BREITBART.COM: I was wholeheartedly honoured to attend and speak at the launch of the Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA) in Perth last week. What a fantastic week for a fantastic party. The launch included a keynote speech from Dutch MP Geert Wilders, which ensured the nationwide and international media coverage that the party deserves.
Australia desperately needs the ALA. These are decent people who want to pass on the Australia they know and love to their children.
I had thought prior to my arrival that the Aussies are not quite in the fix we Europeans find ourselves, and while this still remains true, Australia is heading, very rapidly, down the same road as the rest of us – political correctness, left-wing bullying and lies, leaders who refuse to listen to those with concerns about Islamic immigration, and a mainstream media entirely complicit and approving of all of the above.
Some of the coverage of the ALA launch is worth surveying. As is the case here in Europe, mainstream journalism in Australia has decided that the new party is the problem, and not what it wants to oppose. The usual labels of “far-right” are thrown around, and most of the Australian press seems to believe that their country is a shining example of multicultural harmony; despite the overwhelming evidence to suggest otherwise. » | Anne Marie Waters | Thursday, October 29, 2015
Showing posts with label Geert Wilders in Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geert Wilders in Australia. Show all posts
Sunday, November 01, 2015
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
ABC NEWS [AU]: The ABC has gone into damage control after it was discovered the website of one of its television programs was targeted in a hack that has affected thousands of viewers.
A Twitter user going by the name of Phr0zenMyst claimed ownership of the attack, framing it as a response to the ABC's recent coverage of the visit by right-wing Dutch MP Geert Wilders.
The hacker, based overseas, said they were upset by the ABC's decision to "[give] a platform for Geert Wilders to spread hatred".
The hack exposed the user names, email addresses and some personal information of more than 40,000 people - viewers who had logged in and commented on the website of the 2010 program Making Australia Happy.
The ABC was forced to scramble for answers, saying the website in question was shut down as soon as the breach was detected.
It has promised to contact each of the web users exposed. (+ video) » | Hayden Cooper | Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
3AW 693: The organiser of last week's protest against anti-Islamic Dutch MP Geert Wilders has been accused of hypocrisy, selectivity and astonishing double-standards by 3AW Drive Presenter Tom Elliott.
After blockading and shoving spectators at Mr Wilders' speech in Somerton, self-professed anti-capitalist Louise O'Shea and fellow protesters have decided not to target the Islamic Peace Conference next month in Melbourne, despite the conference hosting a number of radical Imams who publicly condemn Jews, advocate jihadist terrorism and encourage female genital mutilation and polygamy.
One Imam invited to the conference, Dr Abdul Rahman al-Sudais, had this to say about Jewish people: » | Ned Franklin | Monday, February 25, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013

HERALD SUN: IF Geert Wilders is wrong, let his critics explain next month's "Islamic Peace Conference" at the Melbourne Showgrounds.
I've checked what huge billboards around Melbourne claim is the "largest ever Islamic Conference in the history of Australia", at which 20,000 people are expected.
I've checked what the "chief guest" - Sheikh Abdur-Rahman Al-Sudais, imam of Mecca's Grand Mosque - has said of Jews: "The scum of the human race, the rats of the world, . . . the offspring of apes and pigs" whom God should "terminate".
I've checked what other invited speakers have said about killing gays, beating women to make them "shape up", executing apostates and supporting terrorists.
And the evidence is damning: Wilders' critics owe him an apology for having been so blind. So cowardly.
Wilders is the eloquent leader of Holland's third-largest political party and last week tried to conduct a speaking tour of Australia to argue Islam is incompatible with Western values and freedoms.
Wilders might know. For nine years, he has had to live under constant police guard after criticising Islam.
Islamists have been jailed after plotting his death. Another Islamist used a knife to pin a note to the body of slaughtered film director Theo van Gogh, warning Wilders would be next.
Yes, most Muslims are moderate, Wilders agrees, but their "violent Islamic ideology" is not and commands followers not to be, either.
If so, mass immigration to the West of followers of such an ideology is a danger. » | Andrew Bolt | Sunday, February 25, 2013
ANDREW BOLT'S BLOG: Wilders’ cowardly critics must explain this conference »
The Australians should feel thoroughly ashamed of themselves for the shabby way they treated Geert Wilders last week. The protesters behaved liked morons, and the politicians behaved as if they had no balls. Never mind, the cowards can look forward to the Islamic Conference soon to be held there. Then they can welcome the real peace-lovers! – © Mark
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
SBS: Multicultural organisations say anti-Islamic Dutch MP Geert Wilders should use his Australia tour as a learning experience.
Mr Wilders says Islam and freedom are incompatible and is coming with a warning about the dangers of allowing Muslims to immigrate to Australia.
But a range of organisations that work in the multicultural sphere are determined to prove him wrong.
The Q Society is funding Mr Wilders' Australian tour, which will involve speeches in Sydney and Melbourne this month -- about what he calls the Islamisation of Australia.
Far from calling for Gert Wilders to be banned from Australia for his controversial views, Theo Mackaay from the Victorian Council of Churches says he is welcome to look and learn.
"Let us extend our hospitality to Mr Wilders, let us engage with him, offer him the opportunity to learn how multiculturalism takes commitment but can be a wonderful wonderful way forward for any society."
Victoria's Multicultural Affairs Minister Nicholas Kotsiras says Mr Wilders' views are wrong and misinformed. (+ audio) » | Source: Andrew Bolton, SBS | Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
AL JAZEERA: Police break up a protest in Melbourne against the visit of controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders.
Protesters have scuffled with police in Melbourne during a visit to Australia by the controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders.
Mounted police restored order as scuffles broke out outside a venue where Wilders was speaking on Tuesday, but authorities said on Wednesday that no arrests were made.
A group of around 40 demonstrators blocked the gate to a function centre where Wilders made his speech, in which he said he was giving Australia a warning about "the true nature of Islam".
During his address, which won him a standing ovation from the audience, Wilders said Islam was "not just a religion".
"It's primarily a dangerous and totalitarian ideology," he said. » | Sources: Agencies | Wednesday, February 20, 2013
EURONEWS: Demonstrators scuffled with police in the Australian city of Melbourne on Wednesday where Dutch anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders was giving a speech.
Dozens of officers formed a ring around the venue as protesters voiced their opposition to his appearance by chanting the words: “Racist scum!”
“These are all the demonstrators who are actually, just peacefully, trying to raise awareness of the fact that we oppose Islamophobia and all the things that Geert Wilders and the people that come to the Geert Wilders’ event, preach,” said one protester. » | Euronews | Wednesday, February 20, 2013

THE AUSTRALIAN: COALITION Senator Cory Bernardi tested the patience of his parliamentary leader Tony Abbott by affirming his support for Dutch MP Geert Wilders, who has been forced to cancel a speaking engagement in Perth because no venue was willing to provide him a stage.
Senator Bernardi, whom Wilders this week described as an old friend, had distanced himself from the anti-Islam campaigner since late last year, when he was given a visa to visit Australia. However, the cancellation of Wilders' tour date today prompted the Senator to lament the "double standard" of free speech in Australia.
"Dutch politician Geert Wilders' public speaking tour has run into constant problems as venues continue to pull out or refuse to host his events," Senator Bernardi wrote to subscribers of his weekly "common sense" newsletter. "In such a tolerant and open society like Australia, why is it so difficult to accommodate a speaking tour by a member of the Dutch parliament who has a different perspective?" » | Chip Le Grand | The Australian | Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Related »

THE SYDNEY MORING HERALD: THE Liberal senator Cory Bernardi has spoken out in support of the anti-immigration Dutch MP Geert Wilders, saying a double standard on free speech is emerging in Australia.
Mr Wilders, who is on a speaking tour of Australia, on Tuesday called the prophet Muhammad a ''warlord, terrorist and paedophile'' and called for a ban on migration from Muslim countries. His comments drew widespread condemnation, and a large group of protesters delayed the onset of his speech in Melbourne.
Senator Bernardi, who has spoken in support of Mr Wilders in the past, said Mr Wilders' views should have an airing ''in such a tolerant and open society like Australia''. » | Bianca Hall | Immigration Correspondent | Thursday, February 21, 2013

AUSTRALIAN CONSERVATIVE: “There are very few lessons that Holland has to teach Australia when it comes to the integration of newcomers,” federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said on Melbourne radio 3AW today.
Asked by 3AW presenter Neil Mitchell if visiting Dutch MP Geert Wilders was wrong about Islam, Mr Abbott said: » | AC | Wednesday, February 20, 2013
My comment:
Tony Abbott's IGNORANCE of Islam is truly astonishing. How has this man become a leader of a party with this level of ignorance? He would do well to inform himself of the nature of Islam. The future of his still free country depends on it.
I am not an Australian, but were I to be, with the level of ignorance he has shown about the greatest threat to world democracy, I should NEVER vote for him.
He would do well to listen to Geert Wilders. Wilders completely understands the problems we are facing. Abbott can take Geert’s words to the bank. – © Mark
This comment also appears here
THE AUSTRALIAN – OPINION: FOR a liberal democracy that thrives on liberty, plurality and vigorous political discourse, the visit by controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders to these shores presents an opportunity to reaffirm these fundamental principles. When Mr Wilders was granted a visa last year, then immigration minister Chris Bowen rightly argued that Australian multiculturalism, our political system and our commitment to freedom of speech were strong enough to survive a visit by the Dutch MP.
Mr Wilders's views on the impact of large-scale Islamic immigration in Europe and the challenge that it presents to established cultures and the obligations of citizenship in Western countries are part of an important debate that Australians should be aware of.
Mr Wilders is the founder and leader of The Netherlands Party for Freedom. His political mission is to halt what he says is the "Islamisation" of his country. He argues that Islamism [sic! Mr. Wilders actually argues that ISLAM (not ISLAMISM) is a totalitarian political ideology] is a totalitarian political ideology enforced by violence and rigid adherence to it, quite different from the faith of Islam. In his article in The Australian earlier this week, Mr Wilders outlined his views that many will find challenging, but they were respectfully put and hardly deserve the vilification he has received from extremists. Mr Wilders's [sic] visit provides Australians with a window into a sociopolitico [sic] challenge in the northern hemisphere. How Islam can be absorbed into Western democracies, given the cultural differences between the two, is being debated and discussed in journals such as the centre-left magazine Prospect, where a recent contributor argued: "Islam's accommodation with the liberal-democratic societies of Europe and North America is one of the most urgent questions of our times." » | The Australian | Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
NEWS.COM.AU: CONTROVERSIAL Dutch MP Geert Wilders has been forced to cancel the Perth date of his speaking tour after he was unable to find a venue to host him.
The right-wing MP, who wants a ban on Islamic immigration and says the religion is incompatible with freedom, is stirring controversy with his tour of Australia, which began in Melbourne today.
An unnamed four-star CBD hotel had been set to host Wilders but pulled out late this afternoon.
Host of the tour, the Q Society, said finding another venue at short notice was almost impossible because of security needed for the MP and the threat of possible protesters. » | AAP | Tuesday, February 19, 2013
WEST AUSTRALIA TODAY: ALL Muslims should renounce their religion immediately in favour of Christianity or atheism - it would be better for them and for everyone else, controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders said in Melbourne on Tuesday.
Insisting politely that he did not want to incite or offend anyone, the anti-Islam campaigner described the prophet Muhammad as ''a warlord, terrorist and paedophile'' and urged Australia to ban the Koran and all migration from Muslim countries.
Told that Premier Ted Baillieu had advised Victorians to ignore him, Mr Wilders said the Premier could ignore the threat of Islam and ''sing Kumbaya'' all day long, but the voters would wake up eventually. (+ video) » | Barney Zwartz | Religion Editor | The Age | Tuesday, February 19, 2013

THE AUSTRALIAN: PROTESTERS clashed violently with police and guests tonight before a speech by controversial anti-Muslim Dutch MP Geert Wilders.
Activists pushed and shoved guests to stop them entering, and linked arms to try to form a blockade.
One middle-aged invitee was shoved to the ground in the skirmish.
A protester with a blood nose said a guest he'd called "one of the fascist cohort" assaulted him.
The 22-year-old, who would only give his name as James, said: "He threatened to punch me unless I let him through. And he then started clawing at my face."
There were reports of activists ripping up guests' tickets.
Police moved in to clear the gates to allow guests to enter to hear the speech. A line of officers, backed by mounted police, swarmed in to remove protesters from the entrance of the La Mirage Function Centre on the Hume Highway at Somerton, in Melbourne's north.
Up to 60 police then formed a ring of steel around the venue, as Mr Wilders spoke inside.
Senior Sergeant Michael Maloney said there had been no arrests.
Tony Iltis, from the Socialist Alliance, said the group were stopping fascists from entering.
"Police came in pushing us and grabbing shouting 'Move, move' and all that garbage," he said.
Protesters remained beside the venue to continue to voice their opposition, chanting "Racist scum!" About 100 protesters had gathered in the minutes before Mr Wilders spoke.
The venue for the speech had been kept secret, but protesters got wind of it earlier today.
Protesters linked arms to block access, forcing police to use mounted officers to clear the entrance.
Entering the reception centre was like passing through airport-security, with guests forced to be scanned by metal detectors. The serene environment inside contrasted with the violent clashes of the protesters outside, with the 500 guests sitting quietly to hear the speeches.
Mr Wilders, entered the ballroom to a standing ovation, opening his speech with a condemnation of Australian politicians, including Federal Minister Chris Bowen, who had labelled him an "extremist" and a "fringe-figure from the far right".
While he said Western Australia Premier Colin Barnett had even told the press he would not be welcome in the state.
"I am the leader of a party who have nearly one million voters in a country that is known for its tolerance. I am not a fringe figure and I am not a far-right figure either. » | James Dowling | With John Masanauskas and AAP | Herald Sun | Tuesday, February 19, 2013

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: FAR-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders has called the Prophet Mohammed a murderer and used Anzac soldiers as an example of the courage needed to speak out against Islam at a speech to Melbourne supporters.
Tight security surrounded Mr Wilders' hour-long speech to members of the ultra-conservative local group the Q Society of Australia at La Mirage reception centre in Somerton in Melbourne's north on Monday night.
Fifty police, some on horseback, separated about 100 vocal but peaceful protesters standing on the Hume Highway verge outside the venue.
Protest organiser Feiyi Zhang said: "we're here to show we will not stand for Wilders' racism and Islamophobia". She said his speech could incite violence against Muslims "and general fear of Islam".
Protester Nadia Shamsuddin, a doctor and a Muslim, said she was "repulsed" by Wilders' visit and views. "His promotion of oppression and racism is appalling in civilised world".
Her husband Raj Rao said: "Wilders accuses Islam of promoting hatred and violence but I think that's what he's doing."
Mr Rao said the message of the Qu'ran was of "peace and submission to God".
Inside the venue, audience member Inez, a Dutch immigrant, said she had come from Ringwood to hear Wilders, "because we have built this country into something very, very beautiful but I can slowly see it getting spoiled by people who want to impose their beliefs and laws.
"When I hear Muslim people wanted to introduce Sharia law here, I shudder. I thought it too horrible to contemplate." » | Carolyn Webb | Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
THE AGE: Multicultural organisations have sung praise for Victoria's cultural diversity on the eve of a controversial talk by anti-Islamic Dutch MP Geert Wilders.
Multicultural Affairs Minister Nicholas Kotsiras said Mr Wilders's views were wrong and misinformed.
"Mr Wilders is opposed to the religion of Islam, not so much to the people, and he believes Islam has no place in democratic society which I believe is wrong."
Mr Kotsiras said while he supported freedom of speech he did not support the incitement of violence.
"We don't support the incitement of violence, the incitement of hatred and we have legislation in place that covers that. But we are multicultural and we are proud of it, we have embraced it over many years and are a prime example of how it can work."
The Q Society is funding Mr Wilders's Australian speaking tour, which will involve a talk in Sydney and Melbourne. » | Henrietta Cook | Monday, February 18, 2013
Anti-muslim campaigner coming to Australia: Ahead of his visit to Australia, far-right Dutch MP Geert Wilders talks to Tony Jones about his opposition to Muslim immigrants in his country. » | Australian Broadcasting Corporation | Broadcast: Wednesday, February 13, 2013
THE TELEGRAPH (AU): I'm no bigot, says anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders ahead of Australian speaking tour: CONTROVERSIAL Dutch MP Geert Wilders has delivered a message to Australia ahead of a series of speaking events across the nation: "I am not the devil." » | Charles Miranda in The Netherlands | News Limited Network | Saturday, February 16, 2013
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