ciarán: England and Channel Islands Prepare for Disruption

BBC: People are protecting their homes and businesses, roads have been closed and ferries cancelled as the UK prepares for the arrival of Storm Ciarán later.

Damaging winds are forecast in southern England and gusts of up to 95mph (152km/h) are predicted to batter the Channel Islands.

The Met Office has warned of travel disruption, damage to buildings and flying debris.

There are also 24 flood warnings in place across England.

It comes less than two weeks after Storm Babet wreaked havoc across the UK.

The Met Office has issued yellow and amber warnings - indicating potential risks to life and property - for wind and rain in southern and eastern England.

A red wind warning, the highest level, has been issued by Jersey Met for Wednesday night into Thursday, with storm-force gusts, heavy rainfall and coastal flooding. » | Tim Dodd, BBC England | Wednesday, November 1, 2023


Orkantief erreicht die Küste von Frankreich: Aus Frankreich wird ein erster Rekord gemeldet. Dort stellen sich die Menschen auf heftige Stürme in der Nacht ein – ebenso in Großbritannien. In französischen Medien wird von einer „meteorologischen Bombe“ gesprochen. »

En direct : la tempête Ciaran touche terre dans le nord-ouest de la France, Emmanuel Macron appelle les habitants des départements en alerte à « rester chez eux » : Le chef de l’Etat a noté qu’une « tempête majeure va frapper dès ce soir une partie du pays » et a appelé les personnes concernées à ne « pas prendre de risque ». Des rafales de vent qui pourront atteindre 170 kilomètres à l’heure sont attendues sur les côtes normandes et bretonnes. LIVE EN COURS »

Storm Ciarán: Violent winds lash southern England and Channel Islands: Lives could be put at risk in the UK and parts of the British Isles as Storm Ciarán hits, forecasters have warned. »

Trump Involvement in Israel Conflict Will Be a 'Tragedy for the Whole World' | Yossi Beilin

Nov 1, 2023 | “God forbid if he wins it will be a tragedy for the whole world and we will suffer.” A second term for Donald Trump in the White House could risk peace in the Middle East, warns Yossi Beilin, architect of the Oslo Accords.

There must surely be a circus somewhere in the States that is looking to employ a clown! – © Mark Alexander

"Iranians Are Not Israel's Foes" - Reza Pahlavi for TVP World | World Today

Oct 31, 2023 | As the world turns its gaze to the Middle East, the pivotal role of Iran and its support for Hamas cannot be overlooked.

Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Tehran's authoritarian regime has maintained a firm grip on power, yet a groundswell of discontent among its people is increasingly evident. The demonstrations following the tragic death of Mahsa Amini a year ago served as a global testament to the Iranian desire for self-determination, rights, values, and liberty.

In the midst of an enduring resistance movement, we will delve into the complexities of a region in transition, addressing crucial issues such as Iran's position on Israel, and considering what lies ahead for a populace that has endured decades under repressive rule.

Tonight. I’ll be speaking to a man who has been at the forefront of advocating change for his people, enduring exile like many of his compatriots. It is my privilege to welcome The Crown Prince of Iran, Reza Pahlavi, eldest son of the late Shah of Iran. Thank you for joining us here on TVP World.

WIKIPEDIA: TVP (Polish Television).

France Opens Investigation into ‘Despicable’ Antisemitic Graffiti in Paris

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Dozens of Stars of David spraypainted on buildings around French capital in acts widely seen as antisemitic

Residents of the 14th arrondissement of Paris woke up to find antisemitic graffiti depicting Stars of David. Photograph: Julien Mattia/Le Pictorium/Zuma Press/Shutterstock

French prosecutors have opened several investigations into the painting of dozens of Stars of David on buildings around Paris and its suburbs that have been widely seen as antisemitic and threatening to Jews, amid the war between Israel and Hamas.

The French prime minister, Élisabeth Borne, condemned “the despicable acts”, saying they would not go unpunished.

New stars were painted on the facades of several buildings in a southern areas of Paris this week. Many appeared to have been spraypainted using stencils. Similar tags appeared over the weekend in suburbs of the city, including Vanves, Fontenay-aux-Roses and Aubervilliers.

In the nearby town of Saint-Ouen the graffiti were accompanied by inscriptions such as “Palestine will overcome”. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Related articles here.

Has Europe already forgotten the despicable crimes, horrors and atrocities visited upon the Jews in the Thirties and Forties of the last century? That anti-Semitism is in evidence in Europe at all is bad enough, but its dimensions following the ferocious and barbaric attacks of October 7th by Hamas are deeply troubling. – © Mark Alexander

Israel & Palästina: Der ausweglose Konflikt im Heiligen Land | Sternstunde Religion | SRF Kultur

Oct 31, 2023 | Der Konflikt um das sogenannte Heilige Land war nie weg, aber jetzt schaut die Öffentlichkeit wieder hin. Der Terroranschlag der radikal-islamistischen Hamas auf Israel, Vergeltungsangriffe Israels auf das von der Hamas regierte Gaza. Tausende von Zivilistinnen und Zivilisten, die unfassbares Leid erfahren. Ein trauriger und entsetzlicher Höhepunkt einer Gewaltspirale, die sich immer weiterdreht.

Richard Dawkins Tells Us What He Thinks about God in the Old Testament | #shorts

Mr Dawkins tells us what he thinks of this fictitious god. He says that the Old Testament is hideous.

Helmut Schmidt über Kritik an Israel | #shorts

Helmut Schmidt kritisiert Frau Merkels Haltung Israel gegenüber.

Justin & Riley… | #shorts

…having some clean fun in the lake.

Ne-Yo : Miss Independent

Dec 14, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 503,271,676 | Remastered in HD

For Europe’s Jews, a World of Fear

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Oct. 7 Hamas assault on Israel and a surge in acts of antisemitism have awakened a repressed horror in Jewish populations across the continent.

Observing a minute of silence during a rally in solidarity with Israel in Berlin on Oct. 22. | Clemens Bilan/EPA, via Shutterstock

Perhaps not since the Holocaust, which saw the annihilation of about two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish community, have the Jews of Europe lived in an atmosphere of fear so acute that it feels like a fundamental shift in the terms of their existence.

Across a Europe of daubed Stars of David on apartment buildings, bomb threats to Jewish stores and demonstrations calling for Israel’s eradication, Jews speak of alarm as pro-Palestinian sentiment surges.

“There is a feeling of helplessness that has never been experienced before,” said Joel Rubinfeld of the Belgian League Against Anti-Semitism.

The Oct. 7 Hamas assault on Israel, often described as the largest single-day slaughter of Jews since Hitler’s program of extermination, has awakened a repressed horror in Jewish populations, now compounded by dismay at the way the world’s sympathy has rapidly shifted to the Palestinians in Gaza being killed under Israeli bombardment.

“What strikes me is there is a wave of antisemitism in the world when 1,300 Jews were massacred a few days ago,” said Samuel Lejoyeux, the president of the Union of Jewish Students of France, which includes 15,000 members.

This feels, to many European Jews, like the same blindness or insouciance that allowed millions of their forbears to be sent to Nazi camps to be gassed. It is precisely to that time that images of slain Jewish babies and grandmothers in the Jewish homeland have transported them. » | Roger Cohen | Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Read in Simplified Chinese: 阅读简体中文版 »

Read in Traditional Chinese: 閱讀繁體中文版 »

Related article on British anti-Semitism here.

‘Nightmare Is Over’: Polish Election Result Brings Relief for LGBTQ+ People

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Community looks tentatively to future as party that sought to demonise them is unlikely to retain power

Bart Staszewski, a film-maker and activist, wants better legislative protections for LGBTQ+ people in Poland. Photograph: Przemysław Stefaniak/AP

For the past eight years, fear and anxiety has threaded through much of Bart Staszewski’s daily life. As a gay man living in Poland, he found himself increasingly under attack by a government that had sought to depict the LGBTQ+ community as a threat to the nation and its children, fuelling prejudices and hate crimes across the country.

But since last month’s election pointed to a possible route to power for opposition parties, Staszewski has been gripped by a wave of relief. “It’s like I’m breathing fresh air for the first time in eight years,” he said. “After years of hate against people like me, the nightmare is over.”

While the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) emerged from the election with the biggest share of the vote, there is no clear path for the rightwing populists to form a majority. The country could instead be governed by a coalition made up of the Civic Coalition, led by Donald Tusk, the centre-right Third Way and the leftist Lewica. » | Ashifa Kassam, European Community affairs correspondent | Wednesday, November 2023

In Poland, the home of ‘LGBT-free zones’, there is hope at last for the queer community: The former ruling party targeted and scapegoated Poland’s LGBTQ+ people. Now it’s out of power, equality is within reach »

It gladdens the heart to see that benighted politicians in Poland are being/have been thrown out of office by politicians with enlightened values and ideas. My congratulations to the people of Poland on their significant victory. Sanity in politics has returned, It has been brought back by Donald Tusk's very hard work. Long live freedom in Poland; long live LGBTQ+ rights! – © Mark Alexander


Hungary anti-LGBT law sees under-18s barred from World Press Photo exhibition: Prestigious show contains one set of images with LGBTQ+ theme, prompting a far-right lawmaker to file a complaint with the cultural ministry »

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

British Jews Are 'Full of Fear, Like I've Never Seen before'

BBC: "The Jewish community at the moment is full of dread, full of fear, like I've never seen before," says Justin Cohen, news editor and co-publisher of Jewish News.

He talks of this anxiety playing out with a backdrop of intense trauma caused by the Hamas killings and kidnappings on 7 October.

More than 70% of British Jews have family living in Israel and 90% have visited the country at least once, according to the Institute for Jewish Policy Research.

But the fact the Metropolitan Police reported a 15-fold increase in antisemitic incidents over the past three weeks, when compared with the same period last year, means hatred has been at the forefront of the minds of many.

"If people who are so boiling over with rage in these demos see Jewish people as inextricably linked with Israel, they will inevitably target those Jewish people. The fears are never-ending at this point," says Mr Cohen. » | Aleem Maqbool, Religion editor | Tuesday, October 31, 2023

In the Mood for Love : Shigeru Umebayashi

May 28, 2016 | Views on YouTube: 17,873,779

WIKIPEDIA: Shigeru Umebayashi »

In the Mood for Love »

Dozens Reported Killed in Gaza Refugee Camp Blast – BBC News

Oct 31, 2023 | Dozens of people are reported to have been killed by a huge explosion at Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza. The Hamas-run heath ministry, and the director of the nearby Indonesian hospital, have said at least 50 people have been killed. The health ministry said the blast was caused by an Israeli air strike. There has been no comment yet from Israel on the reported blast. The BBC is working to verify details of the incident.

Dimitra’s Dishes: The Most Delicious Apple Galette with Puff Pastry

Oct 27, 2023

Get the full recipe here.