Showing posts with label demography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demography. Show all posts

Thursday, November 02, 2023

China’s Male Leaders Signal to Women That Their Place Is in the Home

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Communist Party’s solution to the country’s demographic crisis and a slowing economy is to push women back into traditional roles.

At China’s top political gathering for women, it was mostly a man who was seen and heard.

Xi Jinping, the country’s leader, sat center stage at the opening of the National Women’s Congress. A close-up of him at the Congress was splashed on the front page of the Chinese Communist Party’s newspaper the next day. From the head of a large round table, Mr. Xi lectured female delegates at the closing meeting on Monday.

“We should actively foster a new type of marriage and childbearing culture,” he said in a speech, adding that it was the role of party officials to influence young people’s views on “love and marriage, fertility and family.”

The Women’s Congress, held every five years, has long been a forum for the ruling Communist Party to demonstrate its commitment to women. The gesture, while mostly symbolic, has taken on more significance than ever this year, the first time in two decades that there are no women in the party’s executive policymaking body.

What was notable was how officials downplayed gender equality. They focused instead on using the gathering to press Mr. Xi’s goal for Chinese women: get married and have babies. In the past, officials had touched on the role women play at home as well as in the work force. But in this year’s address, Mr. Xi made no mention of women at work. » | Alexandra Stevenson | Thursday, November 2, 2023

I should like to draw your attention to the fact that I have been saying this for a very long time. In fact, I recently stated something similar on this very blog. Allow me to restate it here:
“Western women need to start giving birth again. They need to start making babies instead of making careers. Feminism lies at the root of so many of our problems in Western societies. – © Mark Alexander” – Mark Alexander, October 28, 2023
Clearly, Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party have similar ideas and solutions for their own demographic problems. Fact is, far too few babies are being born in the West and in the East too. This was bound to manifest itself as a huge problem in time. Women cannot be both career girls and procreating, fertile mothers. It is either one or the other.

It is an economic fact of life that industry and commerce require sufficient labour. Regardless of technological advancement, this will always be so.

Politicians, especially on those on the right of the political spectrum, talk incessantly about the need for economic growth. This is quite understandable. However, what is not easy to understand is that they talk about economic growth as though it were simply a consequence of a reduction in taxation for the CEOs at the top. But it is not. What these politicians fail to understand is that without sufficient labour, CEOs, however clever and however entrepreneurial, cannot turn a profit at all!

Consider a colony of bees! There is the queen bee and then there are the worker bees. And so it is for humans, too. Where would companies be without the workers? And where do the workers come from when all women are out working?

To solve that, there is but ONE solution. We have to bring them in from abroad. And that is precisely what we have been doing for decades. But we should all know by now that bringing in foreigners by the drove can cause friction in societies, simply because immigration brings with it people entering the country with different religious backgrounds. When people have different religious backgrounds, they naturally have different values. Their aims, goals and ideas of how to live vary, often considerably, from those of the indigenous population's. Fact is, immigration should be allowed in proportion to the size of the country and the size of the indigenous population. If these principles are not adhered to, thre will be trouble ahead.

A German polician for whom I had the greatest respect and admiration was the late German Chancellor, Helmut Schmidt. He spoke clearly about the dangers of immigration. In fact, it was only yesterday that I placed a #short up of his words on this very blog. For those who speak German, please click here. One of the things I so admired about Helmut Schmidt was that he was unafraid to uttter uncomfortable truths.

So, in summary, Xi Jinping and his Communist Party are absolutely right about this: society should start re-thinking the role of women in society. It is more important that a woman be productive giving birth than it is for her to be productive in the workplace. Men can run offices and businesses; but men cannot give birth to babies. – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Muslim Europe: The Demographic Time Bomb Transforming Our Continent

THE TELEGRAPH: The EU is facing an era of vast social change, reports Adrian Michaels, and few politicians are taking notice

Britain and the rest of the European Union are ignoring a demographic time bomb: a recent rush into the EU by migrants, including millions of Muslims, will change the continent beyond recognition over the next two decades, and almost no policy-makers are talking about it.

The numbers are startling. Only 3.2 per cent of Spain's population was foreign-born in 1998. In 2007 it was 13.4 per cent. Europe's Muslim population has more than doubled in the past 30 years and will have doubled again by 2015. In Brussels, the top seven baby boys' names recently were Mohamed, Adam, Rayan, Ayoub, Mehdi, Amine and Hamza.

Europe's low white birth rate, coupled with faster multiplying migrants, will change fundamentally what we take to mean by European culture and society. The altered population mix has far-reaching implications for education, housing, welfare, labour, the arts and everything in between. It could have a critical impact on foreign policy: a study was submitted to the US Air Force on how America's relationship with Europe might evolve. Yet EU officials admit that these issues are not receiving the attention they deserve.

Jerome Vignon, the director for employment and social affairs at the European Commission, said that the focus of those running the EU had been on asylum seekers and the control of migration rather than the integration of those already in the bloc. "It has certainly been underestimated - there is a general rhetoric that social integration of migrants should be given as much importance as monitoring the inflow of migrants." But, he said, the rhetoric had rarely led to policy.

The countries of the EU have long histories of welcoming migrants, but in recent years two significant trends have emerged. Migrants have come increasingly from outside developed economies, and they have come in accelerating numbers.

The growing Muslim population is of particular interest. This is not because Muslims are the only immigrants coming into the EU in large numbers; there are plenty of entrants from all points of the compass. But Muslims represent a particular set of issues beyond the fact that atrocities have been committed in the West in the name of Islam.

America's Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, part of the non-partisan Pew Research Center, said in a report: "These [EU] countries possess deep historical, cultural, religious and linguistic traditions. Injecting hundreds of thousands, and in some cases millions, of people who look, speak and act differently into these settings often makes for a difficult social fit."

How dramatic are the population changes? Everyone is aware that certain neighbourhoods of certain cities in Europe are becoming more Muslim, and that the change is gathering pace. But raw details are hard to come by as the data is sensitive: many countries in the EU do not collect population statistics by religion. >>> Adrian Michaels | Saturday, August 08, 2009

Friday, July 03, 2009

Life, the Gift We Treasure Most, Yet Refuse to Bestow on Others

THE TELEGRAPH: Why does an educated, prosperous society choose not to reproduce itself, asks Charles Moore.

Our village is unusual in having a mainline railway station. Each day, a small number of people walk up from the station and past our house on their way to work. It is quite a long walk – perhaps a mile and a half – but I imagine they walk because they do not earn enough to own cars. They are virtually all foreign. They are on their way to serve as carers and nurses in an old people's home, whose inmates are virtually all British.

This procession is a daily visual illustration of what happens to a country when it lives and, increasingly, dies, under an illusion.

If you raise the subject of population with British people, most will tell you that the problem is overpopulation. There are too many people in the world, they say, and our own island is overcrowded.

Certainly, population growth causes problems, of which the greatest is the contest for resources, which can lead to war. But, as we are rediscovering with the recession, something frightening happens when what promised to go up, goes down.

Even quite marginal change has big effects. If you are getting 2 or 3 per cent richer each year, you can see a path of widening opportunity ahead. If you are getting 2 or 3 per cent poorer (let alone, as is currently the case, nearly 5 per cent), the future prospect narrows.

So it is with population; and the change is not marginal, but drastic. In 1960, OECD countries had a fertility rate of 3.2 children. Today, they have one of 1.6, well below the "replacement rate" of 2.1. So the rate has halved in my lifetime, moving from fast increase to steady decline. We in the West are collectively deciding not to bestow on others the gift which we most value for ourselves – life. >>> Charles Moore | Friday, July 03, 2009