Strache, who had invited right-wing parties from Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Slovakia and Sweden to a two-day meeting in the Austrian capital, told a news conference that the parties believed Turkey had no place in Europe and ordinary citizens should be given a say in the matter.
Europe would be "straying down the completely wrong path" if it were to admit "non-European countries" into the European Union, the far-right party leader said.
"That would be the end of the European Union. It would be the beginning of a Euro-Asian-African Union, which goes completely against the project of peace in Europe and must therefore not be allowed," Strache said. >>> AFP | Saturday, October 23, 2010
KRONE: Volksbegehren gegen EU-Beitritt der Türkei geplant: Europas Rechtsparteien planen ein Bürgerbegehren gegen den EU-Beitritt der Türkei. Dies kündigte FPÖ-Chef Heinz-Christian Strache am Samstag nach einem zweitägigen Treffen von Parteienvertretern in Wien an. Die Freiheitlichen und ihre europäischen Gleichgesinnten wollen sich, so Strache, künftig besser koordinieren, um "Fehlentwicklungen in der Europapolitik" entgegenzuwirken. >>> | Samstag, 23. Oktober 2010