Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2025

À la découverte des villages islamiques cachés d’Italie

Saviez-vous que l’histoire islamique en Europe cache encore de nombreux secrets ? Aujourd’hui, nous partons à la recherche de **villages oubliés d’Italie**, où l’influence musulmane a laissé des traces mystérieuses… Des inscriptions en arabe, des architectures inspirées de l’Andalousie, et des récits fascinants qui ont traversé les siècles !

Dans cette vidéo, nous vous emmenons à la découverte de lieux **méconnus mais empreints d’histoire**. Autrefois, l’islam rayonnait à travers l’Europe, et des vestiges de cette époque subsistent encore aujourd’hui, souvent cachés aux yeux du monde. Nous explorerons des ruelles pavées, des bâtisses anciennes et des **indices oubliés**, témoignant d’un passé islamique insoupçonné. À travers ce voyage, plongeons ensemble dans un récit **où la spiritualité et l’histoire se rejoignent**, et redécouvrons une facette méconnue du patrimoine musulman en Occident.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Islamophobia Laws Are Just Censorship. Britain’s Muslims Already Have Solid Protection

THE TELEGRAPH: Another attempt is being made to invent special rights for just one faith group. Let’s hope it fails

The noted theologian Angela Rayner has decided that this Labour Government should come up with a working definition of the term Islamophobia. She has now found a former Conservative, Dominic Grieve, to head the taskforce committed to solving this conundrum. For his part, Grieve has said that he hopes that the commission he is heading “will come up with principles in defining Islamophobia” which will “thus help support positive change in our country”. Allow me to make a prediction. Angela Rayner, Dominic Grieve and all the people involved will fail.

Anybody could tell them that there are already more than enough laws in this country that protect people from abuse. And there are more than enough laws that prevent acts of criminality. For instance, it is already illegal to attack a mosque, like any other building. It is also already illegal to harass or harm someone.

Furthermore, the woeful expansion of the “non-crime hate incident” as a part of the non-laws of this country has already allowed the police to come knocking on the front doors of people perceived to have said something mean online.

But for those pushing for a definition of “Islamophobia” none of this is enough. They do not want more laws to protect Muslims or Islam. They want special laws to protect one particular religion – and this is intolerable. » | Douglas Murray | Monday, March 17, 2025

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Moscheereport: Islam und Homosexualität

Apr 28, 2018 | Schwul und Muslim - das geht nicht. So sehen es viele Gläubige im Nahen Osten, aber auch in Deutschland. Warum das richtig sei und auch so bleiben solle, berichtet ein Imam im Moscheereport. Constantin Schreiber berichtet im Moscheereport über das Verhältnis zwischen Islam und Homosexualität.

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Grooming Gangs & the Islamic 'Primitive' Mindset | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Jan 7, 2025 | Muslim-turned-Christian activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali delves into the cultural and tribal dynamics behind Islamic grooming gangs, arguing that these heinous acts stem from primitive views on women ingrained in certain Muslim communities. Drawing from her own experiences and extensive research, Hirsi Ali explores how these beliefs perpetuate a dangerous cycle of exploitation and silence.

Sunday, January 05, 2025

A Move Toward Christianity Stirs in a Muslim Land

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Christian converts in Kosovo, where the vast majority of people are Muslim, hope to revive a pre-Islamic past they see as a key to their European identity.

Two men chatting in front of a church in the village of Llapushnik, Kosovo, where a baptism ceremony took place in November. | Armend Nimani for The New York Times

The Catholic priest stood at the altar in the hilltop church for the mass baptism, dunking dozens of heads in water and tracing a cross with his finger on each forehead.

Then he rejoiced at Christianity’s recovery of souls in a land where the vast majority of people are Muslim — as the men, women and children standing before him had been.

The ceremony was one of many in recent months in Kosovo, a formerly Serbian territory inhabited largely by ethnic Albanians that declared itself an independent state in 2008. In a census last spring, 93 percent of the population professed itself Muslim and only 1.75 percent Roman Catholic.

A small number of ethnic Albanian Christian activists, all converts from Islam, are urging their ethnic kin to look to the church as an expression of their identity. They call it the “return movement,” a push to revive a pre-Islamic past they see as an anchor of Kosovo’s place in Europe and a barrier to religious extremism spilling over from the Middle East. » | Andrew Higgins and Fatjona Mejdini | Reporting from Llapushnik, Podujevo and Pristina, Kosovo | Saturday, Jan 4, 2025

Friday, October 18, 2024

How to Defeat Islam! Sam Harris

Oct 15, 2024

Islam cannot be reformed. Islam is what it is. The Qur’an means ‘The Recitation’. Or ‘The Reading’. Muslims believe that the Qur’an was recited to the Prophet Muhammad by the Angel Gabriel, who was conveying Allah’s actual words. So, if Muslims believe that the Qur’an contains Allah’s actual words, it would be considered heresy to change even one syllable of Allah’s words. It would be a brave man who would try to change anything!

Pinning one’s hopes on a reformation in Islam is tantamount to whistling Dixie! Period! – © Mark Alexander

Monday, October 07, 2024

The Real Origins of Islam | Peter Von Sivers PhD

Mar 19, 10122 | Were the Arabs Christians of some sort reacting to other versions of Christianity during the 600s? Dr. Peter Von Sivers breaks down the history leading up to the Quran and the life of Muhammad. This is a highly educational discussion of the zeitgeist in the middle east during this time and how this may be the key to really understanding how Islam began.

For all links related to this video, please click here.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Islam, The Untold Story - Tom Holland

Jul 16, 2021 | Tom Holland's "Islam, The Untold Story", a documentary for Channel 4, aired in August 2012 (all rights reserved Channel 4)

Tom Holland points to the "black hole" of the origins of Islam and investigates like a detective the inconsistencies of Muslim tradition, the absence of ancient sources, the absence of any mention of Muhammad or Mecca before the end of the 7th century. He meets specialists, researchers, archaeologists, scholars (Patricia Crone, Fred Donner, Guy Stroumsa, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Tali Erickson-Gini), visits the places, looks at the ruins, the artifacts, the historical material and compares with the traditionnal Islamic narrative.

Friday, September 27, 2024

How Greece Becomes Europe's Next Muslim Country

Sep 26, 2024 | Modern-day Greece is home to an estimated 500,000 Muslims, accounting for about 4.6% of the total population. This number has been steadily rising due to immigration, especially from North Africa and Muslim-majority countries like Syria, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, as well as of course the natural growth within these communities. This demographic shift is particularly noticeable in regions like Athens, Thessaloniki, and Thrace, where Muslim communities are expanding and challenging Greece's traditional cultural landscape. …

Feminism has lots to answer for! The low birth rate right across Europe and the West is a direct result of women preferring to be in the workplace rather than being at home procreating children. A controversial viewpoint, maybe, but true! – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Spain's Islamic Legacy Source of Controversy | Focus on Europe

Mar 24, 2019 | Andalusia has a rich Islamic past. Its Mosque of Cordoba is world-famous. But now that some Arab countries have donated money to restore such architectural treasures, Spain's right-wing populists are stoking fears.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Re-thinking Islam: Seth Andrews Interviews Adam Elmasri

Sep 17, 2024 | In this interview, Seth Andrews hosts Adam Elmasri to talk and re-think Islam. What is Islam and why we need to talk about it now more than ever.

For Adam Elmasri’s website, click here.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam

Premiered May 26, 2024 | Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born human rights activist, writer and former politician.

Indeed! What is wrong with our leaders? Keir Starmer is a perfect example of what is wrong with our Western leaders. He has no understanding of the issues we face! And if he does, it means that he has no courage to deal with the real issues we face! It has been reported that he is ready to introduce a law outlawing Islamophobia. That is the very last thing that should be done. Islam is the greatest threat to the West. No sensible person would outlaw the healthy criticism of the very force which is intent on destroying our way of life. That would be tantamount to outlawing the criticism of Nazism in the 1930s! No, Mr Starmer, we do not need more censorship. What we need is OPEN DEBATE. HEALTHY, open debate. Whither our country? Whither the West? – © Mark Alexander

Ex-Muslim Warns against Islamization & Approaching North American Christian Persecution | TBN Israel

Aug 9, 2024 | Mati Shoshani is joined by Majed El Shafie, President and founder of One Free World International (‪@ ofwi‬), to speak about the growing influence of Islam in Western countries and rising threat of Christian persecution. Shafie shares his experience ministering to victims of Islamic terrorism and the hope Christians have in Jesus.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Muslim Plan to 'Bring the World Under Islam Dominion' | Ayaan Hirsi Ali

May 31, 2024 | “We are going to get Hamas fighters,” Ayaan Hirsi Ali told GB News in an exclusive interview. “We're going to get Palestinian Islamic Jihad members who are going to get radical, hardened militant Islamists to come into America through the asylum and refugee process and exploit the system to lend a hand to those activist, militant Muslims who are anti-Semitic and anti-American and with an agenda to Islamise as our society.”

A prominent human rights activist has warned that Palestinian refugees will bring terror and antisemitism if allowed to enter the West. However, Hirsi Ali stressed that: “If the Palestinian refugees are small children and women who have been vetted and who are going to be brought here, and they are going to be assimilated into American society, into the ideas of freedom and equality for women and men, and for tolerance and pluralism.” “That is one thing,” she continued. “But that is not what I think we are seeing.”

Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim who recently converted to Christianity, said it was far more likely that radical Islamists and terrorists will enter via refugee and asylum routes to America, not innocent women and children.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Se convertir à l’Islam | ARTE Regards

Apr 23, 2024 | De nombreux Européens en quête de sens et de spiritualité cherchent des réponses dans la religion. Certains se tournent vers le soufisme, un courant mystique de l’islam. Des chrétiens convertis à l’islam sont ainsi de plus en plus nombreux à s’installer dans le sud de l’Espagne.

Dernier bastion des Maures au XVe siècle, la cité andalouse d’Orgiva est devenue un lieu de pèlerinage pour de nombreux Européens adeptes du soufisme. Tant et si bien qu’elle connaît une véritable renaissance islamique. Artur Ruik, un Germano-polonais qui a pris le nom d’Hamza depuis sa conversion à l’islam, a lui aussi décidé de sauter le pas et de quitter Vienne pour s’installer à Orgiva avec sa femme Asma et leur fille Choukria. La famille aspire à une vie teintée de spiritualité auprès de musulmans modérés qui partagent la même vision des choses. Cependant, des désaccords se font jour au sein de la communauté musulmane, qui représente désormais 10 % de la population d’Orgiva.

Christian, ancien Berlinois de 52 ans qui s’appelle Youssouf depuis sa conversion, reproche à la communauté soufie d’avoir basculé dans le folklore, alors qu’il juge indispensable de suivre les préceptes du Coran pour s’épanouir pleinement dans l’islam – une conception de la doctrine religieuse qu’il essaie de transmettre à Orgiva. La vloggeuse Paloma Ruiz Almodovar, descendante directe des derniers Maures de Grenade, est la première de sa famille à avoir embrassé la religion islamique depuis la conversion au christianisme de ses ancêtres au XVe siècle. À travers ses publications engagées, l’influenceuse soutient la communauté musulmane du sud de l’Espagne. Elle est convaincue que, même aujourd’hui, le Coran peut apporter des réponses à toutes les questions existentielles et qu’il n’est pas antinomique avec le féminisme.

Reportage (Allemagne, 2023, 31mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 15/03/2025

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Blasphemy in Morocco with Mohamed

Jul 30, 2024 | Interview with a Moroccan ex-Muslim ‪@ skeptic mohamed‬ who applied for asylum in Sweden after being attacked for his beliefs and political statements

Please be aware that some people might be offended by some of the content in this video. I am posting this discussion because it is very interesting and very informative. Posting it, however, should not necessarily be construed as a full endorsement.

My visitors and followers will know by now that I am committed to freedom of thought and freedom of expression. I abhor censorship in all its forms. I am also committed to the concept of freedom of religion and man’s right to reject what he considers to be myth and fable, too. If a person rejects the concept of God, then so be it. Advancement in this world can only be achieved with freedom of thought and freedom of expression. Societies which reject freedom of thought, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion, or punish people for the agnosticism or atheism are always held back in their scientific and societal progress.

Blasphemy laws are a nonsense and do not belong in the modern world. – © Mark Alexander

The Moroccan atheist referred to in this video is Kacem El Gazzali. You can find information on him on WIKIPEDIA here.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Islamist Hate Cleric 'Refugee' Raises Millions to Set Up Islamic 'Homeland' on Scottish Isle

Jul 29, 2024 | Yasser al-Habib came to Britain as a refugee and has since vowed to undermine British values and install a sharia homeland within our territory.

Read a related article here.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Islamic Hate Preacher's Audacious Bid to Turn Scottish Island into 'Sharia' State Raises £3m

SCOTTISH DAILY EXPRESS: Sheikh Yasser al-Habib wants to purchase the isle of Torsa off Scotland's west coast - but he'll need to get past the Women's Institute first!

Sheikh Yasser al-Habib wants to turn the island of Torsa into his own Islamic state (Image: Wikicommons)

An Islamic hate preacher said to have his own 'army' has launched an audacious bid to buy a Scottish island and turn it into his own state based on Sharia law. Sheikh Yasser al-Habib has raised £3 million to purchase the isle of Torsa, located off the west coast of Argyll and Bute.

He is said to be in 'advanced talks' to buy the land. The 45-year-old claimed asylum in the UK 20 years ago and runs military-style training camps for an 'army' group called Al-Shurta Al-Khamis.

He plans to build a school, hospital and mosque on the island which will be run on strict Muslim laws. A video sent to supporters shows the cleric saying he will negotiate with the UK Government and invite Muslims from "all over the world" to Torsa which will become their "homeland". » | Douglas Dickie, Content editor | Sunday, July 28, 2024