Showing posts with label Islamization of Europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamization of Europe. Show all posts
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
The Fate of Europe Was Decided Long Ago
Islamization of Europe
Thursday, June 08, 2017
Monday, January 16, 2017
Europeans Debate Over Rise Of Radical Islam Control
Islamization of Europe,
radical Islam
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Monday, October 05, 2015
Czech Republic: Hundreds of Protesters Rally against Islam & EU Asylum Policies
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
YNET NEWS: According to Dr. Mordechai Kedar, European softening, together with demographics, is leading to 'abysmal' change. Dr. Avika Libman: Riots start with preachers demanding Muslim state
The murder of a soldier in London, the stabbing of a soldier in Paris and the violent outbreak in Sweden – Europe's alarm clock has been ringing once again over the past week. The negative birthrate compared to the increase in Muslims, the heavy unemployment and the social-religious isolation of European immigrants are all back on the agenda.
"Europe has lost its will to live as Europe," said Mideast expert Dr. Mordechai Kedar to Ynet. "It is gathered into museums, into history. If the leaders will not put an end to immigration, we will soon be hearing the death throes of the continent as we know it."
Even if it is somewhat demagogic to attempt to bind the three events from the past few days in different European sites under "Islamic extremism," and even if the rage sparks in the weaker classes of immigrants, it is hard to ignore the basic facts. Behind these events are African immigrants from Islamic countries.
Dr. Zvika Libman studies the effects of the Muslim minority in Europe in light of the radical Islam on European countries. When he sees the reality, he said, there is no alternative interpretation for the events. "There is no doubt that the unemployment and the economic hardships lead to rioting, as happened in France. And yes, there is a disadvantage compared to the European bourgeois, but this is not solely bitterness due to the economic situation – because there is unemployment among youngsters who are not Muslim, like in Spain for example.
The Muslims have a fertile ground of mosques that awaken them, preach to them that they are deprived, that they don't belong, that they're not wanted and that the only solution is a country with an Arab majority. This is the starting point for these riots."
According to Dr. Libman, Sweden is an example of the situation in Europe. Penniless immigrants coming from weakened and colonized countries, get housing, education and solid foundations from European welfare countries, and still express their anger at the establishment. » | Roi Mandel | Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Saturday, March 31, 2012
THE GUARDIAN: Mayor of Aarhus says far-right extremists protesting at 'Islamification of Europe' are not welcome in Danish second city
Far-right groups from across Europe, including members of the English Defence League (EDL), are holding a rally in Denmark in a bid to set up "an anti-Islamic alliance" across the continent.
The demonstration in Denmark's second city of Aarhus is expected to draw anti-Islamic groups from countries including Russia, Finland, France, Germany, Norway, Poland, Romania, and Sweden.
The EDL, which has organised the rally, said it was not expecting large numbers – perhaps around 700 – but said the event signalled the beginning of a Europe-wide movement against the "Islamification of Europe". » | Damien Pearse and agencies | Saturday, March 31, 2012
BBC: EDL takes part in far-right European rally in Denmark: Far-right groups from across Europe are holding a rally in Denmark aimed at setting up what they term an anti-Islamic alliance across the continent. » | Saturday, March 31, 2012
Monday, August 30, 2010
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: VISITE À ROME | Le dirigeant libyen Mouammar Kadhafi a plaidé pour que l’Islam devienne «la religion de toute l’Europe». Il s’exprimait devant un parterre de 500 jeunes femmes rassemblées à Rome où il effectue une visite officielle.
A l’issue d’une conférence du dirigeant libyen pour laquelle elles avaient été rémunérées autour de 80 euros, les jeunes femmes ont reçu chacune un exemplaire du Coran.
Mouammar Kadhafi leur a expliqué que «l’Islam devrait devenir la religion de toute l’Europe et que Mohammed était le dernier prophète», a indiqué l’une des participantes, citée par la Stampa. «Ennuyeux[.]»
«Pour nous c’était vraiment ennuyeux. Kadhafi ne savait pas que nous étions payées, sinon il n’aurait pas accepté de nous rencontrer», a ajouté, sous couvert de l’anonymat, une participante de 25 ans à la Repubblica.
L’agence qui a recruté ces hôtesses et leur avait demandé de s’habiller de façon sobre a indiqué que les jeunes femmes qui parleraient à la presse ne seraient pas rémunérées. Traité d’amitié[.] >>> ATS / AFP | Lundi 30 Août 2010

MAIL ONLINE: And he's the only man allowed in the room with them
Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi hosted another Islam conversion party attended by 500 glamorous women during the first day of an official visit to Italy.
Gaddafi was the only man at the event - apart from security officers who were kept outside - while the women who were invited to take part were all asked to 'dress demurely'.
Three women were said to have undergone 'spontaneous conversions', while others walked out in disgust saying they could 'not stand to hear such rubbish'.
The event, at the Libyan Academy in Rome, comes nine months after Gaddafi hosted two similar evenings at the official residence of the Libyan ambassador in Rome Abdulhafad Gaddur.
At those events the women were paid 50 euros, but for last night's party and another planned for later this evening the women were given 70 euros - on condition that they did not speak to the media.
A fleet of coaches with the curtains drawn had pulled up outside the Academy just hours after Gaddafi had flown in from Tripoli.
Student Sara Perugini, 19, who was at the event, said: 'Colonel Gaddafi was very pleasant and charming. He spoke to us about Islam and the Koran and he gave all of us a copy.
'He told us that we should convert to Islam and that Mohammad was the last of the prophets. Three women did go through what he described as a spontaneous conversion.
'They left wearing the traditional chador. We were paid 70 euros although I haven't actually seen the money yet, but we were told not to talk to the media so I probably won't see anything.
'I know some women did walk out saying they were not prepared to hear such rubbish but as far as I know there were only a couple.
'They said they didn't agree with Gaddafi coming to Italy and telling them to convert and marry Muslims. Colonel Gaddafi scores a three in 500 success rate after holding another Islam conversion party in Rome for glamorous models >>> Nick Pisa | Monday, August 30, 2010
TIMES ONLINE: Colonel Muammar Gaddafi Invites 500 Italian Women to Villa and Lectures Them on Islam >>> Richard Owen in Rome | Monday, November 16, 2009
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
THE JERUSALEM POST: Who is the most important European alive today? I nominate the Dutch politician Geert Wilders. I do so because he is best placed to deal with the Islamic challenge facing the continent. He has the potential to emerge as a world-historical figure.
That Islamic challenge consists of two components: on the one hand, an indigenous population's withering Christian faith, inadequate birthrate and cultural diffidence, and on the other an influx of devout, prolific and culturally assertive Muslim immigrants. This fast-moving situation raises profound questions about Europe: Will it retain its historic civilization or become a majority-Muslim continent living under Islamic law (Shari'a)?
Wilders, 46, founder and head of the Party for Freedom (PVV), is the unrivaled leader of those Europeans who wish to retain their historic identity. That's because he and the PVV differ from most of Europe's other nationalist, anti-immigrant parties.
Wilders, 46, founder and head of the Party for Freedom (PVV), is the unrivaled leader of those Europeans who wish to retain their historic identity. That's because he and the PVV differ from most of Europe's other nationalist, anti-immigrant parties.
The PVV is libertarian and mainstream conservative, without roots in neo-Fascism, nativism, conspiricism, anti-Semitism or other forms of extremism. (Wilders publicly emulates Ronald Reagan.) Indicative of this moderation is Wilders's long-standing affection for Israel that includes two years' residence in the Jewish state, dozens of visits and his advocating the transfer of the Dutch embassy to Jerusalem.
In addition, Wilders is a charismatic, savvy, principled and outspoken leader who has rapidly become the most dynamic political force in the Netherlands. While he opines on the full range of topics, Islam and Muslims constitute his signature issue. Overcoming the tendency of Dutch politicians to play it safe, he calls Muhammad a devil and demands that Muslims "tear out half of the Koran if they wish to stay in the Netherlands." More broadly, he sees Islam itself as the problem, not just a virulent version of it called Islamism.
Finally, the PVV benefits from the fact that, uniquely in Europe, the Dutch are receptive to a non-nativist rejection of Shari'a. This first became apparent a decade ago, when Pim Fortuyn, a left-leaning, former communist, homosexual professor, began arguing that his values and lifestyle were irrevocably threatened by Shari'a. Fortuyn anticipated Wilders in founding his own political party and calling for a halt to Muslim immigration to the Netherlands. Following Fortuyn's 2002 assassination by a leftist, Wilders effectively inherited his mantle and his constituency. >>> Daniel Pipes | Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Friday, February 13, 2009
RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: The film Fitna was shown in the British upper house of parliament on Thursday despite the British authorities' refusal to allow its maker, Dutch rightwing populist MP Geert Wilders, into the United Kingdom.
Only around 30 people attended the screening, five of them members of the upper house.
All 743 members of the upper house were invited, as were the 646 members of the lower house, none of whom attended. Few Attend UK Screening of Wilders' Film >>> RNW | Friday, February 13, 2009
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback) – Free delivery >>>
Sunday, January 25, 2009
DAILY INTER LAKE (Montana): Polite society is a convention best preserved by the occasional use of brute force. Thus, the father's tap on the young ruffian's numbskull is a call to attention. There is no meanness in the gesture, but rather a loving discipline.
So too does society at large from time to time need to be called to attention by impolite truths. Writers like Voltaire and Henry David Thoreau play such a role, and if they are successful they spare us from needing to learn the harder lessons taught by the grindstone of history.
It's hard to believe now that society needed convincing of the inherent wrongness of slavery, but without such 'renegades' as Thoreau and John Brown demanding that we pay attention, the evil institution would have remained viable even longer.
Of course, more often than not, writers who go against the tide, who speak unpleasant truths, end up in prison —or worse. That's not been our experience too often in this country, although both Thoreau and Martin Luther King chose to go to jail for their ideals. But let's remember, the United States is exceptional in its guarantees of free speech. We must not take for granted that our freedoms have been extended everywhere.
Geert Wilders of the Netherlands considers himself to have a moral calling comparable to that of Voltaire or Thoreau or King — to speak the truth, however unpleasant it is to his audience, and however dangerous it is to himself. And now Wilders is facing jail time for the simple act of speaking his mind.
Some of you may recall his name. The Inter Lake ran a long guest column by Wilders in November about the Islamization of Europe, and he is noted as the creator of "Fitna," a 14-minute film about Islam that has received wide circulation on the Internet. Wilder's work is a blunt and pessimistic reminder of the decline of Western civilization in the face of Islam. He speaks straightforwardly about the changes in Europe and how it is almost inevitable that Europe will become a Muslim society sometime in the next century, not because of terrorism but rather as a result of sheer numbers and the willful refusal of most Muslims to assimilate to non-Islamic cultures. >>> Frank Miele, Managing Editor of the Daily Inter Lake | Saturday, January 24, 2009
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
Thursday, April 24, 2008
These two videos are not the newest, and I have placed them up before, but the message in them is important enough to be watched again and again and again:
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)
Monday, January 21, 2008
THE FIRST POST: For the AKP, democracy is merely a means to a higher Islamic goal, says edward luttwak
If you thought Turkey was no threat to the West, think again. A new generation of politicians is aiming to Islamise the state by stealth. The AKP - Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi, or Justice and Development Party - has a stranglehold on Turkey for the foreseeable future.
The AKP was founded to replace a previous Islamic party banned for extremism. It benefited hugely from the corruption scandals that dragged down the previous government, taking two-thirds of parliament in the 2002 general election (on a third of the vote).
On Friday, its ex-foreign secretary Abdullah Gul narrowly failed to win a victory in the first round of presidential elections. The result was close enough to prompt public demonstrations by secularists ahead of the second round voting on May 2, and a statement from the military - long the guardians of Turkey's secular traditions - warning against a pro-Islam political agenda.
Since coming to power, the AKP has done nothing revolutionary, but it does have a revolutionary agenda. For all their suavity, its leaders seek to transform the country into a Sunni Muslim republic. This collides with institutions and laws strictly limiting Islam's role in public life, and with a long-standing security alliance with Israel.
It also collides with democracy itself, for no Koranic state can have a sovereign parliament free to legalise such abominations as equal rights for women and homosexuals or the drinking of alcohol.
A sinister slogan attributed to the AKP is that democracy is 'a bus we can ride until we reach our station'. Under Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his foreign secretary Abdullah Gul, the party has been cautious until now.
But abroad the AKP has been more strident. Turkey has stepped up relations with Muslim countries and cooled them with Israel. They have capitalised on public suspicion of the Western war on terror and yet have pursued Turkey's application to join the EU. Opinion: Turkey’s leaders plan Muslim Europe >>> By Edward Luttwak
Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
BBC: Police in the Belgian capital, Brussels, have arrested two far-right political leaders at a protest against the "Islamisation of Europe".
Police clashed with some of the 200 demonstrators and dozens more people were reported to have been arrested.
The mayor of Brussels had banned the protest, held on the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the US.
Frank Vanhecke and Filip Dewinter of the Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) party were arrested.
Vlaams Belang has been critical of Muslim immigration to Belgium.
The mayor of Brussels, Freddy Thielemans, banned the protest last month for fear it would cause problems with the city's immigrant population.
The protest organisers had promised a large turn-out, but the approximately 200 protesters were nearly outnumbered by police and reporters. [Source: Arrests at Brussels Islam protest]
Mark Alexander
Thursday, September 06, 2007
RADIO FREE EUROPE, RADIO LIBERTY: September 5, 2007 (RFE/RL) -- Officials in Brussels, the capital city of the European Union, have denied activists' request to stage a rally next week under the slogan “Stop the Islamisation of Europe.”
Organizers of the rally in Brussels had expected some 20,000 people to arrive from Germany, Britain, and Denmark to rally peacefully to demonstrate their concerns about the growing influence of Islam in Europe.
Participants intended to protest what they called the “creeping” influence of Islam and introduction “by stealth” of Shariah law in Europe. The march -- timed to coincide with the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in the United States -- was to conclude with a minute of silence for the victims of the attacks.
But last month, Brussels Mayor Freddy Thielemens banned the march. An administrative court last week upheld Thielemens’ ban, but the demonstrators have one last chance. Today, Belgium’s Supreme Court is due to hear their appeal and make a final ruling. Europe: Protesters Critical Of Islam Cry Foul Over Banned Rally (more) By Jeffrey Donovan
Read my own essay/editorial:
Stop the Islamization of Europe! Stop the Islamization of the West!
Mark Alexander
Friday, July 27, 2007
Georg Gänswein, the urbane Private Secretary of Pope Benedict XVI
"Attempts to Islamise the west cannot be denied," Monsignor Georg Gaenswein was quoted as saying in a copy of the weekly Sueddeutsche Magazine published today.
"The danger for the identity of Europe that is connected with it should not be ignored out of a wrongly understood respectfulness," the magazine quoted him as saying.
Gaenswein also defended a speech Pope Benedict gave in Regensburg, Germany, last year linking Islam and violence, saying it was an attempt by the Pontiff to "act against a certain naivety."
In the interview with the respected German weekly, Gaenswein confirmed that the Pope wrote his own speeches and that the remarks had not been edited.
He said: "I believe that the speech from Regensburg, as it was held, is prophetic."
Asked if the idea of a serious dialogue with Islam that exists in the real world was naive, given that it was a religion where human rights were trampled under foot, he said: "Attempts to Islamize the West cannot be denied.
"The danger for the identity of Europe that is connected with it should not be ignored out of a wrongly understood respectfulness. Vatican warns of Islamisation of Europe (more) By Emma Bamford
Mark Alexander
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
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