Showing posts with label Angela Merkel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angela Merkel. Show all posts
Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Sunday, December 01, 2024
Angela Merkel im Deutschen Theater: Die Buchpremiere von "Freiheit. Erinnerungen 1954 - 2021"
Angela Merkel,
Friday, November 29, 2024
Angela Merkel ‘Tormented’ by Brexit Vote and Saw It as ‘Humiliation’ for EU
THE GUARDIAN: Former German chancellor’s book tells how she tried to help David Cameron win over Britain’s Eurosceptics
Angela Merkel has said she was “tormented” over the result of the Brexit referendum and viewed it as a “humiliation, a disgrace” for the EU that Britain was leaving.
In her autobiography, Freedom, due to be published on Tuesday, the former German chancellor says she was dismayed by the notion that she might have done more to help the then British prime minister, David Cameron, who was keen for the UK to stay in the EU, but that ultimately, she concluded, he only had himself to blame. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Sunday, November 24, 2024
Angela Merkel expresses ‘huge concern’ at Elon Musk’s US government role: Former German chancellor says politics should govern the social balance between powerful and ordinary citizens »
‘We miss her so much’: fans welcome Angela Merkel’s return to stage: Events in Berlin to promote former chancellor’s autobiography remind people of when ‘everything was more or less OK’ »
Angela Merkel has said she was “tormented” over the result of the Brexit referendum and viewed it as a “humiliation, a disgrace” for the EU that Britain was leaving.
In her autobiography, Freedom, due to be published on Tuesday, the former German chancellor says she was dismayed by the notion that she might have done more to help the then British prime minister, David Cameron, who was keen for the UK to stay in the EU, but that ultimately, she concluded, he only had himself to blame. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Sunday, November 24, 2024
Angela Merkel expresses ‘huge concern’ at Elon Musk’s US government role: Former German chancellor says politics should govern the social balance between powerful and ordinary citizens »
‘We miss her so much’: fans welcome Angela Merkel’s return to stage: Events in Berlin to promote former chancellor’s autobiography remind people of when ‘everything was more or less OK’ »
Angela Merkel,
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Deutschland: "Der Vorhang lüftet sich!" Angela Merkel enthüllt heute ihre Memoiren! Das erwartet uns
Nov 26, 2024 | "Der Vorhang lüftet sich!" Angela Merkel enthüllt heute ihre Memoiren! Das erwartet uns
Drei Jahre nach ihrem Abschied aus der Politik stellt Angela Merkel ihre Memoiren „Freiheit“ vor – ein Werk, das in mehr als 30 Ländern gleichzeitig erscheint. Gemeinsam mit Beate Baumann, ihrer langjährigen Vertrauten, zeichnet die frühere Bundeskanzlerin auf 700 Seiten ihre politische Karriere nach. Das Buch enthält detaillierte Reflexionen über Krisen, Erfolge und Fehler, stößt jedoch auf geteilte Resonanz. Während einige den Einblick in ihre Regierungszeit schätzen, kritisieren andere die fehlende Tiefe und Selbstkritik. Besonders Merkels Umgang mit der Migrationskrise und ihre Russlandpolitik stehen im Fokus der Diskussion.
Drei Jahre nach ihrem Abschied aus der Politik stellt Angela Merkel ihre Memoiren „Freiheit“ vor – ein Werk, das in mehr als 30 Ländern gleichzeitig erscheint. Gemeinsam mit Beate Baumann, ihrer langjährigen Vertrauten, zeichnet die frühere Bundeskanzlerin auf 700 Seiten ihre politische Karriere nach. Das Buch enthält detaillierte Reflexionen über Krisen, Erfolge und Fehler, stößt jedoch auf geteilte Resonanz. Während einige den Einblick in ihre Regierungszeit schätzen, kritisieren andere die fehlende Tiefe und Selbstkritik. Besonders Merkels Umgang mit der Migrationskrise und ihre Russlandpolitik stehen im Fokus der Diskussion.
Angela Merkel,
Friday, November 22, 2024
Angela Merkel Expresses ‘Huge Concern’ at Elon Musk’s US Government Role
THE GUARDIAN: Former German chancellor says politics should govern the social balance between powerful and ordinary citizens
A screenshot taken from this article in today’s Guardian. | Angela Merkel made the comments in an interview in advance of the publication of her highly anticipated memoir. Photograph: Markus Schreiber/AP
Angela Merkel, who in her new memoir raises fears for the western democratic order with Donald Trump as US president, has also expressed deep concerns about the outsized role to be played in Trump’s administration by Elon Musk.
The former German chancellor, who during Trump’s first term was given by some observers the designation of “leader of the free world” usually reserved for US presidents, said 16 years in power had taught her that business and political interests must be kept in fine balance.
Asked by Der Spiegel magazine in an interview whether the challenge posed by Trump had grown since he was first elected in 2016, Merkel responded: “There is now a visible alliance between him with the big companies from Silicon Valley which have enormous power through capital.”
Musk, who is advising Trump on his second term, has been tasked by the president-elect with leading a newly created department of government efficiency along with Vivek Ramaswamy. Merkel said the SpaceX and Tesla chief’s financial entanglements made such an appointment highly problematic.
“If a person like him is the owner of 60% of all satellites orbiting in space, then that must be a huge concern for us along with the political issues,” she said. “Politics must determine the social balance between the powerful and ordinary citizens.” » | Deborah Cole in Berlin | Friday, November 22, 2024
Ich habe den allergrößten Respekt vor Frau Merkel. Die Welt braucht in dieser kritischen Lage Führungspersönlichkeiten wie sie. Ich fürchte, daß Amerika unter Trump in die Dunkelheit versinken wird. Und in der Folge auch der Rest des Westens. — © Mark Alexander
Related articles here.
Angela Merkel, who in her new memoir raises fears for the western democratic order with Donald Trump as US president, has also expressed deep concerns about the outsized role to be played in Trump’s administration by Elon Musk.
The former German chancellor, who during Trump’s first term was given by some observers the designation of “leader of the free world” usually reserved for US presidents, said 16 years in power had taught her that business and political interests must be kept in fine balance.
Asked by Der Spiegel magazine in an interview whether the challenge posed by Trump had grown since he was first elected in 2016, Merkel responded: “There is now a visible alliance between him with the big companies from Silicon Valley which have enormous power through capital.”
Musk, who is advising Trump on his second term, has been tasked by the president-elect with leading a newly created department of government efficiency along with Vivek Ramaswamy. Merkel said the SpaceX and Tesla chief’s financial entanglements made such an appointment highly problematic.
“If a person like him is the owner of 60% of all satellites orbiting in space, then that must be a huge concern for us along with the political issues,” she said. “Politics must determine the social balance between the powerful and ordinary citizens.” » | Deborah Cole in Berlin | Friday, November 22, 2024
Ich habe den allergrößten Respekt vor Frau Merkel. Die Welt braucht in dieser kritischen Lage Führungspersönlichkeiten wie sie. Ich fürchte, daß Amerika unter Trump in die Dunkelheit versinken wird. Und in der Folge auch der Rest des Westens. — © Mark Alexander
Related articles here.
Angela Merkel,
Donald Trump,
Elon Musk,
Merkel: I Mistook Trump for ‘Someone Completely Normal’
THE GUARDIAN: Memoir of former German chancellor recalls US president’s soft spot for tyrants and apparent fascination with Putin
A screenshot from this article in today’s Guardian: Angela Merkel: ‘Politicians with autocratic and dictatorial traits had him in their thrall.| ’Photograph: Hendrik Schmidt/AFP/Getty Images
Angela Merkel’s first mistake with Donald Trump, she says in her keenly awaited new memoir, was treating him as if he were “completely normal”, but she quickly learned of his “emotional” nature and soft spot for authoritarians and tyrants.
In extracts from her more than 700-page tome, Freedom, published in the German weekly Die Zeit, the former German chancellor says she initially misread Trump during their first meeting in 2017 in the Oval Office, where he attempted to humiliate her by refusing to shake her hand before the cameras.
“Instead of stoically bearing it, I whispered to him that we should shake hands again,” she writes. “As soon as the words left my mouth, I shook my head at myself. How could I forget that Trump knew precisely what he was doing … He wanted to give people something to talk about with his behaviour, while I had acted as though I were having a conversation with someone completely normal.” » | Deborah Cole | Thursday, November 21, 2024
Merkel Memoir Recalls What It Was Like Dealing With Trump and Putin: The new book by former Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany also aims to justify decisions she made that are still affecting her country and the rest of Europe. »
Angela Merkel’s first mistake with Donald Trump, she says in her keenly awaited new memoir, was treating him as if he were “completely normal”, but she quickly learned of his “emotional” nature and soft spot for authoritarians and tyrants.
In extracts from her more than 700-page tome, Freedom, published in the German weekly Die Zeit, the former German chancellor says she initially misread Trump during their first meeting in 2017 in the Oval Office, where he attempted to humiliate her by refusing to shake her hand before the cameras.
“Instead of stoically bearing it, I whispered to him that we should shake hands again,” she writes. “As soon as the words left my mouth, I shook my head at myself. How could I forget that Trump knew precisely what he was doing … He wanted to give people something to talk about with his behaviour, while I had acted as though I were having a conversation with someone completely normal.” » | Deborah Cole | Thursday, November 21, 2024
Merkel Memoir Recalls What It Was Like Dealing With Trump and Putin: The new book by former Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany also aims to justify decisions she made that are still affecting her country and the rest of Europe. »
Angela Merkel,
Donald Trump
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Angela Merkel & Joachim Sauer Scheidung! Traurige Trennung nach 24 Jahren Ehe
Angela Merkel
Thursday, October 05, 2023
Ex-Kanzlerin Merkel im ZDF-Interview über den Osten, Erdogan und die AfD
Am Puls mit Mitri Sirin: Wie viel Einheit haben wir erreicht? »
Angela Merkel
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Angela Merkel Receives Germany's Highest Order of Merit | DW News
Apr 18, 2023 | Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been honored with the prestigious award for her achievements in office, despite growing criticism of her decisions on Russia and her energy policy. The Grand Cross award was handed to her by President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
The award has only been given twice before, to former chancellors Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl. All three former leaders belong to the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
Merkel led Germany from 2005 to 2021, totaling four terms in office. She did not seek a fifth term. She was the first woman to take the post of chancellor and the first German head of government to have grown up in socialist East Germany.
The award has only been given twice before, to former chancellors Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl. All three former leaders belong to the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
Merkel led Germany from 2005 to 2021, totaling four terms in office. She did not seek a fifth term. She was the first woman to take the post of chancellor and the first German head of government to have grown up in socialist East Germany.
Angela Merkel
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
"Ich hatte nicht mehr die Kraft, mich durchzusetzen"
ZEIT ONLINE: Die Altbundeskanzlerin hat über ihre letzten Monate im Amt gesprochen – und ihre Russland-Politik. Sie habe sich international aber nicht mehr behaupten können.
Die ehemalige Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) im Juni 2022 bei einem Podiumsgespräch im Berliner Ensemble © Fabian Sommer/dpa
Altbundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat ihre Politik gegenüber Russland und der Ukraine erneut verteidigt. Da sie sich viel mit der Ukrainebeschäftigt gehabt habe, habe sie sich eine friedlichere Zeit nach ihrem Abschied gewünscht, sagte die CDU-Politikerin dem Spiegel.
Sie habe auch bis zuletzt an einer Lösung gearbeitet und etwa im Sommer 2021 versucht, mit dem französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron ein eigenständiges europäisches Gesprächsformat mit RusslandsPräsidenten Wladimir Putin herzustellen. "Aber ich hatte nicht mehr die Kraft, mich durchzusetzen, weil ja alle wussten: Die ist im Herbst weg."
Merkel war im Dezember 2021 offiziell aus dem Amt ausgeschieden. Wenige Monate davor, im August, war sie zu einem Abschiedsbesuch zu Putin nach Moskau gereist. "Das Gefühl war ganz klar: Machtpolitisch bist du durch." Für Putin zähle nur Power, sagte die Altbundeskanzlerin weiter.
Bezeichnend sei gewesen, dass Putin zu diesem letzten Treffen auch seinen Außenminister Sergej Lawrow mitgebracht habe. Sonst habe man sich öfter unter vier Augen getroffen. » | Quelle: ZEIT ONLINE, dpa, gra | Freitag, 25. November 2022
Altbundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hat ihre Politik gegenüber Russland und der Ukraine erneut verteidigt. Da sie sich viel mit der Ukrainebeschäftigt gehabt habe, habe sie sich eine friedlichere Zeit nach ihrem Abschied gewünscht, sagte die CDU-Politikerin dem Spiegel.
Sie habe auch bis zuletzt an einer Lösung gearbeitet und etwa im Sommer 2021 versucht, mit dem französischen Präsidenten Emmanuel Macron ein eigenständiges europäisches Gesprächsformat mit RusslandsPräsidenten Wladimir Putin herzustellen. "Aber ich hatte nicht mehr die Kraft, mich durchzusetzen, weil ja alle wussten: Die ist im Herbst weg."
Merkel war im Dezember 2021 offiziell aus dem Amt ausgeschieden. Wenige Monate davor, im August, war sie zu einem Abschiedsbesuch zu Putin nach Moskau gereist. "Das Gefühl war ganz klar: Machtpolitisch bist du durch." Für Putin zähle nur Power, sagte die Altbundeskanzlerin weiter.
Bezeichnend sei gewesen, dass Putin zu diesem letzten Treffen auch seinen Außenminister Sergej Lawrow mitgebracht habe. Sonst habe man sich öfter unter vier Augen getroffen. » | Quelle: ZEIT ONLINE, dpa, gra | Freitag, 25. November 2022
Wednesday, June 08, 2022
Ex-Kanzlerin Merkel erklärt ihre Russlandpolitik | DW Nachrichten
Jun 8, 2022 • Es wurde viel über die Russland-Politik der vergangenen Regierung gesprochen, eine zu versöhnliche Haltung gegenüber Putin kritisiert.
Als der Krieg in der Ukraine ausbricht, ist Angela Merkel schon nicht mehr deutsche Bundeskanzlerin. Sie ist knapp drei Monate aus dem Amt, als die russische Armee am 24. Februar in die Ukraine einmarschiert.
Zum ersten Mal nach Ende ihrer Kanzlerschaft hat sich Angela Merkel jetzt auf der Bühne des Berliner Ensembles wieder kritischen Fragen gestellt.
Als der Krieg in der Ukraine ausbricht, ist Angela Merkel schon nicht mehr deutsche Bundeskanzlerin. Sie ist knapp drei Monate aus dem Amt, als die russische Armee am 24. Februar in die Ukraine einmarschiert.
Zum ersten Mal nach Ende ihrer Kanzlerschaft hat sich Angela Merkel jetzt auf der Bühne des Berliner Ensembles wieder kritischen Fragen gestellt.
Angela Merkel on Ukraine, Putin and Her Legacy | DW News
Monday, April 11, 2022
Merkels Verhältnis zu Putin: Wie viel Verantwortung lastet auf der Ex-Kanzlerin? | Berlin direkt
Sunday, April 03, 2022
Is Germany Complicit in Putin's War in Ukraine? | DW News
Mar 31, 2022 • Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said Germany was "facing the consequences" of the new reality triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. She stressed Europe's need to have the US as an ally and friend. Despite the major pivot to increase defense spending in line with NATO goals and strengthen its own military in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, she said Germany's first choice would always be dialogue. "We will never presume to go it alone. We will always remain closely integrated in the European Union, in NATO, in the United Nations," Lambrecht added. Lambrecht praised US President Joe Biden's leadership in the global political crisis triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, adding that Europe needs the US as a friend and ally.
Germany's Economy Minister Robert Habeck said on Friday that the country is planning to almost completely end Russian energy imports by the end of the year. Habeck, a member of the Green Party, said the plan meant that a considerable amount of progress would be made in a short space of time, as the West is rushing to wean itself off Russian energy amidst the invasion of Ukraine. Before the war began and the subsequent heavy sanctions targeting Russia, Germany received 50% of its coal, 55% of its gas, and 35% of its oil from Moscow.
Germany's Economy Minister Robert Habeck said on Friday that the country is planning to almost completely end Russian energy imports by the end of the year. Habeck, a member of the Green Party, said the plan meant that a considerable amount of progress would be made in a short space of time, as the West is rushing to wean itself off Russian energy amidst the invasion of Ukraine. Before the war began and the subsequent heavy sanctions targeting Russia, Germany received 50% of its coal, 55% of its gas, and 35% of its oil from Moscow.
Angela Merkel,
DW News,
Vladimir Putin,
war in Ukraine
Wednesday, December 08, 2021
La vie après la chancellerie: le dilemme d’Angela Merkel
LE FIGARO : À 67 ans, celle qui va quitter le pouvoir après l’avoir exercé pendant 5860 jours semble hésiter sur son avenir.
Une dernière réunion de son cabinet, une ultime séance au Bundestag, et Angela Merkel quittera le pouvoir, mercredi 8 décembre, après 5860 jours passés à l’exercer. La chancelière transmettra officiellement le témoin à Olaf Scholz et une longue page de l’histoire politique allemande se tournera, même si le record de longévité appartiendra encore, avec neuf jours de plus, à son mentor, feu Helmut Kohl. Les compliments vont pleuvoir. Son successeur social-démocrate a déjà salué une «chancelière qui a réussi» et est «restée fidèle» à elle-même. » | Par Pierre Avril | lundi 6 décembre 2021
Olaf Scholz elected to succeed Angela Merkel as German chancellor: Former Hamburg mayor secures 395 of 736 delegates’ ballots in parliamentary vote »
Steinmeier ernennt Scholz zum Bundeskanzler: Nachdem der Bundestag Olaf Scholz zum neuen Bundeskanzler gewählt hat, ernennt ihn der Bundespräsident formal. Nach der Vereidigung des Kanzlers müssen noch die neuen Minister ernannt werden. »
Germany's Olaf Scholz takes over from Merkel as chancellor: Olaf Scholz has been confirmed as Germany's new chancellor, bringing to an end Angela Merkel's historic 16 years as leader. »
Kühler Pragmatiker mit grosser Mission: Wer ist der neue Kanzler Olaf Scholz?: Nach sechzehn Jahren unter Merkel steht ein SPD-Politiker an der Spitze der Regierung. Scholz startet mit grossem Selbstbewusstsein. Die Pandemie aber, Konflikte mit der FDP und nicht restlos aufgeklärte Vorwürfe gegen ihn könnten den Start erschweren. »
Sunday, November 07, 2021
Angela Merkel - Die Kanzlerin im DW-Interview | DW Nachrichten
Nov 7, 2021 • Angela Merkel ist nicht mehr lange Bundeskanzlerin Deutschlands. Nach 16 Jahren wird es bald eine neue Regierung und einen neuen Kanzler geben. Angela Merkel wurde mehrfach zur mächtigsten Frau der Welt gekürt. Ihre Kanzlerschaft war von vielen Krisen geprägt: Finanzkrise, Klimakrise, Corona-Pandemie. Legendär ihr Satz "Wir schaffen das." von 2015 in der Frage, wie sich Europa und insbesondere Deutschland zu syrischen Flüchtlingen verhalten soll.
Im DW-Interview stellt sich Angela Merkel den Fragen von Max Hofmann. Er will wissen: Was ist ihr politisches Vermächtnis? Worauf ist Angela Merkel besonders stolz? Was kommt als Nächstes?
Im DW-Interview stellt sich Angela Merkel den Fragen von Max Hofmann. Er will wissen: Was ist ihr politisches Vermächtnis? Worauf ist Angela Merkel besonders stolz? Was kommt als Nächstes?
Angela Merkel,
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Merkel in Israel: What Has She Meant for German-Israeli Relations? | DW News
Oct 10, 2021 • German chancellor Angela Merkel is on a farewell trip to Israel before she leaves office. After a morning meeting with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, the German leader met with the Israeli cabinet. The trip caps Merkel's sixteen years in power, which saw the chancellor deepen relations with the Jewish nation-state. With Merkel's impending departure, Israel is bracing for a new chapter in the relationship.
Speaking at the start of her visit, Angela Merkel said she finds the progress Israel and Germany have made particularly moving.
It’s been 56 years since Germany and Israel formally established diplomatic relations. In the following decades, ties between the two countries have slowly become closer. But the psychological scars of the past still run deep.
March 2008 saw a landmark moment when Chancellor Angela Merkel became the first chancellor to address the Knesset – Israel's parliament – in German.
Merkel’s final visit as chancellor this week will be her eighth – more than any of her predecessors. For 12 of her 16 years as chancellor, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was her counterpart. But the smiles for the cameras often faded away behind closed doors.
Germany continues to insist on a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
But the likelihood of that happening has shrunk dramatically. One major reason is the expanding Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, which Germany deems illegal under international law.
Still, Germany has stuck by Israel's' side. Most recently, during a violent flare-up in the conflict between Israel and Gaza earlier this year, which saw rockets fired by Hamas and Israel. With Merkel's impending departure as chancellor, comes a new chapter. But regardless who fills Merkel's shoes, relations with Israel will remain as unique – and complicated – as ever.
Speaking at the start of her visit, Angela Merkel said she finds the progress Israel and Germany have made particularly moving.
It’s been 56 years since Germany and Israel formally established diplomatic relations. In the following decades, ties between the two countries have slowly become closer. But the psychological scars of the past still run deep.
March 2008 saw a landmark moment when Chancellor Angela Merkel became the first chancellor to address the Knesset – Israel's parliament – in German.
Merkel’s final visit as chancellor this week will be her eighth – more than any of her predecessors. For 12 of her 16 years as chancellor, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was her counterpart. But the smiles for the cameras often faded away behind closed doors.
Germany continues to insist on a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
But the likelihood of that happening has shrunk dramatically. One major reason is the expanding Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank, which Germany deems illegal under international law.
Still, Germany has stuck by Israel's' side. Most recently, during a violent flare-up in the conflict between Israel and Gaza earlier this year, which saw rockets fired by Hamas and Israel. With Merkel's impending departure as chancellor, comes a new chapter. But regardless who fills Merkel's shoes, relations with Israel will remain as unique – and complicated – as ever.
Angela Merkel,
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Merkel Departs: Political Genius or World-class Pragmatist? | To the Point
Angela Merkel,
To the Point
Friday, September 17, 2021
Merkel Leaves the German Economy with Trouble under the Hood
THE NEW YORK TIMES: Chancellor Angela Merkel steered Europe through crises, and Germany has boomed during her tenure. But she has ducked changes needed to ensure the success lasts, analysts say.
During Chancellor Angela Merkel’s tenure, economists say, Germany has neglected digital infrastructure, bungled an exit from nuclear power and become dependent on exporting to China. | Bernd von Jutrczenka/Picture Alliance, via Getty Images
During her 16 years as Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel has become an international avatar of calm, reason and democratic values for the way she handled crises that included a near financial meltdown of the eurozone, the arrival of more than a million migrants and a pandemic.
Today Germany is an economic colossus, the engine of Europe, enjoying prosperity and near full employment despite the pandemic. But can it last?
That is the question looming as Ms. Merkel prepares to leave the political stage after national elections on Sept. 26. There are signs that Germany is economically vulnerable, losing competitiveness and unprepared for a future shaped by technology and the rivalry between the United States and China.
During her tenure, economists say, Germany neglected to build world-class digital infrastructure, bungled a hasty exit from nuclear power, and became alarmingly dependent on China as a market for its autos and other exports.
The China question is especially complex. Germany’s strong growth during Ms. Merkel’s tenure was largely a result of trade with China, which she helped promote. But, increasingly, China is becoming a competitor in areas like industrial machinery and electric vehicles. » | Jack Ewing and Melissa Eddy | Friday, September 17, 2021
During her 16 years as Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel has become an international avatar of calm, reason and democratic values for the way she handled crises that included a near financial meltdown of the eurozone, the arrival of more than a million migrants and a pandemic.
Today Germany is an economic colossus, the engine of Europe, enjoying prosperity and near full employment despite the pandemic. But can it last?
That is the question looming as Ms. Merkel prepares to leave the political stage after national elections on Sept. 26. There are signs that Germany is economically vulnerable, losing competitiveness and unprepared for a future shaped by technology and the rivalry between the United States and China.
During her tenure, economists say, Germany neglected to build world-class digital infrastructure, bungled a hasty exit from nuclear power, and became alarmingly dependent on China as a market for its autos and other exports.
The China question is especially complex. Germany’s strong growth during Ms. Merkel’s tenure was largely a result of trade with China, which she helped promote. But, increasingly, China is becoming a competitor in areas like industrial machinery and electric vehicles. » | Jack Ewing and Melissa Eddy | Friday, September 17, 2021
Angela Merkel,
German economy,
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Die meisten Europäer würden lieber von Merkel als von Macron angeführt
NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Laut einer Umfrage in zwölf EU-Staaten ist es der scheidenden Kanzlerin gelungen, Deutschland als verlässlichen Partner zu etablieren. Müssten sich die Bürger in einer hypothetischen Wahl zwischen ihr und Emmanuel Macron entscheiden, fiele das Ergebnis eindeutig aus.
Angela Merkel bei einem Podiumsgespräch im Berliner Schauspielhaus im September. | Rolf Vennenbernd / DPA
Es gab Zeiten, da war Angela Merkel für viele Europäer der Inbegriff der «hässlichen Deutschen». In Griechenland und in Zypern hielten wütende Demonstranten während der Euro-Krise Transparente hoch, die die Bundeskanzlerin mit Hitler-Bärtchen zeigten. Die harten Sparauflagen waren für die Südeuropäer Ausdruck eines neuen deutschen Hegemonialstrebens. In Polen karikierten rechte Blätter Merkel mehr als einmal mit Pickelhaube oder in SS-Uniform, um gegen «belehrende Töne» aus Berlin zu polemisieren.
Als «Königin von Europa», zu der sie der britische «Daily Telegraph» einst krönte, wurde Merkel oft vorgeworfen, die Europäische Union zu spalten – sei es im Kontext der Finanzkrise, in der Flüchtlingskrise oder im Streit um die Ostsee-Pipeline Nord Stream 2. Doch nun, am Ende ihrer 16-jährigen Amtszeit, kann sich die Kanzlerin über hohe Popularitätswerte auf dem Kontinent freuen. » | Daniel Steinvorth, Brüssel | Mittwoch, 15. September 2021
Es gab Zeiten, da war Angela Merkel für viele Europäer der Inbegriff der «hässlichen Deutschen». In Griechenland und in Zypern hielten wütende Demonstranten während der Euro-Krise Transparente hoch, die die Bundeskanzlerin mit Hitler-Bärtchen zeigten. Die harten Sparauflagen waren für die Südeuropäer Ausdruck eines neuen deutschen Hegemonialstrebens. In Polen karikierten rechte Blätter Merkel mehr als einmal mit Pickelhaube oder in SS-Uniform, um gegen «belehrende Töne» aus Berlin zu polemisieren.
Als «Königin von Europa», zu der sie der britische «Daily Telegraph» einst krönte, wurde Merkel oft vorgeworfen, die Europäische Union zu spalten – sei es im Kontext der Finanzkrise, in der Flüchtlingskrise oder im Streit um die Ostsee-Pipeline Nord Stream 2. Doch nun, am Ende ihrer 16-jährigen Amtszeit, kann sich die Kanzlerin über hohe Popularitätswerte auf dem Kontinent freuen. » | Daniel Steinvorth, Brüssel | Mittwoch, 15. September 2021
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