HERALD SUN: IF Geert Wilders is wrong, let his critics explain next month's "Islamic Peace Conference" at the Melbourne Showgrounds.
I've checked what huge billboards around Melbourne claim is the "largest ever Islamic Conference in the history of Australia", at which 20,000 people are expected.
I've checked what the "chief guest" - Sheikh Abdur-Rahman Al-Sudais, imam of Mecca's Grand Mosque - has said of Jews: "The scum of the human race, the rats of the world, . . . the offspring of apes and pigs" whom God should "terminate".
I've checked what other invited speakers have said about killing gays, beating women to make them "shape up", executing apostates and supporting terrorists.
And the evidence is damning: Wilders' critics owe him an apology for having been so blind. So cowardly.
Wilders is the eloquent leader of Holland's third-largest political party and last week tried to conduct a speaking tour of Australia to argue Islam is incompatible with Western values and freedoms.
Wilders might know. For nine years, he has had to live under constant police guard after criticising Islam.
Islamists have been jailed after plotting his death. Another Islamist used a knife to pin a note to the body of slaughtered film director Theo van Gogh, warning Wilders would be next.
Yes, most Muslims are moderate, Wilders agrees, but their "violent Islamic ideology" is not and commands followers not to be, either.
If so, mass immigration to the West of followers of such an ideology is a danger. » | Andrew Bolt | Sunday, February 25, 2013
ANDREW BOLT'S BLOG: Wilders’ cowardly critics must explain this conference »
The Australians should feel thoroughly ashamed of themselves for the shabby way they treated Geert Wilders last week. The protesters behaved liked morons, and the politicians behaved as if they had no balls. Never mind, the cowards can look forward to the Islamic Conference soon to be held there. Then they can welcome the real peace-lovers! – © Mark