Showing posts with label Islamisation of Europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamisation of Europe. Show all posts
Tuesday, March 01, 2016
Special Report: Does Ezra's Fact-finding Trip to Europe Reveal Canada's Future?
Saturday, November 07, 2015
Patriarch of Antioch: Muslims Want to Conquer Europe with ‘Faith and the Birthrate’
BREITBART.COM: In a stunning interview, the Maronite patriarch of Antioch, Cardinal Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, has contended that Islam has a clear, two-pronged strategy to take over Europe: religion and procreation.
The cardinal said that Muslims look on Christians as weak and believe that since they have no children and barely practice their faith, Islam will easily conquer them. Sadly, he said, Muslims take their faith more seriously than most Christians, and they are gaining ground because of it.
“I have often heard from Muslims that their goal is to conquer Europe with two weapons: their faith and their birthrate,” al-Rahi said in a recent interview with Famiglia Cristiana, an Italian Catholic weekly magazine.
For the Muslims, the Cardinal said, “the practice of the faith is essential and fundamental. In Saudi Arabia they go to Friday prayers even if they need a walking stick. They know the Koran by heart, and when they talk they often cite it. The same is not true for Christians who do not refer either to the Bible or the teachings of the Church.”
The Muslims “believe that God’s will is to procreate and that marriage is aimed at this,” he said. “They think that numbers will give them the upper hand.”
Christians, however, “hardly get married anymore, and have few children,” he said. » | Thomas D. Williams, PH.D | Friday, November 6, 2015
FAMIGLIA CHRISTIANA: «VOLETE SALVARE I CRISTIANI? FERMATE LA GUERRA» » | Antonio Sanfrancesco | giovedi 5 novembre 2015
The cardinal said that Muslims look on Christians as weak and believe that since they have no children and barely practice their faith, Islam will easily conquer them. Sadly, he said, Muslims take their faith more seriously than most Christians, and they are gaining ground because of it.
“I have often heard from Muslims that their goal is to conquer Europe with two weapons: their faith and their birthrate,” al-Rahi said in a recent interview with Famiglia Cristiana, an Italian Catholic weekly magazine.
For the Muslims, the Cardinal said, “the practice of the faith is essential and fundamental. In Saudi Arabia they go to Friday prayers even if they need a walking stick. They know the Koran by heart, and when they talk they often cite it. The same is not true for Christians who do not refer either to the Bible or the teachings of the Church.”
The Muslims “believe that God’s will is to procreate and that marriage is aimed at this,” he said. “They think that numbers will give them the upper hand.”
Christians, however, “hardly get married anymore, and have few children,” he said. » | Thomas D. Williams, PH.D | Friday, November 6, 2015
FAMIGLIA CHRISTIANA: «VOLETE SALVARE I CRISTIANI? FERMATE LA GUERRA» » | Antonio Sanfrancesco | giovedi 5 novembre 2015
Sunday, October 18, 2015
The Impact of Mass Muslim Immigration in Europe Will Be Felt in Australia
Already, hundreds of news reports about crime involving newly-arrived Muslim immigrants, and young women being warned by European authorities to wear modest clothing, have changed the public discourse.
Conservative parties are rapidly gaining ground. One of the European politicians harvesting increased support, Geert Wilders, is scheduled to arrive in Australia today.
The main political parties and mainstream media in Europe, having both tried to put a lid on stories which reflect poorly on new arrivals, have lost control of the debate. It has shifted, en masse, to social media.
The European Union itself, having been exposed as hostile to national sovereignty during the Greek financial crisis, is now perceived to have failed to protect European sovereignty at its most basic form – protection from invasion. » | Paul Sheehan | Sydney Morning Herald columnist | Sunday, October 18, 2015
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Mass Immigration Will Destroy the European Union, Argues LEO MCKINSTRY
The immigration crisis engulfing the EU is the inevitable consequence of the federalists’ insistence on mass freedom of movement and open borders. These steps have been part of a plan to sweep away national democracies, replacing them with a multicultural superstate governed by an unelected elite in Brussels.
Behind all the manipulative propaganda about the plight of the refugees the reality is that the open-door approach amounts to a form of suicide for Europe. The fabric of our civilisation is being transformed through a social revolution for which no European citizen has ever voted.
It is estimated that more than 480,000 migrants have crossed to Europe by sea this year, with the rate of arrivals now reaching 6,000 a day, most of them Muslims from Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
This change will not only impose a colossal strain on the civic infrastructure and social cohesion of the member states but it is bound to accelerate the process of Islamification. One study has shown that in 2010 there were at least 44 million Muslims in Europe, a total that, even before the present crisis, was expected to double by 2050. » | Leo McKinstry | Thursday, September 24, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Anticipating Islam’s Conquest of Europe and America at Al-Aqsa
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Polish Demo: Stop the Islamisation of Europe and Poland
Arab Migrants Told “Swedish Women Require Real Men”
Prison Planet TV »
Sunday, January 18, 2015
'Wave of Islamisation' Sweeping Western Europe, Benjamin Netanyahu Says
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Israeli leader's comments justifying expanding far-East trade risk stirring controversy following Right-wing anti-Islam protests in Europe
Benjamin Netanyahu risked opening a new rift with European leaders on Sunday by announcing plans to boost trade with Asia because Western Europe, its main partner, was experiencing "a wave of Islamisation, anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism".
The Israeli prime minister's comments at a weekly cabinet meeting came as he prepared to welcome Shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister, who arrived in Israel accompanied by around 100 heads of leading Japanese companies.
"We definitely want to reduce our dependence on certain markets in western Europe," said Mr Netanyahu while advocating increased trade with Japan, India and China.
"Western Europe is undergoing a wave of Islamisation, of anti-Semitism, and of anti-Zionism. It is awash in such waves, and we want to ensure that for years to come the state of Israel will have diverse markets all over the world." » | Robert Tait, Jerusalem | Sunday, January 18, 2015
Benjamin Netanyahu risked opening a new rift with European leaders on Sunday by announcing plans to boost trade with Asia because Western Europe, its main partner, was experiencing "a wave of Islamisation, anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism".
The Israeli prime minister's comments at a weekly cabinet meeting came as he prepared to welcome Shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister, who arrived in Israel accompanied by around 100 heads of leading Japanese companies.
"We definitely want to reduce our dependence on certain markets in western Europe," said Mr Netanyahu while advocating increased trade with Japan, India and China.
"Western Europe is undergoing a wave of Islamisation, of anti-Semitism, and of anti-Zionism. It is awash in such waves, and we want to ensure that for years to come the state of Israel will have diverse markets all over the world." » | Robert Tait, Jerusalem | Sunday, January 18, 2015
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Quelque 200 opposants à la tenue d’un colloque baptisé «Assises contre l’islamisation de l’Europe», avec notamment la participation remarquée du conseiller national UDC Oskar Freysinger, ont manifesté samedi à Paris, près de la salle où se tient l’événement. La manifestation s’est dispersée dans le calme en milieu de journée.
Sur un périmètre de plusieurs centaines de mètres autour de l’Espace Charenton (XIIe), où se tenait le colloque organisé par le mouvement d’extrême droite «Bloc Identitaire», des forces de l’ordre déployées en nombre filtraient l’accès au bâtiment, selon l’AFP.
Derrière une banderole rouge portant le slogan: «Pas de fachos dans nos quartiers», les manifestants se sont rassemblés sur une place non loin de là, à l’appel de plusieurs associations et partis de gauche.
«Ne nous laissons pas voler l’idée même de République (...) La laïcité, ce n’est pas la haine, pas la persécution de la majorité sur la minorité», a déclaré la députée PS de Paris Sandrine Mazetier, lors d’une série de prises de parole. Freysinger ovationné >>> ATS/AFP | Samedi 18 Décembre 2010
WIKIPEDIA: Oskar Freysinger >>>
Islamisation of Europe,
Friday, January 22, 2010
CITY JOURNAL: The Geert Wilders trial is an affront to Western liberty.
Since 9/11, there has been a series of red-letter dates that should figure in any future history of the Islamization of Europe. One thinks, for example, of the Madrid train bombings on March 11, 2004, and of the general election three days later, in which Spanish citizens, apparently bowing to the terrorists’ wishes, voted in the Socialists, who had promised to pull the nation’s troops out of Iraq. One thinks, too, of the London bombings on July 7, 2005; of the international violence that followed the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten’s publication of cartoons of Mohammed on September 30, 2005; and of the shameful episode in which editor Vebjørn Selbekk, under intense pressure from craven Norwegian government leaders, apologized to a gathering of imams on February 10, 2006, for having bravely reprinted the cartoons.
Many of these red-letter dates have been concentrated in the Netherlands, a small country that once upon a time—not so long ago, in fact—was perceived around the world as a beacon of freedom and tolerance. The murder of professor, author, and Islam critic Pim Fortuyn in Hilversum on May 6, 2002, was followed by that of filmmaker, raconteur, and Islam critic Theo van Gogh in Amsterdam on November 2, 2004, and by the resignation of politician and Islam critic Ayaan Hirsi Ali from the Dutch parliament on May 16, 2006. Ali’s resignation came as the result of a cowardly effort by her legislative colleagues to remove from their ranks the voice of a heroine of liberty, whom they plainly perceived as nothing more than a troublemaker in a country whose political and cultural elite has, in modern times, been less driven by principle than by consensus and compromise.
Today, alas, is also a red-letter date in the terrible history of this period, and once again the setting is the Netherlands. The figure at the center of today’s infamy is Islam critic Geert Wilders, member of the Dutch Parliament, head of the Freedom Party, and currently the most popular politician in the country—a man who, like Fortuyn eight years ago, looks like a strong prospect to be his nation’s next prime minister. Yet if Wilders enjoys strong backing from the Dutch electorate, he is also—again like Fortuyn, and for that matter like van Gogh and Hirsi Ali—despised by the Dutch political, cultural, educational, media, and business establishment, which has plainly decided not to fight the Netherlands’ Islamization but rather to help the process go as smoothly as possible.
Members of this establishment have made many efforts to silence Wilders. When he announced in November 2007 that he was making a film about the Koran, members of the Dutch cabinet expressed regret that they had no authority to stop him. During the same month, a leading member of the Dutch establishment, Doekle Terpstra, organized a coalition of influential Dutchmen whose goal was to exclude Wilders’s views from the public square. “Wilders is the evil,” said Terpstra, “and that evil must be stopped.” In January 2008, a long list of celebrated Dutchmen signed a statement that appeared on the front page of the newspaper Trouw condemning Wilders’s “intolerance” and calling for “a new balance between the values of then and now.” Bernard Welten, Amsterdam’s police chief, held talks with imams about Wilders’s film; the country’s national counterterrorism coordinator proposed that Wilders leave the country after its release. Commenting on Wilders, a long line of top Dutch politicians declared, in effect, that freedom of speech didn’t include the freedom to offend. In April 2007, intelligence and security officials had called Wilders on the carpet and demanded that he tone down his rhetoric about Islam; in February 2008, the Dutch ministers of justice and foreign affairs summoned him to a similar dressing-down. Wilders’s film, Fitna, appeared online on March 27, 2008. … >>> Bruce Bawer | Wednesday, January 20, 2010
English translation: Summons of the Accused >>>
Bruce Bawer blogs here
Thursday, January 21, 2010
BRUSSELS JOURNAL: In the summer of 2008, as many readers know, I traveled to six European countries to interview politicians dedicated to breaking, halting and/or reversing the Islamization of their countries (here is a collection of some of the writings inspired by the trip).
One of those politicians was Geert Wilders, then the little-known (outside of the Netherlands) leader of a very small party, PVV, the Party for Freedom. Only a year and a half later, Wilders is the most famous Dutchman in the world, and his party rivals the current ruling party in popularity. Wilders is also now on trial for his political life and liberty – hardly a coincidence.
But Wilders is not the only politician in Europe fighting Islamization. In my travels, I learned there were other countries where extremely courageous men and some notable women had entered the democratic arena to defend Western liberties against the onslaught of sharia (Islamic law), and with electoral success. In interviewing such politicians, I was much impressed with their political and, in these times of jihad violence, physical courage. Sadly, it remains the case that no US politicians speak with either the candor or understanding of the Islamic threat besetting the West that at least some of their European counterparts do.
With Wilders' trial begining today, I contacted three of the politicians I interviewed on my trip and asked them for their thoughts today. They have obliged – and in English, which is worth noting. In alphabetical order, they are Filip Dewinter, leader of the Vlaams Belang party in Belgium, Oskar Freysinger, a member of Swiss parliament for the Swiss People's Party (lately in the news for the recent victorious Swiss referendum banning minaret construction in Switzerland), and Morten Messershmidt, a member of European Parliament for the Danish People's Party. >>> Diana West | Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Saturday, January 26, 2008
MSNBC: AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - Around 20 demonstrators gathered on Amsterdam's central Dam square Saturday to call for a halt to what they say is the growing influence of Islam in Europe.
Amid an extremely heavy police presence, members of the group called "Stop the Islamization of Europe" came to promote their ideas. Protesters in Amsterdam call for halt to "Islamization of Europe" >>> By Toby Sterling
Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Monday, January 21, 2008
THE FIRST POST: For the AKP, democracy is merely a means to a higher Islamic goal, says edward luttwak
If you thought Turkey was no threat to the West, think again. A new generation of politicians is aiming to Islamise the state by stealth. The AKP - Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi, or Justice and Development Party - has a stranglehold on Turkey for the foreseeable future.
The AKP was founded to replace a previous Islamic party banned for extremism. It benefited hugely from the corruption scandals that dragged down the previous government, taking two-thirds of parliament in the 2002 general election (on a third of the vote).
On Friday, its ex-foreign secretary Abdullah Gul narrowly failed to win a victory in the first round of presidential elections. The result was close enough to prompt public demonstrations by secularists ahead of the second round voting on May 2, and a statement from the military - long the guardians of Turkey's secular traditions - warning against a pro-Islam political agenda.
Since coming to power, the AKP has done nothing revolutionary, but it does have a revolutionary agenda. For all their suavity, its leaders seek to transform the country into a Sunni Muslim republic. This collides with institutions and laws strictly limiting Islam's role in public life, and with a long-standing security alliance with Israel.
It also collides with democracy itself, for no Koranic state can have a sovereign parliament free to legalise such abominations as equal rights for women and homosexuals or the drinking of alcohol.
A sinister slogan attributed to the AKP is that democracy is 'a bus we can ride until we reach our station'. Under Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his foreign secretary Abdullah Gul, the party has been cautious until now.
But abroad the AKP has been more strident. Turkey has stepped up relations with Muslim countries and cooled them with Israel. They have capitalised on public suspicion of the Western war on terror and yet have pursued Turkey's application to join the EU. Opinion: Turkey’s leaders plan Muslim Europe >>> By Edward Luttwak
Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
BBC: Police in the Belgian capital, Brussels, have arrested two far-right political leaders at a protest against the "Islamisation of Europe".
Police clashed with some of the 200 demonstrators and dozens more people were reported to have been arrested.
The mayor of Brussels had banned the protest, held on the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the US.
Frank Vanhecke and Filip Dewinter of the Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) party were arrested.
Vlaams Belang has been critical of Muslim immigration to Belgium.
The mayor of Brussels, Freddy Thielemans, banned the protest last month for fear it would cause problems with the city's immigrant population.
The protest organisers had promised a large turn-out, but the approximately 200 protesters were nearly outnumbered by police and reporters. [Source: Arrests at Brussels Islam protest]
Mark Alexander
Friday, July 27, 2007
Georg Gänswein, the urbane Private Secretary of Pope Benedict XVI
"Attempts to Islamise the west cannot be denied," Monsignor Georg Gaenswein was quoted as saying in a copy of the weekly Sueddeutsche Magazine published today.
"The danger for the identity of Europe that is connected with it should not be ignored out of a wrongly understood respectfulness," the magazine quoted him as saying.
Gaenswein also defended a speech Pope Benedict gave in Regensburg, Germany, last year linking Islam and violence, saying it was an attempt by the Pontiff to "act against a certain naivety."
In the interview with the respected German weekly, Gaenswein confirmed that the Pope wrote his own speeches and that the remarks had not been edited.
He said: "I believe that the speech from Regensburg, as it was held, is prophetic."
Asked if the idea of a serious dialogue with Islam that exists in the real world was naive, given that it was a religion where human rights were trampled under foot, he said: "Attempts to Islamize the West cannot be denied.
"The danger for the identity of Europe that is connected with it should not be ignored out of a wrongly understood respectfulness. Vatican warns of Islamisation of Europe (more) By Emma Bamford
Mark Alexander
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