Thursday, November 02, 2023

Author Ayaan Hirsi Ali Sits Down with Andrew Bolt to Discuss the Israel-Hamas War

Oct 31, 2023 | Author and human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali sits down with Sky News host Andrew Bolt to discuss the Israel-Hamas war, the worldwide eruption of pro-Palestine rallies and the rise of anti-Semitism.

Ms Ali says she is shocked but “not surprised” about the eruption of pro-Palestine and anti-Israel rallies across the globe.

“I spent the last 20 years talking about this and warning about this,” Ms Ali told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “If we act on the belief system that Hamas subscribes to or that ISIS subscribes to or Al Qaeda … this is what you get. "These teachings … they don’t stay in the mosque, they come out into the streets.”

WIKIPEDIA: Ayaan Hirsi Ali »

Andrew Bolt »

As most of you will surely know, I have written about the dangers of Islam here in the West. In fact, I warned of the dangers of the growth of Islam here in the West long before I wrote my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, and long before the Sptember 11th catastrophe in 2001. Here in Wales, many, many years before I wrote my book, I warned anyone and everyone that would listen that the growth of Islam here in the West was incompatible with democracy and freedom, incompatible with Western values. Alas, until 9/11, my warnings often fell on deaf ears. Once 9/11 happened, however, all that changed: people started listening, people becamse far more receptive to my message.

Unfortunately, however, politicians on both the left and the right — though, perhaps, mostly on the left — started introducing laws to shut people up. Speech here in the UK is far from being free anymore. People like Tony Blair introduced dangerous legislation to curtail freedom of speech, especially in order to protect minorities. As a result, discussion on immigration was for a long time swept under the carpet. There is the government narrative and woe betide anyone who deviates from it! When criticizing Islam, in particular, one has to walk on eggshells, both because of government legislation and also because of the hypersensitivity of Muslims themselves.

As a result of all this immigration, this country needs a written constitution – badly – just as America has one. The old British way of having an unwritten constitution is passé and totally and utterly inadequate for the needs of the modern world. I have stated this before. In fact, I wrote a comment in The Telegraph only recently on it, back in July of this year in fact. This is the comment I wrote:
This country is in dire need of a written constitution. In that constitution, there needs to be an amendment guaranteeing freedom of speech. So many new laws protecting this group and that have been introduced in recent years that it is very difficult for anyone these days to know what can or cannot be said at all without falling foul of the law. This state of affairs is totally and utterly unfair on the people of this country; moreover, in the long-run, it is also untenable. [July 2023]
I have also written about Islam and the West being immiscible. This immiscibility does not mean that Islam is bad and the West is good. No! That is NOT what I am saying. What I am saying is that Islam and the West, based as it is oin Judæo-Christian values, cannot be brought into total harmony with each other. This is because the objectives of the two ways of life are very different.

In the West, individuality is revered. Very highly revered! For all people, self-fulfilment is the ideal and the goal. So the self is very, very important to us. In Islam, things are quite, quite different. In Islam, the self (nafs) is to be subsumed into Allah's will. What you want is not important; what is important is what Allah wants! Allah's will overrides all desires. That is what Islam means. It means submission. (It does not mean peace!) And a Muslim is one who has submitted to the will of Allah. Therefore, once one has submitted to the will of Allah, all one's actions and all one's deeds are done to please Him, the Almighty, and Him alone, even if those actions and deeds are not pleasing to you, yourself!

So, without going any further at this point, ask yourself one simple question: How can a person with such a way of thinking be successfully integrated into the Western way of life? Do I exaggerate when I say that these two ways of life are immiscible? I think not!

Now it must be said that millions of Muslims do integrate successfully into the West. But the ones that do are often not the devout in faith, and are often nominal Muslims rather than pious ones. I would go as far as to say that the more religious a Muslim becomes, the greater the difficulties he/she will have integrating into the West. – © Mark Alexander