Showing posts with label Muslim integration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslim integration. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

"Britain Is the Enemy of Islam"

One Month of Islam in Britain: January 2015

GATESTONE INTITUTE: "Contrary to popular misconception, Islam does not mean peace, but rather submission to the commands of Allah alone. Therefore Muslims do not believe in the concept of freedom of expression, as their speech and actions are determined by divine revelation and not based on people's desires." — Anjem Choudary, British Islamist.

"Britain is the enemy of Islam." — Mizanur Rahman, Muslim cleric at Palmers Green, north London.

"Brothers and sisters, we would not be here had it not been for the fact that the kafir [non-Muslims] had gone to our lands and killed our people and raped and pillaged our resources... Stop putting freedom on this pedestal." — Aysh Chaudhry, Muslim trainee lawyer at London-based law firm, Clifford Chance.

"The firm is committed to establishing an inclusive culture where people with diverse backgrounds and views work effectively together and feel confident to develop their potential." — Spokesperson for Clifford Chance law firm.

Oxford University Press warned its authors not to mention pigs or sausages in their books, to avoid causing offense to Muslims.

Tarek Kafala, the head of BBC Arabic, said that the term "terrorist" was too "loaded" to describe the actions of the men who killed 12 people in the attack on the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo.

"We know that acts of extremism are not representative of Islam; but we need to show what is." — Communities Secretary Eric Pickles, in a letter to 1,000 imams across Britain, asking for their help in fighting extremism.

Following is a brief summary of some of the main stories involving Islam and Islam-related issues in Britain during January 2015, categorized into three broad themes: 1) Islamic extremism; 2) British multiculturalism; and 3) Muslim integration into British society. Read on and comment » | Soeren Kern | Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Friday, April 05, 2013

Islam in Germany: SPD Candidate Backs Muslim-Friendly Gym Class

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: When it comes to the integration of Germany's Muslim minority, the center-left Social Democrats tend to be much less hard-line than Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives. But on Wednesday evening, SPD chancellor candidate Peer Steinbrück may have gone a step too far when he waded into what in the past has been a hornet's nest of controversy in Germany. He expressed support for physical education classes in German schools to be divided by gender.

"If schools are able to do it, then they should," Steinbrück said in response to a question from the audience during a campaign appearance in Berlin. A Reuters reporter noted that the comment was greeted with silence. Steinbrück then added that the step should be taken "out of consideration for religious convictions."

Not surprisingly, critique from Merkel's Christian Democrats was immediate. Barbara John, formerly in charge of integration issues for the city-state of Berlin, told the newspaper Bild that the debate was antiquated and that "children and parents have to get used to the fact that genders here grow up together and live with the same rights."

She was seconded by Serkan Tören, a member of the federal parliament with the Free Democrats, Merkel's junior coalition partner. Tören, himself from Turkey, told the tabloid that "dividing boys and girls is akin to dividing society. Splitting classes by gender is also the wrong signal to send when it comes to integrating Muslims in Germany." » | Charles Hawley | Friday, April 05, 2013

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Muslims in Germany: Study Hints that Mutual Suspicion Is Slowing Integration

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: A new integration study released on Thursday has triggered yet another debate about the role of Islam in Germany. The report found that a surprising number of non-German Muslims are skeptical about integrating into society. But the country's own doubts about immigration may have muddied the data.

Hardly a year goes by without the eruption of yet another chapter in Germany's ongoing debate about integration. Do immigrants feel at home in Germany? Are they willing to identify with and become part of the culture? And, most pressing, do Muslims fit in or are they more inclined to view German and Western culture with deep skepticism?

This year's discussion was kicked off on Thursday with the publication of a study carried out by Germany's Interior Ministry, which sought to gauge how Muslims living in the country view German culture and their attitudes to integration. The result? A significant minority encompassing 20 percent of Muslims in the country are skeptical when it comes to integration.
Perhaps more concerning, among Muslims in the age group between 14 and 32, "there exists a subgroup that could be described as 'strictly religious' with strong antipathy to the West, a tendential acceptance of violence and no willingness to integrate,'" the study says. Among Muslims with German citizenship, this group encompasses 15 percent, among non-citizens, it is 24 percent.

"Germany respects the origins and cultural identities of its immigrants," Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said in a statement accompanying the study. "But we do not accept the import of authoritarian, anti-democratic and fanatically religious views. Those who reject freedom and democracy have no future here." » | Charles Hawley | Thursday, March 01, 2012

DEUTSCHLANDRADIO – AUDIO: Integrationsstudie sorgt für Wirbel: Innenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich hat mit einer Studie zum Integrationswillen junger Muslime eine Debatte ausgelöst. Der CSU-Politiker zeigte sich besorgt über die "überraschend hohe" Zahl integrationsunwilliger Muslime in Deutschland. » | Donnerstag, 01. März 2012

Monday, April 25, 2011

Victory for Sarrazin: Firebrand Politician Can Remain a Social Democrat

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Thilo Sarrazin, the German Social Democrat who attracted attention last year with his controversial book claiming that immigrants to Germany were dumbing down the country, will not be booted out of the party. He apologized on Thursday and the case against him was quickly abandoned.

After a mere five hours of debate, Germany's Social Democrats (SPD) formally withdrew a petition on Thursday to revoke party membership for firebrand politician Thilo Sarrazin, a former board member of Germany's central bank who drew widespread criticism for his extremely critical descriptions of Muslim immigrants in a bestselling book.

In an announcement that came surprisingly early, an arbitration committee of a local Berlin district chapter of the SPD -- which had been hearing petitions submitted from officials at the local, state and federal chapters of the party -- said all the requests for Sarrazin's exclusion from the Social Democrats had been withdrawn. The decision came after Sarrazin issued a statement in which he said it had not been his intention with his book to "discriminate against groups, particularly migrants." This was the second failed attempt in two years to ban Sarrazin from the center-left party.

The head of the arbitration committee, Sybille Uken, said a "constructive, respectful, serious and intense discussion" had been carried about by those involved in the case. "We have agreed not to allow the SPD to be divided," she said. Andrea Nahles, the national party's secretary general who led the proceedings against Sarrazin, refused to comment on the decision to drop the case, as did Sarrazin. » | dsl -- with wires | Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday, April 01, 2011

Britons Need to See Themselves as a Single Nation, Says Security Minister

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: It is not enough for Muslims to “rub along” without breaking the law, they must be persuaded that their long-term future lies in Britain, the Security Minister has said.

Baroness Neville-Jones told the Daily Telegraph that that at the same time the government need to persuade the majority of the population that the UK is a single nation.

The minister said there needed to be a new approach in which people did not simply “rub along together and as long as people obey the law that’s quite sufficient.”

“I think it’s a common experience now that we know less about each other than we used to and I think there’s a very strong feeling that we need to understand each other and we need to be working together as a nation,” Lady Neville-Jones added.

“[We are] trying to convince minorities in this country that they actually do have a long term future here and that it’s their country as much as anybody else’s,” she said in an interview.

It is also important to “convince the majority population we are a single nation,” she added.

The security minister, who is in charge of re-drawing Britain’s counter-terrorism strategy, added: “We do need to have a much more conscious framework in which to transmit that message and it isn’t something you can just assume people understand.”

The security minister was speaking ahead of a visit to Washington today in which she is expected to outline a “unity strategy” for integration in Britain which emulates the “American dream” and creates a “palpable sense of national identity.” » | Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent | Thursday, March 31, 2011

More gobbledygook from the political class! Lady Neville-Jones clearly has no understanding of the problems we face with Islam. She needs to do some serious studying. She seems to think that one has to be a “right-wing extremist” to believe that Islam and the West are immiscible. How wrong can anyone be? To know the facts about Islam, and to understand the religion is in no way akin to being an Islamic extremist. What kind of ridiculous logic can one use to come to that conclusion?

The big mistake was to bring all these Muslims into the West, for the powers that be should have known the nature of Islam. Prophet Muhammad instructed his followers NOT TO INTEGRATE INTO THE CULTURE OF THE INFIDEL. No lady or lord can change that fact. For a fact it is indeed.

But now that the mistake has been made to allow all these people to immigrate to the West, we need to foster a Leitkultur, our culture. Because they came to us – remember? Not the other way around! And by the way, who created this fractured nation in the first place? Wasn't it the politicians? – © Mark

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

'We Are Not Really Germans': New Study Looks at Challenges Faced by Germany's Muslims

Many women in Germany who wear the headscarf say they experience barriers to employment, according to a new survey published by the Open Society Institute. Photograph: Spiegel Online International

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: It's no secret that many immigrants have a hard time in Germany. A new study has found that women wearing headscarves have a particularly hard time on the job market and a quarter of those with Turkish backgrounds face discrimination when looking for work.

It is early afternoon at Internet Treffpunkt, a convenience store in Kreuzberg, a neighborhood in Berlin that is home to many Turks and other minorities. Hedi Dashti, the store's proprietor, is busy. One customer hands over her parcel to send through his DHL counter. Another customer buys cigarettes. The door swings open, ushering in the blustery winter wind, and a third customer waves hello.

Dashti -- an immigrant from Iraq who fled to Germany 20 years ago with his family -- speaks to customers in English, German and his mother tongue, Kurdish. He has adjusted to life in Germany and made German friends, while also maintaining his religious identity: Dashti is a practicing Muslim, abstains from eating pork and observes Friday prayers.

And despite occasionally feeling like an outsider, he really wishes he had German citizenship. ''We are not really Germans, but Germany is our country,'' Dashti said.

It is a dilemma shared by many of Germany's approximately four million Muslims. And a new survey supports the widespread feeling of dislocation that many of them feel. >>> Sheila Lalwani in Berlin | Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

'Hate-filled' Muslim Preacher Speaks for Integration

NRC HANDELSBLAD: Khalid Yasin had been dubbed the 'terrorist imam' and some had predicted that his speeches in the Netherlands over the weekend would preach hate and dissension.

The lecture by the African-American 'sheikh' defied expectations, but the furore around his arrival point to underlying tensions regarding Islam in Dutch society.

Yasin had been quoted online as saying that homosexuality should be punished by death, that the World Trade Center attacks were the work of the secret service and claims that the AIDS virus was a plot concocted in an American laboratory to reduce the population of Africa.

Uneasy members of parliament previously debated as to whether Yasin should even be allowed entry into the Netherlands due to past statements. Member of parliament Geert Wilders had called him a "hate-filled man." >>> News staff, NRC Handelsblad | Monday, January 26, 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback – The Netherlands) >>>

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Muslims Don’t Want to Integrate with Us. But Who Would Want to Integrate with Them?

It has been reported that the most senior judge in the ‘holy land’ of Saudi Arabia has called for the killing of owners of satellite TV channels which broadcast immoral programmes. This is savagery at its most brutal. It is merciless. It is without any semblance of compassion.

Our political leaders, especially the hapless George W Bush, have for years, since the heinous crime of 9/11, called Islam a ‘religion of peace’. It is to be hoped that you, dear reader, have already come to the opposite conclusion! Namely, that Islam is anything but a ‘religion of peace’,

Let’s make no mistake about this. The man who has said it is perfectly okay to kill these ownners of satellite TV is the most senior judge in Saudi Arabia. The most senior judge, no less!

Why are we in the West putting up with this nonsense?

Where are our highly-paid politicians that are there to protect us all from the menace of barbarism? For this is what this is: Barbarism, savagery, uncivilized behaviour.

We have allowed Muslims to immigrate into our once civilized countries en masse. We, the people, have not given you, the politicians, the right to allow this. After all, we haven’t been asked for our opinion. You feckless people have just taken it upon yourselves to allow this to happen. In so doing, you have ignored the first law of democracy: To consult the people!

Now we are confronted with the mass immigration of a people who are unwilling to integrate with us, and a people with whom most civilized people would not want to integrate with anyway! So where do you think this is all going to lead? I can see but one outcome: Civil war.

Islam is a pernicious ideology. It is not a religion as we in the West would normally categorize a religion. Islam recognizes no separation of religion and politics. It is one integrated whole. We, by contrast, have a democratic system which not only recognizes a separation of religion and politics, but that separation is the sine qua non of its existence.

Muslims of all hues, fundamentalist or so-called moderate (whatever that incarnation is), recognize no such separation. Our leaders have repeatedly refused to recognize this FACT, So what are we, the people, left with? A situation which is totally and utterly untenable! We are left with a people which does not wish to integrate with us and whose values we will not accept, whose values we consider backward, uncivilized, merciless, uncompassionate. What a dilemma!

This is all leading to no good place. On the contrary, it is leading to hell on earth!

Our politicians have been seen to be weak and ineffectual, lacking in courage for many a year; indeed, since 9/11. If the people continue to perceive this lack of courage, I predict that one of these fine days, they will take matters into their own hands. Civil war will ensue.

We the people do not want all these alien people here in our countries. Allowing people of different creeds, of differnet skin colours, of different culture into our countires is one thing; but allowing Muslims in with their inability to integrate and their unwillingness to do so, and their wanton desire to destroy our way of life, destroy our freedom of speech, destroy our freedom of thought, destroy our freedom of religion is something quite different. They are uncilivilized!

It is time that the people of the West stood up to resist this dilution of their culture; for surely, one day they will wake up and find that their culture and values will be no more, especially if things continue as they have been allowed to continue so long. Big business has needs, that is for sure. It needs cheap labour; but the people have needs to, and their grandchildren more especially; they need a future. They need a future that is free. They will not wish to be shackled by the strictures of Islam, a seventh century set of values, shackled to the thinking of a people wedded to the dark ages.

Gordon Brown is corpulent of physique and flabby of thought. George W Bush, who will soon no longer be president of the United States of America, is lightwieght of both physique and thought. Obama is also lightweight. As is David Cameron. Sarah Palin, Sarah Barracuda, or the ‘pitbull with lipstick’, is an unknown (though she shows some promise). There are few politicians in whom we can trust. What we need is courageous, strong, and determined politicians. Determined to ensure that our freedoms will not only be respected, but also be enshrined in our constitutions, before Islam takes them all away.

Let’s make no mistake about this: Islam is a force for evil, it is a force for no good. It respects no personal liberty; it respects no choice. It is the antithesis of everything we Westerners stand for. One thing is for sure: It doesn’t belong here in the West.

Muslims do not wish to integrate with us. It was clearly stated by Prophet Muhammad that they should not do so. But ask yourself this question: If the top judge of Saudi Arabia, the home of Islam, says it is okay to kill the owners of satellite TV stations who broadcast 'immoral programmes’, do we really want to integrate with them, do we really want to integrate with such barbarians?

©Mark Alexander

All Rights reserved

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Risk of Alienation of Muslims. Or Should That Be: Muslims Risk Alienating Themselves?

Integration Muslim style! But you must remember that Allah will punish them for showing a square inch of flesh. So will their husbands!

BBC: Muslims' sense of belonging could be eroded by European nations not tackling discrimination, a watchdog has warned.

A report by a European Union-backed anti-racism body says the number of Islamophobic incidents in the 25 member states is probably under-reported.

The report calls on governments to speed up Muslim integration - but says Muslims must also do more to counter stereotypes and fears of extremism.

At least 13 million Muslims are thought to live in European states.

In the report, the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) says it has documented a wide range of anti-Muslim or Islamophobic abuse across the EU's 25 member states.

The body was established by Brussels in 1998 to collect accurate data on extremism across the continent.

It says that Muslims are confronting a rise in racism [sic] ranging from violence through to discrimination in housing and employment.

The EUMC's report lists hundreds of reported cases of violence or threats against Muslims from across the continent. These incidents include attacks on mosques, verbal abuse of women wearing veils or headscarves and other forms of discrimination. Muslim Alienation Risk in Europe >>>

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback)

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Expel the MUSLIMS! Expel them NOW!

It is time, nay high time, to expel the Muslims within our Western societies. Time is not on our side. We have to act NOW! It's the most sensible thing to do, it's the wisest thing to do, and it's the only peaceful option for us. It's also the gentle option, since it is far gentler to expel them in an orderly fashion than it is to let the whole society spiral down into civil war. For civil war will surely ensue if we do nothing.

Muslims will not integrate. This is a proven fact. But more than this: They want to Islamize the West. This is TOO much. The people should not have to tolerate this; and louder the calls will grow! Read these shocking articles from the Telegraph.

Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK

The alarming survey

‘The day is coming when British Muslims form a state within a state’

What is sharia law?

And this from Lawrencee Solomon: Cutures collide: Muslim immigrants will be expelled from Europe unless they reverse the growing perception of them as a social threat

Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil. - Thomas Mann
