Showing posts with label Theo van Gogh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Theo van Gogh. Show all posts

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Douglas Murray – The Trial of Geert Wilders: Why We Won't Be Hearing About Camel Urine

THE TELEGRAPH: The trial of the Dutch politician Geert Wilders recommenced yesterday with a ruling on which expert witnesses the defence would be permitted to call.

When the trial opened a fortnight ago, Wilders asked for a rather sparky list of 18 expert witnesses. They included some noted experts on Islam and social cohesion. And also a few, ahem, practitioners of the same. They were to include Mohammed Bouyeri, who shot, stabbed and partly beheaded the film-maker Theo van Gogh in Amsterdam in 2004. And also Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the jihadist cleric who was given the red-carpet treatment in London by former mayor Ken Livingstone a few years back.

Sadly the Dutch court haven’t allowed these witnesses or most of the others, leaving the defence with only three witnesses. They are expert Simon Admiraal and leading Dutch scholar Hans Jansen (author of numerous scholarly books and the hilariously titled recent Islam for Pigs, Donkeys, Monkeys and Other Beasts). Most interestingly the court has allowed Wilders to call as an expert witness the brave and eloquent Wafa Sultan.

Sultan made her name – and garnered her first fatwas – for a blinding hit-the-ball-out-of-the-stadium interview on Al Jazeera a few years ago viewable here. It caused terrible convulsions across the Muslim world, and also apparently in Sheikh al-Qaradawi who described her home-truths session as consisting of “unbearable, ghastly things that made my hair stand on end.”

I much look forward to seeing Wafa Sultan take the stand. Though I slightly pity the prosecution for having to attempt to cross-examine her. Read on and comment here >>> Douglas Murray | Thursday, February 04, 2010

Populist Wilders darf Mörder nicht als Zeugen aufrufen

WELT ONLINE: Berlin - Ein Amsterdamer Gericht hat im Verfahren gegen den niederländischen Oppositionspolitiker Geert Wilders beinahe alle Anträge des Angeklagten abgelehnt. Der Islamkritiker wollte unter anderem den Mörder von Filmemacher Theo van Gogh als Zeugen vor Gericht erscheinen lassen. Dies wurde nicht genehmigt. Auch gilt Wilders Immunität als Abgeordneter nicht uneingeschränkt.

Berlin - Ein Amsterdamer Gericht hat im Verfahren gegen den niederländischen Oppositionspolitiker Geert Wilders beinahe alle Anträge des Angeklagten abgelehnt. Der Islamkritiker wollte unter anderem den Mörder von Filmemacher Theo van Gogh als Zeugen vor Gericht erscheinen lassen. Dies wurde nicht genehmigt. Auch gilt Wilders Immunität als Abgeordneter nicht uneingeschränkt. Wilders reagierte auf die Ablehnung fast aller 18 beantragten Zeugen enttäuscht. Verschiedene radikale Imame und Strafrechtler wurden abgelehnt, nur drei Islamwissenschaftler dürfen aussagen. ,,Dieses Gericht hat kein Interesse an der Wahrheit. Das wird kein ehrlicher Prozess. Ich respektiere das nicht", sagte Wilders. Er spricht von einem "politischen Prozess". >>> Von Rob Savelberg | Donnerstag, 04. Februar 2010

NRC HANDELSBLAD INTERNATIONAL: Van Gogh's killer rejected as Wilders witness: Mohammed B. will not be allowed to testify in the case against Geert Wilders, leader of the populist PVV party, an Amsterdam court has ruled. >>> RNW, NRC | Thursday, January 04, 2010

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Geert Wilders Doesn’t Get His Way in Court

RADIO NETHERLANDS WORLDWIDE: Dutch politician Geert Wilders was visibly annoyed when he failed to get what he asked for from the three judges hearing his case at the Amsterdam District Court.

Mr Wilders, through his lawyer Bram Moszkowicz, had requested that 17 witnesses testify as part of his defence against charges that include inciting hatred of Muslims and non-western immigrants.


Among others, Mr Wilders had asked that Mohammed Bouyeri, the convicted murderer of Theo van Gogh, be called as a expert witness.

The judges, however, will not allow Bouyeri to testify. They have also ruled that other 'Muslim extremists' on Mr Wilders' 'wishlist' will not be allowed to testify. The list includes Fawaz Jneid, imam at the Soennah Mosque in The Hague, and Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, chairman of the Guardian Council in Iran.


Mr Wilders will be permitted to call three experts on Islam, out of the total of eight he had actually asked for. However, two ex-Muslims called by his defence team - in part to give their personal view about the impact of Islam - were also rejected.

In their ruling, the judges say Mr Wilders will have ample opportunity to tell the court whether he agrees with their decision to disallow some of his chosen witnesses[.] Staying in Amsterdam >>> John Tyler | Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Court Limits Wilders' Witness List The killer of Theo van Gogh and 14 of the other witnesses anti-Islam MP Geert Wilders wanted to call in his defence against charges of discrimination and inciting hatred have been ruled inadmissible by Amsterdam district court.

But three Islam experts proposed by Wilders will be heard behind closed doors, the judges said on Wednesday afternoon. They include American Syrian psychiatrist Wafa Sultan who believes the world is witness to 'a battle between modernity and barbarism which Islam will lose'.

The court also turned down Wilders' request to hear five legal experts on the grounds that the MP will have ample opportunity to say whether or not he agrees with them during the trial. He had wanted to call 18 experts and Muslim radicals. Truth >>> © | Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Dutch Critic of Islam Wants Extremist Killer to Testify at His Trial As the trial of Dutch anti-Islamist lawmaker Geert Wilders resumes Wednesday, the crucial question will be whether the court agrees to his request to have a Muslim extremist and convicted murderer testify.

Wilders, who faces charges of discrimination and incitement to hatred over his claims linking the Koran to violence, wants the court to hear from an extremist who cited the Islamic text to justify his crime.

Mohammed Bouyeri is serving a life sentence for murdering Dutch film director Theo van Gogh, who had stoked controversy with a documentary about the treatment of women under Islam.

Van Gogh was stabbed and shot to death on a street in Amsterdam street in 2004. In a note left pinned to his body with a knife, Bouyeri threatened to kill another person reviled by extremist Muslims in Europe – Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somalia-born Dutch politician who worked with Van Gogh on his film.

The lengthy note, which also warned that America, Europe and the Netherlands would be destroyed, included numerous references to the Koran.

Bouyeri, a Dutchman of Moroccan origin, had earlier penned another open letter posted on a Dutch Web site, again quoting from the Koran, threatening Wilders this time and declaring, “May Allah destroy you.”

During his 2005 trial, Bouyeri carried a copy of the Koran, told the court he had acted purely in the name of his religion, and displayed no regret for the murder. >>> Patrick Goodenough, International Editor | Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Islamkritiker vor Gericht: Wilders ist ein Provokateur, kein Rechtsextremist

WELT ONLINE: Der niederländische Parlamentsabgeordnete Geert Wilders polarisiert mit seiner Islamkritik weit über die Grenzen des Landes hinaus. Jetzt muss sich der glänzende Provokateur in Amsterdam vor Gericht verantworten. Aber ein moralisches Urteil fällt schwerer, als viele Kritiker zu glauben meinen.

Was ist eigentlich in den Niederlanden los? Noch vor zehn Jahren war das Land eines der tolerantesten in Europa. Es schien modellhaft zu zeigen, wie verschiedene Religionen und Rassen, Werte und Lebensentwürfe friedlich nebeneinander existieren können. Heute kommen aus den Niederlanden die schrillsten Töne in der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Islam, und dort findet man auch einige der radikalsten Verteidiger der liberalen Gesellschaft westlicher Prägung. Der populärste unter ihnen ist der Islamkritiker Geert Wilders, dessen Ein-Mann-Bewegung „Partei für die Freiheit“ bei der Europawahl zur zweitstärksten Kraft des Landes wurde und in jüngeren Umfragen sogar auf dem ersten Platz landete. Seit Kurzem steht der 46-jährige Parlamentsabgeordnete in Amsterdam wegen des Vorwurfs der Volksverhetzung vor Gericht, heute wird der Prozess fortgesetzt.

Der dramatische Wandel der politischen Landschaft in den Niederlanden hat eine innere Logik. Gerade weil der Staat zu lange zu tolerant war gegenüber Einwanderern, die viele Werte ihres Gastlandes ablehnten, weil er nichts unternahm gegen die Gettos und die wachsende Kriminalität muslimischer Jugendbanden oder gegen die laut Geheimdienst auf 50000 angewachsene Zahl von gewaltbereiten Muslimen – deshalb erhielten islamkritische Politiker wie der 2002 ermordete Pim Fortuyn großen Zulauf. Er war der Erste, der die niederländische Konsenspolitik beendet sehen wollte und die Probleme klar benannte. Die grausame Hinrichtung des Filmemachers Theo van Gogh durch einen in den Niederlanden geborenen Sohn marokkanischer Einwanderer stürzte das Land 2004 in eine Identitätskrise, die bis heute andauert. Der kultivierte "Rechtspopulist" >>> Von Rainer Haubrich | Montag, 01. Februar 2010

Geert Wilders to Test British Free Speech with Anti-Muslim Film Screening

THE TELEGRAPH: Geert Wilders, the radical anti-Muslim Dutch politician, will seek to test free speech in Britain next month when he makes a second attempt to visit the House of Lords to screen a controversial film equating Islam to Nazism.

Mr Wilders has accepted an invitation from Lord Pearson of Rannoch, the leader of UKIP, and Baroness Cox, a crossbench peer, to show his anti-Islam film Fitna in the Palace of Westminster on March 5.

His visit and the film, which claims the that Koran is a terrorist handbook, are expected to spark protests from British Muslims, including other members of the Lords.

British officials said the Government is powerless to ban Mr Wilders, despite continuing public order fears, after he overturned a previous entry ban following a legal challenge last year.

"He's free to travel and the Border Agency will not be alerted," said an official. >>> Bruno Waterfield in Brussels | Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Einwanderungspolitik: Das Problem der Niederlande mit dem "Multikulti"

WELT ONLINE: Obwohl die Morde an Pim Fortuyn und Theo van Gogh mehr als ein halbes Jahrzehnt zurückliegen, sucht die Niederlande bei der Einwanderungspolitik noch immer ihren inneren Kompass. Das zeigt auch der Volksverhetzungsprozess gegen Geert Wilders. Der Politiker profitiert von der tiefen Krise seines Landes.

Kurz vor Weihnachten wollte die Haagse Hogeschool ihren Studenten etwas Gutes tun. Die Hochschule in der niederländischen Regierungsstadt Den Haag beschloss, anders als bisher in diesem Jahr keinen Weihnachtsbaum aufzustellen. Die 19.000 Studenten nicht-westlicher Herkunft, so lautete die Begründung, könnten sich an der christlichen Symbolwirkung eines geschmückten Baumes stören – was sich wiederum negativ auf künftige Immatrikulationszahlen auswirken könnte. Kommunikationsdirektorin Annelies van Rosmalen bringt es auf den Punkt: "Der Baum passt nicht zum internationalen Charakter der Hochschule.“

Fortuyn 2002, Van Gogh 2004

So mancher fragt sich seit dem „Weihnachtskrieg von Den Haag“, ob die Holländer nur nett zu den Immigranten sein wollen oder ob sie – aus Angst oder falsch verstandener Toleranz – freiwillig ihre eigene Kultur über Bord werfen.

Der Fall mit dem Weihnachtsbaum ist nämlich keinesfalls eine Ausnahme. Der in Ägypten geborene Ezzat Aziz hat seine eigenen Erfahrungen gemacht. Seit 1998 arbeitet er als Fahrkartenkontrolleur beim öffentlichen Transportunternehmen von Amsterdam. Der 56-Jährige trägt bei seiner Arbeit immer ein Kreuz auf der Brust, denn er ist Christ, Mitglied der ägyptischen Minderheit der Kopten. Dann aber verbot das Unternehmen seinen Mitarbeitern, christliche Symbole zu tragen. Aus „Gründen der Professionalität“ dürfe Schmuck nicht über der Kleidung getragen werden, erläuterte Unternehmenssprecherin Petra Faber.

Aziz war 1984 nach Holland emigriert und versteht nun die Welt nicht mehr: "Ich lebe doch in einem demokratischen Land, in dem man das Recht hat, sich zu seinem Glauben zu bekennen.“ Es half nichts, Aziz wurde vom Dienst suspendiert. Er klagte, doch der Richter bestätigte die Sichtweise des Arbeitgebers. Jacqueline Koops, die Anwältin von Aziz, sieht Grundrechte verletzt. ,,Amsterdam ist eine multikulturelle Stadt. Mein Mandant wird diskriminiert. Es ist Tram-Schaffnerinnen oder Busfahrerinnen ja auch erlaubt, im Dienst ein Kopftuch zu tragen.“ Aziz wird auf Weisung seiner Vorgesetzten inzwischen psychologisch betreut – und hat Redeverbot. >>> Von Rob Savelberg | Montag, 25. Januar 2010

Fitna the Movie

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dutchman Acquitted of Insulting Islam

NRC HANDELSBLAD INTERNATIONAL: "Stop the tumour that is Islam" is not an insult to a group on the basis of its religion, the Dutch high court ruled on Tuesday. An activist from the southern town of Valkenswaard, who had hung a poster using this slogan in his window, has been acquitted of the charge, which is similar to one of the charges faced by controversial Dutch anti-Islam member of parliament Geert Wilders.

The man from Valkenswaard had hung the poster after the 2004 murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh by a Muslim extremist. The poster read: "Stop the tumour that is Islam. Theo has died for us. Who will be next? Resist now! National Alliance, we will not bow down to Allah. Join now." [The National Alliance in the Netherlands is an extreme right movement.]

The high court on Tuesday explained its ruling by saying that it is not a crime to express insults towards religion. "Not even if that happens in such a way that the devotees feel their religious feelings are hurt", the court said.

The highest judge in the Netherlands said that only if a needlessly offensive remark is 'explicitly' geared towards a certain group, which is distinct from others in society based on its religion, can there be a matter of group insult as defined in article 137c of the Dutch criminal code. For an insult towards a group to be punishable, that group has to be 'collectively' hit in what defines that group, namely religion. Criticism towards opinions that exist within a group or the behaviour of people belonging to that group cannot be penalized, according to the ruling. >>> News Staff, NRC Handelsblad International | Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback – The Netherlands) >>>

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Islamization of Europe

These two videos are not the newest, and I have placed them up before, but the message in them is important enough to be watched again and again and again:

Part 2

Part 3

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

What They Have Said About Islam
I believe we have been far too tolerant for far too long. We have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches! (In reference to the Koran): Ban that wretched book like 'Mein Kampf' is banned! - Geert Wilders

This book is called 'Allah knows best' because it is my dark suspicion that we are on the verge of the new Middle Ages of Mecca; and because I feel, as a professional atheist, very unsafe. - Theo van Gogh

I don't say send them home. I just say the Netherlands is a small country. We are already overcrowded, there's no more room and we must shut the borders. I don't hate Islam. I consider it a backward culture. I have travelled much in the world and wherever Islam rules it's just terrible. - Pim Fortuyn Source
Mark Alexander (Paperback)
Mark Alexander (Hardback)