Saturday, September 13, 2008

Muslims Don’t Want to Integrate with Us. But Who Would Want to Integrate with Them?

It has been reported that the most senior judge in the ‘holy land’ of Saudi Arabia has called for the killing of owners of satellite TV channels which broadcast immoral programmes. This is savagery at its most brutal. It is merciless. It is without any semblance of compassion.

Our political leaders, especially the hapless George W Bush, have for years, since the heinous crime of 9/11, called Islam a ‘religion of peace’. It is to be hoped that you, dear reader, have already come to the opposite conclusion! Namely, that Islam is anything but a ‘religion of peace’,

Let’s make no mistake about this. The man who has said it is perfectly okay to kill these ownners of satellite TV is the most senior judge in Saudi Arabia. The most senior judge, no less!

Why are we in the West putting up with this nonsense?

Where are our highly-paid politicians that are there to protect us all from the menace of barbarism? For this is what this is: Barbarism, savagery, uncivilized behaviour.

We have allowed Muslims to immigrate into our once civilized countries en masse. We, the people, have not given you, the politicians, the right to allow this. After all, we haven’t been asked for our opinion. You feckless people have just taken it upon yourselves to allow this to happen. In so doing, you have ignored the first law of democracy: To consult the people!

Now we are confronted with the mass immigration of a people who are unwilling to integrate with us, and a people with whom most civilized people would not want to integrate with anyway! So where do you think this is all going to lead? I can see but one outcome: Civil war.

Islam is a pernicious ideology. It is not a religion as we in the West would normally categorize a religion. Islam recognizes no separation of religion and politics. It is one integrated whole. We, by contrast, have a democratic system which not only recognizes a separation of religion and politics, but that separation is the sine qua non of its existence.

Muslims of all hues, fundamentalist or so-called moderate (whatever that incarnation is), recognize no such separation. Our leaders have repeatedly refused to recognize this FACT, So what are we, the people, left with? A situation which is totally and utterly untenable! We are left with a people which does not wish to integrate with us and whose values we will not accept, whose values we consider backward, uncivilized, merciless, uncompassionate. What a dilemma!

This is all leading to no good place. On the contrary, it is leading to hell on earth!

Our politicians have been seen to be weak and ineffectual, lacking in courage for many a year; indeed, since 9/11. If the people continue to perceive this lack of courage, I predict that one of these fine days, they will take matters into their own hands. Civil war will ensue.

We the people do not want all these alien people here in our countries. Allowing people of different creeds, of differnet skin colours, of different culture into our countires is one thing; but allowing Muslims in with their inability to integrate and their unwillingness to do so, and their wanton desire to destroy our way of life, destroy our freedom of speech, destroy our freedom of thought, destroy our freedom of religion is something quite different. They are uncilivilized!

It is time that the people of the West stood up to resist this dilution of their culture; for surely, one day they will wake up and find that their culture and values will be no more, especially if things continue as they have been allowed to continue so long. Big business has needs, that is for sure. It needs cheap labour; but the people have needs to, and their grandchildren more especially; they need a future. They need a future that is free. They will not wish to be shackled by the strictures of Islam, a seventh century set of values, shackled to the thinking of a people wedded to the dark ages.

Gordon Brown is corpulent of physique and flabby of thought. George W Bush, who will soon no longer be president of the United States of America, is lightwieght of both physique and thought. Obama is also lightweight. As is David Cameron. Sarah Palin, Sarah Barracuda, or the ‘pitbull with lipstick’, is an unknown (though she shows some promise). There are few politicians in whom we can trust. What we need is courageous, strong, and determined politicians. Determined to ensure that our freedoms will not only be respected, but also be enshrined in our constitutions, before Islam takes them all away.

Let’s make no mistake about this: Islam is a force for evil, it is a force for no good. It respects no personal liberty; it respects no choice. It is the antithesis of everything we Westerners stand for. One thing is for sure: It doesn’t belong here in the West.

Muslims do not wish to integrate with us. It was clearly stated by Prophet Muhammad that they should not do so. But ask yourself this question: If the top judge of Saudi Arabia, the home of Islam, says it is okay to kill the owners of satellite TV stations who broadcast 'immoral programmes’, do we really want to integrate with them, do we really want to integrate with such barbarians?

©Mark Alexander

All Rights reserved


Always On Watch said...

What is it with Westerners, to so much assume that all immigrants desire to integrate? Is such an assumption optimism? Ignorance?

I believe that it is the latter.

And what are so many Westerners, particularly Western leaders, ignoring? The tenets of Islam!

As you may or may not have had the opportunity to see, I posted yesterday very briefly about the Saudi TV fatwa. This TV fatwa is just one more proof that Islam is incompatible with our ideals of freedom.

With regard to Sarah Palin, I did learn yesterday that never has she, as governor, given any recognition to Muslim holidays. I believe that the excerpt I read was from Newsweek. Still, her political incorrectness is a good sign, although, granted, there are very few Muslims in Alaska. Of course, Newsweek implied that Governor Palin is wrong not to have bowed to Islam by not recognizing Ramadan.

In the final analysis, Western leaders are either in the Saudis' pockets or incredibly naive -- or both. As you said, Mark, This is all leading to no good place. On the contrary, it is leading to hell on earth!

Mark said...


What is it with Westerners, to so much assume that all immigrants desire to integrate? Is such an assumption optimism? Ignorance?

I believe that it is the latter.

I happen to agree with you. Ignorance plays no small part. But I also think that they are frightened. Very frightened! But as I have said on numerous occasions before, I also believe that there is too much money changing hands at the top. Our civilization is being sold out.

And what are so many Westerners, particularly Western leaders, ignoring? The tenets of Islam!

Again, I can only agree with you; and wholeheartedly. They think they can change the nature of Islam merely by stating platitudes such as George Bush's "Islam is a religion of peace". That's nonsense, as you and I know. Most people should know by now that Islam is anything but a religion of peace. On the contrary, Islam is a very belligerent religion. It has war at its core. So much talk of death. Death to this one! Death to that one! Death here, death there, death everywhere. Where is the damn peace in that?

Now this man has stated that owners of satellite TV channels can be killed for certain so-called transgressions. But this was no mad mullah, but the top Saudi judge! So much for Shari'ah law!

I think that one can safely say that Islam is a religion which appeals to the blood-thirsty.

As you may or may not have had the opportunity to see, I posted yesterday very briefly about the Saudi TV fatwa. This TV fatwa is just one more proof that Islam is incompatible with our ideals of freedom.

I haven't read your post yet; but I will after writing this.

Yes, Islam is totally and utterly at variance with our ideals of freedom. You will surely recall my essay Islam: The Enemy of Democracy and Freedom. I know that you read it when I wrote it. Just what are our leaders trying to prove?

With regard to Sarah Palin, I did learn yesterday that never has she, as governor, given any recognition to Muslim holidays. I believe that the excerpt I read was from Newsweek. Still, her political incorrectness is a good sign, although, granted, there are very few Muslims in Alaska. Of course, Newsweek implied that Governor Palin is wrong not to have bowed to Islam by not recognizing Ramadan.

Good for Sarah Palin! Why should she recognize Muslim holidays? She shouldn't, GWB shouldn't, Gordon Brown shouldn't, and nor should David Miliband (otherwise known, apparently, as the Milky Bar Kid)!

There was once an ad on British TV which started like this:

The Milky Bar Kid is tough and strong,
The Milky Bar Kid just can't go wrong... etc

Back to Palin...

I am not surprised that Newsweek would criticize Palin for this. Isn't that publication very pc anyway?

I rather like Sarah Palin, actually; and now, reading this, I like her even more! Move over Obama!

Anonymous said...

Mark, So glad to see you comment on this travesty. George W. Bush and Gordon Brown are abject fools when they pander to and appease these tribal savages It is time we told the Saudi royal family to stop this or we will withdraw our support which props them up. I certainly resonate with the notion that decent pople have no interest whatsoever is integrating with those who want to destroy our freedoms of thought and expression, those who think it is just fine to murder innocent people who disagree with them, those who denigrate, beat and think they OWN women, those who worship a "deity" who is supposedly full of hatred ,retribution,intolerance and savagery and that demands their own barbaric behavior. Enough of this madness. Let us demand that our weak and cowardly politicians bring a stop to this.

cybercrusader said...

The three of you are 'right on'. There is nothing I can add except to emphasize the urgency of doing whatever is necessary to put a stop to the bullies who want to drag us all back to the seventh century into a "new darkness".

Mark said...


Good to have you back with us.

The three of you are 'right on'. There is nothing I can add except to emphasize the urgency of doing whatever is necessary to put a stop to the bullies who want to drag us all back to the seventh century into a "new darkness".

Urgent it is; but where are we going to find the strong leaders, whose brains have not been poisoned by political correctness, and who would have the toughness, boldness, and will to take a stand? The West has become far too touchy-feely and flabby. It needs a shake-up.