Sunday, November 08, 2015

Un homosexuel change de religion pour pouvoir devenir prêtre

Yves Samson croit qu'il est possible de faire ce vers quoi
on est appelé, homosexuel ou non.
LE JOURNAL DE MONTRÉAL: Après avoir été rejeté par l’Église catholique en raison de son homosexualité, un homme s’est converti et est devenu prêtre chez les anglicans.

Yves Samson a toujours su qu’il était gai et qu’il souhaitait devenir prêtre.

Alors qu’il était au début de la vingtaine, il a fait des démarches pour devenir prêtre au sein de l’Église catholique romaine­­. L’ancien évêque de Nicolet, Jean-Marie Fortier l’a alors questionné sur son homosexualité.

Yves Samson, qui était alors céliba­taire, avait admis son homosexualité. «À cause de la réponse honnête à cette question, tout s’est arrêté là», relate-t-il. Il ne comprenait pas puisque, comme prêtre, il n’aurait pas pu avoir de conjoint ni se marier de toute façon. » | Par Caroline LePage | samedi 7 novembre 2015

Berufsverbot vom "Islamischen Staat": Waschen, schneiden, flüchten

07.11.2015 - Myasar war Friseur im Irak. Bis der IS seine Heimatstadt eroberte. Folter drohte jedem, der sich den neuen Style-Vorschriften widersetzte. Myasar flüchtete. Nun schneidet er in Berlin anderen Asylbewerbern die Haare.

Catholic Schools to Ban Islam from Religious GCSE Studies: Senior Muslim Readers Brand Decision 'Very Disappointing' after Church Intervention

Former secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain
Sir Iqbal Sacranie said the decision to ban Islam from religious
studies undermined greater tolerance between the faiths
MAIL ON SUNDAY: Roman Catholic Church ordered schools to teach Judaism with Christianity / The move ruled out teaching Islam and other faiths in religious studies / Edict has been described as 'very disappointing' by senior Muslim leaders / GCSE reforms mean schools are required to teach two religions not one

The Roman Catholic Church is at the centre of a row after ordering its schools to teach Judaism alongside Christianity in GCSE religious studies – ruling out Islam or other faiths.

The edict was described as ‘very disappointing’ by senior Muslim leaders. Sir Iqbal Sacranie, former secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, said the decision undermined Pope Francis’s message of greater tolerance between the faiths, and urged Catholic leader Cardinal Vincent Nichols to think again.

The Church’s move follows last year’s reforms to the GCSE exam. Under the new rules, schools are required to teach two religions rather than one.

The change was designed to drive extremism out of the classroom following the ‘Trojan Horse’ plot, in which individuals were found to have been introducing fundamentalist Islamic teaching into Muslim schools in Birmingham. Read on and comment » | Jonathan Petre for ‘Mail On Sunday’ | Saturday, November 7, 2015

In Memory of the Fallen: Remembrance Sunday 2015

Remembering those who perished for our liberty; in gratitude for their sacrifice.

Saturday, November 07, 2015

Panorama - The Battle for British Islam

Panorama investigates the battle for the hearts and minds of British Muslims. John Ware hears from Muslims trying to promote a form of Islam which is in synch with British values.

Watch the BBC documentary here | Monday, January 12, 2015

‪UAE: Ferraris Fill Dubai as Enthusiasts Show Off Their Supercars‬

Ferrari owners from across the UAE gathered to show-off one of the world's most iconic sports car brands, in Dubai's Jumeirah district, Saturday.

Germany: Riot Police Battle with Counter-demo Trying to Confront AfD Supporters

Riot police scuffled with counter-demonstrators at Berlin's Hauptbahnhof (main station) on Saturday as an estimated 1,500 protesters demonstrated against an anti-refugee rally staged by the right-wing 'Alternative fuer Deutschland' party (Alternative for Germany).

Niall Ferguson: The Rise (and Fall?) of the West

Niall Ferguson says the West gained power through six "killer apps." How did things like property rights, medicine and consumerism give the West wealth and power? Niall Ferguson joins Steve Paikin for more.

Muslim World Failures Are Not the West's Fault - Niall Ferguson

‪Was WWI the Error of Modern History? | Interview with Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson, author of "The Pity of War", argues that Britain should have stayed aside from the continental war in 1914.

The Necessary War | WWI Documentary | BBC

‪Hungary's PM Orbán Calls the European Élite Traitors‬

"Chaos angerichtet": Flüchtlingspolitik: FDP- Chef geht auf Merkel los

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Die deutsche Koalition steht trotz ihrer Einigung auf neue Registrierverfahren und einer Einschränkung des Familiennachzuges weiterhin im Kreuzfeuer der Oppositions-Kritik. In einem Zeitungsinterview wird Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel von FDP-Chef Christian Lindner heftig kritisiert. Sie habe mit ihrer Willkommenspolitik "ein Chaos angerichtet", so Lindner.

"Frau Merkel hat das unhaltbare Versprechen gegeben, dass jeder, der ein neues Leben sucht, es in Deutschland finden kann. Sie hat den Eindruck erweckt, die Grenzen unserer Aufnahmefähigkeit seien unendlich", erklärt der FDP- Chef gegenüber der "Welt". Mit ihrer Politik habe sie nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern vielmehr in ganz Europa Chaos angerichtet, lautet der schwere Vorwurf des Oppositionspolitikers. » | red | Samstag, 7. November 2015

WIKI: Freie Demokratische Partei (FDP) » E

Inside the Private Diaries of George Herbert Walker Bush

Nov. 06, 2015 - 11:23 - 'Fox News Reporting' goes behind the scenes of the Bush 41's presidency

Ben Carson Opens Up about His Faith, Career and Policy Views

Nov. 06, 2015 - 4:54 - On 'The Kelly File,' Dr. Marc Siegel sat down for a personal one-on-one with the GOP frontrunner

When Will Obama Defend Christians and Defeat Radical Islam?

America has the strongest fighting force and most advanced military technology on Earth. There's no reason we should be losing to these evil thugs.

FOX NEWS: Radical ISIS snakes sliver outside Damascus, just miles from where God revealed himself to the Apostle Paul. The dead bodies of decapitated ISIS victims are rotting in Palmyra, the ancient city that Chronicles tells us was built by King Solomon. ISIS black flags now wave on the same streets where the Lord commanded Jonah to witness to the people of Nineveh. In the ancient Christian village of Sadad, an armed Christian militia will soon clash with ISIS jihadists that have overrun a neighboring city. Sadad is home to many Christian churches and its people even speak Christ’s native tongue: Aramaic.

While President Obama sits silently, the same soil that sustained our Biblical forefathers is now stained with blood. Anyone who who defies these evil Islamic radicals risks death. The White House abandons Christians and denies, disguises and hides the existence of Radical Islam, but I will not!

You don’t negotiate with sin and evil, you destroy it. You don't contemplate what to do with cancer, you kill it before it kills you! » | Mike Huckabee | Friday, November 6, 2015

Patriarch of Antioch: Muslims Want to Conquer Europe with ‘Faith and the Birthrate’

BREITBART.COM: In a stunning interview, the Maronite patriarch of Antioch, Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, has contended that Islam has a clear, two-pronged strategy to take over Europe: religion and procreation.

The cardinal said that Muslims look on Christians as weak and believe that since they have no children and barely practice their faith, Islam will easily conquer them. Sadly, he said, Muslims take their faith more seriously than most Christians, and they are gaining ground because of it.

“I have often heard from Muslims that their goal is to conquer Europe with two weapons: their faith and their birthrate,” al-Rahi said in a recent interview with Famiglia Cristiana, an Italian Catholic weekly magazine.

For the Muslims, the Cardinal said, “the practice of the faith is essential and fundamental. In Saudi Arabia they go to Friday prayers even if they need a walking stick. They know the Koran by heart, and when they talk they often cite it. The same is not true for Christians who do not refer either to the Bible or the teachings of the Church.”

The Muslims “believe that God’s will is to procreate and that marriage is aimed at this,” he said. “They think that numbers will give them the upper hand.”

Christians, however, “hardly get married anymore, and have few children,” he said. » | Thomas D. Williams, PH.D | Friday, November 6, 2015

FAMIGLIA CHRISTIANA: «VOLETE SALVARE I CRISTIANI? FERMATE LA GUERRA» » | Antonio Sanfrancesco | giovedi 5 novembre 2015

'Too Many White Christian Faces in Britain' Says David Cameron

The Prime Minister David Cameron says that there's "too many white faces in Britain" & he wants more "muslims in government & the British Army".

Friday, November 06, 2015

Gescheiterte Integration in Deutschland oder Islamisierung des Alltags Multikulti

Germany Imposes Surprise Curbs On Syrian Refugees

Berlin decided against setting up 'transit zones' for processing
refugees on Germany's borders with Austria.
THE GUARDIAN: In abrupt U-turn by Merkel government, people fleeing civil war will no longer be granted asylum or refugee status

Angela Merkel has performed an abrupt U-turn on her open-door policy towards people fleeing Syria’s civil war, with Berlin announcing that the hundreds of thousands of Syrians entering Germany would not be granted asylum or refugee status.

Syrians would still be allowed to enter Germany, but only for one year and with “subsidiary protection” which limits their rights as refugees. Family members would be barred from joining them.

Germany, along with Sweden and Austria, has been the most open to taking in newcomers over the last six months of the growing refugee crisis, with the numbers entering Germany dwarfing those arriving anywhere else.

However, the interior minister, Thomas de Maiziere, announced that Berlin was starting to fall into line with governments elsewhere in the European Union, who were either erecting barriers to the newcomers or acting as transit countries and limiting their own intake of refugees.

“In this situation other countries are only guaranteeing a limited stay,” De Maiziere said. “We’ll now do the same with Syrians in the future. We’re telling them ‘you will get protection, but only so-called subsidiary protection that is limited to a period and without any family unification.’” » | Ian Traynor, Europe editor | Friday, November 6, 2015

Justin Trudeau imprime son style à Ottawa

LE MONDE: C’est à pied plutôt qu’en limousine et au son de la cornemuse que Justin Trudeau, 43 ans, a fait son entrée à Rideau Hall, la résidence du gouverneur général du Canada à Ottawa, mercredi 4 novembre, entouré des membres de son cabinet. Voulant donner une image d’équipe « forte, diversifiée et expérimentée », le nouveau premier ministre canadien avait réservé au grand public la primeur de la composition du conseil des ministres. Envahis par plus de 2 000 personnes, les jardins de Rideau Hall étaient parés aux couleurs de l’été indien quand le chef libéral s’est avancé dans l’allée centrale avec sa femme et sa nouvelle équipe. » | Par Anne Pélouas (Montréal correspondence) | jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Sinai Plane Crash: Bomb Theory Prevails While Probe Still Ongoing

The UK says it has concluded that the Russian A321 jet that crashed over Egypt’s Sinai on Saturday was likely brought down by an “explosive device.” The British government decided at a crisis meeting to ground all UK passenger flights to and from Sharm el-Sheikh.

Netanyahu Freezes Appointment of Spokesman Who Accused Obama of Anti-Semitism

'Kerry's mental age doesn't exceed that of a 12-year-old,' Netanyahu's new media czar wrote / Netanyahu's new media adviser said Obama's Iran policy is 'modern anti-Semitism'

THE JERUSALEM POST: Ran Baratz apologizes to Netanyahu for not telling him about the Facebook posts prior to his appointment; PM distances himself from comments by new adviser who suggested Obama anti-Semitic.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday night froze Ran Baratz’s appointment as his new media chief after past Facebook posts he had written insulting US President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry became headline fodder around the world.

Baratz had described Obama actions as “modern anti-Semitism,” referred to Kerry as someone “whose mental age doesn’t exceed 12” and charged that President Reuven Rivlin is unworthy to hold office.

The posts threatened to cast a pall on Netanyahu’s visit to Washington next week, when he is scheduled to hold his first face-to-face meeting with Obama in a year. » | Tovah Lazaroff | Thursday, November 5, 2015

Die Abschaffung Deutschlands - Merkels Asylpolitik ist Verrat am Volk

Frau Merkel sagte ja, der Islam ist stärker, weil wir ja zu wenig in die Kirche gehen. Ok, heutzutage kann man das auch via Internet.

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Anne Will | Zäune, Transitzonen, Abschiebungen - Richtige Flüchtlingspolitik | 04.11.2015

Anne Will, Sendung in HD vom 4.11.15 in der ARD: Der Streit zwischen Union und SPD über die Einrichtung von Transitzonen geht unvermindert weiter. Morgen soll ein erneutes Treffen eine Einigung bringen, doch ob die gelingen kann, ist völlig offen. Wird die Große Koalition eine Einigung in der Flüchtlingspolitik erzielen? Transitzonen oder Einreisezentren – begrenzt das wirklich die Zahl der Flüchtlinge, die nach Deutschland kommen? Österreich erwägt bauliche Maßnahmen an den Grenzen, will Asyl künftig nur noch für drei Jahre gewähren. Ist das die richtige Flüchtlingspolitik für Europa?

European Union: Three Million More Migrants Could Arrive by End of 2016

THE TELEGRAPH: Autumn economic forecasts show extra three million people expected to reach 28-nation block by end of next year as arrival rates unlikely to slow

The European Union is predicting that three million more migrants could arrive in the 28-nation bloc by the end of next year.

More than 700,000 people have come to Europe seeking sanctuary or jobs so far this year, overwhelming reception centres and border authorities.

EU autumn economic forecasts released on Thursday say that, based on current migrant entries and a "technical assumption" about future flows, arrival rates are unlikely to slow before 2017.

The EU's executive Commission said that "overall, an additional three million persons is assumed to arrive in the EU over the forecast period." » | Agency | Thursday, November 5, 2015

NHS: UK Now Has One of the Worst Healthcare Systems in the Developed World, According to OECD Report

THE INDEPENDENT: Hospitals so underequipped that people are dying needlessly because of a chronic lack of investment

The UK has one of the worst healthcare systems in the developed world according to a damning new report which said the nation has an “outstandingly poor” record of preventing ill health.

Hospitals are now so short-staffed and underequipped that people are also dying needlessly because of a chronic lack of investment. The verdict, from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), will make embarrassing reading for David Cameron who denied the cash-strapped NHS is heading for its worst winter crisis. » | Paul Gallagher | Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Strache: "Österreich fast schon Bananenrepublik"

KRONEN ZEITUNG: FPÖ-Parteiobmann Heinz Christian Strache hat sich am Mittwoch gemeinsam mit dem steirischen FPÖ-Chef Mario Kunasek ein Bild von der Lage in Spielfeld an der Grenze zu Slowenien gemacht. Strache erkundigte sich bei den Einsatzkräften nach Zwischenfällen und kritisierte die EU und die Bundesregierung. Strache meinte außerdem, Österreich sei "fast schon eine Bananenrepublik" und zum "Catering-Service" geworden. Auch SPÖ-Kanzleramtsminister Josef Ostermayer war in der Südsteiermark bei einem Lokalaugenschein.

Strache plädierte für Grenzzäune und hält diese für "selbstverständlich in Ordnung", denn momentan setze sich der Rechtsstaat selbst außer Kraft: "Was wir hier erleben, ist ungeheuerlich." Der FPÖ- Parteiobmann forderte Maßnahmen, um den Notstand abzustellen. Das geschehe aber nicht. Außerdem frage er sich, "was die EU seit Monaten an der Außengrenze" getan habe. » | AG/red | Mittwoch, 4. November 2015

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Angela Merkel - Ihr großes Geheimnis

Angela Merkel | Das unglaubliche Video

Angela Merkels Aufruf zur grenzen- und bedingungslosen Einwanderung nach Deutschland wird in großem Ausmaß angenommen. Die Aussicht auf Sicherheit, Startgeld und Sozialleistungen und vieles mehr hat eine Völkerwanderung in Gang gesetzt. Während allein in München 10.000 an nur einem Tag ankommen, versinkt das Land in einem täglich wachsenden Chaos. Es ist keine Bewerbung erforderlich. Es erfolgt keine Prüfung von potentiellen Gefahren. Alle sind willkommen. Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst.

Der kanadische Journalist Ezra Isaac Levant berichtet über Angela Merkels Antworten auf kritische Fragen zur inneren Sicherheit. Merkel macht Deutschland für den Terror in Irak, Syrien und Libyen verantwortlich, weil einige Muslime aus Deutschland beim IS mitwirken. Deswegen müsse Deutschland jetzt mehr Muslime aufnehmen.

Merkels Antworten auf Sorgen vor Terror, Gewalt und fehlender Trennung zwischen Religion und Staat lauten: Angst ist kein guter Ratgeber. Man sollte nicht auf Ängste hören. Als Lösung könne man in die Kirche gehen, sich dort Bilder anschauen und Bücher lesen. Levant wirft Merkel vor, dass es ihr überhaupt nicht um Fakten ginge, wenn sie sagt, dass man sich über Terror in Deutschland angesichts der deutschen Geschichte nicht beklagen sollte. Levant spricht von einer Art nationaler Psychotherapie, einer ethnischen Strafe, Selbsthass und dem Entschluss, sich selbst auszulöschen wegen dessen, was Deutschland in den 1930ern und 1940ern war.

Flüchtlinge in Deutschland: Solidarität und Gewalt

Alleine gestern sind in Deutschland 10‘000 Flüchtlinge angekommen. Zwar herrscht vielerorts noch immer Solidarität gegenüber Neuankömmlingen, doch ist es in den letzten Tagen auch vermehrt zu Gewalttaten gekommen.

Theresa May Unveils UK Surveillance Measures In Wake Of Snowden Claims

THE GUARDIAN: Spy agencies will be able to track everyone’s internet use without warrant / UK governments have signed secret orders on data collection for years

New surveillance powers will be given to the police and security services, allowing them to access records tracking every UK citizen’s use of the internet without any judicial check, under the provisions of the draft investigatory powers bill unveiled by Theresa May.

It includes new powers requiring internet and phone companies to keep “internet connection records” – tracking every website visited but not every page – for a maximum of 12 months but will not require a warrant for the police, security services or other bodies to access the data. Local authorities will be banned from accessing internet records. » | Alan Travis Patrick Wintour and Ewen MacAskill | Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Related video »

Theresa May: Internet Data Will Be Recorded Under New Spy Laws: Breathtaking Attack on Liberty

Home Secretary sets out new spying laws which will force internet firms to help spies to hack into computers

AfD plant Großdemonstration in Berlin

Bald auch in Berlin?: Demonstranten protestieren mit Plakaten
und Slogans am 7. Oktober 2015 in Erfurt (Thüringen) auf einer
AfD Kundgebung gegen die Asylpolitik der Bundesregierung.
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Die AfD will wie in Erfurt am Wochenende auch in Berlin tausende Demonstranten gegen die Flüchtlingspolitik von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel auf die Straße bringen. Unterdessen scheint die Talfahrt der Union in den Umfragen vorerst gestoppt.

Die rechtspopulistische Partei Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) hat für den kommenden Samstag zu einer Großdemonstration in Berlin gegen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) und die Flüchtlingspolitik der Bundesregierung aufgerufen.

Die Kundgebung unter dem Motto „Asyl braucht Grenzen - Rote Karte für Merkel“ soll am Samstagmittag vor dem Roten Rathaus in Berlins Mitte beginnen. Dort sollen die Europaabgeordnete und stellvertretende AfD-Bundesvorsitzende, Beatrix von Storch, sowie der brandenburgische AfD-Fraktionsvorsitzende und stellvertretende Bundessprecher, Alexander Gauland die Eröffnungsreden halten. » | Quelle: holl./dpa | Mittwoch, 4. November 2015

Neue deutsche Gewalt: Vier Wochen im Herbst

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Deutschland erlebt eine Welle der politisch motivierten Gewalt. Flüchtlinge werden überfallen, ehrenamtliche Helfer angegriffen, Polizisten, Politiker und Journalisten attackiert. Ein Überblick.

Die Flüchtlingskrise verändert Deutschland. "Die enthemmte Republik", betitelte der SPIEGEL kürzlich einen Bericht über die Lage im Land: Der Hass ist zurück. Aber es bleibt inzwischen nicht mehr bei Parolen und Plakaten - auch wenn es schon gruselig genug ist, Politiker mit einem Galgen abzubilden oder ihnen zu drohen.

Attacken auf noch unbewohnte Flüchtlingsheime oder geplante Unterkünfte gibt es seit Monaten, aber nun werden immer häufiger auch Menschen angegriffen. Sicherheitsbehörden sehen eine neue Qualität der Gewalt. Beim Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) will man inzwischen nicht mehr ausschließen, dass es künftig auch Todesopfer geben könnte.

Alleine in den vergangenen Tagen gab es mehrere Übergriffe auf Flüchtlinge, aber auch Helfer, Journalisten und Polizisten werden inzwischen gezielt attackiert. Und es ist erst wenige Wochen her, dass die Kölner Oberbürgermeisterin Henriette Reker im Wahlkampf schwer verletzt wurde - der Täter hatte einen rechtsextremen Hintergrund.

Droht gar ein Rückfall in Zeiten, als gewalttätige politische Auseinandersetzungen alltäglich waren, wie in der Weimarer Republik? » | Von Florian Gathmann und Anna Reimann | Mittwoch, 4. November 2015

In Merkels Deutschland: Priest Turns Church into Refugee Centre despite Local Opposition

The priest at the Schmachtendorf Church in Oberhausen, Joachim Deterding, met with churchgoers on Tuesday amid anger over the church being used to house refugees during winter months.

In Merkels Deutschland: German Government Uses Hotel to House Migrants without Notice, 100 Jobs Lost

Germany: Sleepy Sumte to Be Inundated with Refugees

Christian Fabel, the Mayor of Sumte, a German village population of 102, was making hurried preparations on Tuesday, following the news that his village could receive up to 750 refugees.

Islamic Extremists 'Break into Church and Spray Allah on Walls before Destroying Crucifix'

The vandals also spray-painted the word 'Allah' on the church
EXPRESS: ISLAMIC vandals were today being blamed for breaking into a church and spray-painting "Allah" on the walls and destroying holy objects.

The attackers smashed wooden statues of the Virgin Mary and Jesus on the cross during the shocking attack earlier this week.

They stormed the Church of our Lady of Carmen in the Spanish town of Rincon de la Victoria, Andalucia on Monday morning. » | Tom Parfitt | Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Refugee Crisis Could Spark War If Austria Closes Border with Germany, Merkel Warns

EXPRESS: GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel has warned of fresh conflicts in Eastern Europe if countries fail to properly manage the refugee crisis.

Ms Merkel said Balkan states could be plunged back into war - the first time since the 1990s - if Germany closed it border with Austria.

She told members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union party that erecting a fence to stem the unrelenting flow of migrants would "lead to a backlash".

Referencing the bloody conflicts in the former state of Yugoslavia, she said: "I do not want military conflicts to become necessary there again."

The German leader, giving a speech in Darmstadt, southern Germany, said barbed wire fences along the borders of Hungary and Serbia "will build up fault lines" and threatens to provoke new tensions. » | Tom Batchelor | Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Gretchen's Take: Americans Are Shifting Away from Religion

Nov. 03, 2015 - 1:14 - What this rapid change means for politics

'Secret Wife' of Late Saudi King Wins Payout Worth More Than £20m

Janan Harb told the court she married King Fahd in 1968,
when she was 19.
THE GUARDIAN: High court judge rules Saudi royal family must honour promise that Janan Harb would be looked after for the rest of her life

A woman who claims to be the secret wife of the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia has won a payout worth more than £20m to honour a promise that she would be looked after for the rest of her life.

Palestinian-born Janan Harb, 68, claimed she had lived a cosseted life in the embrace of one of the world’s richest and most secretive families for more than 20 years and had married Fahd in 1968.

The Saudi royal family has fought her claims through the high court for more than a decade, insisting that no official marriage took place and that she was owed nothing.

On Monday, however, a judge ruled in Harb’s favour, saying she was entitled to more than £15m plus the value of two expensive west London properties.

Mr Justice Peter Smith also ordered Fahd’s son, Prince Abdul Aziz, to pay legal costs estimated at more than £1m.

The prince, who did not attend the court hearings to counter Harb’s claims, must pay damages of £12m with interest of £3.25m for leaving her without her money for years.

Smith also ordered the prince to transfer two luxury flats in Chelsea worth around £5m to her name, making a total award of £20.25m. » | Rajeev Syal | Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Lonely Chancellor: Merkel Under Fire as Refugee Crisis Worsens

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Until recently, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was considered to be the most powerful politician in Europe. But now, her approach to the refugee crisis has her under fire at home and in Brussels. Can she survive? By SPIEGEL Staff

The government, in short, has lost control. And Germany is in a state of emergency.

Merkel can still rely on a large number of supporters within her own party. But each day that thousands of refugees cross into Germany, the certainty that such support is sustainable erodes a bit further. Not long ago, Merkel was considered the strongest political leader in Europe, one whose term in office could only come to an end were she to decide herself against running for reelection in 2017. Now, both foreign and domestic media outlets are wondering aloud whether she will run into serious trouble before Christmas, or shortly thereafter. "The end of the Merkel era is within sight," the Financial Times wrote a week ago.

Merkel's historic decision to open Germany's borders to refugees stuck in Hungary was morally unassailable. But politically, it has put her on the defensive. Now, in order to tighten up Europe's external borders, she is dependent on the help of erstwhile opponents such as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

In the EU, meanwhile, her maxim that Europe should not get back into the business of building border fences is being openly questioned. Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner, for example, announced last week that her country was being forced to build additional security facilities because the "inflow" from Slovenia was larger than the "outflow" into Germany.

There is no shortage of schadenfreude these days when European politicians speak about the German chancellor. The true ruler of Europe, who forced her austerity policies upon the entire Continent, must now come begging for help in dealing with the refugee crisis, people in Brussels are saying.

Read the whole article here | Melanie Amann, Matthias Bartsch, Jan Friedmann, Konstantin von Hammerstein, Björn Hengst, Horand Knaup, Ralf Neukirch, Michael Sauga and Steffen Winter | Monday, November 2, 2015

German Journalist Assaulted Over Column Decrying Xenophobia

THE GUARDIAN: Attackers knocked him to the ground and accused him of being a ‘left-wing pig’

A German journalist has told of being attacked in the street after writing a column about the rise of xenophobia among right-wing extremists in his country.

Helmut Schümann, a columnist for the Berlin newspaper, Tagesspiegel, wrote on Facebook about the assault, reports The Local.

According to his account, he was attacked from behind by a group of people on Friday. One asked: “Are you Schümann for Tagesspiegel? You left-wing pig.” He was then knocked to the ground. » | Roy Greenslade | Tuesday, November 3, 2015

TAGESSPIEGEL: Tagesspiegel-Autor Helmut Schümann angegriffen: Tagesspiegel-Autor Helmut Schümann wurde in Charlottenburg als "linke Drecksau" beschimpft und geschlagen. Immer wieder positioniert er sich in der Flüchtlingsdebatte klar. » | tsp | Montag, 2. November 2015

Islam. Die Wahrheit von einem Priester

Germany: Economic Migrants Have to Return Home, Says Merkel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed members of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party during the so-called 'Conference of the future' (Zukunftskonferenz) in Darmstadt in the western German state of Hesse, Monday.

Libya Warns It Could Flood Europe with Migrants If EU Does Not Recognise New Islamist Government

130 illegal immigrants who were intercepted by Libyan
coastguards off Tripoli coast
THE TELEGRAPH: Islamists who took power in Tripoli issue veiled threat in response to West's refusal to accept their legitimacy

Libya has issued a veiled threat to send "hundreds of thousands" of extra migrants to Europe if Brussels does not give official recognition to its self-declared Islamist government.

Officials say they could hire boats to send large numbers of African migrants across the Mediterranean, massively adding to the numbers already reaching Europe's borders.

The warning was made by a spokesman for Libya's General National Congress in an interview with The Telegraph in the Libyan capital, Tripoli.

The Congress took control of Tripoli last year after fighting against forces loyal to the internationally- recognised House of Representatives government, and is not recognised by the European Union as Libya's legitimate government. A fortnight ago, both factions also rejected the terms of a United Nations-brokered peace deal. » | Colin Freeman, Chief Foreign Correspondent in Tripoli | Monday, November 2, 2015

Monday, November 02, 2015

SPD empört über Goebbels-Maas-Vergleich von Bachmann

DIE WELT: Am Montagabend haben sich in Dresden Tausende "Pegida"-Anhänger versammelt. Cheforganisator Bachmann verglich in seiner Rede Justizminister Maas mit NS-Propagandachef Goebbels. Die SPD ist empört.

Die SPD fordert Ermittlungen gegen Pegida-Chef Lutz Bachmann, der am Montagabend in Dresden Justizminister Heiko Maas (SPD) mit Nazi-Propagandaminister Joseph Goebbels verglichen hatte. SPD-Parteivize Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel sagte der Deutschen Presse-Agentur: "Verfassungsfeinde wie Bachmann sind ein klarer Fall für den Staatsanwalt und schon lange für den Verfassungsschutz."

Den "rechtsextremen Kriminellen" in der Führung von Pegida dürfe keinen Millimeter Raum gegeben werden. "Der Hass von Pegida bereitet den Boden für die Schlägerrudel, die Flüchtlinge überfallen oder Wohnheime anzünden", sagte der hessische SPD-Landeschef. » | dpa/mak | Montag, 2. November 2015

US Analyzing New Tape from Al Qaeda Leader Zawahiri

Nov. 02, 2015 - 2:01 - References made to current events

Will Syria Be President Obama's Vietnam?

Nov. 02, 2015 - 6:13 - U.S. prepares to send 50 Special Ops 'advisers' to war to Syria

Is Hillary Clinton 'Too Big to Jail'?

Nov. 02, 2015 - 5:27 - Critics fear former secretary of state will not be held accountable for email scandal

Verfassungsschutz beobachtet besorgte Bürger: Asyl, Flüchtlinge, Pegida, AfD

Independent: Teach More Islam in UK Schools, Muhammad Had British Values

BREITBART.COM: The Independent newspaper has published an article claiming that more Islam should be taught in schools because the Islamic prophet, Muhammed, had “British values”. The article is written by a PhD student who claims she has “a lot” of “respect” for a leading UK Muslim Brotherhood activist.

The author, Sajda Khan, used to write for the Huffington Post, though many of her articles – all propaganda pieces about Islam – have now been “removed at the request of the author”. Ms. Khan – who once slammed UK think tank Civitas for attacking the idea of “jihad” – also has a different name to the one listed on her Huffington Post profile from 2012.

Her name was “Sahar” on the HuffPo, whereas she now goes by “Sajda”. She has denied changing her name, though admitted: “I began to write under a pseudonym but then resorted to my own name – because I didn’t see a need.”

Ms. Khan wrote for the Independent:
Simply put, the way to combat Islamic extremism is to invest in real Islamic teaching in British schools: teaching that proves the Prophet Mohammed would never have condoned their actions.

Many reading this will find it difficult to stomach, but the Prophet Mohammed had British values. Those values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs that schools are now required to promote are inherently Islamic.
But her article directly contradicts one she wrote for the Telegraph just 5 months ago, entitled: “British values won’t stop violent extremism”. She wrote: » | Breitbart London | Monday, November 2, 2015

London Nightclub Shuttered after Anti-Semitic Brawl

ARUTZ SHEVA: Trendy club Boujis loses license for 10 days after fight breaks out over anti-Semitic remarks aimed at group of Jewish patrons.

A swanky London nightclub had its license suspended Thursday after several fights culminated last Sunday in a brawl involving anti-Semitic slurs aimed at group of Jewish patrons.

Kensington and Chelsea Council's Licensing Committee voted to temporarily revoke Boujis' license in response to the violence, the International Business Times reported Friday.

Seven people, aged 18 to 21, were arrested in the brawl on October 25, which CCTV footage shows involved between 15 to 20 people.

During the fight, one man is heard shouting "f---ing Jews." According to the Evening Standard, anti-Semitic remarks aimed at a group of Jewish patrons who had booked a table in the club provoked the brawl. » | Cynthia Blank | Sunday, November 1, 2015

Deutschland - Feuer im Dach bei den Unionsparteien

Die Flüchtlingspolitik der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin sorgt für Unmut in den Unionsparteien. Die Existenz von CDU und CSU stehe auf dem Spiel, sagt der bayerische Ministerpräsident Horst Seehofer. CDU-Finanzminister Schäuble, der seit 43 Jahren im Bundestag ist, spricht von einer dramatisch schlechten Stimmung in der CDU.

Germany’s Muslim Population to Quadruple in the Next Five Years: 20 Million Muslims by 2020

JIHAD WATCH: That’s five years from now. This will involve societal upheaval on an unimaginable scale. But it’s full speed ahead for the Merkel government, despite internal evaluations that lay it out plainly: “We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law. German security agencies are unable to deal with these imported security problems, and the resulting reactions from the German population.” Read on and comment » | Robert Spencer | Sunday, November 1, 2015

Kontaktversuch: "Lügenpresse" trifft Pegida | Panorama | NDR

Panorama hat die Pegida-Demonstranten zu Wort kommen lassen. Nach Ausstrahlung teilte der bei Minute 03:02 interviewte Mann mit Mütze mit, er sei für RTL dort gewesen. Dies war uns nicht bekannt.

PEGIDA Dresden – Abendspaziergang (November 2, 2015)

Großer Abendspaziergang von PEGIDA Dresden. Live vom Neumarkt an der Frauenkirche.

Germany: Far-right Thuringia Demo Countered by Dozens of Pro-refugee Activists

Dozens of far-right protesters gathered in the town of Rudolstadt in Thuringia, Sunday, and marched through the city centre in opposition to the German government's policies towards the ongoing refugee crisis and refugee flows.

Germany: Merkel and Seehofer Reach Refugee Deal, Gabriel Walks Out - Reports

German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Vice Chancellor and SPD Chairman Sigmar Gabriel, Bavarian Minister-President Horst Seehofer and Chief of Staff of the German Chancellery and Federal Minister for Special Affairs Peter Altmeier at the chancellory in Berlin, Sunday, for an emergency summit of the grand coalition to talk about the refugee crisis. The meeting started at 9am local time (8am GMT).

Germany: Father Accused of Strangling Daughter to Death over Forbidden Affair

The trial Lareeb Khan's parents, a 19-year-old girl was purportedly strangled by her father for having a love affair, continued on Monday at the regional court of Darmstadt. The father, Asadullah Khan, has confessed to the crime.

Germany: Ex-airport Tempelhof Berlin Becomes Temporary Refugee Shelter

The city of Berlin opened a second hangar in the former Berlin Tempelhof Airport to house an additional 840 refugees on Monday. The hangars at the former Berlin airport are earmarked to house refugees temporarily for one-two weeks, until a better and more permanent housing situation can be provided.

Bavaria Promises to Bus Refugees to Merkel's Office in Berlin

A Bavarian official has called Chancellor Angela Merkel to tell her that if Germany welcomes a million refugees, his town will only take in around 1800. Any extra will be sent to her in Berlin by bus.

PM Orbán: Immigration Is Left-wing Conspiracy against Europe

HUNGARY TODAY: It is “no coincidence” that thousands of people are “transported into Europe” on a daily basis, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán argued at a conference yesterday. Those behind the phenomenon are consciously intending to establish a left-wing “mental structure” with the aim of “putting nation states in Europe into brackets”, he insisted, adding that “we have to turn to the people in the face of this conspiracy, this betrayal”. » | via | Saturday, October 31, 2015

Videoanalyse zur Wahl in der Türkei: "Manche fürchten eine Diktatur"

02.11.2015 - Mit einem klaren Ergebnis hat die AKP bei den Parlamentswahlen in der Türkei die absolute Mehrheit geholt. SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Korrespondent Hasnain Kazim erklärt im Video, was Präsident Erdogan mit dem Wahlsieg anfangen kann und was die Wahl für die Flüchtlinge im Land bedeutet.

Islamic State Releases Gruesome New Revenge Video

THE CLARION PROJECT: After a raid by Kurdish-U.S. forces freed 70 Iraqi hostages facing execution, ISIS takes wild revenge on Kurdish prisoners and threatens Obama.

The Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) has released a slick execution video in revenge for the raid by Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and U.S. special forces that freed 70 Iraqi hostages who were in imminent danger of being killed. Twenty Islamic State terrorists were killed in the raid.

The video (WATCH BELOW) features an Islamic State jihadi, his face swathed in a black balaclava, threatening U.S. President Barack Obama and speaking in fluent, American-accented English.

The American stands over a kneeling orange-clad Kurdish fighter. Three other Islamic State jihadis also pose over kneeling Kurds.

Waving his knife menacingly, he says, “Obama, you have learned a new lesson. Six of the soldiers of the caliphate faced 400 of your children. They killed and injured them, by Allah’s grace.”

The American narrator appears to be referring to a recent alleged failed rescue attempt to free the Kurdish soldiers in the Kirkuk (Karkuk, in Arabic) province near the city of Al-Hawija, Iraq. The video is shot at the site where the Islamic State says Kurdish and U.S. forces landed. Read on, comment, and watch the extremely graphic video » | Sunday, November 1, 2015

German Muslim: Islam Is Coming and Your Daughters Will Wear the Hijab

Exclusive: Pamela Geller warns Western nations of 'full-blown invasion'

WND: Europe: ‘Islam Is Coming to Take Over’ » | Pamela Geller | Sunday, November 1, 2015

Wer kommt nach Merkel?

In der Flüchtlingskrise geht es momentan eher darum, welche Partei bei den nächsten Wahlen, nach einem Sturz von Merkel, die besten Chancen hat. Merkel Nachfolger wird wohl zunächst aus den Reihen der Union kommen, aber die Chancen der union bei den nächsten Wahlen schwinden.

Malcolm Turnbull: Knights and Dames Are Not Appropriate in 2015

Australia’s prime minister Malcolm Turnbull speaks to reporters about the announcement his government has scrapped the titles of ‘knight’ and ‘dame’ from the Australian honours system. Commenting that the decision was made by the whole Cabinet and has been signed off by the Queen, Turnbull says the issue is far from being the “most important in Australia today” and calls the titles “out of date”

Read the Guardian article here | Shalailah Medhora | Sunday, November 1, 2015

Merkel's Muslim Madness

FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS: German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted that refusing to take in Muslim migrants is a "danger for Europe." Merkel as usual had it backward. It's her program of taking in Muslim migrants that represents the gravest threat to the freedom and future of Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Merkel may have already doomed Germany. The Bild newspaper published a leaked secret government document estimating that the number of migrants invading Europe this year might reach 1.5 million.

And that bad news gets much worse because the document estimates that each migrant will bring in as many as eight family members once they're settled in, bringing the year's true total to 7.36 million.

That's almost 10 percent of the population of Germany. In just one invasion.

And the migrants are mostly young men entering a rapidly aging country whose young male population is under 5 million. Germany's Muslim population already approaches 5 million. The median age of Germany's Muslim population is 34, while the median age for the overall population is 46.

Merkel has rapidly sped up the rate at which Germany's young male population becomes Muslim.

The document predicts up to 10,000 invaders entering every day. It foresees no end to the arrivals even when it gets cold. These words add up to the end of Germany and the end of Europe. » | Daniel Greenfield | Friday, October 23, 2015

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Turkish Police Fire Tear Gas at Protesters Dissatisfied with Election Results

Scores of people rallied in the mainly Kurdish city of Diyarbakir, in Turkey’s southeast, to protest the results of Sunday’s parliamentary snap poll. Clashes broke out after it was announced that President Erdogan's ruling party is set for victory in the parliamentary election.

Die neue Völkerwanderung: Rede von Thilo Sarrazin

Der Autor von „Deutschland schafft sich ab“, Thilo Sarrazin, redete am 6. Oktober 2015 bei der vom Freiheitlichen Bildungsinstitut und dem Liberalen Klub organisierten Veranstaltung „Die neue Völkerwanderung – Risiken und Gefahren“ Klartext. „Europa muss seine Grenzen unter Kontrolle bringen und letztlich schließen. Das gebietet die Vernunft, die ich aber in der derzeitigen Flüchtlingspolitik vermisse“, stellte Sarazin klar.

Turkish Election: AKP Returns to Power with Outright Majority

THE GUARDIAN: President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tightens grip on power as party nears large enough majority to make constitutional changes

Turkey’s strongman president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, tightened his grip on power decisively on Sunday as his ruling Justice and Development party (AKP) swept back to single-party government with a convincing win in national elections.

The high-stakes vote, Turkey’s second in five months, took place in a climate of mounting tension and violence following an inconclusive June poll in which the conservative, Islamic-leaning AKP failed to secure an outright majority for the first time since coming to power in 2002.

With almost 90% of the votes counted, the party was on 50.3%, according to state broadcaster TRT. That would give it about 325 seats in the 550-seat parliament, comfortably ahead of its three main rival parties and easily enough to form a government on its own.

The prime minister and AKP leader, Ahmet Davutoğlu tweeted simply: “Elhamdulillah”, or “Thanks be to God”. » | Jon Henley, Kareem Shaheen in Ankara and Constanze Letsch in Diyarbakir | Sunday, November 1, 2015

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Türkei: Absolute für "Sultan" Erdogan: Recep Tayyip Erdogan hat bei den Parlamentswahlen in der Türkei mit seiner islamisch-konservativen Regierungspartei AKP die absolute Mandatsmehrheit erreicht. Die Konfliktstrategie des "Sultans" ist damit voll aufgegangen - er hatte sich als einziger Garant von Stabilität dargestellt. Nun will Erdogan eine Verfassungsänderung für ein Präsidialsystem, in der alle Macht in seiner Hand gebündelt ist. Oppositionskreise sprechen von Wahlschwindel. » | Kronen Zeitung/AG/kal | Sonntag, 1. November 2015

‪The Invasion of Europe‬

The EU is breaking the law to import rape and jihad.

Ein Begriff macht Karriere: Die Völkerwanderung

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Das Wort „Völkerwanderung“ klingt plötzlich wieder sehr aktuell. Wie war das damals vor 1500 Jahren? Im Römischen Reich herrschten Wohlstand und Offenheit. Es zerfiel, als die Einheimischen die Nerven verloren und dem Hass auf die Flüchtlinge nachgaben.

Ein Wort macht Karriere, das die Fachleute schon fast vergessen hatten. Es bezieht sich auf ein Ereignis vor rund 1500 Jahren, und doch klingt es höchst aktuell: Völkerwanderung. Wenn sich Hunderttausende von Flüchtlingen zu Fuß auf den Weg machen, dann scheint diese Parallele nahezuliegen. Das gilt umso mehr, als die Landkarten mit den Balkan- und anderen Routen an jene Grafiken mit den großen Pfeilen erinnern, die in den Schulbüchern einst die Züge der Germanen symbolisierten.

Das Wort macht auch Angst. Oft soll es genau diese Panik bewusst transportieren. Denn die historische Völkerwanderung des 4. und 5. nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts war nicht irgendeine Migrationsbewegung. Es geht um einen Zivilisationsbruch, vielleicht den am längsten nachwirkenden der Geschichte. Es geht um vermeintliche „Barbaren“, die nach dem verbreiteten Geschichtsbild das Römische Weltreich überrannten und der antiken Hochkultur den Garaus machten. Erst ein Jahrtausend später, in der Renaissance, erholte sich das Abendland wieder von dem Rückschlag. So haben es jedenfalls viele aus dem Geschichtsunterricht in Erinnerung. » | Ralph Bollmann | Sonntag, 1. November 2015

Trump: «Avec Saddam et Kadhafi, le monde serait meilleur»

LE MATIN: PRÉSIDENTIELLE AMÉRICAINE — Le monde se porterait mieux si les dictateurs irakien Saddam Hussein et libyen Mouammar Kadhafi étaient toujours au pouvoir, a estimé Donald Trump.

«Sans nul doute!», a répondu le milliardaire américain à la question posée par un journaliste de CNN.

Saddam Hussein et Mouammar Kadhafi ont été renversés en 2003 et 2011 respectivement, lors d'interventions militaires menées ou soutenues par les Etats-Unis.

«Regardez la Libye. Regardez l'Irak. Avant il n'y avait pas de terroristes en Irak. Il (Saddam Hussein) les tuait immédiatement. (L'Irak) est maintenant devenu l'université d'excellence du terrorisme», a justifié M. Trump.

«Franchement, désormais il n'y a plus d'Irak ni de Libye. Ils ont volé en éclats. Il n'y a plus aucun contrôle. Personne ne sait ce qui se passe», a-t-il poursuivi.

Le candidat républicain à la prochaine présidentielle a jugé que l'Amérique était confrontée à un retour à «l'époque médiévale», avec des violences au Moyen-Orient d'une brutalité inédite «depuis des milliers d'années». » | afp/nxp | dimanche 25 octobre 2015

De l'alcool frelaté a tué 23 personnes à Istanbul

LE MATIN: TURQUIE — Toutes ont bu du raki, une boisson anisée fortement alcoolisée de consommation courante en Turquie.

Le bilan des victimes ayant consommé récemment de l'alcool frelaté à Istanbul a encore grimpé dimanche, passant à 23 morts. Onze ont succombé durant le week-end.

Une quinzaine d'autres personnes se trouvent toujours dans les services de soins intensifs de plusieurs hôpitaux stambouliotes, ont indiqué les autorités sanitaires locales aux chaînes d'information NTV et CNN-Türk. Au total, 89 personnes ont été hospitalisées depuis le 18 octobre à Istanbul. » | ats/nxp | dimanche 1 novembre 2015

Saudi Ambassador: We Won't Take Lectures from UK

Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdelaziz has complained
of 'lack of respect' for his country's law and traditions 
SOUTH WALES ARGUS: Saudi Arabia's ambassador has warned of "potentially serious repercussions" of a breakdown in relations with the UK and complained of a lack of "mutual respect".

Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz singled out the cancellation of a deal to train prison staff in the Gulf state as he railed against an "alarming change in the way Saudi Arabia is discussed in Britain".

In an unusual public intervention, he wrote an article for the Daily Telegraph in which he warned the wealthy kingdom would not be "lectured to" and urged respect for its strict system of Sharia law.

He said: "One recent example of this mutual respect being breached was when Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Opposition, claimed that he had convinced Prime Minister David Cameron to cancel a prison consultancy contract with Saudi Arabia worth £5.9 million."

"This coincided with speculation linking the contract's cancellation to a number of domestic events in the Kingdom. "If the extensive trade links between the two countries are going to be subordinate to certain political ideologies, then this vital commercial exchange is going to be at risk.

"We want this relationship to continue but we will not be lectured to by anyone. Hasty decisions prompted by short-term gains often do more harm than good in the longer term." » | Press Association 2014 | Monday, October 26, 2015

Geert Wilders Visit Down Under: A Success and a Warning to Australia

BREITBART.COM: I was wholeheartedly honoured to attend and speak at the launch of the Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA) in Perth last week. What a fantastic week for a fantastic party. The launch included a keynote speech from Dutch MP Geert Wilders, which ensured the nationwide and international media coverage that the party deserves.

Australia desperately needs the ALA. These are decent people who want to pass on the Australia they know and love to their children.

I had thought prior to my arrival that the Aussies are not quite in the fix we Europeans find ourselves, and while this still remains true, Australia is heading, very rapidly, down the same road as the rest of us – political correctness, left-wing bullying and lies, leaders who refuse to listen to those with concerns about Islamic immigration, and a mainstream media entirely complicit and approving of all of the above.

Some of the coverage of the ALA launch is worth surveying. As is the case here in Europe, mainstream journalism in Australia has decided that the new party is the problem, and not what it wants to oppose. The usual labels of “far-right” are thrown around, and most of the Australian press seems to believe that their country is a shining example of multicultural harmony; despite the overwhelming evidence to suggest otherwise. » | Anne Marie Waters | Thursday, October 29, 2015

'Muslims Are Just Sick of Islam': More Refugees in Iraq Embracing Jesus Christ

CHRISTIAN TODAY: More and more Muslim refugees in UN camps in Iraq are embracing Jesus Christ and expressing repugnance of their former religion, Christian aid workers have disclosed.

"They're just sick of Islam," a Christian ministry leader in the Kurdish Region of Iraq recently told the Christian Aid Mission.

"People are very hungry to know about Christ, especially when they hear about miracles, healing, mercy and love," he said, as reported in the Gospel Herald.

The ministry director, who declined to be identified for security reason, said the Muslims in their camp have witnessed the brutality of Islamic State (ISIS) militants carrying out beheadings and other horrific acts in the name of Allah.

The director said his ministry has been swamped with Iraqi Muslims seeking to know more about Christ and the Bible.

"As terrifying and horrifying as ISIS is, they did us a great favour because they came and have shown them all the killing, saying that it's all in the Quran verses. So now we don't have to say much, we just say the truth," the director. » | Hazel Torres | Sunday, November 1, 2015

'Islam Is Not Up for Negotiation or Reform. Islam Is What It Is'

Passim Doureihi called for unity on issues that affect
the Muslim community.
THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: Less than 24 hours after Australians across the country kicked off their shoes to enter the nation's mosques for a National Day of Unity, Muslims in Sydney were calling for a different kind of solidarity – against a demonising state and its agents.

Under the tinkling glass of chandeliers swaying in path of the air conditioning at The Bellevue function centre in Bankstown, hundreds came to hear how their community was being unfairly targeted by police and spies.

"There needs to be unity on issues that affect us as a whole, particularly when the target is Islam itself," prominent Hizb ut-Tahrir member, Wassim Doureihi, said.

Children in prams, toddlers, and teens accompanied their parents and many sat, mesmerised, to speeches suggesting Australia's escalating counter-terrorism laws were an attack on Islam itself; that Muslims were being forced to surrender to Australian values. (+ video) » | Saffron Howden, Reporter | Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween Ravers Clash with London Riot Police after Illegal Party Shut Down

Riot police clashed with party-goers in London on Saturday night after officers shut down an illegal 'Scum Tech Rave' in an abandoned warehouse in Vauxhall. Police used batons and shields, and the crowd threw bottles in return.

Secular Publisher Hacked to Death in Latest Bangladesh Attacks

THE GUARDIAN: Faisal Abedin Deepan killed on same day as attacks on publisher Ahmed Rahim Tutul and two writers

A publisher of secular books has been hacked to death in the Bangladeshi capital, police have said. In a separate attack in Dhaka, police said two other writers and a publisher were stabbed and shot at a publishing house.

Fears of Islamist violence have been growing in Bangladesh after at least four atheist bloggers were murdered in the country this year. The attacks have been linked by police to domestic Islamist extremists, while Islamic State has claimed responsibility for three other attacks. » | Associated Press | Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday, October 31, 2015

New Dark Age Alert! Egyptian TV Host and Historian Concur: Burning Is the Only Solution for the Jews

HT: Robert Spencer @ Jihad Watch »

Germany Investigates Suspected Terrorists Posing as Migrants

THE TELEGRAPH: Migrants pose a domestic security threat as thousands continue to enter Germany, says the German police chief

Germany is examining 10 cases of refugees accused of being a member of a terror organisation or taking part in war crimes abroad in an admission by the country’s police chief that will raise fears of terrorists among migrants.

Holger Muench, head of the BKA federal police, said that the influx of refugees posed a domestic security threat as migrants continued to cross into the country.

More than 8,000 streamed over the Austrian border to Bavaria on Wednesday and officials believe up to 800,000 migrants could enter the country by the end of year. Some predict it could be as high as one million.

Many of the migrants coming to Europe via the western Balkans route through central and eastern Europe are from war zones in the Middle East. Those fleeing to Germany were encouraged by Angela Merkel’s welcoming comments earlier this year, saying that Syrians would be given refugee status. » | Raziye Akkoc, and Melanie Hall, Berlin | Thursday, October 29, 2015

PM Orbán: Europe’s Peoples Are Beginning to Awake[n]

HUNGARY TODAY: Speaking on public radio on Friday morning, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that Europeans have come to realise that immigration is a cultural question in which the continent’s identity is at stake. However, the problem has to be solved by nation states on their own – as happened in the case of Hungary – because no solution can be expected from Brussels. ”Europe’s peoples are beginning to awake”, the Prime Minister argued on 180 perc, Kossuth Rádió’s morning programme. » | via | Friday, October 30, 2015

Germany: Hundreds Join Anti-refugee Protest in Dresden

At least 1,000 supporters of the eurosceptic Alternative fuer Deutschland (AfD) party gathered in central Dresden, Thursday, to protest against Chancellor Merkel's refugee policies.

Flüchtlinge strömen weiter ungebremst gen Europa

SCHWEIZER RADIO UND FERNSEHEN: Trotz der kälteren Temperaturen sind weiterhin Hunderttausende auf der Flucht. Insbesondere in Griechenland, Slowenien und Kroatien ist die Lage dramatisch. Unterdessen fordert der Bürgermeister von Lesbos das Sterben vor seiner Insel endlich zu unterbinden.

Das Flüchtlingsdrama in der Ägäis hat kein Ende: Ein Boot mit etwa 150 Flüchtlingen an Bord soll nach griechischen Medienberichten vor Lesbos gekentert sein. Starker Wind hatte in der Region für hohe Wellen gesorgt, berichtete das Staatsradio.

Rettungsmannschaften der Küstenwache und Fischer mit ihren Booten suchen im Meer nach den Verunglückten, hiess es. Schon am Morgen hatte die Küstenwache nach dem Kentern eines anderen Bootes vor Lesbos 35 Migranten aus den Fluten gerettet. » | SRF 4 News, 12:30 Uhr; sda/dpa/maiu; weis | Samstag, 31. Oktober 2015

If Turkey Chooses Erdogan at the Polls This Weekend, Isis Will Gain Strength and the Refugee Crisis Will Worsen

THE INDEPENDENT: The West should make it clear to Erdogan that his destructive policies are starting to overshadow geopolitical and strategic benefits that Turkey has historically brought to the table

This weekend Turkey will once again head to the polls after its last election in June produced a hung parliament and the country's parties failed to form a government. There is much more at stake in these elections than simply deciding who rules and who does not: it will decide whether Turkey’s future is war and bloodshed, or peace and stability. For the latter, Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan simply must go before he leads Turkey further into destruction. » | Ranj Alaaldin | Friday, October 30, 2015

'Islam Worse Than Nazism, Poses Clear and Present Danger to America's Existence'

CHRISTIAN TODAY: Islam is not a religion but a "totalitarian political ideology" worse than Nazism which poses "the clearest and most present danger to America's existence."

This assertion was made by an Egyptian woman who used the pen name Magda Borham in an open letter addressed to the United States and other Western countries, Charisma News reported.

Borham warned in her letter that America faces an Islamic invasion through "immigration."

She said having lived in Egypt for more than 30 years, she has come to know the true meaning of Islam and the mentality of Muslims.

"If you listen to the cries of the Copts of Egypt, the Christians of Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan and all the other Muslim countries, you will hear the descriptions of the horrors of Islam," she wrote.

Borham said it is very important for Americans to know that "Islam is a supremacist, racist political and social ideology wrapped in a thin peel of religious rituals."

She branded Islam as "worse than Nazism and fascism systems combined without any doubt" since it seeks domination and supremacy over all other systems and religions.

She warned Americans that Muslims will "use your own democratic laws and values against you." » | Hazel Torres | Friday, October 30, 2015

CHARISMA NEWS: Brutal Warning to America From Egyptian Woman: Wake Up or Be Wiped Out » | Bethany Blankley Thursday, October 29, 2015

Friday, October 30, 2015

‘We Are In Deep Trouble’

POLITICO: Orbán stares down Merkel on migration, calls Europe ‘rich and weak.’

MADRID — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán faced down German Chancellor Angela Merkel ahead of a key migration conference this weekend, using his most explosive arguments yet to rally his center-right political allies behind a tougher response to Europe’s refugee crisis.

“We are in deep trouble,” Orbán said in remarks to the European People’s Party annual congress here, building on comments he had made Wednesday night on Hungarian television. “This is an uncontrolled and unregulated process,” one that threatens democracy because governments did not “get authorization from (citizens) for millions to walk into our continent.” » | Ryan Heath | Friday, October 23, 2015

Tensions at Slovenian-Austrian border (30.10.2015)

Thousands of refugees wait to cross from Sentilj, Slovenia to Spielfeld, Austria where they wait for buses to take them further into Austria.

‘All Relevant Actors’ Gather in Vienna for Decisive Syria Talks

Top officials from the US, Russia, Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are gathering in Vienna to seek a solution to the Syrian crisis, with Iran getting a place at the table for the first time. RT's Harry Fear is following the top-level negotiations.

China Warns US of Potential War Sparked by Minor Incidents in South China Sea

China has issued its strongest warning yet to the US over an incident during which a US destroyer sailed within territorial waters of China’s man-made islands in the South China Sea, claiming that US faces running the risk of “a minor incident that sparks war.”