Thursday, August 01, 2024

Blasphemy in Morocco with Mohamed

Jul 30, 2024 | Interview with a Moroccan ex-Muslim ‪@ skeptic mohamed‬ who applied for asylum in Sweden after being attacked for his beliefs and political statements

Please be aware that some people might be offended by some of the content in this video. I am posting this discussion because it is very interesting and very informative. Posting it, however, should not necessarily be construed as a full endorsement.

My visitors and followers will know by now that I am committed to freedom of thought and freedom of expression. I abhor censorship in all its forms. I am also committed to the concept of freedom of religion and man’s right to reject what he considers to be myth and fable, too. If a person rejects the concept of God, then so be it. Advancement in this world can only be achieved with freedom of thought and freedom of expression. Societies which reject freedom of thought, freedom of expression, and freedom of religion, or punish people for the agnosticism or atheism are always held back in their scientific and societal progress.

Blasphemy laws are a nonsense and do not belong in the modern world. – © Mark Alexander

The Moroccan atheist referred to in this video is Kacem El Gazzali. You can find information on him on WIKIPEDIA here.