Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Thinking Atheist: Why Isn't the West Talking about Islam? | With Nuriyah Khan

Feb 20, 2024 | Ex-Muslim Nuriyah Khan says many in the West (including a lot of American feminists) are misguided on the subject of Islam.

Follow Nuriyah on X / Twitter here

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Brokenomics | Islam - with Robert Spencer

Jan 23, 2024 | Dan talks to Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch about the prospects of successfully integrating Islam into the global world.

Sunday, January 07, 2024

Armin Navabi: The Poison Pill of Islam | Parts 1 & 2

Jul 13, 2017 | Armin Navabi is a former Iranian Muslim and founder of He is a vocal critic of Islam, with a unique insider's perspective and a passion to see people set free from religious dogma.

Atheist Republic »

Islam is a pox on the world. It is the antithesis of the Enlightenment. – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Thinking Atheist: Arrested for Offending Islam (with Armin Navabi)

Sep 9, 2019 | Soheil Arabi is being imprisoned and tortured in Iran for speaking freely in his criticism of Islam. Armin Navabi of Atheist Republic tells the story, and encourages us to help bring Arabi's story to light.

These religious freaks are ridiculous! Who gives a damn about their prophets? WBFC? Muslims say there’s no compulsion in their religion. Like hell there isn’t!

MBS in Saudi Arabia is very concerned about projecting Islam’s image in a modern light. If that is truly the case, he needs to put a stop — A STOP — to the torture, imprisonment and persecution of gays and atheists in Saudi Arabia. Until he does that, all his programmes of modernisation will be vacuous and empty. Mere cosmetics. Window dressing. If Islam is such a compassionate religion, show it! Don’t tell it; show it! – © Mark Alexander

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Haven’t We All Maxed Out on Islam by Now?

MARK ALEXANDER : Let’s face it: Nobody wants Islam in Europe. Nobody wants Islam in the West. Islam is like a cancer in our midst!

Islam is only here as much as it is because our politicians, from the right and from the left, haven’t had the spunk to deal with the growing problem – they have chickened out.

I am telling you now; and in clear, unequivocal words: Islam DOES NOT belong in Europe. And when I speak of Europe, I include the United Kingdom. Indeed, it does not belong in the West.

Does this mean that people born into the Muslim faith don’t belong here? No! It certainly does not. It is perfectly possible for a person born into the Muslim faith to find his/her place here in the West. But only if he/she renounces his/her desire to supplant Western religion (Christianity) or Secularism, Laicité, with Islamic values. It is simply NOT going to happen. At least not without a fight to the death.

Come and live here amongst us by all means. You are most welcome. But only if you renounce all notions of superiority or wishes to take over the West, all desire to Islamise the West. These ideas will lead to NO GOOD PLACE! Of that, I can assure you.

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Islamic Culture Not Compatible with European Values: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

Dec 18, 2023 | Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni may have just touched a raw nerve with a loaded comment about Islam at a far-right gathering in her country. According to various media reports, Meloni's potentially explosive observation came at a political event held by the far-right Brothers of Italy in Rome, where she reportedly said that "there is no place for Islamic culture in Europe".

Giorgia Meloni is absolutely right about this. Islamic values and European values are totally and utterly immiscible. If we allow Islam to keep on growing in Europe, we are going to be in deep, deep trouble. Kudos, Signora Meloni, for having the courage to speak the truth. Few politicians have that courage. – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Deutsches Kalifat? Das kann nur die AfD verhindern!

Nov 9, 2023 | Tausende, die unter „Allahu akbar“-Rufen durch die Straßen ziehen, nach Geschlechtern getrennt, mit Fahnen, die an den IS erinnern, und die die Ausrufung eines Kalifats fordern.

Das ist nicht etwa irgendwo im Nahen Osten passiert, sondern am vergangenen Freitag in Essen. Die AfD hat zu diesen Zuständen eine aktuelle Stunde im Bundestag anberaumt, nicht zuletzt weil in den Medien davon kaum etwas zu sehen war. „Der radikale Islam stellt im Herbst 2023 auf deutschen Straßen ganz offen die Machtfrage und wir müssen diese mit aller Härte beantworten!“, fordert unser Bundestagsabgeordneter und Vize-Fratkionschef Sebastian Münzenmaier im Plenum. Denn aus den rund 3000, die das Kalifat fordern, werden bald 30.000 und irgendwann 300.000. Letztendlich gebe es nur zwei Möglichkeiten: „Entweder Chaos, Straßenschlachten und ethnische Konflikte im bunten Multikulti-Staat oder ein Deutschland als Land der Deutschen, als Ort von Freiheit, von Ordnung und von Normalität.“ Aber für Letzteres brauche man die millionenfache Re-Migration, und die schafft nur die AfD. Nur mit der AfD wird es kein deutsches Kalifat geben.

Kein Wunder, daß die AfD immerzu stärker wird! Dieser Herr hat Klartext gesprochen. Deutschland wird auf keinen Fall islamisiert sein. Deutschland muß Deutschland bleiben und nicht ein Satellitenstaat des Nahen Ostens werden. Die Deutschen wollen unbedingt Deutschland für sich behalten. Und das ist auch richtig so. Die meisten Politiker im Westen scheinen anderer Meinung zu sein: Sie erlauben Islam unsere Kultur zu übernehmen – schrittweise! Das ist das Verrückte! – © Mark Alexander

Friday, December 08, 2023

Mohamad Faridi & Andrew Wommack : Grace Encounters Conference | 2022

Sep 16, 2023 | Mohamad Faridi - Mohamad Faridi was raised in Iran as a devoted Muslim, believing that martyrdom was the pinnacle of success. Afraid that he would be punished in hell by the god of Islam for his sins, he did all he could to fulfill the demands of his religion. Everything would change, however, when he encountered the unconditional love and grace of Jesus Christ. Knowing his newfound faith would result in extreme persecution, he fled to America where he met and married his wife, Susan. A pastor friend introduced them to Andrew Wommack’s teachings, and they began growing in faith and understanding the true meaning of the Gospel. Their lives would never be the same! Now a Charis graduate, Mohamad is impacting the Muslim world with the Good News of God’s love and grace.

Listen carefully to what Mohamad Faridi tells us about the nature of Islam. It should be a warning to us all in the West. Don't be put off by the deeply Christian talk in the video. That is not why I am posting this for you. I want people to TRULY UNDERSTAND, once and for all, what we are dealing with when we are dealing with Islam. Muslims can be incredibly lovely people. I know form experience that this is true. But Islam itself is a BACKWARD IDEOLOGY. It should have no place in Europe or the West. It doesn't belong here.

Western politicians are hoodwinking electorates by forstering competing ideologies at one and the same time. Feminism, gay rights, equality of religions, etc. Islam believes in none of these things; and will tolerate none of these things either.

When Islam gets its STEELY GRIP on the West, which, if present trends and birthrates continue it surely will, then we will be able to kiss goodbye to women's rights, gay rights, atheists' rights, and all the other rights one can think of. You will have ONLY ONE RIGHT: the right to SUBMIT to Allah. That mysthical cruel dude in the sky, who watches everything you do, even what you do on the toilet!

If things go on as they are, if our politicians show no spunk, eventually, the people will take matters into their own hands. This is what I fear. I fear civil war. There is only so much that the people will accept. They certainly put up with it for now, but in the long-run, they will never accept the dark, backward ways of a religion which belongs in the sands of the desert rather than in the West. – © Mark Alexander

Geert Wilders’ Message for Muslims in Europe | Controversial Dutch PM, warns Erdogan

Dec 4, 2023 | The Far-Right Dutch Prime Minister, renowned for his Islamophobic stance and anti-Turkey sentiments, recently stirred controversy with a video message following a dramatic victory.

In the video, originally uploaded on December 4, 2015, Geert Wilders explicitly stated, "I have a message to the Turks; we do not want you in Europe. You are not European. You can never be a part of Europe." He went on to criticize Turkey, claiming it is ruled by the "dangerous Erdogan, who carries the flag of Islam," and emphatically expressed, "We don't want Islam. Therefore, Türkiye, stay away from us."

This isn't the first time Wilders has showcased discriminatory views; throughout his career, he has consistently made anti-Islamic comments, often targeting Erdogan and using anti-Turkey rhetoric as part of his domestic policy. Notably, in 2019, Wilders canceled a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest, provoking protests in Pakistan, underscoring his ongoing commitment to a divisive stance against Islam despite any opposition.

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Mohamad Faridi in Discussion with Nonie Darwish on Islamic Values and Biblical Values

Aug 27, 2020

This excellent discussion is a very important one for Westerners to be able to understand the true nature of Islam. Both Nonie Darwish — a famous authoress — and Mohamad Faridi are former Muslims who have seen the light and have converted to Christianity.

This discussion cuts through the politically correct and woke nonsense Westerners are fed to get to the truth about Islam, to its true nature. It shows us not what people want to believe about Islam, but what people should believe about it. Enjoy the discussion! – © Mark Alexander

Monday, December 04, 2023

Saturday, December 02, 2023

Danish MP: “It Is Impossible to Integrate These People.” | From 2016

Jan 26, 2016

Of course they can't be integrated. That should be clear to all by now. Their prophet told them to set themselves apart from the unbelievers, the kafir (Wikipedia). So, the West has no chance. The more religious Muslims are, the more difficult it becomes to integrate them. This is not an opinion, it is a FACT! – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Rudy Rochman: Can Islam & Judaism Work? | A Jew's Perspective

Nov 30, 2023 | In this world we are either One, or one against the other. From Abraham came many descendants, each of them with a mission to bring the understanding of Oneness to the world. How are we supposed to do that if we can't even find a common language and understand our different functions within the same goal?

Well, let's break down the definitions of the words we are actually using, let's uncover what our ultimate purpose is, and let's find a way to make it work together.

We already know what going against one another looks like, so let's uncover the reality of when the wisdom stemming from Avraham/Ibrahim work together, without giving up on what makes us unique on our own.

Hashem/Allah is One. The world already knows this, it's our job to remind them.

Video by @KavanaFilms

Rudy Rochman can be supported here »

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Freed Hamas Captives Tell of Fear, Squalor and Hunger

Bare benches for beds in "suffocating", airless rooms. Little to no food. A child captive forced by Hamas to watch the carnage of 7 October on video.

Read the BBC article here.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: From New Atheist to Christian Convert

Nov 21, 2023 | UnHerd's Freddie Sayers sits down with former New Atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali to discuss why she now considers herself to be Christian.

They're Going to Win" - Will Muslims Run America in 30 Years? | Reupload

Sep 22, 2023 | Patrick Bet-David moderates a religious discussion between Muslims and Christians. In this short clip, they discuss why America might have a Muslim majority in the future. Today's guests were Daniel Haqiqatjou, Robert Spencer, Brother Rachid, and Jake Brancatella.

Will Muslims Run America in 30 Years? Jesus! Heaven forfend such an outcome!

In this video, Robert Spencer states that women need to have more babies. ‘Goddamm’ right they do! Feminism has been a curse on the West. Why? Because it has taken women out of the home and into the workspace. Increasingly, it is also giving them equal pay. That is all well and good, of course; but it comes at a high cost to society. It cannot be denied that the more equal women’s pay is, the greater the opportunity cost of a woman staying at home. Not entering the workplace becomes ever more expensive. And here’s the kicker: Unless a woman stays out of the workplace, she cannot give birth to more babies. Motherhood is a demanding job; it is also the most important job that a woman can do. In my opinion, it is far too underrated. As prestigious a job being a CEO might be, how can it compare in importance to society with the raising of the next generation? Well-behaved, well-educated, well-dressed, well-socialised citizens, citizens who can take their place in society, are such an asset to our societies and our economies.

Gays have virtually no impact on the birthrate. That’s because gays have always existed; they have existed since time immemorial. Yes, a gay man can procreate. But what use is that if that man/woman is locked into an unhappy marriage? In an unhappy marriage, neither partner is happy. Such scenarios eventually lead to divorces.

So, in a few words, and to cut this complicated story short, if Westerners want the West to survive and thrive, we need to change the way society is set up. Further, dumping children into kindergarten and day care centres is hardly the right way to bring up children. Moreover, if we want Islam to become dominant, just carry on doing things the way we are doing things. This will almost guarantee the eventual dominance and influence of Islam on our culture and societies.– © Mark Alexander

Monday, November 20, 2023

John Anderson: Silent Radical Islam Will "Turn the West against Itself" | Niall Ferguson

Nov 20, 2023 | In this clip Niall unpacks the difference between jihad and da'wah.

The mistake the West is making is in trying to distinguish between various types of Islam: Islam, Islamism, radical Islam, etc. There is but ONE Islam; and Islam is the source of the problem. The Crusaders knew this well. They understood the nature of the threat to the free world. So why have we become so ill-informed? Why are we so bloody stupid?

You CANNOT distinguish between benign Islam and malign Islam. Islam is Islam. No one will ever be able to change its nature. Islam and the West are immiscible. There are many reasons for this, but ONE important reason is that Islam recognises no separation of religion and politics. They are one whole. The West, on the other hand, depends on their separation. Without that separation, the West cannot be the West!

If we want the free West to survive, we had better learn this damn lesson quickly! I wrote a book about this more than twenty years ago. Why don’t people listen to common sense? – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Islam: Democracy vs Theocracy | #shorts

John Anderson talks to Niall Ferguson about this.

My essay on this very topic written in April 2007 here.

Ex-Muslim Yasmine Mohammed Speaks Out

Oct 29, 2023 | Yasmine details her traumatic experiences as Muslim and how she escaped from Islam, founded a movement that helps thousands of other ex-Muslims worldwide secretly.

What a nightmare! But this is so typical of Islam! Islam oppresses. But people aren't supposed to fear Islam! For if they do, they will be labelled Islamophobic. And what does Islamophobic mean? It means being fearful of Islam. And is it so irrational to be fearful of this nonsense? – © Mark Alexander