Tuesday, January 27, 2009

'Hate-filled' Muslim Preacher Speaks for Integration

NRC HANDELSBLAD: Khalid Yasin had been dubbed the 'terrorist imam' and some had predicted that his speeches in the Netherlands over the weekend would preach hate and dissension.

The lecture by the African-American 'sheikh' defied expectations, but the furore around his arrival point to underlying tensions regarding Islam in Dutch society.

Yasin had been quoted online as saying that homosexuality should be punished by death, that the World Trade Center attacks were the work of the secret service and claims that the AIDS virus was a plot concocted in an American laboratory to reduce the population of Africa.

Uneasy members of parliament previously debated as to whether Yasin should even be allowed entry into the Netherlands due to past statements. Member of parliament Geert Wilders had called him a "hate-filled man." >>> News staff, NRC Handelsblad | Monday, January 26, 2009

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