Islamic values and Western values are totally and utterly immiscible. – © Mark Alexander
Showing posts with label British values. Show all posts
Showing posts with label British values. Show all posts
Sunday, September 15, 2024
It's Not Islamophobic to State Horrific Facts about Many UK Muslims' Beliefs & Un-British Values
Islamic values and Western values are totally and utterly immiscible. – © Mark Alexander
Monday, November 02, 2015
Independent: Teach More Islam in UK Schools, Muhammad Had British Values
BREITBART.COM: The Independent newspaper has published an article claiming that more Islam should be taught in schools because the Islamic prophet, Muhammed, had “British values”. The article is written by a PhD student who claims she has “a lot” of “respect” for a leading UK Muslim Brotherhood activist.
The author, Sajda Khan, used to write for the Huffington Post, though many of her articles – all propaganda pieces about Islam – have now been “removed at the request of the author”. Ms. Khan – who once slammed UK think tank Civitas for attacking the idea of “jihad” – also has a different name to the one listed on her Huffington Post profile from 2012.
Her name was “Sahar” on the HuffPo, whereas she now goes by “Sajda”. She has denied changing her name, though admitted: “I began to write under a pseudonym but then resorted to my own name – because I didn’t see a need.”
Ms. Khan wrote for the Independent:
The author, Sajda Khan, used to write for the Huffington Post, though many of her articles – all propaganda pieces about Islam – have now been “removed at the request of the author”. Ms. Khan – who once slammed UK think tank Civitas for attacking the idea of “jihad” – also has a different name to the one listed on her Huffington Post profile from 2012.
Her name was “Sahar” on the HuffPo, whereas she now goes by “Sajda”. She has denied changing her name, though admitted: “I began to write under a pseudonym but then resorted to my own name – because I didn’t see a need.”
Ms. Khan wrote for the Independent:
Simply put, the way to combat Islamic extremism is to invest in real Islamic teaching in British schools: teaching that proves the Prophet Mohammed would never have condoned their actions.But her article directly contradicts one she wrote for the Telegraph just 5 months ago, entitled: “British values won’t stop violent extremism”. She wrote: » | Breitbart London | Monday, November 2, 2015
Many reading this will find it difficult to stomach, but the Prophet Mohammed had British values. Those values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs that schools are now required to promote are inherently Islamic.
Sunday, February 08, 2015
Should British Muslims Follow 'Values That We Hold Dear'?
Sunday, February 06, 2011

An angry row broke out after Sadiq Khan, Labour's shadow justice secretary, accused the Prime Minister of "writing propaganda" for the nationalist English Defence League by calling on Britons to be more robust in rejecting Islamist extremism.
Ministers demanded that Mr Khan apologise for "smearing" the Prime Minister by linking him with the EDL, whose members demonstrated on the streets of Luton on Saturday, chanting "Muslim bombers off our streets" and holding banners aloft, some of which read "No more mosques".
Baroness Warsi, the Conservative party Chairman, said: "For Sadiq Khan to smear the Prime Minister as a Right-wing extremist is outrageous and irresponsible.
"Mr Khan is Labour's shadow justice secretary and ran Ed Miliband's leadership campaign. He must apologise, and Mr Miliband needs urgently to disown his colleague's baseless accusation."
The Prime Minister was also criticised by Muslim groups for pronouncing that multiculturalism had failed in Britain because it had led to segregation.
In a major speech tackling the threat posed by Islamic extremists, the Prime Minister warned that "hands-off tolerance" of unacceptable practices by minority communities had only served to encourage extremism.
He called for a "muscular" defence of British values.
Speaking to a conference in Munich, Mr Cameron said that the threat of terrorism must be confronted not only though intelligence and surveillance, but by taking on the ideology of Islamist extremism at home.
"Frankly, we need a lot less of the passive tolerance of recent years and much more active, muscular liberalism," the Prime Minister said.
While a "passively tolerant" society allows its citizens to do what they like, so long as they do not break the law, a genuinely liberal country "believes in certain values and actively promotes them", Mr Cameron said.
"Freedom of speech. Freedom of worship. Democracy. The rule of law. Equal rights, regardless of race, sex or sexuality. It says to its citizens: This is what defines us as a society. To belong here is to believe these things.
"Each of us in our own countries must be unambiguous and hard-nosed about this defence of our liberty." Read on and comment >>> Melissa Kite, Deputy Political Editor | Saturday, February 05, 2011
My comment on Mr. Cameron's speech:
Cameron's speech is indeed encouraging. At last, a public figure has shown some courage when speaking about extremist 'religious' ideologies. But he needs to find some more courage. He needs to recognise, and articulate, that almost all terrorism these days is linked to Islam. Further, he has convinced me that he doesn't truly understand the nature of Islam. He continues to articulate the canard that "Islamist extremism" has nothing to do with Islam. WRONG, Mr. Cameron! WRONG! Islamism is a term made up by the infidel for the infidel. To a practising Muslim, it is a meaningless term. A true Muslim would only recognise one belief system: Islam. And we shall have to learn to face the fact that Islamism is merely the practice of Islam in its fundamental form. Islamists are people who want to practise Islam as the prophet Muhammad envisioned. To say anything different is to distort the truth.
But I must applaud Mr. Cameron for taking a bold step forward, for taking a bold step to help open up the debate. This debate is sorely needed. But I’m sorry to say that Mr. Cameron has some homework to do if he truly wants to come to terms with, and get a grip on, the real danger facing the UK and the West today. – © Mark
This comment also appears here
THE GUARDIAN: David Cameron sparks fury from critics who say attack on multiculturalism has boosted English Defence League: • Prime minister is accused of handing PR coup to the far right • Jack Straw calls David Cameron's comments 'ill-judged' >>> Toby Helm, Matthew Taylor and Rowenna Davis | Saturday, February 05, 2011
"Activists, some wearing balaclavas and others waving English flags, chanted "Muslim bombers off our streets" and "Allah, Allah, who the fuck is Allah". EDL supporters from Newcastle, Scotland, London, West Yorkshire and Sheffield joined Luton-based supporters. There were also flags representing German, Dutch and Swedish Defence Leagues." [Source: The Guardian]
British values,
David Cameron,
Friday, February 04, 2011
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: British Muslims must subscribe to mainstream values of freedom and equality, David Cameron will say as he declares that the doctrine of multiculturalism has “failed” and will be abandoned.
Entering the debate on national identity and religious tolerance, the Prime Minister will declare an end to “passive tolerance” of divided communities, and say that members of all faiths must integrate into wider society and accept core values.
To be British is to believe in freedom of speech and religion, democracy and equal rights regardless of race, sex or sexuality, he will say. Proclaiming a doctrine of “muscular liberalism”, he will say that everyone, from ministers to ordinary voters, should actively confront those who hold extremist views.
He will also warn that groups that fail to promote British values will no longer receive public money or be able to engage with the state.
His speech, to an international security conference in Munich, comes after The Daily Telegraph disclosed the extent to which the British intelligence community fears the “unique threat” of terrorist attacks by radicalised British Muslims.
Mr Cameron will promise a new willingness to argue against and “defeat” extremist ideologies that lead some to engage in terrorism.
That means abandoning the notion that different communities should be able to live according to their own values and traditions as long as they stay within the law. “Under the doctrine of state multiculturalism, we have encouraged different cultures to live separate lives, apart from each other and the mainstream,” Mr Cameron will say. “We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong.” >>> James Kirkup, Political Correspondent | Friday, February 04, 2011
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
TIMES ONLINE: Immigrants who refuse to honour British values are unwelcome, Gordon Brown said today as he pledged to do more to meet the concerns of the “mainstream majority”.
Mr Brown said he agreed that it was unfair if newcomers took advantage of Britain’s freedoms without making a fair contribution in return.
But his attempt to meet voter concerns over immigration was undermined when he was criticised by the chairman of the national statistics watchdog for exaggerating the fall in migrant numbers.
Sir Michael Scholar said that the Prime Minister had used details in his weekend podcast that were “not comparable” when claiming a recent big fall in net inward migration.
Mr Brown conceded the point today, but stuck to his theme, saying that migrant numbers had fallen by tens of thousands in the past two years.
He defended Labour’s recent record on immigration as he sought to draw the sting from a potentially inflammatory campaign issue. >>> Roland Watson, Political Editor | Wednesday, March 31, 2010
British values,
Gordon Brown,
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
THE TELEGRAPH: Four weeks ago, the Bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali, expressed on these pages his concern at the lack of integration into British society of some Muslim communities living here. He has since received an enormous amount of support from private individuals for his remarks - as well as death threats from fanatics who said they would kill him unless he stopped criticising the religion of Islam (something which he insisted he was not doing).
The most striking aspect of the response to his article, however, has not been that bigoted and offensive reaction from a small number: it has been the almost complete silence from the Government on the issues he raised. Despite recent claims by ministers that they want to revise the policy of multiculturalism, and that they wish for a vigorous national debate on what should replace it, their reaction to this - and indeed to all other attempts to generate debate - has been deafening silence. You could be forgiven for thinking there is a conspiracy to prevent discussion of the issues that the bishop, and millions of other Britons, are so concerned about.
The official reluctance to confront those issues acts far more effectively than death threats to suppress their discussion. Yet questions of immigration and integration are amongst the most critically important faced by Britain. As we report today, thousands of women in Britain are being beaten, bullied, intimidated and indeed sometimes murdered by members of their own families - and it is being done in the name of their religion and of "traditional values". An investigation by the Centre for Social Cohesion has established that whole communities have been involved in suppressing their female members' wholly legitimate desire to marry whom they choose, to follow careers of their own, and to dress and live according to their own will, rather than at the command of a male relative. A deafening silence that betrays our values >>>
Hat tip: Jim Ball
Mark Alexander (Paperback)
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