Showing posts with label Filip Dewinter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Filip Dewinter. Show all posts
Monday, December 07, 2015
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Wednesday, June 06, 2012
Filip Dewinter,
Islam in Belgium,
Islamic veil,
Sunday, October 24, 2010
DIE PRESSE: Der Fraktionsvorsitzende des ultrarechten flämischen Vlaams Belang, Filip Dewinter, spricht sich für eine sofortige Spaltung Belgiens aus. Den Islam bezeichnet er als den größten Feind der europäischen Lebensweise.
Die Presse: Die Koalitionsverhandlungen in Belgien dauern schon über vier Monate. Flämische und wallonische Parteien können sich nicht auf eine Lösung einigen. Ist das Land unregierbar?
Filip Dewinter: Belgien existiert nicht, es ist ein künstliches Land. Es gibt keine belgische Nationalität oder Identität. Flamen und Wallonen haben nichts gemeinsam. Weder Wirtschaft, Sprache noch Kultur. Die beiden Landesteile wählen sogar unterschiedlich – die Wallonen sozialistisch, die Flamen liberale und rechte Parteien. In Wahrheit gibt es doch nur einen Belgier, und das ist der König. Dieser versucht nun seinen Job zu retten, indem er immer wieder neue Mittelsmänner findet, die die Koalitionsverhandlungen endgültig vor dem Scheitern bewahren sollen. Wird es also zur baldigen Spaltung des Königreichs kommen? >>> Anna Gabriel | Freitag, 22. Oktober 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Strache, who had invited right-wing parties from Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Slovakia and Sweden to a two-day meeting in the Austrian capital, told a news conference that the parties believed Turkey had no place in Europe and ordinary citizens should be given a say in the matter.
Europe would be "straying down the completely wrong path" if it were to admit "non-European countries" into the European Union, the far-right party leader said.
"That would be the end of the European Union. It would be the beginning of a Euro-Asian-African Union, which goes completely against the project of peace in Europe and must therefore not be allowed," Strache said. >>> AFP | Saturday, October 23, 2010
KRONE: Volksbegehren gegen EU-Beitritt der Türkei geplant: Europas Rechtsparteien planen ein Bürgerbegehren gegen den EU-Beitritt der Türkei. Dies kündigte FPÖ-Chef Heinz-Christian Strache am Samstag nach einem zweitägigen Treffen von Parteienvertretern in Wien an. Die Freiheitlichen und ihre europäischen Gleichgesinnten wollen sich, so Strache, künftig besser koordinieren, um "Fehlentwicklungen in der Europapolitik" entgegenzuwirken. >>> | Samstag, 23. Oktober 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
BRUSSELS JOURNAL: In the summer of 2008, as many readers know, I traveled to six European countries to interview politicians dedicated to breaking, halting and/or reversing the Islamization of their countries (here is a collection of some of the writings inspired by the trip).
One of those politicians was Geert Wilders, then the little-known (outside of the Netherlands) leader of a very small party, PVV, the Party for Freedom. Only a year and a half later, Wilders is the most famous Dutchman in the world, and his party rivals the current ruling party in popularity. Wilders is also now on trial for his political life and liberty – hardly a coincidence.
But Wilders is not the only politician in Europe fighting Islamization. In my travels, I learned there were other countries where extremely courageous men and some notable women had entered the democratic arena to defend Western liberties against the onslaught of sharia (Islamic law), and with electoral success. In interviewing such politicians, I was much impressed with their political and, in these times of jihad violence, physical courage. Sadly, it remains the case that no US politicians speak with either the candor or understanding of the Islamic threat besetting the West that at least some of their European counterparts do.
With Wilders' trial begining today, I contacted three of the politicians I interviewed on my trip and asked them for their thoughts today. They have obliged – and in English, which is worth noting. In alphabetical order, they are Filip Dewinter, leader of the Vlaams Belang party in Belgium, Oskar Freysinger, a member of Swiss parliament for the Swiss People's Party (lately in the news for the recent victorious Swiss referendum banning minaret construction in Switzerland), and Morten Messershmidt, a member of European Parliament for the Danish People's Party. >>> Diana West | Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback) – Free delivery >>>
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
PRESS TV: Far-right Belgian politician Filip Dewinter has written an anti-Islam book, describing the region [sic?] as modern Europe's main problem.
Head of the Flemish Vlaams Belang party Dewinter - who is known for his support of Islamophobia and alleged sympathy for Israel in the opposition - argues in the book that the influence of Islam in Europe should be stemmed and describes Islamophobia as "an obligation."
He says this could materialize by barring immigrants from Muslim nations from entering Europe and imposing strict controls on the residing Muslims.
The book titled Insha'Allah? The Islamization of Europe is to go on sale Monday, EuropeNews reported.
"The moderate Muslims are many but they are not relevant. The radical Muslims who have the mosques in their power are," the author was reported as saying earlier. >>> HN/MMN | Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback) – Free delivery >>>
Saturday, October 18, 2008
THE GUARDIAN: As the leaders of Europe's far-right parties gather for today's state funeral of Austria's most controversial politician, is European fascism once again on the rise?
In their hundreds they stand in line, waiting to pay tribute to their hero. Girls with iPods, skinheads in leather jackets, elderly women with shopping trollies and tanned athletic types in Prada sunglasses shuffle silently forward.
"We wanted the kids to feel the enormity of the occasion. After all, he is our Lady Di and this is our 9/11," says Anton Krem, 45, who is here to pay his last respects to Jörg Haider, the Austrian rightwing populist politician who died in a drunken, high-speed car crash a week ago and whose coffin sits on a pedestal in the Landhaus, seat of Carinthia's regional parliament, the southern province where he was governor.
An after-work crowd of about 300 makes its way through an avenue of huge wreaths. Everyone from the Chamber of Carinthian Chemists to the regional tourist board has sent a display. Klagenfurt, the state capital, is busy preparing itself for today's ceremony, the most emotional state funeral since that of the last Austrian empress, Zita von Bourbon-Parma, in 1989.
Amid a sea of red candles one teenager has written: "To a great man of the nation who fought for his land. Our hero, our fighter, our sunshine." Another note reads: "Our king of hearts". Slipped in between are pictures of Haider, an orange sweater - the colour of his breakaway Alliance for the Future of Austria party (BZO) - draped over his shoulders, glass of beer in hand; another shows the maverick fascist bungee jumping off a bridge.
Behind the scenes, functionaries and volunteers have been working around the clock sending invitations. Austria's political elite are expected to attend tomorrow. But the 50,000 mourners are also expected to include Belgian nationalist Filip Dewinter, French extremist Jean-Marie le Pen, Alessandra Mussolini, the granddaughter of the Italian wartime fascist leader, Umberto Bossi from Italy's Northern League, Swiss industrialist Christoph Blocher, and a handful of Waffen-SS veterans, whom Haider once described as "men of character". Younger far-right figures have also hinted they will turn up, though Austrian intelligence is on alert to turn away groups of skinheads or neo-fascists, to stop the event turning into a rally.
With state broadcaster ORF planning live coverage, President Heinz Fischer, who will give the main speech, and other politicians have asked for assurances that they will not appear in the same frames as anyone from the far right. "They realise it could get very embarrassing," says Hans Rauscher, veteran writer for Der Standard newspaper.
The fear gripping the elite shows the extent to which Haider managed to impose himself on Austria's political scene, becoming a figurehead for an array of far-right European groups. Particularly at such a sensitive economic moment, when parallels with 1929 and the great depression are drawn every day, the fear is that the extreme right may seek to exploit the symbolic power of such a gathering. >>> Kate Connolly | October 18, 2008
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (UK) >>>
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