Showing posts with label anti-Semitism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-Semitism. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Germany 1933: The Rise of Hitler and the Persecution of the Jewish People | Slice Full Documentary

Feb 5, 2025 | Germany, 1933. Adolf Hitler, at the head of the Nazi Party, has just become Chancellor and is faced with leading a republic in the throes of economic crisis and rampant inflation. He used the cult of personality nurtured by his propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, who spread the Nazi’s xenophobic and anti-Semitic ideology which Hitler had been touting since the First World War and which he reiterated in Mein Kampf: the Jews, he claimed, were part of an international conspiracy against Germany.

He would use the power of the German state, which had become the Third Reich in 1934, to progressively exclude the 600,000 German citizens of Jewish origin from society, first by forcing them to emigrate, then annihilating them.

Physical violence against Jews became widespread from the summer of 1935, the growing number of exactions leaving German society largely indifferent. Meanwhile, in the interior ministry, Nazis lawyers defined what it mean to be Jewish, thereby identifying who should be excluded. The Nuremberg laws of September 1935 notably withdrew German nationality from the country’s Jews.

On 12 March 1938, the Third Reich annexed Austria without encountering any opposition, and without the slightest reaction on the part of Western democracies. Eichmann set up a central bureau to force Austria’s 100,000 Jews to emigrate, leaving behind all their possessions which were seized by the Reich.

But Western democracies were not prepared to welcome the refugees, and the Evian conference, initiated in July 1938 by US president Franklin Roosevelt, was doomed to failure. As a neutral country bordering Germany, Switzerland called for the passports of Jews fleeing the Reich to be stamped with a “J”, so it could refuse them entry for fear of them wishing to stay in the country.

Documentary: Annihilation EP1 : The End of Illusions (2016)
Director: William Karel & Blanche Finger

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Eighty Years after Holocaust: Jewish Life in Germany Still Faces Threats | DW News

Jan 27, 2025 | Today marks 80 years since the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp, recognized in Germany as a nationwide day of remembrance for the victims of the Nazi regime. But even now, Germany’s synagogues and Jewish institutions still require police protection due to antisemitic attacks and threats. The prospect of the far-right AfD performing strongly in German elections next month have only added to the sense of unease.

Friday, November 08, 2024

Amsterdam Attacks on Israel Football Fans Condemned by Mayor | BBC News

Nov 8, 2024 | Amsterdam's mayor has condemned "hit and run" attacks on Israeli football fans visiting the city.

Mayor Femke Halsema said the city is looking back at a "black night and a dark day". She said men on scooters roamed the city attacking supporters after trouble between Maccabi Tel Aviv football club fans and pro-Palestinian protesters.

Amsterdam police chief Peter Holla said Maccabi supporters attacked a taxi and set a Palestinian flag on fire on Wednesday.

Related articles here.

Jews Kicked, Beaten and Humiliated: How a Night of ‘Pogrom’ in Amsterdam Unfolded

THE TELEGRAPH: Fans of Maccabi Tel Aviv were subjected to attacks by pro-Palestine hooligans before and after their team’s Europa League match against Ajax

One unconscious man is kicked in the back. Another pleads for mercy in a narrow alleyway before being punched in the head. And a third Israeli citizen is made to shout “Free Palestine” after jumping into a canal to save himself.

Amsterdam is reeling from what has been called a “Jew hunt” and “ pogrom” on its streets that has rekindled memories of Europe’s darkest hours.

After Maccabi Tel Aviv had played a Europa League match against Ajax on Thursday night, Israeli fans were chased with knives, humiliated and assaulted across the Dutch capital.

“I am ashamed,” said Femke Halsema, the mayor of Amsterdam, as she described hit-and-run attacks on the Israeli fans, announcing a temporary ban on protests. » | Henry Samuel, James Crisp, Europe Editor | Friday, November 8, 2024


Supporteurs de football israéliens agressés à Amsterdam : ce que l’on sait des faits : Emmanuel Macron a condamné «fermement» ce vendredi les violences subies par les supporters israéliens jeudi soir en marge d’un match de football entre l’Ajax et le Maccabi Tel-Aviv. »

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Hiding and Surviving - Growing Up under National Socialism | DW Documentary

Nov 6, 2024 | "Everyone who survived has a story that you simply can't believe.” Charlotte Knobloch survived the Holocaust - because farmer's wife Kreszentia Hummel passed her off as her own, illegitimate child and kept her hidden on her farm.

Charlotte Neuland was born on 29 October 1932. She was born into a dark time: Just three months after her birth, Adolf Hitler came to power. Once the National Socialists were in charge, years of terror ensued. Boycotts against Jewish businesses and professional bans on Jews, including Charlotte's father, the established Munich lawyer Siegfried "Fritz” Neuland, were just the beginning. As time went on, life for Jewish people became increasingly threatened. The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 denounced and banned relationships between Jews and non-Jews. Charlotte's mother, Margarethe Neuland, left the family. She had converted to Judaism but could not withstand the pressure from the Gestapo. Charlotte's grandmother, Albertine Neuland, now became the girl's most important caregiver. On the night of 9-10 November 1938, six-year-old Charlotte witnessed the November pogroms: Jewish stores were destroyed and looted in front of her eyes, people were beaten, abused and taken away.

When the first deportations from Munich to the concentration camps began in 1941, Siegfried "Fritz” Neuland took his daughter to the deeply religious Catholic farmer's wife Kreszentia Hummel in Middle Franconia. With her help, Charlotte Neuland survived the National Socialist dictatorship.

Now Charlotte Knobloch, she’s President of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria and former President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany. In this film, she tells viewers about her own life - and a past that is full of fear and loss. Despite all her devastating experiences, she would go on to become one of the most important figures representing Jewish life in the German-speaking world. She has dedicated her life to the fight for peace, equality and democracy.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Amin al-Husseini: The Anti-Zionist Arab Leader Who Collaborated with Hitler | TIMELINE Documentary

Oct 18, 2024 | Pre-WW2, Amin al-Husseini held the position of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. In the WW2 years his nationalist views and anti-Zionist beliefs allied him with fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. This makes him one of the very few non-European leaders who sided with The Axis.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Lincoln Project: Near Miss

Nov 17, 2023 | Antisemitism is not foreign to America. We must remain vigilant in our fight to resist it. If you don’t believe it, just see it for yourself.

WIKIPEDIA: Fritz Julius Kuhn »

Friday, July 12, 2024

US Holocaust Memorial Museum: State of Deception

Jul 10, 2024 | In Nazi Germany, there was no escaping the steady drumbeat of lies and misinformation to build German pride and blame the Jews for society’s problems. Nazi propaganda was pervasive—from radio broadcasts and blockbuster movies to billboards and children’s books. Join us to find out how Hitler and the Nazi party deployed a sweeping campaign to win support, manipulate a nation, and eventually commit mass murder.


Dr. Steven Luckert, Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, and Curator, State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda


Dr. Edna Friedberg, Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

EU Study Found Jews Facing 'Wave of Antisemitism' in Europe | DW News

Jul 12, 2024 | According to a newly published survey, 75 percent of Jews living in Europe feel they are being held responsible for the actions of the Israeli government. That was one of the key findings of the study by the EU's Fundamental Rights Agency. It was compiled before the Hamas terror attacks and the resulting war in Gaza.

Jewish community organizations have separately registered a sharp increase in antisemitic incidents since October 7, 2023.

The EU study found that 80% of respondents feel that antisemitism has grown in their country, with 90% saying they have encountered antisemitism online. Moreover, 76% said they feel they sometimes have to hide their Jewish identity.

Friday, June 21, 2024

French Election Becomes ‘Nightmare’ for Nation’s Jews

THE NEW YORK TIMES: An attack on a 12-year-old Jewish girl is inflaming an already tense and divisive situation.

The alleged rape last weekend of a 12-year-old Jewish girl by boys who hurled antisemitic abuse at her has ignited simmering tensions in France over attitudes toward the largest Jewish community in Western Europe.

President Emmanuel Macron, a centrist whose decision to call snap elections this month shocked even his closest allies, responded by denouncing the “scourge of antisemitism” in French schools. The prime minister, Gabriel Attal, urged politicians to “refuse the banalization” of hatred toward Jews, a thinly veiled attack on Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the ardently pro-Palestinian leader of the left who on June 2 called antisemitism in France “residual.”

There were more than 360 antisemitic episodes in France in the first three months of this year, or an average of four a day, an increase of 300 percent over the same period last year, the government said. In the most recent one that shocked the country, the three boys are said to have dragged the girl into an abandoned building where she was repeatedly raped and insulted.

The three boys, ages 12 and 13, one of them previously known to the girl, are being investigated for rape, death threats and insults “aggravated by their link to the victim’s religion,” a prosecutor’s statement on Wednesday said. Two of them have been placed in pretrial detention, it added. » | Roger Cohen, Reporting from Paris | Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Huge Rise in Antisemitic Abuse in UK since Hamas Attack, Says Charity

THE GUARDIAN: 589% increase in number of incidents described as ‘watershed moment for antisemitism in the UK’

The scale of the surge in antisemitism in the UK since Hamas’s attack on Israel on 7 October has been revealed, in data showing a 589% increase in the number of incidents compared with the same period in 2022.

The Community Security Trust (CST), which monitors anti-Jewish abuse and attacks and provides security for UK Jewish communities, said the unprecedented increase was a “watershed moment for antisemitism in the UK”.

It recorded 4,103 antisemitic incidents in the UK in 2023, the highest total in a calendar year reported to the organisation. Two-thirds of the 2023 incidents occurred after 7 October – 2,699, compared with 392 over the same time period in 2022. » | Harriet Sherwood | Thursday, February 15, 2024

Forte augmentation des actes antisémites au Royaume-Uni après l’attaque du Hamas : Deux tiers de ces faits sont survenus après l’attaque du mouvement islamiste palestinien contre Israël, selon le Community Security Trust, qui recense les actes antisémites et assure la sécurité d’écoles et lieux de culte de la communauté juive. »

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Rudy Rochman: How to Debate Jewish Hate

Feb 14, 2024 | Many people today have lost hope when it comes to having fruitful or respectful conversations with others who may have conflicting ideas or polarized opinions. Well, how are we going to create unity in this world or heal our human issues if we do not communicate?

Due to our dependency on social media to access information which caters only fractional truths served in eco chambers, along with an ever more divided world that has a hard time to relate & communicate, many in our generation think that it is a “lost cause” or a “waste of time” to speak to others who have different opinions.

You can change minds and you can impact this world. It starts by believing that you can and doing it in practice,

You can support Rudy Rochman on Patreon here.

This is a Kavana Films production.

Friday, January 26, 2024

The Far Right in the US and Europe | The Politics of Hate (2017) | Full Film

Jan 26, 2024 | At 16 he became the leader of the Chicago Area Skinheads, later a white supremacist punk band. But when Christian Picciolini started a family, he began questioning his far right views. This timely doc explores a changing Western political climate, chronicling the rise of the far right in the US and Europe, and giving alarming insights into the ways the alt-right movement operates.

Germany Logs Uptick in Antisemitic Crimes amid Gaza Conflict | DW News

Jan 26, 2024 | Authorities in Germany have noted a sharp increase in crimes with antisemitic motives amid the conflict in Gaza. The government's commissioner tasked with combating antisemitism called the figure "shameful."

Oldest Holocaust survivor turns 112 amid rise in antisemitism: Rose Girone is the oldest member of a group that numbers 245,000, according to a new survey. »

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Dealing with Jew Hate (Denmark)

Mar 19, 2022 | These videos are made to show what really exists behind the curtains of the minds of many around us. Many people hide the antisemitism they hold as truth or are reluctant to show it, but when you ask the right questions, the Emet (truth) is revealed.

The following video gets heated at times. Keep in mind that when one gets into such conversations, who the person is, what they think, or how they will react are all a part of the unknown.

Some of these individuals likely have mental health issues, and that becomes evident towards the end of the conversation, which is why when this is recognized one must be extra cautious of one’s body language, tone, and choice of words.

It's also interesting to point out that the individual makes a comment that his antisemitic beliefs were inherited from his parents and ancestors before him, which shows how many people are still taught to hate Jews as children before they ever even meet a Jewish person themselves.

Filmed: @israel_from_inside

Monday, January 22, 2024

NAZI TOWN, USA | Chapter 1 | American Experience | PBS

Jan 16, 2024 | In the 1930s, Summer camps opened up across the country. But these weren't normal summer camps: they were the creation of the German American Bund, a pro-Nazi organization with a vision of America ruled by white Christians.

NAZI TOWN, USA tells the largely unknown story of the Bund, which had scores of chapters in suburbs and big cities across the country and represented what many believe was a real threat of fascist subversion in the United States.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Breaking Down Seth Rogen's 'Internalized Anti-Semitism'

Aug 5, 2020 | Comedian & actor Seth Rogen along with Marc Maron recorded a podcast and unfortunately projected anti-Semitic rhetoric, regurgitated deeply offensive anti-Jewish tropes, and minimized the experiences, identity, and aspirations of the Jewish People.

This video wasn’t made to put down either of these two very Jewish individuals, but rather created to break down the problematic things that they said, and why so many Jews around the world took such offense to their ‘internalized anti-Semitism’.

‘Internalized anti-Semitism’ is a term used for when Jews internalize the non-Jewish world’s negative perception of Jews. They are both victims of institutional anti-Jewish xenophobia, while also being guilty of promoting it. Internalized prejudice exists in every community, and it has been part of the Jewish experience for as long as anti-Semitism itself has.

Seth may be joking about topics relating to the Jewish People and Israel, but his perspective is warped by a failed educational system and generalizes a whole population based on his individual experiences, while unintentionally pushing anti-Semitic tropes to his massive audience.

Seth and Marc are not “self-hating” nor should they be shunned or cancelled. That being said, I hope that they both take the time to understand why they’ve hurt so many Jews and not fall prey to movements that will seek to capitalize on their current state to further push them against their own collective.

Beware! This video contains some very strong language. – MarK

You can support Rudy Rochman here

Friday, January 12, 2024

Jewish Students Condemn Antisemitic Tweets about French PM Gabriel Attal

THE GUARDIAN: Students’ union calls for sanctions over posts on social network that have also contained homophobic abuse

Attal (centre) is France’s youngest prime minister and the first out gay politician in the role.Photograph: Eric Tschaen/Sipa/Rex/Shutterstock

The French Union of Jewish Students has called for sanctions against people who have written antisemitic and homophobic comments about France’s new prime minister, Gabriel Attal, on the social network X.

Attal, 34, who was appointed by the president, Emmanuel Macron, this week, is France’s youngest prime minister and also the first out gay politician in the job.

His father, a lawyer and film producer who died in 2015, was Jewish and his mother is Orthodox Christian. He was baptised as Christian but Attal has said his father told him he would feel Jewish all his life and would always face antisemitism because he had a Jewish name. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Friday, January 12, 2024

Who is Gabriel Attal, the French PM who climbed the ranks in record time?: France’s youngest prime minister, son of privilege, is known for his ability to think on his feet »

Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Hating Jews Hits Different

Jan 1, 2024 | Oftentimes when someone is accused of antisemitism they brush it off and insist they were merely “criticizing” Israel. This is because the hatred of Jewish people is a unique form of bigotry, and most people are not familiar with how it has functioned throughout history.

In the past, when antisemitism reached violent levels, Jews were unable to stand up for themselves. Now that we are strong and have re-established our state we share a responsibility to push back against this darkness by educating and working towards a brighter future.

This is a Kavana Films production.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Rabbi Tina Grimberg on Anti-Semitism and Its Enduring Impact | The Warning Podcast

Dec 30, 2023 | Rabbi Tina Grimberg joins Steve Schmidt to discuss antisemitism and its enduring impact, as well as the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict and its impact on young people.