Showing posts with label Sharm as-Sheikh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sharm as-Sheikh. Show all posts
Friday, November 06, 2015
Sinai Plane Crash: Bomb Theory Prevails While Probe Still Ongoing
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
REUTERS: Egypt's public prosecutor said on Tuesday that ousted President Hosni Mubarak was in no condition to be transferred to a prison hospital and would remain in a health facility in a Red Sea resort for the time being.
Mubarak, overthrown on February 11 after a popular uprising, has been detained since mid-April in a hospital in Sharm el-Sheikh, rather than in a prison medical center, after it was reported that he suffered heart problems during initial questioning.
A medical team determined that Mubarak should not be transferred "outside of Sharm el-Sheikh hospital at the current time and to hire a specialized medical team to oversee his treatment," the prosecutor said in a statement.
"The committee examined the patient in his intensive care room and found that he is clearly frail and depressed and cannot leave the bed without assistance," it said.
It added that the Torah prison hospital on Cairo's outskirts was "unsuitable for a patient in a critical condition." » | Reporting by Dina Zayed; editing by Michael Roddy | CAIRO | Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Hosni Mubarak,
Sharm as-Sheikh
Saturday, May 21, 2011
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: EGYPTE | Hospitalisé à Charm el-Cheikh, l'ancien président Hosni Moubarak, actuellement en détention préventive, serait dépressif et aurait besoin d'un suivi psychiatrique.
Le président égyptien déchu Hosni Moubarak, en détention préventive dans un hôpital, est dépressif et a besoin d’être suivi par un psychologue, a indiqué samedi une source médicale citée par l’agence officielle Mena.
L’ancien président, âgé de 83 ans, est hospitalisé à Charm el-Cheikh, sur la mer Rouge, depuis le mois dernier à la suite d’un accident cardiaque survenu durant un interrogatoire.
M. Moubarak fait l’objet d’une enquête sur l’origine de sa fortune ainsi que sur la répression du soulèvement populaire contre son régime en janvier et février, qui a fait plus de 800 morts.
Son transfert en prison dans l’attente d’un éventuel procès est conditionné à l’évolution de son état de santé. » | AFP | Samedi 21 Mai 2011
Hosni Mubarak,
Sharm as-Sheikh
Monday, May 16, 2011

Reporting from Cairo—
Hours after Egypt's former first lady, Suzanne Mubarak, was ordered detained as part of the widening corruption investigation of her husband's regime, she was hospitalized after reportedly suffering a heart attack, officials said Friday.
The manager of a hospital in the Red Sea resort town of Sharm el Sheik told the state news agency MENA that she had been transferred to intensive care. The hospital official told the news agency that the former first lady would undergo tests over the next 24 hours to determine whether she had suffered a heart attack.
Her husband, former President Hosni Mubarak, 83, has been in the same hospital since he suffered what were termed health complications last month, shortly after authorities announced that he would be detained.
Suzanne Mubarak was interrogated Friday, according to MENA, and had been ordered detained for at least 15 days, but was instead hospitalized. » | Molly Hennessy-Fiske and Amro Hassan, Los Angeles Times | Saturday, May 14, 2011
Sharm as-Sheikh
Monday, March 28, 2011
THE GUARDIAN: Egypt's ruling military council refutes rumour former president has taken refuge in Saudi Arabia
Ousted president Hosni Mubarak has been placed under house arrest, according to a statement by Egypt's ruling generals, countering speculation that the 82-year-old has gone to Saudi Arabia for medical treatment.
The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces has been in power since Mubarak's three decades of rule succumbed to revolution last month.
An announcement on its official Facebook page said: "Out of the supreme military council's belief in the importance of maintaining communication with the Egyptian people and the youth of the revolution, we stress [that] news of the departure of former president Mohamed Hosni Mubarak to Tabuk in Saudi Arabia is not true, as he is under house arrest along with his family."
The Saudi monarch, King Abdullah, has been a stalwart supporter of Mubarak throughout Egypt's recent turmoil, and has repeatedly offered the former president sanctuary in the kingdom.
For now, Mubarak remains in internal exile in the Red Sea resort of Sharm El Sheikh. He and his family are facing corruption charges and are under a travel ban and asset freeze.
The news of Mubarak come amid criticism of the armed forces as they begin to prepare for national elections later this year and a planned transition towards democratic, civilian government. » | Jack Shenker | Monday, March 28, 2011
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

AL-MASRY AL-YOUM: Ousted President Hosni Mubarak went into a coma on Saturday at his residence in Sharm al-Sheikh, according to well-informed sources. >>> | Sunday, February 13, 2011
Hosni Mubarak,
Sharm as-Sheikh
Monday, February 14, 2011

Near the hotel entrance, along the trimmed driveway framed by gently swaying palm trees, a road is barricaded, guarded by five uniformed police officers, and six burly plain clothes security.
Why so much security? I ask a passing staff member. "Mubarak," he replies nodding towards the blocked road, and moving away quickly before I can ask questions.
From the hotel beachfront more of Mubarak's security detail can be seen guarding his Villa, which lies ensconced behind the cliff. Fully uniformed men with guns in their hilts, pace, incongruous in the serene resort setting of blue waters and sunshine. >>> Ruth Sherlock | Monday, February 14, 2011
Hosni Mubarak,
Sharm as-Sheikh
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
THE TIMES OF INDIA: SHARM EL-SHEIKH: Arab League chief Amr Mussa warned Arab leaders on Wednesday that the hardships of ordinary Tunisians that sparked a popular uprising were linked to "unprecedented anger" in the region.
Mussa was addressing an economic summit of Arab leaders in Egypt's resort of Sharm el-Sheikh that closed with a vow to "move forward in the development of our societies in terms of human development, technology, economy and society."
"The developmental challenges are no less important than the political challenges facing the region," the leaders said in a final statement after their one-day summit.
It was the first gathering of Arab leaders since Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was forced to step down and fled his country on Friday after 23 years in power.
"The revolution that happened in Tunisia is not far from the subject of this summit," Mussa said, amid fears of a spillover.
"The Arab soul is broken by poverty, unemployment and general recession ... The political problems, the majority of which have not been fixed ... have driven the Arab citizen to a state of unprecedented anger and frustration." >>> AFP | Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Arab leaders,
Sharm as-Sheikh,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
THE TELEGRAPH: Israel on Tuesday night issued an urgent warning of impending terrorist attacks aimed at tourists in the popular resorts of Egypt’s Sinai peninsula.
The anti-terror office of the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said it was advising all Israeli tourists to leave the Sinai.
It asked families who had relatives on holiday there to contact them and update them on the warning.
It said it had “concrete evidence” of an attempt to kidnap Israelis who had crossed the Egyptian border to the peninsula’s Red Sea resorts.
The resorts, particularly Sharm el-Sheikh on the peninsula’s tip, are also popular with British and other European holiday-makers, and the Foreign Office was last night thought to be reviewing the situation.
Sharm el-Sheikh and the nearby towns of Taba and Dahab have all seen bomb attacks in recent years. Two Britons were among 70 people killed in the attack on Sharm el-Sheikh in 2005, while a year before 34 people were killed at Taba, on the Israeli border.
Twenty people died in the attack on Dahab in 2006.
Since then, Israeli intelligence agencies have focused on the threat posed by Sinai, which was under Israeli occupation until the implementation of its peace deal with Egypt in 1982. Israeli citizens are advised not to holiday in the area, but tens of thousands visit every year.
Last year, a tip-off from Israeli intelligence agencies led to a series of raids by Egyptian security forces on what it said were Hizbollah cells that had infiltrated the country to attack tourist sites, particularly those frequented by Israelis. >>> Samer al-Atrush in Cairo and Richard Spencer | Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
NZZ Online: Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanyahu hat bei seinem ersten Auslandbesuch seinen Willen bekräftigt, die Friedensverhandlungen mit den Palästinensern bald wieder aufzunehmen. Netanyahu traf in Sharm as-Sheikh mit Ägyptens Präsidenten Hosni Mubarak zusammen.
«Wir wollen so bald wie möglich die Verhandlungen mit den Palästinensern wieder aufnehmen», sagte Netanyahu am Montag auf einer kurzen Pressekonferenz mit Mubarak in dem ägyptischen Badeort Sharm ash-Sheikh.
Er hoffe, dass dies «in den kommenden Wochen» möglich sei. Der Besuch in Ägypten ist Netanyahus erster Auslandsbesuch seit seinem Amtsantritt Ende März.
«Wir wollen zunächst den Frieden mit unseren palästinensischen Nachbarn ausweiten», sagte Netanyahu. Israel und die Palästinenser sollten eine «Perspektive des Friedens, der Sicherheit und des Wohlstands» haben. «Diese drei Dinge gehen zusammen und nicht eines auf Kosten des anderen.» >>> sda/afp/dpa | Montag, 11. Mai 2009
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