Sunday, February 19, 2006

Expel the MUSLIMS! Expel them NOW!

It is time, nay high time, to expel the Muslims within our Western societies. Time is not on our side. We have to act NOW! It's the most sensible thing to do, it's the wisest thing to do, and it's the only peaceful option for us. It's also the gentle option, since it is far gentler to expel them in an orderly fashion than it is to let the whole society spiral down into civil war. For civil war will surely ensue if we do nothing.

Muslims will not integrate. This is a proven fact. But more than this: They want to Islamize the West. This is TOO much. The people should not have to tolerate this; and louder the calls will grow! Read these shocking articles from the Telegraph.

Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK

The alarming survey

‘The day is coming when British Muslims form a state within a state’

What is sharia law?

And this from Lawrencee Solomon: Cutures collide: Muslim immigrants will be expelled from Europe unless they reverse the growing perception of them as a social threat

Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil. - Thomas Mann



leelion said...

Mark, during the French riots last November, I commented to my wife that for the long term survival of France, the only solution is to bring in the military, round up young Muslims on mass, intern them in camps, then ship or fly them to somewhere else in the world. That's it. The end. But this will never happen for various reasons, so...what will happen? The rise and rise of the right in Europe; people and groups will take the law into their own hands as the authorities refuse to act; decades of internal conflict. I cannot see any other future. What are your thoughts? And of course there is the wildcard of Islamic Terrorists with weapons of mass destruction. Hmmmm...

Always On Watch said...

From the third article:

'The day is coming when British Muslims form a state within a state'
By Alasdair Palmer
(Filed: 19/02/2006)

For the past two weeks, Patrick Sookhdeo has been canvassing the opinions of Muslim clerics in Britain on the row over the cartoons featuring images of Mohammed that were first published in Denmark and then reprinted in several other European countries.

"They think they have won the debate," he says with a sigh. "They believe that the British Government has capitulated to them, because it feared the consequences if it did not.

Dr Patrick Sookhdeo
"The cartoons, you see, have not been published in this country, and the Government has been very critical of those countries in which they were published. To many of the Islamic clerics, that's a clear victory.

"It's confirmation of what they believe to be a familiar pattern: if spokesmen for British Muslims threaten what they call 'adverse consequences' - violence to the rest of us - then the British Government will cave in. I think it is a very dangerous precedent."...

Another article mentioned that 40% of British Muslims want shari'a law. I didn't expect less that that figure, really.

How long can Western governments choose to ignore the threat of the fifth column in our societies?

Muslims choose not to integrate into Western society. They need to get the hell back to their sandboxes, caves, rat holes, whatever. If they want to be primitives (i.e., refusers of Western civilization), let them do that somewhere else!

They won't leave voluntarily. No! They want to Islamify the West.

Multiculturalism is going to bring down Western society. And in a few years, the demographics, especially the rate of Muslims' reproduction, will overwhelm the West. Violent acts of jihad won't be needed because they can Islamify our rule of law at the polls and/or in our legislative bodies.

Mark said...

Eloquently stated, AOW!

To ask that the Muslims be expelled is eminently REASONABLE. They will not integrate and they openly state that they wish to introduce Shariah law.

This is TOO much. These countries are ours. They are the newcomers. 'Bold' isn't the word for these people. It's far, far too mild!

Mark said...


I felt the same about the French riots as you did. Expelling these people is the ONLY long-term solution. Anything else is just a palliative.

But I fear that we do not have strong enough leaders to ship 'em out. But if we don't, this will be grist to the mill of the far right. This is a breeding ground for them.

Can't we learn anything from history? Are we really that stupid?

You're totally correct, of course, that if nothing is done about it, civil war will ensue, and there will be years and years of internal conflict. Another scenario is that the far right will take power and then we could see another holocaust in Europe! Now that's scary!

You know, Leelion, it sounds extreme to call for their expulsion. It reallly isn't. It's the kindest and wisest option. No-one will get hurt that way. Letting this problem fester is very unkind, and certainly unwise, because people will get hurt that way. We will then also be well into that New Dark Age!

Look, this is not rocket science: Wherever there is a concentration of Muslims in the world, there is strife. Everywhere! How much more proof do we need than that?

cybercrusader said...

Friends, What do you suppose it will take to get our cowardly, dishonest, incompetent politicians to do someting about this problem? As I have said elsewhere, it is tragic that decent people won't run for office because every little bit of dirt would be dug out by the MSM. Alas, only unprincipled scoundrals who want to line their own pockets thorough their corruption will run. If you think I am over the top, please give me the name of one honest politician. For the life of me I cannot think of one, no not even one! Unfortunately, I guess we deserve what we get....

Mark said...

Friends, What do you suppose it will take to get our cowardly, dishonest, incompetent politicians to do someting about this problem?

My greatest fear is that they will just let it run and run until it will become impossible TO do something about it. Then the UK will just slide into civil war, and thousands and thousands will be killed as a result.

We had a foretaste of what it will be like when we saw pictures of the Paris riots on TV.

cybercrusader said...

Friends, So sorry, but I was not clear in my last comment. I meant to say the the cowardly, dishonest and incompetent politicians won't do what you suggest, Mark. They simply don't have the "guts." In addition, many of them are too consumed with their own greed to the extent that they don't even understand what is at stake...the rest of them are simply too stupid!

Mark said...

Us Iconoclastic Patriot:

They simply don't have the "guts."

No, it seems so, doesn't it? I notice that the Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard, has spoken out in the past day or so, though. He seems to be more outspoken than most. But even that is not enough. We need more powerful stuff.

Mark said...



I am outraged that my idea of free speech has been violated by this so called muslim religion rooted here in the west.

So am I! Absolutely, totally and utterly outraged! They are doing to us what both the Nazis and communists failed to do! And we're allowing it to happen! More fool us then!

We cannot under any circamstances no matter how distastfull to any religous groups allow allow the freedom of the press to be dictated to

I agree that we shouldn't; but we are!

If the muslims in the west do not want to live with our freedoms they are more than free to leave.I for one have more than had enough of them.

That's what I say: If you don't like the nest, buddy, then flee it! And as for having had enough of them, gosh, haven't we all?

There really is only one thing to do with them: Kick 'em out! Since they will never change, and they have this determination to Islamize everywhere they put down roots. Indeed, it is religious duty for them to do so. Ergo: If we allow them to stay, then they will Islamize Europe for sure, and take all our freedoms away - one by one, one step at a time!