AUSTRALIAN CONSERVATIVE: “There are very few lessons that Holland has to teach Australia when it comes to the integration of newcomers,” federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said on Melbourne radio 3AW today.
Asked by 3AW presenter Neil Mitchell if visiting Dutch MP Geert Wilders was wrong about Islam, Mr Abbott said: » | AC | Wednesday, February 20, 2013
My comment:
Tony Abbott's IGNORANCE of Islam is truly astonishing. How has this man become a leader of a party with this level of ignorance? He would do well to inform himself of the nature of Islam. The future of his still free country depends on it.
I am not an Australian, but were I to be, with the level of ignorance he has shown about the greatest threat to world democracy, I should NEVER vote for him.
He would do well to listen to Geert Wilders. Wilders completely understands the problems we are facing. Abbott can take Geert’s words to the bank. – © Mark
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