Saturday, October 17, 2015

Mass Immigration Will Destroy the European Union, Argues LEO MCKINSTRY

EXPRESS: Europe is in its death throes, broken by the destructive arrogance, spectacular irresponsibility and neurotic dogma of its own leaders.

The immigration crisis engulfing the EU is the inevitable consequence of the federalists’ insistence on mass freedom of movement and open borders. These steps have been part of a plan to sweep away national democracies, replacing them with a multicultural superstate governed by an unelected elite in Brussels.

Behind all the manipulative propaganda about the plight of the refugees the reality is that the open-door approach amounts to a form of suicide for Europe. The fabric of our civilisation is being transformed through a social revolution for which no European citizen has ever voted.

It is estimated that more than 480,000 migrants have crossed to Europe by sea this year, with the rate of arrivals now reaching 6,000 a day, most of them Muslims from Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

This change will not only impose a colossal strain on the civic infrastructure and social cohesion of the member states but it is bound to accelerate the process of Islamification. One study has shown that in 2010 there were at least 44 million Muslims in Europe, a total that, even before the present crisis, was expected to double by 2050. » | Leo McKinstry | Thursday, September 24, 2015