Showing posts with label Niall Ferguson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Niall Ferguson. Show all posts

Monday, November 20, 2023

John Anderson: Silent Radical Islam Will "Turn the West against Itself" | Niall Ferguson

Nov 20, 2023 | In this clip Niall unpacks the difference between jihad and da'wah.

The mistake the West is making is in trying to distinguish between various types of Islam: Islam, Islamism, radical Islam, etc. There is but ONE Islam; and Islam is the source of the problem. The Crusaders knew this well. They understood the nature of the threat to the free world. So why have we become so ill-informed? Why are we so bloody stupid?

You CANNOT distinguish between benign Islam and malign Islam. Islam is Islam. No one will ever be able to change its nature. Islam and the West are immiscible. There are many reasons for this, but ONE important reason is that Islam recognises no separation of religion and politics. They are one whole. The West, on the other hand, depends on their separation. Without that separation, the West cannot be the West!

If we want the free West to survive, we had better learn this damn lesson quickly! I wrote a book about this more than twenty years ago. Why don’t people listen to common sense? – © Mark Alexander

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

John Anderson: How Radical Islam Threatens the West | Niall Ferguson

Oct 17, 2023 | In this clip Niall discusses the threat of radical islam to the West in the context of other threats, such as communist China.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Israel, Islam & the New Cold War | Niall Ferguson

Nov 14, 2023 | John is re-joined by pre-eminent historian Niall Ferguson to analyse the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas. Ferguson argues that due to the nature of Hamas’ urban warfare, tunnel systems and civilian shields, Israel will have a long and difficult campaign ahead. He also points out that the decline in Western support for Israel, particularly in the younger generations, is due to a woke university system propagating Islamist and left-wing viewpoints, attempting to create a moral equivalence between the October 7 terrorist attacks and Israel’s response.

Niall Ferguson, MA, D.Phil., is the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and a senior fellow of the Centre for European Studies, Harvard, where he served for twelve years as the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History. He is the author of fifteen books, most recently Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe. His previous book, Kissinger, 1923-1968: The Idealist, won the Council on Foreign Relations Arthur Ross Prize.

He is also an award-winning filmmaker, having won an international Emmy for his PBS series The Ascent of Money.

I wrote this ESSAY back in 2007:

Islam: The Enemy of Democracy and Freedom »

Friday, November 03, 2023

How Radical Islam Threatens the West | Niall Ferguson

Oct 17, 2023 | In this clip Niall discusses the threat of radical islam to the West in the context of other threats, such as communist China.

Friday, September 08, 2023

Schweizer Monat : Niall Ferguson: «I Wouldn’t Send My Child to Princeton»

Aug 25, 2023 | Studio Schweizer Monat #20: Der britische Historiker Niall Ferguson spricht über den neuen kalten Krieg zwischen den USA und China, das Impfen in liberalen Staaten und die gesunkene Bedeutung von Grossbritannien nach dem Brexit. In englischer Sprache.

Aufgezeichnet am 6. September 2021

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Niall Ferguson | The Most Spectacular Historical Folly

May 8, 2023 | In this clip, Niall Ferguson provides his perspective on the threat of China from an Australian viewpoint. He dispels the myth that China does not have imperialist intentions and argues that we are grossly unprepared for Chinese aggression, given our abundance of natural resources, sparse population, and close proximity to China.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Making Britain Great Again? Lessons for America from Brexit

Niall Ferguson, MA, D.Phil., is senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and a senior fellow of the Center for European Studies, Harvard, where he served for 12 years as the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History. He is also a visiting professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, and the Diller-von Furstenberg Family Foundation Distinguished Scholar at the Nitze School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, DC.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

World Order: Brexit, Populism and Kissinger with Niall Ferguson - Conversations with History

Conversations host Harry Kreisler welcomes historian Niall Ferguson of the Hoover Institution who is the 2016 Underhill Lecturer at Berkeley. After discussing the importance of Anglo-American Studies and the wave of populism sweeping the West, including Brexit and the Trump phenomena, the conversation turns to an in depth look at Ferguson’s recent book, “Kissinger, 1923-1969, The Idealist.” Ferguson details the evolution of Kissinger’s thinking about international affairs up until the time he assumes the position of national security advisor to President Nixon. He chronicles the influence of mentors (Kraemer and Elliot), the impact of experience (service in military intelligence and Harvard education) and the evidence of Kissinger’s writings on international order and on nuclear weapons. The conversation concludes by highlighting the themes that emerge from Kissinger’s intellectual evolution in the period before he assumes power.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Niall Ferguson, "I Was Wrong On Brexit"

Debate panel of 5 continuity remain voices... Historian Niall Ferguson had other ideas, to speak for Brexit. The hour long debate was highly negative about Brexit. Roland Rudd is scornful, bitter, superior. Marieluise Beck conspiratorial. Anton Muscatelli 'rational' self-concealed pessimism. Total derision against a Sovereignty (Hard) Brexit. Usual misunderstandings and slurs against brexit, nothing new added to the debate by the continuity remain voices. So the whole debate is not for optimists.

Saturday, November 07, 2015

Niall Ferguson: The Rise (and Fall?) of the West

Niall Ferguson says the West gained power through six "killer apps." How did things like property rights, medicine and consumerism give the West wealth and power? Niall Ferguson joins Steve Paikin for more.

Muslim World Failures Are Not the West's Fault - Niall Ferguson

‪Was WWI the Error of Modern History? | Interview with Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson, author of "The Pity of War", argues that Britain should have stayed aside from the continental war in 1914.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Niall Ferguson Threatens to Sue over Accusation of Racism

THE GUARDIAN: Historian claims writer Pankaj Mishra accused him of racism and must apologise or face court action

It has been an intellectual spat of some savagery, so far largely confined to the refined pages of one of Britain's most respected literary magazines.

This weekend, however, it seems ever more likely that a court will have to adjudicate between the historian Niall Ferguson and writer Pankaj Mishra over Ferguson's claim that he had been accused of being a "racist".

Indeed, not since VS Naipaul and Paul Theroux fell out has there been a spat like this in the letters pages of a literary journal. A new exchange of correspondence in the current London Review of Books, triggered by Mishra's review of the Harvard professor's latest book Civilization, which Ferguson claims was "defamatory", is evidence that the row is becoming more intense.

In his letter Ferguson charges Mishra of being "in full and ignominious retreat", condemning both Mishra and the LRB for refusing to apologise. » | Peter Beaumont | Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Britische Euro-Kritiker: Euer Empire und wir

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Faule Menschen, kaputte Sozialsysteme und maulige Deutsche, die keine Lust mehr auf ihre historische Schuld haben - so beschrieb Niall Ferguson im SPIEGEL die drohende Auflösung Europas. Seltsame Thesen, findet Matthias Matussek. Will der britische Euro-Kritiker gar Geld aus Germany?

Seit Angela Merkel die Eiserne Lady Europas ist und die Wirtschaftswunder-Deutschen die Führung in Europa übernommen haben, stehen die britischen Leitartikler Kopf. Die Euro-Krise befeuert die Leidenschaften auf der rezessionsgeplagten Insel, wie es sonst nur der Fußball tut. Es geht wie immer um Sieg und Niederlage und sowieso um offene historische Rechnungen.

Erst mal sind sie vernehmlich erleichtert, die Insulaner, dass sie ja eigentlich nicht zu Europa gehören. Sie sitzen auf dem Zaun. Der Euro - ein "brennendes Haus ohne Türen, ein Wahnsystem", wie ihn Außenminister William Hague nannte. Eine Reihe von Tory-Abgeordneten würde lieber heute als morgen aus der EU austreten.

Sie verstehen sich nach wie vor als Weltreich, unsere britischen Nachbarn, auch wenn ihnen die Welt abhanden gekommen ist. Aber das kompensieren sie dadurch, dass sie gerne in Kriege ziehen, an der Seite ihres amerikanischen Cousins.

Es gibt, soweit ich es erkennen kann, zwei Lager auf der Insel. Die einen sagen: Gott sei Dank haben wir das Pfund. Die anderen sagen: geschieht dem Kontinent recht. Alle zusammen sagen: Irgendwie ist Deutschland schuld.

Noch sind die Ratschläge, die von jenseits des Kanals kommen, recht disparat. Die einen fordern von den Deutschen, dass sie den Euro retten (in der stillen Hoffnung darauf, dass sich die Krauts die Finger verbrennen).

Doch im wesentlichen gibt der "Telegraph" die Richtung vor: Nicht Griechenland, sondern Deutschland ist das Problem und gehört ausgeschlossen aus der Euro-Zone. Im Ernst. Warum? Darum: Die Deutschen haben die Euro-Zone destabilisiert mit ihrer Lohndisziplin, ihrer rücksichtslosen Produktivität, die die sattsam bekannte Panzermentalität verrät. Der "Spectator" argumentiert ähnlich ("Schimpft nicht auf die Griechen"). Und die "Financial Times" stöhnt über die Deutschen, die "nicht wissen, was sie wollen". » | Matthias Matussek | Samstag 12. November 2011