Thursday, August 01, 2024

UK Must Apply Existing Brexit Deals before Any Reset in Relations, Says EU

THE GUARDIAN: Government told it must fully implement deals on EU citizens and Northern Ireland to show ‘commitment’ to good-faith reset

Brussels has warned the UK that it must fully apply the existing Brexit deals on EU citizens and Northern Ireland before it will entertain a reset in the relationship with London.

A leaked document reported by the Financial Times lists eight demands of the new Labour government in order to “demonstrate the real UK government commitment” to a good-faith reset of the relationship with the EU.

EU leaders have said they are “open minded” about the future relationship with the UK, and Germany has said it is enthusiastic about a youth mobility deal.

They have also raised the possibility of a new EU-UK agreement that could encompass deals on mutual recognition of professional qualifications and other low-hanging fruit. » | Lisa O’Carroll, Brussels correspondent | Thursday, August 1, 2024