Showing posts with label Ground Zero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ground Zero. Show all posts
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Video Appears to Show Clinton Collapse as She Leaves Event
Clinton Not Feeling Well, Leaves 9/11 Event Early
Clinton and Trump Commemorate 15th Anniversary of 9/11
9/11 Anniversary,
Ground Zero,
New York
Monday, September 05, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Monday, December 20, 2010

Lawyer Dudley Gaffin claims King Abdullah is considering buying St Vincent's Medical Center in the West Village to build an Islamic cultural centre on the site.
Under the proposals, the hospital would also be saved with units shut when it filed for bankruptcy in April reopened, the New York Post reported.
Sources said that Mr Gaffin has come up with the plan in a bid to head off the Rudin Organization, which is trying to buy St Vincent's with a view to constructing luxury housing.
One community leader, who did not want to be identified, told the newspaper: 'He's asking what it would take to put in a bid.
'He says the king wants to do this as a PR move - to save the hospital and move the mosque away from the World Trade Center site.
'He wants to show that Muslims can do good works.' Read on and comment >>> Daily Mail Reporter | Monday, December 20, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The developers of an Islamic community centre and mosque near Ground Zero in New York have applied for millions of dollars in public money from a post-September 11 reconstruction fund.
The Park 51 group has risked reigniting a debate over its project by requesting the grant, which is reported to total $5 million (£3.1 million), from the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation.
Its plan to build a base for local Muslims two blocks away from the World Trade Centre site is opposed by a majority of Americans, polls suggest, and has been criticised by high-profile Republican politicians.
President Barack Obama was also criticised after endorsing the project before backtracking and saying he had only meant that it was legally entitled to go ahead.
Sharif El-Gamal, the 15-storey project's lead developer, is now seeking public money through the Corporation's $17 million "community and cultural enhancement" programme. >>> Jon Swaine in New York | Tuesday, November 23, 2010
FOX NEWS – LIVESHOTS: He wants your money. The developer of the so called "Ground Zero Mosque" is applying for federal taxpayer money to help him build the controversial and contentious project. The funds are designated to help lower Manhattan recover from the 9-11 terrorist attacks, which took place just around the corner from the proposed mosque and cultural center location.
Sharif El-Gamal, the head of SOHO Properties, says the money will be used for a variety of services for Park51, as the project is called.
In a statement, El-Gamal said he is, "…committed to exploring all sources of revenue and funding to build the community center," noting that the request for a reported $5 million would help provide "social service programs....such as domestic violence prevention, Arabic and other foreign language classes, programs and services for homeless veterans, two multi-cultural arts exhibits and immigration services."
El-Gamal did not specify exactly how much of the taxpayers' funds would be allocated to "build the community center."
"It's absolutely disgraceful," said an angry Congressman Peter King (R-NY) who is likely to be the new chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. Read on and comment >>> Eric Shawn | Tuesday, November 23, 2010
No Mosque At Ground Zero >>>
JIHAD WATCH: NBC names Ground Zero Mosque developer Sharif El-Gamal "Person of the Year" >>> Robert Spencer | Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 01, 2010
THE JERUSALEM POST – BLOG – ELWOOD MCQUAID: When concessions are the fruit of fear, the bullies always win.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, leader of the crusade to build a mosque near Ground Zero in New York City, trashed his “moderate” pose when he disregarded millions of concerned Americans and declared that moving the proposed facility could cause a violent backlash from Muslim extremists and endanger national security.
Rauf told CNN, “The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack... Anger will explode in the Muslim world.” The fury, he said, could be worse than the violence that followed the publication of Danish cartoons of Muhammad in 2005.
No moderation here. Islamist muscle-tactics are now in full swing, threatening violence and retaliation and creating an air of intimidation that offers surrender as the only alternative to placing innocent lives in jeopardy.
And why not use fear as a weapon of choice? The publication of the cartoons of Muhammad by the Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Denmark was used by radical Muslim clerics to foment extreme violence. Muslims rioted, burned embassies, and boycotted Danish goods. Many people died because Muslims claimed they had a right to commit murder and mayhem because their religious sensibilities were offended.
The editor of the Danish newspaper explained he commissioned the cartoons to respond to the self-censorship being imposed in Europe when dealing with issues related to Islam. In other words, he objected to the press being intimidated into silence. Islamic extremists justify their long list of atrocities as Sharia-compliant and therefore acceptable for striking fear in the hearts of “infidels.”
Extremist Muslim aspirations were made clear when Islamic cleric Anjem Choudary told ABC’s Christiane Amanpour in October, “We believe that one day the flag of Islam will fly over the White House.” Those who dismiss his statement as the ranting of the radical fringe are not listening. His words echoed a pledge made by the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat who vowed the Palestinian flag would eventually fly over the churches of Jerusalem.
These are not idle threats. They are the long-term goals of Islamists who want a global caliphate that will destroy Israel and reduce Western Christianity to humiliating subservience. >>> Elwood McQuaid | Friday, October 29, 2010
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Daisy Khan said yesterday that the lives of her and Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf are "under threat." Police can't confirm the threats.
Khan was part of a discussion of Islam on ABC television's This Week news program. >>> | Sunday, October 03, 2010
Ground Zero mosque – first look >>>
They can make the Ground Zero mosque as futuristic as they like, but the religion it represents will still be as backward as it gets! Ground Zero mosque likened to Superman’s HQ! >>>
Monday, September 13, 2010
L'imam a défendu lundi son projet de mosqué près de Ground Zero, en insistant sur le fait que l'emplacement choisi n'était pas une terre "sacrée".
"C'est absolument malhonnête (de prétendre) que ce pâté de maison est une terre sacrée", a déclaré Feisal Abdul Rauf, qui s'exprimait devant le centre de réflexion Council of Foreign Relations, rappelant que ce quartier animé abritait notamment un club de strip-tease.
Les opposants au projet de construction du centre islamique à deux rues de l'emplacement du World Trade Center, détruit par un commando d'Al-Qaïda le 11 septembre 2001, jugent qu'une présence musulmane constituerait une offense à la mémoire des 2.752 victimes.
Certaines critiques sont allées plus loin, affirmant qu'une mosquée si près du lieu de l'attentat désacraliserait le site et ferait l'apologie du terrorisme.
Pour Feisal Abdul Rauf, le débat a été confisqué par des extrémistes qui diffusent "de la désinformation délibérée et des stéréotypes nuisibles". >>> AFP | Lundi 13 Septembre 2010
THE GUARDIAN: At least seven EDL supporters take part in demonstration after far-right group's leader is reportedly turned away at airport
Members of the far-right English Defence League protested in New York this weekend against plans for an Islamic cultural centre and mosque near Ground Zero.
The group's leader, who goes by the pseudonym Tommy Robinson, and at least seven other EDL supporters flew to the US to oppose the plans on the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
Robinson was refused entry at JFK airport, taken into custody and flown straight back to the UK, according to a report published on the anti-Islam Gates of Vienna website sourced to EDL activists travelling with him.
The rest of the delegation joined far-right leaders including Geert Wilders, the Dutch leader of the Freedom party, at the demonstration in lower Manhattan.
The contingent was pictured holding banners incorporating St George's cross, Israel's flag and the US stars and stripes, as well as the slogans "No Mosque at Ground Zero", "The more Islam, the less freedom", "No Sharia", and "No Surrender". They wore EDL T-shirts sporting the group's crusader shield logo. >>> Robert Booth | Sunday, September 12, 2010
Ground Zero,
New York
Sunday, September 12, 2010

CYBERPRESSE: L'autodafé du Coran, un temps planifié par un pasteur intégriste, américain aurait constitué un mauvais message et causé un désastre dans le monde musulman, a estimé dimanche l'imam à l'origine du projet controversé de mosquée près du site des attentats du 11-Septembre à New York.
«Cela aurait renforcé les extrémistes», a dit l'imam Feisal Abdul Rauf dans un entretien à la chaîne de télévision américaine ABC. «Cela aurait augmenté les possibilités d'attaques terroristes contre les États-Unis et les intérêts américains. Cela aurait provoqué un désastre dans le monde musulman», a-t-il ajouté.
Le chef d'un groupuscule d'extrémistes chrétiens de la Floride avait prévu de brûler samedi, jour anniversaire des attentats du 11 septembre 2001, 200 exemplaires du Coran pour protester notamment contre la construction d'un centre culturel islamique, comportant une mosquée près de Ground Zero.
«Ma plus grande inquiétude (à propos d'un déplacement du projet de mosquée à New York) serait que les grands titres, dans le monde musulman, serait que l'islam est attaqué aux États-Unis», a-t-il par ailleurs expliqué. >>> Agence France-Presse | Dimanche 12 Septembre 2010
BS from The Observer >>>
Ground Zero,
le Coran
Friday, September 10, 2010
SCHWEIZER FERNSEHEN: Neun Jahre sind seit den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001 vergangen, bei denen über 3‘000 Menschen ums Leben kamen. In New York wurden wie die Jahre zuvor die Namen der Opfer verlesen.
YNET NEWS: Israeli mourners reject ground zero mosque: Family of woman killed in the 9/11 attacks says plan for Muslim center 'like bringing pig into holy place' >>> Schmulik Hadad | Saturday, September 11, 2010
Ground Zero

Wolodymyr Starosolsky is a lawyer for the investor in the real estate partnership that controls the site. He says Trump's offer is "just a cheap attempt to get publicity and get in the limelight."
In a letter released Thursday by Trump's publicist, the real estate investor told Hisham Elzanaty that he would buy his stake in the lower Manhattan building for 25 percent more than whatever he paid.
"I am making this offer as a resident of New York and citizen of the United States, not because I think the location is a spectacular one (because it is not), but because it will end a very serious, inflammatory, and highly divisive situation that is destined, in my opinion, to only get worse," the letter said.
Trump also attached a condition to his offer: He said that as part of the deal, the backers of the mosque project would need to promise that any new mosque they constructed would be at least five blocks farther away from the World Trade Center site. >>> Associated Press | Thursday, September 09, 2010
Donald Trump,
Ground Zero
Thursday, September 09, 2010

YAHOO! NEWS: NEW YORK – The imam behind a proposed Islamic community center and mosque near ground zero cautioned Wednesday that moving the facility could cause a violent backlash from Muslim extremists and endanger national security.
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf told CNN that the discourse surrounding the center has become so politicized that moving it could strengthen the ability of extremists abroad to recruit and wage attacks against Americans, including troops fighting in the Middle East.
"The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack," he said, but he added that he was open to the idea of moving the planned location of the center, currently two blocks north of the World Trade Center site.
"But if you don't do this right, anger will explode in the Muslim world," he later said, predicting that the reaction could be more furious than the eruption of violence following the 2005 publication of Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. >>> Associated Press | Thursday, September 09, 2010
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