Showing posts with label Islam in America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam in America. Show all posts
Monday, June 19, 2017
The Changing Face of America: Why I Converted to Islam
Friday, December 30, 2016
Islam in America - BBC Documentary
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Distrurbing! Letters Threatening Genocide against Muslims and Praising Trump Sent to Multiple California Mosques
The letters were sent to the Islamic Center of Long Beach and the Islamic Center of Claremont, CAIR’s greater Los Angeles chapter said in a statement. The same letter also was sent to the Evergreen Islamic Center in San Jose, according to CAIR’s San Francisco Bay Area chapter.
The handwritten letter, which was photocopied, was addressed to “the children of Satan” and called Muslims a “vile and filthy people.”
“Your day of reckoning has arrived,” the letter states, according to CAIR-LA. “There’s a new sheriff in town — President Donald Trump. He’s going to cleanse America and make it shine again. And, he’s going to start with you Muslims.” » | Hailey Brnson-Potts | Saturday, November 26, 2016
Islam in America,
Trump's America
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Monday, September 14, 2015
Wednesday, June 03, 2015
Selling Islam in America
The chief of police had ordered officers to attend the mosque to hear a discussion on Islamic beliefs, Muhammad and Mecca; learn why and how Muslims pray; and consider buying Islamic books and pamphlets. In December 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the case. The Fields case is but another in a bewildering campaign to sell Islam to Americans while denigrating Christianity and, as in the Tulsa decision, rejecting the rights of individuals or groups holding other religious convictions.
Such capricious actions, though motivated by a professed desire to be sensitive to followers of Islam, actually have the opposite effect. Even Muslims should reject them based on their own self-interests. No one has benefited from the radical polarization of Americans over the past few years. Religious intolerance and deteriorating race relations threaten to alter or destroy this society. » | Elwood McQuaid, CP Guest Contributor | Wednesday, June 03, 2015
Islam in America
Sunday, April 21, 2013
CANADA FREE PRESS: Ever since the followers of Islam began their migratory moves to America our country has been subjected to the very dark side of that freedom-to-kill cult that unabashedly announced to we Americans that they, the Islamists, considered us, the Americans, to be infidels or ‘unbelievers’ unless we submit to Islam and discard other beliefs. In other words, spit on Christianity and swallow whole Islam and all of its ravages.
Islamists can’t be trusted or believed. We have everyday proof of that sitting in our White House. When looking for the truth consider just the opposite of what Barack Obama says. He is a totally disingenuous man with accomplices of the same cut of dishonest. And the two Muslim brothers of Boston Marathon fame are of the same cult having lived here for about 10 years before their murderous true selves surfaced.
Be extremely aware of these people to whom murder is just another daily chore.
How much longer must we tolerate these savages that parade under a false banner of make-believe peace with their sneaky weapons of destruction and death at the fore? One of the first things that will have to happen is the removal of their chief adherent and promoter Barack Obama. In his eyes they can do no wrong. That should not be an insurmountable chore with all the facts available for a positive vote for impeachment. » | Jerry McConnell | Saturday, April 20, 2013
Saturday, October 27, 2012
THINK PROGRESS: The Council on American-Islamic Relationsreleased poll results this week showing that 68 percent of American Muslims support President Obama while just 7 percent support Mitt Romney (1 in 4 remain undecided). These results reflect a new reality for Republicans: American Muslims are rushing toward Democrats. In 2008, 49 percent of Muslim-Americans felt “closer” to Democrats. Now that number has shot up to 66 percent. That’s in contrast to the population as a whole, where Democratic favorability has actually gone down 11 percent. » | Hamed Aleaziz | Thursday, October 25, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
PRWEB: Author Kalai-o-Waha urges Americans to remove radicals from the United States.
In his new book "On Guard, America: A Challenge To Islam - Forcing The Enemy Out From Within - Why The Muslim Brotherhood Will Fail" (published by AuthorHouse), Kalai-o-Waha discusses his objections to Islam – which he sees as a threat – and the reasons he believes Americans should not tolerate the practice of Islam in the United States.
Kalai-o-Waha dedicates a majority of the book to examining the Quran and using it to help make his point, which is that a good Muslim cannot be a good American. In his words, the principal goal of his book is, “…to force Islam out of America while their numbers are small enough. If we don’t take action soon, we will become slaves (dhimmis) and will be subjected to pay a poll tax (jizyah) to eat and breathe in what was once our homeland – that’s if we haven’t been beheaded.”
The following excerpt from "On Guard, America" touches on the reasons the author gives to validate the sense of urgency he feels and wishes to pass on to readers:
It is the goal of Islam to convert the entire world to the Islamic faith. If the people do not wish to convert, they are Unbelievers and are to be destroyed… …By converting the majority of the people in America to Islam, then Islam, through its voting power, can control America.» | Honolulu, Hi | PRWEB | Friday, March 30, 2012
Saturday, February 04, 2012
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Compared to other countries in Latin America with sizeable Muslim communities, Mexico's Muslim population is tiny.
In southern Mexico, the indigenous Mayan population is a minority. But another minority is being created within that group, as more and more Mayans convert from Catholicism.
In Chiapas, Frank Contreras takes a look at how Islam is gaining a foothold in the region.
Islam in America,
Saturday, November 27, 2010
HT: Always On Watch >>>
Related >>>
Islam in America
Friday, November 19, 2010
THE ECONOMIST: Middle Tennessee puts Islam on trial
IN NOVEMBER 2009 the Islamic Centre of Murfreesboro bought a parcel of land on which it planned to build a new mosque and community centre. The congregation had outgrown its current space in a small office building behind a surveying company and a car mechanic; on Fridays congregants pray outside on the pavement, and during holidays they have to rent a space elsewhere to fit everyone in.
In January “NOT WELCOME” was spray-painted on a sign placed on the site announcing it as the future home of the Islamic Centre of Murfreesboro. The sign was vandalised again in June, one week after a contentious county commission hearing at which a local pastor declared, “We have a duty to investigate anyone under the banner of Islam.” The same month a Republican candidate for Congress from Murfreesboro declared herself “opposed to the idea of an Islamic training centre being built in our community”. In August construction equipment at the site was set alight. >>> | Thursday, November 18, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Related >>>
Islam in America
The sacking of a Washington public radio broadcaster over remarks about Muslims turned into a political row last night.
Juan Williams was fired as a news analyst with National Public Radio, the closest equivalent in the US to the BBC, after saying on the Fox News Channel that Muslims in traditional dress boarding planes made him nervous.
NPR issued a statement expressing regret at his departure after so many years' service but said his comments "were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and undermined his credibility as a news analyst with NPR."
Prominent rightwing figures, from Sarah Palin to radio talkshow host Rush Limbaugh, rushed to his defence and Fox offered him a three-year $2m (£1.3m) contract. Williams, 56, has been a decade-long contributor to NPR, but has also worked elsewhere, including at Rupert Murdoch's Fox. >>> Ewen MacAskill in Washington | Friday, October 22, 2010
THE GUARDIAN: Soros donates $1m to the fight against Fox News >>>
THE TELEGRAPH: Sacking of US broadcaster Juan Williams sparks Muslim debate: An American broadcaster has been sacked for saying he did not like sharing flights with Muslims, prompting a high-profile row about censorship and political correctness. >>> Jon Swaine in New York | Friday, October 22, 2010
Islam in America,
Friday, September 10, 2010
THE GUARDIAN: On the anniversary of 9/11, Chris McGreal reports from the Tennessee town where Muslims have lived in harmony with Christians for decades – but where they now feel under threat
Safaa Fathy was as surprised to discover that she is at the heart of a plot against America as she was to hear that her small Tennessee town is a focus of hate in the Muslim world.
The diminutive fifty-something physiotherapist, who has lived in Murfreesboro for most of her adult life, happens to be on the board of her town's Islamic centre. Now she finds herself accused of being a front for Islamic Jihad, of planning to impose sharia law on her neighbours, and of threatening the very existence of Christianity in Tennessee.
"There is something around the whole United States, something is different. I was here since 1982. I have three kids here and I never had any trouble. My kids, they go to the girl scouts, they play basketball, they did all the normal activities. It just started this year. It's strange, because after 9/11 there was no problem," said Fathy, who was born in Egypt. "In the past in America other people were the target. We are the target now. We have trouble in California, we have trouble in New York, we have trouble in Florida. It's a shame because Murfreesboro is a very nice town to live in."
As the US prepares to mark the ninth anniversary of the al-Qaida assault on New York and the Pentagon, the country's Muslims say they are enduring a wave of hostility and suspicion from some of their fellow Americans that they rarely encountered in the years immediately following the 9/11 attacks.
The increasingly bitter dispute over plans to build an Islamic centre and mosque two blocks from Ground Zero in New York is part of it, fuelling a debate about whether Muslims in the US put their faith before their country. Opponents of the mosque plan to mark the anniversary with a rally in New York today led by a leading anti-Islamic activist, Pamela Geller, who has the support of prominent Republican politicians given to increasingly strident anti-Muslim rhetoric. Among those expected to speak is Geert Wilders, the virulently anti-Islamic Dutch political leader. >>> Chris McGreal | Friday, September 10, 2010
Islam in America,
Thursday, September 02, 2010
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