Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Why Religion Is a Fallacy – Richard Dawkins

Oct 26, 2024 | Biologist and famous atheist Richard Dawkins talks about his interview with Piers Morgan and religion, and doesn’t hold back.

Sunday, August 04, 2024

Se convertir à l’Islam | ARTE Regards

Apr 23, 2024 | De nombreux Européens en quête de sens et de spiritualité cherchent des réponses dans la religion. Certains se tournent vers le soufisme, un courant mystique de l’islam. Des chrétiens convertis à l’islam sont ainsi de plus en plus nombreux à s’installer dans le sud de l’Espagne.

Dernier bastion des Maures au XVe siècle, la cité andalouse d’Orgiva est devenue un lieu de pèlerinage pour de nombreux Européens adeptes du soufisme. Tant et si bien qu’elle connaît une véritable renaissance islamique. Artur Ruik, un Germano-polonais qui a pris le nom d’Hamza depuis sa conversion à l’islam, a lui aussi décidé de sauter le pas et de quitter Vienne pour s’installer à Orgiva avec sa femme Asma et leur fille Choukria. La famille aspire à une vie teintée de spiritualité auprès de musulmans modérés qui partagent la même vision des choses. Cependant, des désaccords se font jour au sein de la communauté musulmane, qui représente désormais 10 % de la population d’Orgiva.

Christian, ancien Berlinois de 52 ans qui s’appelle Youssouf depuis sa conversion, reproche à la communauté soufie d’avoir basculé dans le folklore, alors qu’il juge indispensable de suivre les préceptes du Coran pour s’épanouir pleinement dans l’islam – une conception de la doctrine religieuse qu’il essaie de transmettre à Orgiva. La vloggeuse Paloma Ruiz Almodovar, descendante directe des derniers Maures de Grenade, est la première de sa famille à avoir embrassé la religion islamique depuis la conversion au christianisme de ses ancêtres au XVe siècle. À travers ses publications engagées, l’influenceuse soutient la communauté musulmane du sud de l’Espagne. Elle est convaincue que, même aujourd’hui, le Coran peut apporter des réponses à toutes les questions existentielles et qu’il n’est pas antinomique avec le féminisme.

Reportage (Allemagne, 2023, 31mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 15/03/2025

Monday, June 24, 2024

Holy Humanist: Sick of Sinning | The Power of Religious Indoctrination

Jun 23, 2024 | “Join me in conversation with Jennifer Graham as we unpack her fascinating and enduring life story, delving into the power that religious indoctrination once held sway over her.

Jennifer grew up in South Africa under the oppressive apartheid government and gave her life to the Lord early in life. As cognitive dissonance began to set in and the claims of Christianity fell apart, Jenn eventually de-converted. She let go of her limiting beliefs and discovered a sense of empowerment leaving it all behind.

Many thanks to Jennifer for sharing her story!" - Nuriyah

For those wishing to do so, Nuriyah Khan’s work can be supported on PayPal here.

Jennifer Graham’s book, An Immoral Proposal, is available on Amazon. – Mark

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

«The Majority of the Vatican Priests Are Gay» | Sternstunde Religion | SRF Kultur | Reupload

Mar 31, 2020 | It is well known that the Vatican frowns upon men who love men. But that the centre of power of the Roman Catholic Church should at the same time be one of the largest gay communities worldwide was new to many when Frédéric Martel brought this thesis to the world in 2019.

After having published "In the Closet of the Vatican" simultaneously in eight languages, the French author and journalist was invited to countless talk shows, but the Vatican was shrouded in silence.

Whoever felt somehow different - just homosexual - as a young man in the 30s, 40s and 50s of the last century, found an oasis in the Roman Catholic Church, according to Martel. Men living among men, wearing different clothes and singing in a choir, that would have been the salvation for many, which was also accepted by society.

While most of the men Martel spoke to are very old, their world view remains: Homophobic on the outside, homophile on the inside. This led to a dangerous double standard, a culture of silence, which had very unhappily promoted the scandals around the Catholic Church.

Sternstunde Religion vom 29.3.2020

Die deutsche Version von diesem Interview befindet sich hier.


Frédéric Martel »

Richard Dawkins Slams Jordan Peterson | #shorts

Richard Dawkins’ plain talk.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

God Bless America: How the US Is Obsessed with Religion | ENDEVR Documentary

Jan23, 2024 | Despite being an officially secular country, religion is everywhere in the United States. 70% of Americans are Christians and the majority of them voted for Trump. Evangelicals mobilized in their masses to get Donald Trump elected and they similarly geared up to do the same in the most recent election. Evangelicals have even created their own Bible-themed attractions, boldly rewriting the science books to educate their children. In Kentucky, an actual-size Noah’s ark has been built along with a museum that supports the theory that the universe was created in just six days. In this documentary, we dive into the religious world inside the United States.

The USA is falling into darkness! And whatever happens in the USA, it isn’t long before the rest of the West catches up; so, the rest of the Occident will soon be on the same trajectory.

The version of Christianity of these fundamentalists bears no resemblance to the Christianity I was raised in. I was raised in the Anglican tradition. In Anglicanism, there are plenty of myths and tall stories too; but they are generally either overlooked or considered to be symbolic. They are not taken literally. These fundamentalist Christians in the US, however, are clearly incapable of sifting fact from fiction. Sad! Little wonder the USA is in the mess it is. No wonder these people are hoodwinked by, and taken in by, Trump.

It wouldn’t be so bad if Trump’s re-election just impacted and messed up the States. Alas, it won’t end there. The re-election of Trump is highly likely to mess up the West in toto. Let us all hope that America comes to its senses before that. – © Mark Alexander

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Monday, October 23, 2023

Christopher Hitchens, Author of "God Is Not Great," on Islamic Dogma | #shorts

One simply must love the late Christopher Hitchens. He lived life on his own terms. That takes courage and character. He drank like a fish, smoked like a trooper, and had no reverence for myth, legend or fairy tales. He was quick to call out bullshit.

On the Extraordinary Idea of Purgatory

Stephen Fry talks about the bullshit many people believe.

Friday, September 08, 2023

Some Food for Thought! The Late Christopher Hitchens: The Best of the Hitchslap

Oct 5, 2010 | Christopher Hitchens at his finest - some of my favorite moments by the writer who has inspired the ideals of skepticism, free inquiry, and rational thought in so many. I believe Hitchslap is now the proper term for the unflinching intellectual prowess displayed in these exchanges.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

US Evangelicals in Freefall: Fewer Accept Core Christian Beliefs

Jun 24, 2023 | Fewer people are "capable of defending biblical perspectives in the public square." Christians pollster George Bana, Director of Research at ACU's Cultural Research Center discloses what his latest findings mean for the church and American society.

Friday, January 20, 2023

What’s It Like to Be Gay and a Priest? I Feel Like a Second-class Citizen in the Church of England

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: The church made me answer prurient questions in order to be ordained – and if I were to enter a civil marriage, I’d essentially be sacked

Charlie Bell (right) and his partner. ‘Piotr and I won’t be getting married any time soon. The Church of England doesn’t want us to just yet.’ Photograph: Charlie Bell

In many ways, my partner and I are quite boring and conventional. We may have met through a dating app – very 21st century – but otherwise there’s been nothing particularly scandalous or unusual about how we do things. Quite frankly, most people wouldn’t bat an eyelid.

Except, of course, for the fact that I’m a priest in the Church of England – and that’s where the problems begin. For while the rest of the country seems able to see the clear and unambiguous good that springs from same-sex relationships, the church continues to drag its heels. For years, in fact, it has told us that there’s nothing good at all about our love for one another – that it’s something to be shunned, embarrassed about, even erased. Our love is, ultimately, a problem.

The poverty of such a view has become increasingly obvious to those within the church and without, but the bishops of the C of E have resolutely refused to say anything at all for years. They - including those bishops who are secretly gay – have been cowed into silence by threats from those who oppose same-sex marriage. A few years ago, in 2017, they finally said something – recognising that the church’s record had hardly been positive towards LGBTQ people but coupled with a firm refusal to do anything about it. And the clergy of the C of E told them to get stuffed. » | Charlie Bell * | Friday, January 20, 2023

* Charlie Bell is an Anglican priest in the diocese of Southwark and a Fellow at Girton College, Cambridge


Archbishop will not give new prayer blessing for gay couples: The Archbishop of Canterbury will not use proposed new prayers to bless same-sex couples. »

Friday, December 09, 2022

Sam Harris on Whether Religion Really Does Make Everything Worse | The Good Fight with Yascha Mounk

Nov 8, 2022 | Sam Harris is a neuroscientist, philosopher, author, and the host of the Making Sense podcast. He rose to prominence as a member of the “Four Horsemen” of New Atheism, which also included Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins, and Christopher Hitchens.

WIKIPEDIA: Yascha Mounk »

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

England and Wales Now Minority Christian Countries, Census Reveals

THE GUARDIAN: Data shows Leicester and Birmingham have become UK’s first ‘minority majority’ cities in new age of ‘super-diversity’

England and Wales are now minority Christian countries, according to the 2021 census, which also shows that Leicester and Birmingham have become the first UK cities to have “minority majorities”.

The census also reveals a 5.5 million drop in the number of Christians and a 44% rise in the number of people following Islam. It is the first time in a census of England and Wales that less than half of the population have described themselves as “Christian”.

Meanwhile, 37.2% of people – 22.2 million – declared they had “no religion”, the second most common response after Christian.It means that over the past 20 years the proportion of people reporting no religion has soared from 14.8%. » | Robert Booth,, Pamela Duncan and Carmen Aguilar García | Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Less than half of England and Wales population Christian, Census 2021 shows: Fewer than half of people in England and Wales describe themselves as Christian for the first time, the 2021 census has revealed. »