Showing posts with label concessions to Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label concessions to Islam. Show all posts

Monday, November 01, 2010

Elwood McQuaid: Assessing the Fear Factor

THE JERUSALEM POST – BLOG – ELWOOD MCQUAID: When concessions are the fruit of fear, the bullies always win.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, leader of the crusade to build a mosque near Ground Zero in New York City, trashed his “moderate” pose when he disregarded millions of concerned Americans and declared that moving the proposed facility could cause a violent backlash from Muslim extremists and endanger national security.

Rauf told CNN, “The headlines in the Muslim world will be that Islam is under attack... Anger will explode in the Muslim world.” The fury, he said, could be worse than the violence that followed the publication of Danish cartoons of Muhammad in 2005.

No moderation here. Islamist muscle-tactics are now in full swing, threatening violence and retaliation and creating an air of intimidation that offers surrender as the only alternative to placing innocent lives in jeopardy.

And why not use fear as a weapon of choice? The publication of the cartoons of Muhammad by the Jyllands-Posten newspaper in Denmark was used by radical Muslim clerics to foment extreme violence. Muslims rioted, burned embassies, and boycotted Danish goods. Many people died because Muslims claimed they had a right to commit murder and mayhem because their religious sensibilities were offended.

The editor of the Danish newspaper explained he commissioned the cartoons to respond to the self-censorship being imposed in Europe when dealing with issues related to Islam. In other words, he objected to the press being intimidated into silence. Islamic extremists justify their long list of atrocities as Sharia-compliant and therefore acceptable for striking fear in the hearts of “infidels.”

Extremist Muslim aspirations were made clear when Islamic cleric Anjem Choudary told ABC’s Christiane Amanpour in October, “We believe that one day the flag of Islam will fly over the White House.” Those who dismiss his statement as the ranting of the radical fringe are not listening. His words echoed a pledge made by the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat who vowed the Palestinian flag would eventually fly over the churches of Jerusalem.

These are not idle threats. They are the long-term goals of Islamists who want a global caliphate that will destroy Israel and reduce Western Christianity to humiliating subservience. >>> Elwood McQuaid | Friday, October 29, 2010

Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Dark Age Alert! Weak, Cowardly Politicians in the Process of Giving the Once Great Britain Away to the Adherents of a Seventh-century Cult

THE TELEGRAPH: Channel 4's decision to invite President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to deliver its "alternative" Christmas message may have been offensive to many people, but no one can say the station is neglecting its obligation to cater for minorities. Muslim fundamentalists were thrilled by the broadcast.

Islam is the fastest-growing religion in Britain: the number of Muslims has grown from 1.6 million to two million since 2000. Moreover, every major public institution has changed its policies to accommodate the demands of Islamic "community leaders". The Government, the Opposition, the police, schools, the Church of England, the BBC and now Channel 4 are all helping Muslims construct a parallel Islamic state.

Early next year, the think tank Civitas will publish a survey of 100 British Muslim schools. Entitled When Worlds Collide, it will argue that some of them are pushing pupils into ghettos. Young women, in particular, are forbidden to pursue career opportunities. "Every year, an incalculable number of Muslim young women are lost to the wider world," says the report. One school website links to al-Qaeda; another directs pupils to a scholar who advocates the murder of Jews.

Until recently, these radical mullahs were blamed for turning disaffected youths into bombers. But, in August, a leaked MI5 report revealed that Islamist terrorists tend not to be obvious religious extremists. The Muslim community usually knows nothing about them.

For years, the Government has offered Muslim leaders self-governance in return for information about "dangerous" elements. But if terrorists cannot be accurately identified, this is a waste of time. Unelected community leaders extend control over Muslims, yet society is no safer.

Self-censorship is crucial to this growing separatism. The BBC's director-general, Mark Thompson, says that Muslims should be treated more sensitively than Christians. Indulgence of Islam Is Harming Society >>> By Damian Thompson | Saturday, Dcember 27, 2008

CHANNEL 4: Ahmadinejad’s Alternative Christmas Message

NZZ Online:
Entrüstung über Ahmadinejads Weihnachtsansprache: Britischer Sender strahlt «Alternative» zur Rede der Queen aus >>> | Freitag, 26. Dezember 2008

Ahmadinejad: "Jesus würde gegen vorherrschende Systeme kämpfen" >>> | Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2008

Elizabeth II et Ahmadinejad offrent leurs vœux aux Anglais >>> | Vendredi 26 Décembre 2008

WELT ONLINE: Auch Deutschland kapituliert!

Foto dank Google Images

WELT ONLINE: Gläubige Muslimas durften im Schwimmbad bislag nur zusehen. Schließlich sind knappe Bikinis und gemeinsames Plantschen mit Männern nach strenger Koran-Auslegung tabu. Jetzt hat der Berliner Innensenator das Tragen spezieller Bademode erlaubt. Was viele Frauen als Befreiung empfinden, sehen andere dagegen kritisch.

Gläubige muslimische Frauen dürfen sich in Berlin auf die kommende Badesaison freuen: Der Berliner Innensenator Ehrhart Körting (SPD) hat ihnen jetzt das Tragen eines "Burkini", einer islamisch korrekten Badebekleidung aus Burka und Bikini, in städtischen Bädern erlaubt. Gläubige muslimische Frauen können mit dem Burkini (in der Türkei vielfach auch "die Hasema" genannt) ab sofort auch die Hallenbäder nutzen.

Der weit geschnittene Islam-Badeanzug besteht aus einer langen Hose und einem langärmligen Oberteil mit separat erhältlicher Kapuze – sie ersetzt das Kopftuch. In Schwimmbädern die korrekte Kleidung für gläubige Muslimas, denn nach strenger Auslegung des Korans dürfen sie sich fremden Männern nicht unbedeckt zeigen. Und dazu zählt im Zweifel auch der Bademeister. Vereinzelt bieten öffentliche Hallenbäder deshalb zu bestimmten Zeiten "muslimisches Frauenschwimmen" an; vorhandene Fensterfronten der Bäder werden dazu mit Vorhängen verdeckt. Betreut werden die Schwimmerinnen dabei von ausschließlich weiblichem Personal. >>> lha | Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2008

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