Monday, June 24, 2024

Holy Humanist: Sick of Sinning | The Power of Religious Indoctrination

Jun 23, 2024 | “Join me in conversation with Jennifer Graham as we unpack her fascinating and enduring life story, delving into the power that religious indoctrination once held sway over her.

Jennifer grew up in South Africa under the oppressive apartheid government and gave her life to the Lord early in life. As cognitive dissonance began to set in and the claims of Christianity fell apart, Jenn eventually de-converted. She let go of her limiting beliefs and discovered a sense of empowerment leaving it all behind.

Many thanks to Jennifer for sharing her story!" - Nuriyah

For those wishing to do so, Nuriyah Khan’s work can be supported on PayPal here.

Jennifer Graham’s book, An Immoral Proposal, is available on Amazon. – Mark