Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2025

Donald Trump Spared Jail or Fine as Judge Sentences Him in Historic New York Case | BBC News

Jan 10, 2025 | US President-elect Donald Trump has been spared jail time or a fine in New York in the hush-money case.

Last May, Trump was convicted on 34 counts relating to hush money paid to adult-film star Stormy Daniels.

On Friday, he was sentenced to "unconditional discharge" on all counts.

Paying hush money is not illegal in New York, but the charges stem from how Trump reimbursed his lawyer, who paid Daniels.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

New York Is Rebounding for the Rich. Nearly Everyone Else Is Struggling.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The huge income gap between rich and poor in Manhattan is the latest sign that the economic recovery from the pandemic has been lopsided in New York City.

As New York City inches closer to recovering all the jobs it lost during the pandemic, Manhattan — the city’s economic engine — marked a far less encouraging milestone. It now has the biggest income gap of any large county in the country.

Even in a city notorious for tableaus of luxury living beside crushing poverty, the widening gap is striking. The wealthiest fifth of Manhattanites earned an average household income of $545,549, or more than 53 times as much as the bottom 20 percent, who earned an average of $10,259, according to 2022 census data, released earlier this month. Social Explorer, a demographic data firm, analyzed the data for The Times.

“It’s amazingly unequal,” said Andrew Beveridge, the president of Social Explorer. “It’s a larger gap than in many developing countries,” and the widest gulf in the United States since 2006, when the data was first reported. The Bronx and Brooklyn were also among the top 10 counties in the country in terms of income inequality.

It is the latest data to underscore the city’s lopsided rebound from the pandemic. Across the city, wages are up, but mostly for the affluent. Jobs are returning, but many are in low-paying positions. Unemployment is down, but remains sharply higher for Black and Hispanic New Yorkers. The mixed signals highlight a widening chasm: The city is recovering, but many of its residents are not. » | Stefanos Chen | Thursday, September 28, 2023

Sunday, June 11, 2023

A Closer Look: Jackie Kennedy’s New York City Apartment | Cultured Elegance

Jun 9, 2023 | In this video, we will explore the home of Jackie Kennedy Onassis. We will be touring her penthouse apartment at 1040 fifth avenue in New York., travelling back in time.

Monday, December 12, 2022

New York a soif de vins fins et rares

LE MONDE : Si les Etats-Unis aiment le vin, la Grosse Pomme en raffole. Ici, les clients ont les moyens de s’offrir les plus grands crus, et l’audace de tout goûter : flacons du monde entier, vins bio, nature, orange… Reportage chez ses cavistes renommés.

Avec 3,3 milliards de litres bus en 2020, les Américains sont les champions du monde en matière de consommation de vin. Mais aussi d’importation de bouteilles. Autant dire que, plus qu’aucune autre ville des Etats-Unis, New York – cité cosmopolite, mondialisée, aisée – est à la pointe du phénomène.

A New York, quand on aime, on aime fort. Quel que soit le prix, car les habitants de Manhattan ont les moyens de leurs plaisirs. Issus de cultures variées et accédant à toutes sortes de gastronomies, les New-Yorkais n’avaient qu’à se prendre de passion pour le vin pour que leur ville se retrouve à l’avant-poste de tout ce que la planète viticole est capable de produire en crus rares. » | Par Ophélie Neiman n(New York, envoyée spéciale) | lundi 12 décembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Thursday, December 01, 2022

USA in the 1940s: A Day in New York & Los Angeles in Colour

Aug 5, 2022 | Time travel back to New York and Los Angeles 1940s like you've never seen before. New York City in the 1940s was buzzing with activity, with the population of Manhattan almost reaching 2 million inhabitants. This incredible color film, which document everyday life in New York City and Los Angeles, are a glimpse back at this era. …

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Donald Trump Sued as New York Adult Survivors Act Takes Effect

BBC: Writer E Jean Carroll has sued Donald Trump in the US state of New York for allegedly raping her in the 1990s.

Ms Carroll is among the first to sue under the Adult Survivors Act, which came into effect on Thursday.

The state law allows a one-year period for victims to file sexual assault lawsuits in New York over claims that would have otherwise exceeded statute limitations.

The former president has denied the allegations against him.

Ms Carroll alleges the attack took place in a New York luxury department store dressing room 27 years ago.

The Adult Survivors Act allows victims to come forward if the sexual assault occurred when they were over the age of 18 and took place on a date that exceeds time limits that exists on most felonies. » | BBC | Thursday, November 24, 2022

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Ukraine-Krieg dominiert UN-Generalversammlung in New York | DW Nachrichten

Heute startete die Generaldebatte der Vereinten Nationen in New York. Zu Beginn richtete UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres eindringliche Worte an die Weltgemeinschaft. Auch Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz ist nach New York gereist.

War in Ukraine overshadows UN session | DW News »

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Author Salman Rushdie on a Ventilator after Being Stabbed | DW News

Aug 13, 2022 Author Salman Rushdie is alive but breathing through a ventilator after being stabbed on stage as he was about to give a lecture in New York state. Rushdie had spent years in hiding and under police protection after Iranian leaders called for his execution over his 1988 novel "The Satanic Verses." A 24-year-old man has been taken into custody.

Salman Rushdie: Author on ventilator and unable to speak, agent says: Salman Rushdie's agent has said "the news is not good" after the author was stabbed at an event in New York state. »

Who is Salman Rushdie? The writer who emerged from hiding: Over a literary career spanning five decades, Sir Salman Rushdie has been no stranger to death threats arising due to the nature of his work. »

Horrifying, ghastly: Authors condemn attack on Salman Rushdie: Authors around the world have expressed their shock and sadness at the attack on Salman Rushdie in New York state. »

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Salman Rushdie placé sous assistance respiratoire après avoir été poignardé lors d’une conférence dans l’Etat de New York

LE MONDE : Salman Rushdie a été visé par une fatwa de l’ayatollah iranien Ruhollah Khomeyni en 1989, après la publication de ses « Versets sataniques », livre que de nombreux musulmans considèrent comme blasphématoire.

Salman Rushdie lors d’une conférence au Havre (Seine-Maritime), le 13 septembre 2016. CHARLY TRIBALLEAU / AFP

L’écrivain britannique Salman Rushdie, cible de menaces de mort de la part de l’Iran depuis la publication des Versets sataniques (1988), a été placé sous respirateur artificiel après avoir été agressé et poignardé au cou et à l’abdomen, vendredi 12 août, alors qu’il s’apprêtait à prendre la parole lors d’une conférence dans l’Etat de New York, aux Etats-Unis.

Immédiatement après l’agression sur l’estrade d’un amphithéâtre d’un centre culturel à Chautauqua, M. Rushdie a été transporté en hélicoptère vers l’hôpital le plus proche, où il a été opéré en urgence. « Les nouvelles ne sont pas bonnes », a fait savoir son agent, Andrew Wylie, qui a précisé que l’écrivain de 75 ans avait besoin d’une assistance respiratoire. « Salman va probablement perdre un œil, les nerfs de son bras ont été sectionnés et son foie a été poignardé et est endommagé », a-t-il ajouté. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 12 août 2022

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Salman Rushdie on Ventilator after Being Stabbed on Stage at New York State Event

THE GUARDIAN: Author attacked at event in western New York as police identify the suspect in custody as Hadi Matar

Sir Salman Rushdie remains on a ventilator after being attacked on stage at an event in western New York state on Friday morning.

Rushdie, the author whose writing led to death threats from Iran in the 1980s, was stabbed in the neck and torso as he was about to give a lecture in western New York.

Rushdie, 75, was taken to surgery, and Andrew Wylie, his spokesperson, said in a statement early Friday evening that the author was put on a ventilator and had suffered significant injuries: “The news is not good. Salman will likely lose one eye; the nerves in his arm were severed; and his liver was stabbed and damaged.”

Authorities later identified the man suspected of stabbing Rushdie as 24-year-old Hadi Matar of Fairview, New Jersey, who had bought a pass to the event. Plus video » | Ed Pilkington and Maya Yang in New York, Sam Levin in Los Angeles and agencies | Friday, August 12, 2022

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Friday, August 12, 2022

Salman Rushdie: Author Stabbed at Event in New York State

Aug 12, 2022 The author Salman Rushdie is being treated in hospital after he was stabbed on stage at an event in upstate New York.

The 75-year-old writer had been subjected to death threats by Iran in the 1980s - when Ayatollah Khomeini declared his works to be blasphemous.

New York's governor said a state police officer intervened - saving Sir Salman's life - as well as the event's moderator who was also injured.

The attack took place at an event at the Chautauqua Institution in the west of New York state.

Warning: This report contains distressing scenes.

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Stabbing Sends Ripples of ‘Shock and Horror’ through the Literary World.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Literary figures and public officials said that they were shocked by the news that the author Salman Rushdie had been stabbed in the neck on Friday morning while onstage to give a lecture at the Chautauqua Institute in western New York.

“We cannot immediately think of any comparable incident of a public violent attack on a writer during a literary event here in the United States,” said Suzanne Nossel, the chief executive officer of the nonprofit literary organization PEN America, who noted that the motivations for the attack and Mr. Rushdie’s current condition were unknown as of Friday late morning.

Mr. Rushdie is a former president of PEN America, which advocates for writers’ freedom of expression around the world.

She said in a statement that the organization’s members were “reeling from shock and horror.”

Ms. Nossel said Mr. Rushdie had emailed her hours before the attack to ask about helping Ukrainian writers in need of safe refuge.

“Salman Rushdie has been targeted for his words for decades, but has never flinched nor faltered,” she said. “He has devoted tireless energy to assisting others who are vulnerable and menaced.”

The author Neil Gaiman wrote on Twitter that he was “shocked and distressed” about the attack.

“He’s a good man and a brilliant one and I hope he’s okay,” he said.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Britain said in a Twitter post that he was “appalled that Sir Salman Rushdie has been stabbed while exercising a right we should never cease to defend. Right now my thoughts are with his loved ones. We are all hoping he is okay.” » | Hurubie Meko | Friday, August 12, 2022

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Salman Rushdie Is Attacked Onstage in Western New York.

Salman RushdieCredit...Grant Pollard/Invision, via Associated Press

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The author Salman Rushdie, who spent years in hiding and under police protection after Iranian officials called for his execution, was attacked and stabbed in the neck on Friday while onstage in Chautauqua, near Erie in western New York, the state police said.

The attack happened at about 11 a.m., shortly after Mr. Rushdie took the stage to deliver a lecture at the Chautauqua Institution, a community in western New York that offers arts and literary programming during the summer.

Mr. Rushdie was taken by helicopter to a local hospital, the state police said in a statement. His condition is not yet known. It was not clear what motivated the attacker.

Rita Landman, an endocrinologist who was in the audience, said that Mr. Rushdie had multiple stab wounds, including one to the right side of his neck, and that there was a pool of blood under his body. But she said he appeared to be alive. “People were saying, ‘He has a pulse, he has a pulse he has a pulse,’” Ms. Landman said.

The author had just come onstage and was seated in a chair as a staff member introduced him, when the assailant rushed the stage and assaulted the author. “I could just see his fists sort of pounding on Salman,” one witness, Bill Vasu, 72, said.

A number of people rushed to Mr. Rushdie’s aid, Mr. Vasu said, and quickly pinned the attacker to the ground. » | David Gelles and Elizabeth A. Harris | Friday, August 12, 2022

L’auteur britannique Salman Rushdie hospitalisé après avoir été poignardé lors d’une conférence dans l’Etat de New York : Salman Rushdie a été visé par une fatwa de l’ayatollah iranien Ruhollah Khomeyni en 1989 après la publication de ses « Versets sataniques » l’année précédente, livre que de nombreux musulmans considèrent comme blasphématoire. »

Messerangriff auf Salman Rushdie : In Chautauqua im Bundesstaat New York wurde Salman Rushdie auf offener Bühne mit einem Messer am Hals verletzt. Er wurde mit einem Hubschrauber in ein Krankenhaus gebracht. »

‘This is shocking’: writers and celebrities horrified by Salman Rushdie attack: Author, who has previously faced death threats, was stabbed as he was about to deliver a lecture in western New York »

L'écrivain Salman Rushdie «poignardé au cou» sur scène dans l'État de New York : L'état de santé de l'auteur des Versets sataniques est pour l'heure «inconnu», selon la police, qui a annoncé l'arrestation d'un suspect. »

Salman Rushdie, Samuel Paty et « Charlie », tous victimes d’une même stratégie djihadiste planétaire : La fatwa contre l’écrivain, l’assassinat de l’enseignant, le massacre à Paris... le scénario des campagnes djihadistes est quasi invariable. »

Autor Salman Rushdie bei Event in New York niedergestochen: Der 75-Jährige ist am Leben und wurde in ein Krankenhaus geflogen, erklärte New Yorks Gouverneurin Hochul. Der Angreifer wurde festgenommen »

Monday, July 25, 2022

La communauté homosexuelle de New York se mobilise contre la variole du singe

LE MONDE : Avec plus de 800 cas recensés, la ville est à l’épicentre américain de l’épidémie, qui touche principalement les homosexuels multipartenaires. Les associations dénoncent l’inertie de l’administration Biden.

Une manifestation appelant à davantage d’action du gouvernement pour lutter contre la propagation de la variole du singe, à New York, le 21 juillet 2022. JEENAH MOON / AFP

Ils étaient une petite centaine devant le palais de justice de Manhattan à avoir répondu à l’appel de l’association Act Up. Ce jeudi 21 juillet, Mordechai Levovitz, fondateur de Jewish Queer Youth, une association d’aide aux homosexuels juifs, harangue la foule : « Etes-vous en colère ? » Et de s’en prendre à l’administration Biden, accusée de répondre trop timidement à l’épidémie de variole du singe qui touche principalement les homosexuels multipartenaires new-yorkais : « Cette administration dit qu’elle est notre amie. Mais mettre le drapeau arc-en-ciel ne veut rien dire si vous ne vous occupez pas de vos amis homosexuels. »

Selon le département de la santé de la ville, il y avait le 19 juillet à New York 639 cas confirmés de variole du singe, touchants à 97,7 % des hommes – une seule femme était contaminée. Les malades sont à 52,4 % LGBT, 1,4 % hétérosexuels et 46,2 % à l’orientation sexuelle encore non précisée. » | Par Arnaud Leparmentier (New York, correspondant) | lundi 25 Juillet 2022

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Read in English.

Tuesday, February 01, 2022

How Katz’s Became the Most Legendary Deli in NYC | Legendary Eats

May 1, 2019 • Katz’s Delicatessen has been a New York institution since 1888. Producer Spencer Alben visits to taste the legendary pastrami on rye and sits down with Jake Dell — the owner currently in charge of all major operations — to learn how Katz's survived the ages and became one of the most famous delis in the world.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

One N.Y.P.D. Officer Killed, a 2nd Critically Wounded in Harlem Shooting

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The officers were shot while responding to a domestic call, and a third officer shot the gunman, officials said. Mayor Eric Adams called it “an attack on the City of New York.”

Outside the building in Harlem where two police officers were shot on Friday night. | David Dee Delgado for The New York Times

One New York City police officer was killed and another was critically wounded when a gunman opened fire on them inside a Harlem apartment on Friday, the police said. They were the third and fourth officers to be shot in the line of duty this week, according to the police.

The police initially reported that both officers had been killed, but later said one was in critical condition at Harlem Hospital. The police said the officer who was killed was Jason Rivera, 22, who joined the department in November 2020. The critically injured officer was identified as Wilbert Mora, 27; he joined the department in 2018.

The gunman, identified by the police as Lashawn McNeil, 47, was shot in the arm and head by a third officer who was at the scene of the confrontation, an apartment on West 135th Street near Lenox Avenue, officials said. He survived but was in critical condition, the police said. » | Ed Shanahan | Published: Friday, January 21, 2022 ; Updated: Saturday, January 22, 2022

Monday, January 10, 2022

New York: Doctors Battle for Lives of Dozens Gravely Hurt in Bronx Fire

THE GUARDIAN: The blaze, in which 19 people including nine children died, was the city’s deadliest in three decades

Doctors worked on Monday to save the lives of several people gravely injured when smoke from a fire knocked them out or trapped them in their apartments in a New York City high-rise. Nineteen people, including nine children, died in the blaze.

Dozens of people were hospitalized and as many as 13 were in critical condition after the fire in the Bronx on Sunday, the city’s deadliest in three decades.

Mayor Eric Adams told CNN the death toll could rise.

“We pray to God that they’ll be able to pull through,” he said.
>br /> Investigators determined that a malfunctioning electric space heater, plugged in to give extra heat on a cold morning, started the fire in the 19-story building. With video » | Associated Press in New York | Monday, January 10, 2022

Friday, December 17, 2021

Offices Shut and Holiday Parties Dim as a Familiar Feeling Sinks In

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Employers mandate boosters, postpone return dates and brace for an Omicron surge.

Many financial firms, like Morgan Stanley, had employees returning to the office this summer. | Jeenah Moon for The New York Times

It was three words that workers don’t hear every day from their bosses: “I was wrong.”

Morgan Stanley’s chief executive, James Gorman, asked this week about employees returning to the office, said his projection about the pandemic subsiding was off. “I thought we would have been out of it past Labor Day,” Mr. Gorman said on CNBC. “And we’re not.”

Office workers this week watched as events unfolded that were once familiar and jarring in their persistence: Covid case counts ballooned, and employer plans deflated. The United States is reporting an average of more than 120,000 new Covid cases each day, up 40 percent from two weeks ago, according to a New York Times database. New York City is experiencing a spike in cases larger than any since last winter. Employers that had been growing bolder in their plans — reopening offices, mandating or strongly suggesting that workers report back, promising holiday blowouts — are now scaling back their ambitions for in-person business and socializing. » | Emma Goldberg and Lananh Nguyen | Friday, December 17, 2021

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Commémoration des 20 ans du 11-Septembre : l'Amérique en quête d'unité

Le président américain s'est rendu sur les trois lieux des attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Kevin Dietsch / AFP

LE FIGARO : Joe Biden a défendu le retrait des troupes américaines d'Afghanistan alors que Donald Trump a dénoncé son «incompétence». George W. Bush a quant à lui souligné la désunion du pays, évoquant des «forces du mal» à l'œuvre.

L'Amérique a commémoré ce samedi le 11-Septembre en rendant hommage aux quelque 3000 personnes tuées il y a 20 ans dans les pires attentats de l'histoire, des attaques djihadistes contre la première puissance mondiale aujourd'hui politiquement fracturée et en quête d'unité.

Une cérémonie très solennelle, qui a toutefois laissé une grande place aux émotions, s'est tenue quatre heures durant sous un ciel bleu limpide - comme lors de ce funeste matin du mardi 11 septembre 2001 - au très impressionnant musée mémorial de Manhattan, à New York, là où se dressaient les tours jumelles du World Trade Center détruites par les avions suicides d'Al-Qaïda. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | samedi 11 septembre 2021

Que les pauvres victimes du 11 septembre reposent dans une paix éternelle ! – Mark