Thursday, March 01, 2012

Muslims in Germany: Study Hints that Mutual Suspicion Is Slowing Integration

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: A new integration study released on Thursday has triggered yet another debate about the role of Islam in Germany. The report found that a surprising number of non-German Muslims are skeptical about integrating into society. But the country's own doubts about immigration may have muddied the data.

Hardly a year goes by without the eruption of yet another chapter in Germany's ongoing debate about integration. Do immigrants feel at home in Germany? Are they willing to identify with and become part of the culture? And, most pressing, do Muslims fit in or are they more inclined to view German and Western culture with deep skepticism?

This year's discussion was kicked off on Thursday with the publication of a study carried out by Germany's Interior Ministry, which sought to gauge how Muslims living in the country view German culture and their attitudes to integration. The result? A significant minority encompassing 20 percent of Muslims in the country are skeptical when it comes to integration.
Perhaps more concerning, among Muslims in the age group between 14 and 32, "there exists a subgroup that could be described as 'strictly religious' with strong antipathy to the West, a tendential acceptance of violence and no willingness to integrate,'" the study says. Among Muslims with German citizenship, this group encompasses 15 percent, among non-citizens, it is 24 percent.

"Germany respects the origins and cultural identities of its immigrants," Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said in a statement accompanying the study. "But we do not accept the import of authoritarian, anti-democratic and fanatically religious views. Those who reject freedom and democracy have no future here." » | Charles Hawley | Thursday, March 01, 2012

DEUTSCHLANDRADIO – AUDIO: Integrationsstudie sorgt für Wirbel: Innenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich hat mit einer Studie zum Integrationswillen junger Muslime eine Debatte ausgelöst. Der CSU-Politiker zeigte sich besorgt über die "überraschend hohe" Zahl integrationsunwilliger Muslime in Deutschland. » | Donnerstag, 01. März 2012